Confederate Flag Debate - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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blackjack21 wrote:That's a constructive habit. I'll have to adopt that myself.

Oh, we all go through dark periods in life. We all do escapism, and we should be very introspective and self-reflective when you find ourselves getting upset and saying foolish things. I think the key to having a long marriage that is full of love and passion is about knowing how to apologize and how to accept responsibility for your own emotional states. Blaming the wife or the husband and not thinking? What did I do to add fuel to the fire is a great thing. I get angry BJ. I get sad. I get happy and I get glad. I have all the emotions. How boring we would be not having emotions and debating robots on the internet? I don't like robots to debate. A couple of posters are like that around PoFo. I never debate them. What for? Give me an old-fashioned homo sapien to debate. Hee hee. Even if they are a bit of a neanderthal in genes and thinking. Lol. BTW, the neanderthals were great. But they lost to the African modern new group.

Oh, I do. Quite a bit. I find biochemistry fascinating.

I am sure you do. I wonder about how you would apply medical science sometimes BJ.
Yes. It is probably how to interpret the information you glean from it a point of controversy with you.

Hmmm... I wouldn't say it's "the core," since what underpins that variation is in some ways remarkably stable. DNA and RNA. Yet, it's such an incredibly powerful language, so much more so than the mathematics we use to try to understand it.

You did not hear the astrophysics lecture I did. They were talking about something very interesting. The existence of things that can be measured but that you have to leave the physics world to get to it. It is very very interesting. I think I might open a thread about it in the future. One of my favorite academics was an astrophysicist and his name was Dr. Carl Sagan. A great mind.

This is precisely why I think socialism is not even remotely inevitable. However, I think that simplicity is what works at large scales and complexity that works at small scales. Think of DNA or a microprocessor versus a moon orbiting a planet. DNA is immensely complicated, but a moon orbiting a planet can be described pretty simply with a differential equation.

I think socialism is inevitable BJ. The reason that the Democrats are having to support a welfare state is? Before the welfare state what was there? Historicaly speaking? So what happened in the capitalist history of the USA that FDR had to implement the welfare state? Yes, it is buying off votes and it is buying off instability. Why did he have to do that? The conditions dictated that BJ. Not because the Right of the political spectrum liked it. What would happen with the government if no one got a stimulus check? No one would get SSI, SS check, etc and SNAP and all the rest. Just annihilate all of it? Send 80 year old people to work, and let the people go hungry and no unemployment insurance etc. Just annihilate it all? See what happens. You will have Mexico on your hands. Drug trafficking for profit, crime and poverty that makes people invade Canada and so much hatred of the elites that a third party becomes the leader and a socialist takes over the government. So you go ahead and annihilate the welfare state BJ. That will make my political column win and do a clean sweep of all three branches of government. More lack of alternatives to boom or bust capitalism? The bandaid solutions get blasted out of existence and then the proletariats get the entire government after drug wars, mafia and hands and a brain drain of the USA fleeing to Europe, Canada, etc. All the industrialized nations have expanded the welfare state. For a reason.

Yes, they can. I study human beings and their behavior patterns, the artifacts, and the culture they produce, and many other aspects of culture. There is always controversy about how to interpret that information. What does it imply or mean for human beings and their societies? That is what is controversial.

Again, precisely why I am not a socialist. In my view, it is almost contrary to the laws of physics.

Then why did Einstein subscribe to that political point of view when he was probably the most influential physicist in the history of physics? Do you know his famous equation for measuring the speed of light? Since then physicists have built on that equation. Einstein was a tough scientist and logical all the way. But he also knew human society could not be about some system that was not logical, and it would not serve the way people are in reality. The socialist column BJ is filled with scientists. I argue with them all the time. I also love them. I asked Potemkin why did he attend the University of Edinburgh and graduated in nuclear physics? Because he wanted to understand how the material universe worked. Then I asked him why did he study Russian film? Because he liked the early works and he always studied things that had to do with both art and science. Both. A Renaissance man. Something rare that is to find in today's world. Most people are into coding, or information systems or something. Broad-based education is rare nowadays. That is why he and I have a lot in common. I respect both traditions. He did not know anything about Puerto Rico though. And a little bit about Latin America. It turns out he loves the same writers as my husband. No, Blackjack21--to think that socialism is something not scientific is being a bit 'prejudiced'. You don't agree with it? Capitalism has an expiration date in this world Relampaguito. Just like feudalism and slavery and free labor or pay for human beings and make them property so they have no self-agency so you can get the productive value out of them in order for an elite small group to do well? All of it has an ending. That is why I asked you what you would replace the welfare state with? Or what is the system that will replace capitalism? When people are tired of being exploited and so are the people living in the nations who are not as modernized as the first world ones are? How are you going to solve those issues? That is important to think about. If you are telling me BJ that you just want to destroy the establishment and leave a vacuum of power to be filled by who and what ideology or system? You need to see what you are fighting for or advocating in this forum. I think about that because Noemon said this forum is abut record keeping. That means people will come in here to try to see what is being discussed politically for our time period in history. My point of view is going to be about a very detailed plan for society that is socialist and I am a Fromm socialist. I better have a complete concept of what that is. I am flexible on many things. Not rigid. But not abut core principles. What are you about? That is your responsibility to do. Round out your ideology and make it a complete system. That is being empirical and not sloppy.

