Today's News RULES (Updated December 2016) - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about what you've seen in the news today.

Moderator: PoFo Today's News Mods

Today's News Guidelines:

Please post new topics in the following format:

Code: Select all[quote="ARTICLE AUTHOR"]

If you would like to add a Featured Image on your article, one which will be attached to the preview of your Article on our Magazine, then use the Upload Attachment button in the Post-Editor for your preferred Featured Image.

If you have multiple images, or images larger than 250 pixels wide to post that accompany the article please use the following code (example below is for two images):

Code: Select all[img-news][url=SOURCE1.jpg][img]SOURCE1.jpg[/img][/url] [url=SOURCE2.jpg][img]SOURCE2.jpg[/img][/url][/img-news]

  1. The first post in any Today's News thread must contain a NEWS ARTICLE from a (preferably credible) news source with a direct link provided to the originating article. Further discussion on the thread is to be relevant to this article. A violation of this rule may result in the immediate deletion of the thread in question, or the removal of the offending post(s) at the discretion of an admin or moderator.

    New topics cannot be opinion pieces only. Any discussion a member wishes to generate starting with his/her own commentary rather than a news article is permitted as well, given it is not in Today's News, but in the appropriate forum. Political Circus (for general political debate), as well as the region-specific forums, ideology-specific forums, and off-topic forums are suggested, depending on the topic at hand. Threads found to be non-compliant with the aforementioned will be deleted or moved to the appropriate sub-forum at the discretion of an or moderator.

  2. Check this is the best forum for your topic: Just because you are posting a news article from today's news, do not assume the best place for it is the Today's News forum. If the article pertains mainly to a region, you might consider a regional forum. If it is about sport or cars or literature, for instance, it would most probably be better off in one of those relevant sub-forums. Moderators and admin will move threads they think would be better off elsewhere to other sub-forums without notification or compunction.

  3. Similar or identical articles: Any news closely related [as an update] to a previously posted article is to be posted in the thread in which the original story appeared in. Threads may be merged where there is duplicate content.

  4. NSFW: To protect members from graphic and/or otherwise offensive content, a warning must be included in the title of the thread where necessary. Threads found to be in violation of this guideline will be edited or removed immediately. Punitive action, such as a warning or ban, may be considered by the administrators depending on the severity of the offence.

  5. Thread subject lines should be consistent with the contents of the thread's primary article and should not be a device for editorialising or sensationalising. If it is felt the article and subject line do not match appropriately, the title will be edited.

  6. The right to enforce these rules is maintained solely by the forum administration and moderators, and will be exercised at their discretion. In many cases, warnings and explanations will be provided in order to avoid confusion and maintain a positive forum environment. In case of dispute over the enforcement of Today's News rules, you can PM a moderator; failing that, higher authority, such as the Administrators, can be contacted to resolve the issue.

PoFo Rule 2 Addendum: Remain courteous and respectful to other users of the forums at all times. Do not make personally directed attacks on any other user or political or social organisation

Nothing you had to say even addressed this point […]

This is patently false. They had a notion of &qu[…]

Oh yes, a fake genocide claim to justify the Octob[…]

...Vaccines are bad. ... Vaccines are life-savin[…]