Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York - Politics | PoFo

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These American fascists are trying to show DPRK as an aggressor ? just read the topic name! The thing is that The Smartest Ape Of The World decided to bomb North Korean city in which the nuclear power plant is built. Well, maybe George Dubya Bush isn?t the cleverest person in the world, but doesn?t he know about radiation? Imagine: American bomb hits nuclear station?s reactor. What happens? Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Do you remember them? Bushler does not.
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By KurtFF8
so.... this regime, who likes to be called a stalinist regeim, threatens nuclear war like every week, starvs its people,etc. is a good government? and this makes sense how?
By El Cid
Bush has no idea, it's not him that his making the decisions, he is incapable of such. But if something does slip out unconsidered by others than him, it is hell funny.
By Papergut
KurtFF8 wrote:so.... this regime, who likes to be called a stalinist regeim, threatens nuclear war like every week, starvs its people,etc. is a good government? and this makes sense how?

Right, you are ?just another capitalist pig who is wrong?! Didn?t you read what I posted? Do you call Bush?s fascism ?stalinist regime?? Because it?s Bush who actually threatens nuclear war! This idiot has already stated that he will use tactical nukes and American weapons of mass destruction on the Iraqi people and told that he might bomb nuclear targets in DPRK? Did you know that Americans already nuked Iraq? That every missile launched during the Gulf War was filled with uranium (that was the cheapest way to destroy old Iraqi T-34 tanks originated from Soviet Union)? After these nuclear bombings, Iraqi people get ill with cancer two times more frequently than before! And their children got mutations like Ukrainians of Chernobyl! And now you dare say that Kim Jung-Il threatens nuclear war?! What he said is that he is going to bomb US western coast if America attacks! That is not even pre-emptive strike Bushler uses, fool!
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By KurtFF8
no accually we didnt nuke iraq,and havent been threatening to use nukes.

N. Korea has threatened nuclear war/WW3 and stuff many times, and we have not.

I dont see how america would be in the wrong on this issue, since this all started because N. Korea broke their part of the agreement we had with them
By Papergut
KurtFF8 wrote:no accually we didnt nuke iraq,and havent been threatening to use nukes.

N. Korea has threatened nuclear war/WW3 and stuff many times, and we have not.

I dont see how america would be in the wrong on this issue, since this all started because N. Korea broke their part of the agreement we had with them

You can say that to your mommy, Kurt. I know for sure that you ?actually? bombed Iraq with radioactive missiles and threatened to nuke Iraq and use chemicals forbidden by international law on their soldiers.

North Korea stated many times that if attacked by America, it will defend itself, that's all. And if you do not know about American aggressive statements and ultimatums to DPRK, that is because you live in the country where the government ?protects? you from hearing the truth. As for the damned agreement, I have already explained everything in a special topic. Americans did not hold their word about building a safe power plant, so the Koreans are absolutely right here.
By seifer almasy
The DPRK cannot hit US soil. That's just mindless propaganda which has been disproved hundreds of times. Their BM program is a good decade away from that kind of technology.
By seifer almasy
And in case yall didn't know; New York is on the East side of the States, not the West.
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By Siberian Fox
The DPRK cannot hit US soil. That's just mindless propaganda which has been disproved hundreds of times. Their BM program is a good decade away from that kind of technology.

You obviously didn't watch the USA's own congressors interviewing the head of the CIA in a committee. When asked "can North Korea hit a target on the Western seaboard with a nuclear missile" the CIA chief looks at his henchman to his left, the looked at his henchman to the right and then looked back at the congressor/senator and said "I think the declassified answer is yes they can do that".

So the North isn't just pretending it can hit the USA, the US knows it can hit them.

The missile in question is the Taepodong-2 missile. There are not doubts over it's range, the only doubts are over it's accuracy.
By Georgi Zhukov
Yes, they can hit the U.S., it just varies as to exactly where they can hit. I'm sure that if they couldn't hit American soil, we'd have already attacked them like we're about to do in Iraq. It's an incredibly lopsided deterrent system, considering that the U.S. has many more missiles than North Korea, but a few well placed shots can be devastating for America. Only classic, narrow minded American arrogance would assume otherwise. Just because they're North Korea doesn't mean they're stupid.