Always put your family first. I can type very quickly. It's what I have been doing most of my adult life. That I can type almost as fast as I think isn't a trait shared by everyone.

Yes, thus your name of Relampaguito. Little Lightning Bolt on the keyboard. I have struggled with not being able to see the letters. My prescription changed and all the optometrist shops in Merida were closed for months. I had to take my glasses off bring the screen close to my eyes, and then read it...then try to steal the good computer from my son there who likes to do his schoolwork on the good computer and then type really fast. If I had time I would take notes. Do methodical research to counter your every point, and with specific studies and quotes, and then explain in-depth each reply to one of your overconfident statements about how my 'politics' are unrealistic and sweet. Lol. But I rarely have time for that. I never prioritized computers and technology BJ. I have some basic skills down. But I don't put the love and passion into coding that you do and don't know jack shit about all that. I found it technical and not about conceptual knowledge. My thing is to dominate very complex dynamics and break it down for a student to be able to visualize it. I specialize in conveying concepts that are influential in human thought and human history. In order for a student population to be able to understand why something changes? And what goes into human history. In politics BJ? It is about a series of people fighting and negotiating power relationships. All of human history that can be studied for authenticity is about a form of dynamic social and economic, cultural interactions between groups. Also how they relate to each other within a power relationship. Most of human history is about that. Who has power and how did they get it? And how they lose power and how they lost it? When is it effective to organize human groups and how do they organize? in other words how societies adapt and change to historical contexts and conditions. You got to always see context and mores, rules and laws and etc and think...why is this happening in this human society? Por que? A big question.

No. I don't think that about you at all. You've stated clearly that you're a Fromm socialist. SJWs are not interesting people. You are interesting. You don't have a garden variety political viewpoint. I find such people kind of boring, and at our age or older somewhat tragic in the sense of being underdeveloped. However, I do think you place a very high value on emotion, that paleolithic part of our brains. For someone as well-read as you, that's kind of peculiar.

You have no understanding of human psychology at all when you say that? Have you studied social psychology in-depth? I have. It is very interesting. Fromm was a major powerhouse thinker in social psychology and in psychology in general. You think emotion is primitive and it doesn't influence human behavior? Of course, it does BJ. In terms of emotion, the men in here get all bent out of shape and get red cards and yellow cards, in testosterone-fueled fights for being right, and they don't even hold public office in some nation or even in some small town? Yet they go for broke with the insults here all the time. :D Say it isn't so BJ? Potemkin has never gotten a yellow or red card once in many years. He is as cool and collected as they come. He doesn't waste time on emotionally fueled craziness. Lol. I never have gotten one of those. I was close but you got to check your emotional content dealing with arrogant men in here who think women are the second class citizens. Lol. Mostly the Right is like that. Emotions are not paleolithic old things. They exist now and forever. But they are temporary or passing things. They come and go and flow and ebb like the tides. How does one cope with it? That is how you get to be a civilized human being. How to cope with emotions. About the competition. About class. About race. About socioeconomic discrimination. About religious convictions. Political differences and rivalries. Because to think emotions don't come into play when homo sapiens are fighting for power is for fools.
Also, I am Latin American in culture BJ. So how Latin Americans cope with politics and society is not going to be the standard Anglo ideas of stiff upper lips and styles that are dry and about that particular culture's expression of emotion and lack thereof of emotion. For many Latin Americans being too emotionally controlled means, they are repressing a lot of it and it is going under the surface to fester and then it comes out in a way that is inhumane. It 'fermented' too long. Latinos find Anglo dry attitudes extremely untrustworthy, while Anglos find Latino emotional displays? Unseemly and lack of self-discipline. That culture is dictating how to express those emotions and telling each culture what is appropriate and that human culture is not universal and it varies never occurs to those men like you BJ? Who presuppose their own culture at the standard for all human behavior. A mistake. One I have dealt with for years. Because it presupposes as Toni Morrison so eloquently stated with that white reporter who asked her why she did not write more about white characters in her novels? They assume the entire world is about white Anglo culture. It is not. For a Latin American classically socially conditioned person? Being not warm, and not emotive is really bad. They see it as cold and it is almost socially unacceptable or it will be highly criticized. All Latin American cultures see it as bad to be cold for us. Being cold is rejecting someone and it means the death of a relationship. It is to be avoided vigorously. So you have to be warm and it better be sincere. You should read a book on Latin American social etiquette. There are a lot of great ones in the business market. They tell you why people might be floundering culturally in Latin America when they just want to sell a product and the Anglo way never works. Corporations spend billions of dollars on psychologically and culturally relevant marketing campaigns. I think you find me peculiar because I have a Latina mode of expression. And you are used to something else in debate format Blackjack21. I can manage both worlds but I have chosen the one I want to be the core of me...and that is Latin American Blackjack21. I will always be that. If you don't like it? You can tell me. I will accept that and move on.
I got to feed my son now. Again. See what I mean? The rest of your comments I will get to later. Duty calls. My son is saying, "Boring writing. I want some food!

