Edmonton ISIS Attack and Protecting Canadians - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The following happened yesterday in Edmonton:
The chaos began down the street from Commonwealth Stadium, where the Edmonton Eskimos were hosting the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on Canadian Forces Appreciation Night. Over 30,000 people were at the game.

Police said at around 8:15 p.m., a car rammed a traffic checkpoint on Stadium Road near 92 Street, striking an officer and sending him flying into the air.

“Suddenly and without notice and at a high rate of speed, a male driving a white, Chevrolet Malibu crashed through the traffic barricades that were separating vehicles from pedestrians, the vehicle struck the officer, sending him flying into the air 15 feet before colliding with the officer’s cruiser, again at a high rate of speed,” Knecht explained.

He said there was an ISIS flag in the car.

Knecht said a man, believed to be 30 years old, then jumped out of his car and “viciously attacked” the Edmonton Police Service member with a knife. “A struggle then ensued, during which the male suspect stabbed the officer several times before fleeing the scene on foot northbound down 92nd street.”

The officer was taken to hospital and treated for non life-threatening injuries while a manhunt was launched.

At around 11:30 p.m., reporter Laurel Gregory was just wrapping up a live report at the end of Global Edmonton’s News at 11 when a police officer shouted out a warning: “Get behind a tree. Or a car. This is for your own protection!”

Police say it was just before midnight when a U-Haul truck was pulled over at a checkstop on Wayne Gretzky Drive near 112 Avenue. Knecht said the officer realized the driver’s name was similar to that of the Malibu’s registered owner, and the U-Haul truck took off, pursued by police towards downtown Edmonton.

“Throughout the chase, the truck deliberately tried to hit pedestrians in crosswalks and alleys in two areas along Jasper Avenue.”

One witness said the U-Haul came speeding down 109th Street and careened east into the alley next to a bar, hitting two people.

https://globalnews.ca/news/3778722/edmo ... l-rampage/

At what point do Canadians stand up for their nation and society?
These people must all be interviewed for any hint of radical Muslim beliefs, and unceremoniously deported should they be found radicalized at all.

Its time this country grew a spine.
Oughtn't to we wait until we have a few facts first? We can't say if the perp is a natural born Canadian or not. Having a flag, according to Buzz Re: the Nazis is just kids being "toughs" and is no biggie. And if it is a genuine ISIL terrorist, why would we send him home where he can do as he likes as opposed to incarcerating him here? Instead of growing a spine, engage your brain box.
Buzz62 wrote:
At what point do Canadians stand up for their nation and society?
These people must all be interviewed for any hint of radical Muslim beliefs, and unceremoniously deported should they be found radicalized at all.

Its time this country grew a spine.

When will people get that there isn't radical Islam or moderate Islam, there's only Islam. :roll: :roll: ISIS can't be consider radical when everything they do is obey to the Quran and Hadiths

When you give them easy breaks they will keep attacking....back in july

Last edited by Politiks on 01 Oct 2017 21:26, edited 1 time in total.
Stormsmith wrote:Oughtn't to we wait until we have a few facts first? We can't say if the perp is a natural born Canadian or not. Having a flag, according to Buzz Re: the Nazis is just kids being "toughs" and is no biggie. And if it is a genuine ISIL terrorist, why would we send him home where he can do as he likes as opposed to incarcerating him here? Instead of growing a spine, engage your brain box.

Yer right, if he's a citizen of this country, he can have a rag with whatever he wants on it.
If it turns out he's an ISIS operative, then I'd say execute him. He isn't worth the 30+K/yr to house in our jails.

There's also the idea that Islamic Terrorism is a bit of a bigger global concern, than a hand full of wannabe nazis in the States. Although...they are apparently growing too now. A response to being constantly told how bad whitie is, by other whities, I'd suspect. You know the type. So guilt ridden by the idea of historical events they never had a hand in???
Politiks wrote:When will people get that there isn't radical Islam or moderate Islam, there's only Islam. :roll: :roll: ISIS can't be consider radical when everything they do is obey to the Quran and Hadiths
But the very suggestion of censoring Islam would produce such a cry-fest, that the great lakes would rise. The brainwashed PC types are gonna get everyone in a pickle that we won't be able to get out of.

We don't make it easy for ME refugees, they are well vetted. Single young men need not apply unless they are with parents. Same with the US, and this why we haven't to date had a ME Islamic terrorist attacker in North America. If they want to fight, they'll stay home and get money for their efforts plus recognition and promotion, rather than go through years of interrogation for welfare.
Pants-of-dog wrote:As a resident of Edmonton, I will not allow this act to influence me or make me live in fear.

Also, I am uncertain that this is terrorism.

I am relieved to hear you and your family are safe.

As regards the subject of protect Canadians, what policies does Canada have for identification and surveillance of terror networks? Does your government cooperate with allied states to keep up with the latest intelligence?

Australia has been subjected to many terror attacks, most of which have been thwarted due to a well resourced security service and appropriate legislative support and sharing intelligence with numerous allied states. As a result, we tend to know what’s going on.

Does Canada have similar policies?
foxdemon wrote:As regards the subject of protect Canadians, what policies does Canada have for identification and surveillance of terror networks? Does your government cooperate with allied states to keep up with the latest intelligence?

How would that have prevented this sort of lone wolf attack? It does not prevent the many other killings and stabbings here that happen but do not make the news because of the lack of Muslim bad guys.

I am not even sure this was a terrorist attack.