And as for Pyongyang striking major U.S. cities, it's always possible that any country would do that, but I don't think Kim Jong Il is really that stupid. It would be bothe genocidal and suicidal as well-sure, he can take out Los Angles and Seattle, but American retaliation would follow. Not to say that the North Koreans are incompetent, but that's the truth. American missiles would hit back and the entire would would start to take sides of some kind, in case they don't already have it decided.

And one last thing: American and international estimates said at the end of World War II that the Soviet Union was at least 5-10 years away from developing the atomic bomb, but surprise surprise, August of 1949. Are we now to assume the same about North Korea and their BM capability?
Ignorance will be our destruction.
By the SovieT
the bigest terrorist and enemy of peace right now (and for the last couple years) is USA...
USA has nuclear bombs, yet renounces otehr countrys the right to have theyr own nuclear equipment... saying tehyr too dangerous...
well facts are taht North Korea hasnt entered almost every fucking war and civil war opf the last century nor has it destroyed and rased intire countrys like USA has...

USA is the most corrupt and destructive force in the planet.. it has a arsenal big enough to destroy the world acouple times.. it is the only country that ACTUALLY USED the nuclear bombs in the past...

and surprisingly they are heros becuase they used those filthy bombs.. they are heros becuase they killed children in cambodja and vietnam... they are heros becuase they tryed to hold almost all revolutions known in the world, and most world tyrans were trained by CIA..
so when thinking in wich country to attack, think USA...´
because honestly USA is the bigest threat to peace...
By CasX
Makes me happy to be in a nuclear free zone.
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By KurtFF8
CasX wrote:Makes me happy to be in a nuclear free zone.

whats the fun in that? lol
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By Yuji
Ha, good luck, you North Koreans, those capitalist Americans might just put a torch in Pyongyang before you guys do...

Anyway, North Korea is not the aggressor. Why are the North Koreans building missiles? It was the US who introduced such threats in the first place. They once had missiles in South Korea, and now they have missiles in Alaska, capable of staging a nuclear first strike on North Korea and China.

Because of this, any state threatened by nukes has the right to develop nukes. So North Korea is right.
By Proctor
Zhukov is right about the missiles. The US knows the missiles can reach them, but they don't think they will hit anything. But just to be sure, they aren't going to go starting any wars.

On the other hand, Kim Jong Il likes living too much to try nuking the US, especially when he's not even sure all his missiles won't crash into the sea off the west coast.

yuji_komunista wrote:Because of this, any state threatened by nukes has the right to develop nukes.
What about assassination? Is the leader of a country threatened by assassination right to assassinate the leader of the country doing the threatening? I hope not. Or else Reagan would have been killed by NZ special forces. And over what? A peace symbol, nuclear free.
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By Yeddi
NZ Special Forces.. :lol: You guys still have an aggressive army? I thought you basically disolve all of you military... or was that just the attack planes u had? :hmm:
By Papergut
:eh: :eh: :eh:
:eh: :eh: :eh:
:eh: :eh: :eh:

Er... Are these Americans stupid or very stupid?! Today they ordered "peaceful", as they say, B-2 ("Stealth") bombers to go to South Korea. "Another training", - they say. Wouldn't it be funny if North Korea ordered 4 millions of its troops to go to American coast for training?

By Comrade Junichi
The DPRK did not break the treaty of '94. They began to open up their nuclear facilities, when trade and such began to decline, for energy.

The DPRK are not starving their people, but there are some people starving. There's a difference.

North Korea's Tae Po Dong 2, like someone else said, has the distance but unsure of the accuracy.

When President Bush came into office and broke off peace talks, just when the North and South were breaking ice, and labeled the North as part of the Axis of Evil, and more hostility shown against them - that is called aggression. If that's what they want, that's what they'll get. The DPRK is doing nothing but picking up a big middle finger to Uncle Sam.

Gotta run to class.
By Ignominious
They know for sure that North Korean Missiles can atleast hit Japan. It was widely documented and reported that North Korea tested unarmed missiles, that flew over Japan, or very near to it.

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