A lot of people consider homosexuality a curse. While things are changing rapidly right now--I mean 40 years ago homosexuality was considered a mental disorder, and now they want to institutionally ostracize anyone who believes that today--I still think that Darwinian sexual selection and reproductive fitness would influence a lot of people. For example, it's usually religious people who will knowingly bring a child with Down Syndrome to term. The irreligious often think of people with severe birth defects as having lives not worth living, and would pursue an abortion straight away.

There are different reasons for different cultures in human history where defective human beings genetically or physically or mentally were killed or aborted or just left to die. For example, in Spartan society, a baby was born and if it had a deformed hand or leg or the child looked like a Down Syndrome they would put the child out in a mountain and let it die from exposure. In some African societies, any defective child was killed right away. The conditions on the African savanna were harsh and if they had any physical deformity the verdict would be death or infanticide. Roman society was also had little room for defective people. But in those days gay behavior and incest were acceptable too. What is taboo in human society is up to the cultural matrix of that society. People are psychologically tested for all kinds of proclivities. I took a gender relations class in college a long time ago blackjack. It was to test how much of homosexual or bisexual or heterosexual tendencies one had. A surprisingly large percentage of sexually active adults were more 'complex' in their sexual tastes or preferences were recorded. Masters and Johnson did some studies on that. They found interesting things about human sexuality. it is not really as cut and dried as you might think. I was curious about my own so I tested mine. It is in the extreme heterosexual range. I was actually in the minority of most college students. I had never had an attraction or even mild curiosity about my own sex. I forgot what the percentage of all women was extreme heterosexuals. But they weren't the majority and were fairly small. I was surprised. Most women either were curious or had some form of behavior. Males were fascinating. Many had sex with other males. And many people were bisexual. Or had that. The very rare ones were the ones who never had sex at all and or were asexual or simply were celibate most of their adult lives. That is also rare but happens. In the end? Thinking human beings are all conventional in behavior or thoughts or there aren't any real variants is strange to expect Blackjack21. It is a bit more complex than usual. I don't think you thinking that you can control what comes out genetically in your offspring is something about total control of what you produce. Most science won't be making billions of people genetically edited for control of complex DNA code and who owns that is going to be highly controversial. It makes people worry about eugenics BJ. And that means that maybe only the people with money or only the white people will have access to genetic perfection or something. It horrifies a lot of religious people. I think it needs to be fully understood in terms of WHY do you seek eugenics? To do what? Oppress people and make life about exclusive pockets of people with every advantage and leave the vast majority of humanity without any hope? For a better existence? It is about morality and ethics for many BJ.

You are doing fine.

I am doing fine about what?

