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By uglygoat
MOSCOW, June 5 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin, enjoying seemingly unassailable popularity, assured Russians on Thursday that he would respect a constitutional two-term limit that would force him to retire within five years.

In a wide-ranging exchange with teenagers at his country retreat, he said post-Soviet Russia would see no return to Stalin-style personality cults and blamed bureaucracy and corruption for inhibiting the growth of democracy.

looks like the soviets will not return anytime soon... ;)

read it here
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By Boondock Saint
Vassili Zaitsev wrote:Hmm, could Putinist be wrong? :?:

Come now ... obviously he isnt wrong and couldnt be ... I mean ... the fact that I was killed in a Russian nuclear attack just last month is proof enough of that ...
By Putinist
For those who are opposed to Lenin's World Revolution, this will be very bad news.

Putin will win the next election - he has made it quite clear that he intends to stand another time and will only stand down come his "retirement" in 2008 - which will conclude his second term in office. This means one thing: that the Revolution will be complete within five years. I seem to remember reading somewhere that he could do no more than eight years either anyway. After all, Lenin was only in office for eight years.

In 2004 we can expect to see an eastward-expanding NATO suck up what was once the Soviet Empire - but Russia will remain, their military ready, the plan nearing completion, and a "former" KGB careerist sat in the Kremlin. It is under these conditions that I think the endgame will begin. By the time the United States and the countries of Western Europe realise that Russia now has full and total control over the EU, it will be too late. Russia will become a major superpower again - and this time the world's largest. Russian troops and tanks will mass into Europe, perhaps also the Middle East, while nuclear weapons are fired on the United States. Within days the United States will be burning rubble. The World Revolution of the Proletariat will be complete.


If you look at a world map, I can show you the centre of the operation. Take a pencil and a ruler. Plot a star or a point on Ingushetia - which is just north of Chechnya. The area in Ingushetia is called Mosdok - which is a large Russian military base. Place another star or point in the Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad - which is that little bit of Russia which is separated from Russia. Then draw a line with your ruler connecting the two - and you get the centre of their operation.

So you see, it only proves he's right. Isn't that right, Putinist? Did I get it right? I'm sure Golitsyn wrote about it somewhere. Which book was it?

Golitsyn predicted that, after Yeltsin, "hardcore but nonetheless "former" Communists" would take the reigns of power in Russia. This has happened. I cannot see another leader after Putin still posing as a Democrat.
By ahab
Putinist wrote:Image
I don't get your pictures sometimes. That is of a US HEMTT or PLS.

2008... I'll be in the US Army. I'll be waiting.
By John Doe
Kinda reminds me of that study about folks in apocalyptic cults. Their leader would tell them the world was coming to an end on some such date or another. They would sell their belongings and gather on a hill top waiting for Armeggedon.

You would think the next morning they would wring their prophet's neck for making such fools of them. But, no... Armeggedon just gets postponed and the saps go on believing.
In spite of me branding him as "paranoid" in another thread, let me quote now Jeffrey Nyquist's book Origins of the Fourth World War:

"When the voices of destruction are so loud in the world, when the means of destruction are so prevalent, when the wise and the just have given way to the noisy and the shallow -- can you honestly accuse the ... predictor of 'apocalypse now,' that he is crazy and you are sane?"

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By KurtFF8
Putinist, youre prediction was probably the worst prediction of what will happen in the future that ive ever heard, KGB launch a nuclear attack on the US? that makes no sense at all because that would inevitably lead to the US retaliating, then russia would launch more, then theres no more world, it just dosent make any sense.

or would russia just get ALLL of the US's nukes in the first strike ;)
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By Demosthenes
Kurt, please don't get him started, he's the king of all conspiracy theorists, He has an answer for everything and like my mother always said: "Demosthenes never trust anyone who has an answer for everything..."
By Putinist
or would Russia just get ALLL of the US's nukes in the first strike ;)

You are absolutely right.

I think somewhere else in this forum I told you about Presidential Decree PDD-60, which Clinton signed in the 1990s. This means that, in the advent of a nuclear attack on the United States, the US would absorb the strike in its entirety, before organizing a retaliation. Bush has since confirmed it, and in a way this is what kind of happened on September 11, 2001. When talkSPORT News announced that there were air strikes over Afghanistan on the evening of the attack, my initial reaction was one of horror. "So soon?" I thought. My other fear at the time was the trouble the West could well have gotten itself in if it started bombing other Muslim countries. Nonetheless, PDD-60 will be in force for the forseeable future. The question is for the Western military officials is "What do we retaliate with?!".

In one of his recent articles, J. R. Nyquist wrote the following:

"As these words are written, giant machines are digging ABM missile emplacements in Alaska. President Bush has announced that by Sept. 30, 2004, a United States national missile defense system will be in place...."

What the author is suggesting here is the possibility that the Russians might launch their first strike sometime before the US has the chance to deploy an effective ABM system. What will be in place at the end of September 2004 is likely to be sufficient to counter only a limited nuclear attack delivered up by a "rogue state". However, even such a small ABM deterrent may serve to stimulate the anxieties of the Russians, and motivate them to pull the trigger before "things get out of hand".

And by the way, regarding the nuclear strike on the United States that is predicted making "no sense", you know full well that they have already tried it.:eek:
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By Boondock Saint
Good lord ... what shrooms are you eating?

You give a link to your 'nuke attack' that never took place as proof that it already took place?

Absorb a nuke attack? Perhaps one nuke in a city of undetermined origin sure ... but if Russia or any other nation blasts off a bunch of missiles and all of a sudden that big green screen from the movies is going 'beep beep beep' and launches are being detected all over the fricken place do you honestly think Bush or the president in power will say 'no no, Clinton signed a bill ... we have to absorb these 200 nuke missiles coming at us launched from Russia' ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Right ... then you compare 9/11 to an all out full scale nuclear attack ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good GOD man ... get a grip!

Let me lay this down real easy ...

- One nuke of unknown origin blows up in a city. Where did it come from? We dont know! Maybe it was in a truck? Maybe a van? Did a missile sneak through? Who launched it? Who ordered the attack? We dont know!!! What do we do? Should we haphazardly launch all our missiles at everyone who possibly could have done it? NO! Lets hold off on making any rash decisions ... lets find out who did it THEN we blow the hell out of them. (While europe whines)

- Russia launches one or one hundred missiles at the US. Ample time for some general to call the president and say 'Mr. President, yes hello, I am afraid I have some troubling news sir. It seems the Russian have launched x amount of missiles at us. Its still early so we dont know which cities they are targeting or which installations but we are sure they have been fired at us. Whats that you say? Oh right, that thing Clinton signed. Your right sir, lets just sit here on our hands and do nothing. HA HA HA!!! Got ya sir! Sure, lets blast Moscow ten thousand years BEFORE the stone age, oh whats that sir? You want to make all of Russia glow from up in space? Sure why not? Oh, while we are at Mr. president lets take out Beijing too ... that Orange beef I had last night for dinner gave me the shits.'
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By Demosthenes
OHHHHHH NO-UH! Its beginning again, (sigh) and people say I'm bad... :?: Please be a good house elf dobby, and just make the evil Slitheren behave...
By Proctor
Demosthenes wrote:Like my mother always said: "Demosthenes never trust anyone who has an answer for everything..."

:lol: Haha, I can just imagine that! "Now you listen here little Demosthenes..." :D

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