U$ To Wage War Against Russia? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I just heard on the news the U$ has just found out the Russian government is supporting the Iraqi's! Russia is sending Iraq technitions and engineers to help them man the brand new radio jamming equipment in the war against America, Russia has also sent Iraq some brand new light amplifiction visor's for their troops. Needless to say America is pissed! America I hear will be cutting all humanitarian aid with Russia, and Bu$hler has said if we capture your Russian engineers and technitions, we'll execute them and send Putin the video of it. And if Russia doesn't like it, tough. So pretty much the attitude of the U$ is Russia isn't a super power anymore, so what can they do? If Russia considers that an act of war, America said they'll be more than happy to show the Russians who's the big boy on the block.
By Russian
I just heard on the news the U$ has just found out the Russian government is supporting the Iraqi's! Russia is sending Iraq technitions and engineers to help them man the brand new radio jamming equipment in the war against America, Russia has also sent Iraq some brand new light amplifiction visor's for their troops.

its not the Russian government its the independent firms that sold Iraq nigh vision goggles as well as jamming equipment. Russian government is criticized for not doing enough to prevent those sales not for actually selling Iraq these weapons.

and Bu$hler has said if we capture your Russian engineers and technitions, we'll execute them and send Putin the video of it.


If Russia considers that an act of war, America said they'll be more than happy to show the Russians who's the big boy on the block.


here is a link to the articel in Washingotn Times, if anyone is interestid- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13057-2003Mar23.html
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By KurtFF8
Vassili Zaitsev wrote:I heard it on CNN.

i know u didnt hear anything about us saying we will execute them on cnn though, cause thats bs
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By teh wez
Yea its all over the news that PRIVATE Russian firms have been selling the equipment and sending techincians, not the Russian government. Where you get this exection stuff is way out in left field, along with the war with russia stuff.
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By Yeddi
There is NO way the Americans would execute russians in the current atmosphere... adn film it... send them a tape... pffft that is definatley not true. The world is already against them... if they did that, i shudder to think what would happen.
By Sweeper
[quote=Russian]its not the Russian government its the independent firms that sold Iraq nigh vision goggles as well as jamming equipment. Russian government is criticized for not doing enough to prevent those sales not for actually selling Iraq these weapons. [/quote]
Russian firms has been selling a lot of stuff.
In the Eritrean war against Ethipia they hired out planes and pilots to support the Ethipians.
The Eritreans got aid from Ukraine, they got MiG-29's.
Man, what a upgrade from MiG-21's that was their standard loadout.

If USA dares to oppose Russia... And they revert to the Soviet-union, Bush has told his cause, the communistic bear can become awoken, and USA better pray it don't.
By El Cid
Haha, the US would never declare war against them. They haven't and won't. Stuff like this happened more than once on both sides and neither did anything.
By Papergut
One more interesting thing for you to hear: American U-2 aircraft was sighted within Russian territory; two Russian fighters flew the air and led the airplane out of Russian territory.

And that?s some additional info ? analysis say America may attack Russia in 2010 - http://www.x-libri.ru/elib/innet109/00000001.htm
By CasX
The international arms trade needs a crack-down. Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen in the near future as the biggest villains are the biggest powers, eg USA, Britain, Russia, France. In the meantime they are selling billions of dollars worth of arms to despots around the world.
So pretty much the attitude of the U$ is Russia isn't a super power anymore, so what can they do? If Russia considers that an act of war, America said they'll be more than happy to show the Russians who's the big boy on the block.

what can russia do? Sit back and have some vodka, you'll never hear the states even SUGGEST of any sort of military build up, or strike against Russia. America wages a war of 50 million + dollar aircraft against a 1 million dollar S300 missle, is this a war you want to go into? And its the same way for Russia, both countries just know they can't do anything to each other.

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