Relampaguito, about the internal debate about the back to Africa movement for African Americans? There was always a longing to find their roots and to go back to Africa and forget about living with white supremacy. Here is a typical discussion about that in all Black discussion groups in

Oh come on. Now, I'm not as passionate about that bit of history as you are. No doubt. However, I'm probably the only white male who has ever mentioned the Insular Cases to you or who has read Downes v. Bidwell, right? I can tell you that 202 Green Street in San Francisco near the North Waterfront is where Philo Farnsworth invented the all electric Cathode Ray tube and television as we knew it until it went digital. I'm a fountain of information like that. I just do not identify as African American, so I do not identify personally with their struggle. I can only sympathize, but it doesn't make me profoundly emotional. I can tell you my white grandmother didn't have "white privilege." Did she want to leave Ireland and come to America? Of course not. Her parents made her do it. My grandfather left England because his father told him that times would be tough in the UK--this was at the height of their empire before WWII. He was desperately homesick. Then, you get the Irish/English dynamic, and I can tell you that they don't simply see each other as white. Most of the political/racial horseshit coming out of colleges and universities today is just rank stupidity. Did you hear @Godstud think he was clever saying that racists all stick together? Not a stupid guy generally, but capable of making really stupid statements. White people have struggled too. Just because some of them have been highly oppressive doesn't mean that all white people were oppressors, not even by a long shot. My mother's parents struggled. You can look at them coming to America as an opportunity. It's not what they wanted. Does it make me deeply emotional about their struggle? No. Yet, I know they went through that. They told me a lot of it. My grandfather was managing a crew at a woolen mill at 14 years old. Why? All the men were off at war. That's not privilege Tainari88. You love your little boy. Would you send him off to work in a factory in the next few years? Not a chance. My grandparent's and their parents history is also fascinating, but most people today would not characterize that as interesting because they were white. Yes, I think people like Fredrick Douglas or George Washington Carver are exceptional people that overcame quite a lot. However, when I'm thinking about people's struggles, I'm thinking more about society's problems today.

African American history is a deeply American story just as an immigrant story is. The USA is about immigration in many ways in which Mexico is not. Mexico has a lot of immigrants but a huge percentage of Mexican people are really rooted in the Americas. Mexico. Their ancestors have occupied this land in the Yucatan for thousands upon thousands of years. That is different than the USA's story. Each nation has a unique history. A uniquely endemically human story. I don't devalue your own parents' stories and immigrant realities. But you should not be cavalierly making sweeping statements about histories and stories of other ethnic groups at all. If you want to criticize a group? Do it from a place of knowledge and study instead of ignorance or lack of identification. There is a reason why people who're histories no one really knows much about are really invisible in the majority culture or the culture of the norm. Does no one read the insular cases because? There is a majority of normative culture. And the ones outside of it? Who do have histories but who are never paid attention to? It has a reason for the lack of knowledge. BTW, I have met a few men in here who have studied the insular cases. They are not the majority. Most men who are of your background never study the little nations and the unknown histories. I have. I like that. It teaches you a lot about both sides BJ. Which is very useful in debates to know.

Rafael Correa was asked (ex prez of Ecuador), that South America and Latin America had a bloody history of oppression between the oligarchs and elites and the lower classes. How violent it was. The implication was that Latin America was about violent people with no civilized behaviors. His answer was quite enlightening. He said, "Europa es la historia del cuchillo." What does that mean? "Europe is the history of the knife." How many nations who were 'white' fought each other? Bombed each others cities? Slaughtered millions to dominate? Nicola Macchiavelli's "The Prince" was all that background very civilized? No. But instead of realizing that humanity is about the history of the knife in its fights for power...somehow one groups violent behavior is the one who is savage and the one who wants to paint itself as civilized by not using violence at all to win? Is better. No. It is about controlling a false narrative to impose something there. What is it? You know what it is. I don't have to tell you.

Yes, but mostly because you become angry about racial struggles and don't want to examine any subset of the human population under a microscope without some deep human feeling or sympathy. I'm simply telling you that white people faced many of these issues too, and overcame a lot of them. Do you know what they call this:
Go back to Bacon's Rebellion BJ. Why would a landed gentry create a divide and conquer legal code and make skin color and some somatic features the way of dividing people in an effective way? It is about power dynamics. All these arguments about why African Americans can't do this or that has been discussed at nausea in the AA community for years BJ. The answers they give for the problem are very succinct. But are you willing to do the work to figure it out? I don't think you are. You want to be right in your opinions and they are not really scientific BJ. They are about political points of view. And lack of empathy. A big problem for many people to be able to cope.