Australia has been subjected to many terror attacks, most of which have been thwarted due to a well resourced security service and appropriate legislative support and sharing intelligence with numerous allied states. As a result, we tend to know what’s going on.

Does Canada have similar policies?


Canada tends to have a more surgical approach to anti-terrorism, so I would not be surprised to find that Canadian forces are very keen on intelligence.


Saeko wrote:Is that the same response you'd give to Nazi rallies?

We already have neo-Nazi vigilantes "patrolling" Edmonton streets. I do not fear them either, nor do I allow them to stop me from criticising such idiocy and xenophobia.
Pants-of-dog wrote:How would that have prevented this sort of lone wolf attack? It does not prevent the many other killings and stabbings here that happen but do not make the news because of the lack of Muslim bad guys.

Even lone wolfs can be detected online.


Canada tends to have a more surgical approach to anti-terrorism, so I would not be surprised to find that Canadian forces are very keen on intelligence.


A big part of the problem in Europe is that they were too slow in getting their acts together with a coordinated security response. Macron is talking about it but he still has to get the rest of Europe to agree then actually do something. Another problem is that terrorists use organised crime networks for logistics. Quite often they are the same people.

Europe is far more exposed than Canada to both terrorism and organised crime. But it pays to be vigilant.

We already have neo-Nazi vigilantes "patrolling" Edmonton streets. I do not fear them either, nor do I allow them to stop me from criticising such idiocy and xenophobia.

Why are they patrolling the streets? Surely Edmonton has police officers to maintain order. The police in Australia take a very dim view of vigilantes.

Here’s another great idea. Recently laws have been past so that anyone wearing a face covering at a demonstration can be arrested. I am surprised at the amount of shit cops in N America countries put up with.
foxdemon wrote:Even lone wolfs can be detected online.

Has any online evidence surfaced to indicate this guy is a terrorist?


A big part of the problem in Europe is that they were too slow in getting their acts together with a coordinated security response. Macron is talking about it but he still has to get the rest of Europe to agree then actually do something. Another problem is that terrorists use organised crime networks for logistics. Quite often they are the same people.

Europe is far more exposed than Canada to both terrorism and organised crime. But it pays to be vigilant.

The Canadian government always immediately caves in to any US security pressures, so there is probably no problem integrating a continent wide security program.

Mind you, we do not even know of this person was an immigrant or a terrorist.

Why are they patrolling the streets? Surely Edmonton has police officers to maintain order. The police in Australia take a very dim view of vigilantes.

Because this is the Canadian midwest and racists have always gone around looking for minorities to beat up. Now they just have matching hoodies.

Here’s another great idea. Recently laws have been past so that anyone wearing a face covering at a demonstration can be arrested. I am surprised at the amount of shit cops in N America countries put up with.

I do not understand what anti-privacy laws have to do with this attack.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Has any online evidence surfaced to indicate this guy is a terrorist?

We have to wait and see.

The Canadian government always immediately caves in to any US security pressures, so there is probably no problem integrating a continent wide security program.

Your government could try being proactive. I know that is asking a lot from ‘junior’. That PM of your’s isn’t the best at anything requiring leadership.

Mind you, we do not even know of this person was an immigrant or a terrorist.

Hmm....carries ISIS flag, attacks people.....seems like a terrorist attack.

Because this is the Canadian midwest and racists have always gone around looking for minorities to beat up. Now they just have matching hoodies.

I don’t understand why the police would tolerate that.

I do not understand what anti-privacy laws have to do with this attack.

Just a friendly suggestion on how to deal with violent protesters. 8)
Pants-of-dog wrote:We already have neo-Nazi vigilantes "patrolling" Edmonton streets. I do not fear them either, nor do I allow them to stop me from criticising such idiocy and xenophobia.

Do you have any proof that you have shari- uh I mean stormtroopers "policing" the streets?

What xenophobic/racist myth will you buy into next? Neo-nazi "no-go" zones?
foxdemon wrote:We have to wait and see.

So that is a no, we do not have any online evidence that this was a terrorist attack or even planned in advance. So a massive program of computer surveillance of terrorist networks (which is arguably a decent idea) would not have prevented this attack.

Even if it is terrorism.

Your government could try being proactive. I know that is asking a lot from ‘junior’. That PM of your’s isn’t the best at anything requiring leadership.

I have no idea how being proactive could have somehow made it better for us to integrate our security systems with the US.

Please note that we do not know if this guy is an immigrant or terrorist.

Hmm....carries ISIS flag, attacks people.....seems like a terrorist attack.

If the only evidence for terrorism is a flag in a car, then I hope you understand why I am doubtful this is terrorism.

I don’t understand why the police would tolerate that.

Because the police often look the other way when dealing with white supremacists.

Just a friendly suggestion on how to deal with violent protesters. 8)

By making sure that anyone who protests can be clearly surveilled by government operatives and have a file opened on them?


Saeko wrote:Do you have any proof that you have shari- uh I mean stormtroopers "policing" the streets?

What xenophobic/racist myth will you buy into next? Neo-nazi "no-go" zones?

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/ ... -1.3745493

Do you have a point with this line of questions?

Looks like the guy was just your basic Somali refugee ISIS extremist. And he had been investigated previously for preaching extremism but the authorities didn’t think he was a threat.

So I guess it is just a case of Canadian law enforcement being complacent. Perhaps if Junior took things like Islamic terror a bit more seriously, this could have been prevented.
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