The Cannabis Reform Bill *canada* - Politics | PoFo

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i may be moving to canada sooner than i anticipated... :D though, i don't know about smokin' whilst driving a car... may not be the best idea. so how much press has this gotten in canada? are you who it effects in favor or no?

i don't know much about canadian news sources, so forgive me if this link reaks of 'imperialist propaganda' ;)

full story here

Ottawa — Smoking pot while driving would not be a crime and penalties for minors would be lower than for adults, according to draft legislation decriminalizing the possession of marijuana.

As currently envisioned, the act would make possession of less than 15 grams of marijuana (the equivalent of about 20 joints) a non-criminal offence punishable by a fine of $150 for adults. Minors, however, would be charged only $100, although police would notify their parents of the offence.

If the offender possesses between 15 and 30 grams, the police officer would decide whether to issue a ticket or lay a criminal charge. Possession of more than 30 grams would be a criminal offence.
By blackbeard
Medical marijuana is supposed to be legal in Ontario . The DEA have made such a mess you silly whiners in the US . I dont hate the FBI or DEA but having you in Canada and having your puppets in my government makes a mess .

Move to BC , it sucks here in Ontario . We have a fight on our hands , this wont end until marijuana is legal .
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By uglygoat
i have *no* guns. i beleive in live by the sword, die by the sword. i'll take my comfy chair. ;)

bc is where all the good *seeds* come from, iirc... :lol:
By blackbeard
Coastal BC is very liberal , it has been the evil hangout for Canadians for hundreds of years just like San Fran has been for Americans , sin city .

Anything goes in Coastal BC , the wildest craziest stuff happens there . They have people growing pot with licenses and stuff they are way ahead of the times . Ontario is very old fashioned and everyone hates Quebecers and we hate the Frence Prime Minister blaa blaa .

If you move to BC have a job lined up ahead of arrival or your gonna be unempolyed .
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By Tigerlily
Ahhh...weed is not yet decriminalized here. And I think it will take while for that to happen.


Because of America. They threatened to make the borders more tight and said a bunch of things about our free trade agreement. And being the oh so independant Canada *sarcasm*, we just have to listen and follow every single order the States tell us.

I'm against free trade and this is one reason for it.
By blackbeard
The Canadian dollar is soaring , the US has one of it's worst job markets in History .

The Canadian dollar and the US dollar should go to par and then we can all go to a common currency .

As for free trade it should be trashed and the rules can all be re written . In Canada the laws for marijuana will be 16 years of age and up , just like age of consent .
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By LeftyCatholic03
*packing his bags for Canada* :D

I actually support free trade. Yeah yeah, i'm a minority on the list but if you look at Hong Kong, all you need is a form to set up a business and they have some of the richest people there. Let trade flow as it is with a few restrictions and let the money roll in. I would support Communism if it would bring up the poor people up to the bourgeoise, but it seems to bring the bourgeoise down to the peasants. But the only thing I dislike about captialism is that it seems to corrupt politicians by letting businesses buy politicians. Oh least i'll be rich.
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By Tigerlily
blackbeard wrote:
The Canadian dollar and the US dollar should go to par and then we can all go to a common currency .

:knife: :down:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Never ever ever ever never! I would kill myself if we ever get a common currency. Canada's already being assimilated into Americans enough....if we pick up the US dollar, you can say bye-bye to Canadian culture, French culture (Quebecois, Acadien et Métis), Atlantic Freedom, INDEPENDANCE.

Holy frig that would be so terrible.

And don't say we won't pick up the American dollar. If we get a common currency, they'll chuck the Canadian dollar out the door and we'll have to use the US dollar. You know that would happen. Admit it.
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By Boondock Saint
A long term goal for N. America should be to unite under one banner, if that means the US needs to compromise then so be it ... Canada in not a european nation ... it never was and it never will be. Canada, the US and Mexico are all one in the same and should begin acting more like siblings.

One currency, in fact one nation in north America is what I would vote for, we dont have to call it the United States, we can call it the N. American Union. And we can call the currency the Union.
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By Tigerlily
I don't know where you live Boondock, I'm guessing the States.

I don't like the Union idea one bit. I hate the States and I hate Canada's attachment to it enough. >:

The US will never comprimise. They think they are the best and the leaders of everyone and won't comprimise, especially for little old Canada and Mexico.

But Boondock, I don't get what you mean by "Canada in not a european nation ... it never was and it never will be."

Of course we weren't ever techinically a European country....WE ARE NOT IN EUROPE!

The second Canada melts itself with the US, is the second I sign up to start a revolution and volunteer to do assinations, if I have to.
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Adopting a common currency isn't a bad idea, as long as it isn't the Canadian or American dollar, but rather a different currency. Will that ever happen? No. Americans will never give up the greenback therefore we will never adopt a common currency -- barring the Canadian dollar dropping to the value of a peso, in which case the Americans wouldn't want a currency union anyways because of the lack of parity.
By blackbeard
No no we will all be making equvalent wages , same minimum US dollars .

It will be the greenback , it will be tradeable at a store . Instead of exchange rates the value item will be this much Canadian or this much Greenback end of story . It should all be at par but we shall see . I know whats comming cause I am smart . I read lots and I do actually pay attention . Anti gang legislation , that one SHOCKED millions but I was the idiot going on and everyone said to me " dude you are so paranoid " .

Now I am the one saying " Hey we are rebuilding the army , there's gonna be a HUGE special forces , that's what the new gear is for guys , I might be working with em god willn " . Dey say " Oh , ok army boy ... you and what army ... tee hee hee . "

Dey is all rebels from a forgotten age of when Trudeau the draft dodging sissy was queen , all them is eowwwwwwwzsir .

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