A "paddy wagon", as in incarcerating the Irish. People think nothing of saying that. Can you imagine if it was called an n-word wagon? I can't even write that out on this site, as the software will catch it and then @noemon will red card me. Yet, "paddy wagon" is the police van that they used to haul of Irishman--usually after drunken brawls. That's a fascinating history too, but no college or university professor today would have the slightest interest in it, because establishment's latest divide and conquer strategy involves pitting white working class people against non-white working class people. I guess I don't have to teach you the word "gringo", but maybe bohunk, dago, wog, mick, paddy, limey, ginzo, frog, kraut, hun, wop, goat banger, etc. are all referring to people of European descent and different ethnicities. During the 2008 financial crisis, they often referred to the PIIGS, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain.

The Irish had issues with the English for centuries. I did study Irish history in depth. I read books and studied it for a long time. Why? I loved Irish literature and wanted to know more I loved James Joyce and the plays of Eugene O'Neill. My father wrote plays Blackjack21 and Irish theater and their writers are some of the best in the world. So are Irish poets and so on. Yet the Irish considered themselves an oppressed group and fought for their independence. Did you know James Connelly collaborated on the Irish Republic's constitution with our nationalist Don Pedro Albizu Campos? They met each other in Massachusetts while Pedro Albizu Campos was studying at Harvard Law school and wanted to liberate Puerto Rico from USA gov't occupation. Connelly wanted to get rid of the English imperialists out of Ireland. Lol. A mulatto and an Irishman. Conspiring with the idea of the conspiracy of equals. Not something taught in schools BJ.

An invisible history from two groups fighting for an independence cause. My kind of story. So of course I read up all about it.

Here is a bit of that background. It is frustrating this computer. Won't copy paste the link. Let me try once more.

https://nothingtobegainedhere.wordpress ... and-valor/

There it is!

The Puerto Rican/Irish connection. Don Pedro drafted some of the paperwork there. Lol. After all Don Pedro was a lawyer and spoke six languages BJ. A brilliant man. And he was exposed to radiation experiments while in jail. They could not kill him outright because he was way too powerful in terms of people on the island and his connections with international liberation movements. Including the Irish. Always controversial they were.

So the Paddy wagon was about Irish cops or Irish arrested folks and short for the "Padriac' wagon?

Hee hee.
Tainari88 wrote:Then why did Einstein subscribe to that political point of view when he was probably the most influential physicist in the history of physics.

He liked large scales and simplicity. "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice." See the Bohr Einstein debates. See also Political views of Albert Einstein.
In a 1949 Monthly Review article entitled "Why Socialism?"[57] Albert Einstein described a chaotic capitalist society, a source of evil to be overcome, as the "predatory phase of human development" (Einstein 1949).

(bold emphasis mine) I think ultimately it comes down to things like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Capitalism isn't chaotic, per se. It accepts chaotic events and adapts with them. Physical phenomena can be stable and become chaotic.

With Albert Schweitzer and Bertrand Russell, Einstein lobbied to stop nuclear testing and future bombs. Days before his death, Einstein signed the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, which led to the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.[58]

We don't get to peer inside Einstein's mind too easily, but we know some of his associates. Russel's Paradox.

In any event, Kurt Gödel in 1930–31 proved that while the logic of much of Principia Mathematica, now known as first-order logic, is complete, Peano arithmetic is necessarily incomplete if it is consistent. This is very widely—though not universally—regarded as having shown the logicist program of Frege to be impossible to complete.

Kurt Gödel.
The first incompleteness theorem states that for any self-consistent recursive axiomatic system powerful enough to describe the arithmetic of the natural numbers (for example Peano arithmetic), there are true propositions about the natural numbers that cannot be proved from the axioms. To prove this theorem, Gödel developed a technique now known as Gödel numbering, which codes formal expressions as natural numbers.

He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be disproved from the accepted axioms of set theory, assuming these axioms are consistent. The former result opened the door for mathematicians to assume the axiom of choice in their proofs. He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connections between classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and modal logic.

Alan Turing and Claude Shannon were aware of this too. Computer programs are iterative in nature; n=n+1; peano's axiom. In cryptography something is Shannon secure if it is based on a truly random number and only used once, so-called "Shannon Secure." Do you know how we get a truly random number? We disconnect a microphone from a microphone input and use the Gaussian noise--the background radiation of the universe. To Einstein I would say, "God keeps secrets."

Tainari88 wrote:You think emotion is primitive and it doesn't influence human behavior? Of course, it does BJ.

Now you are making great leaps in logic again. I do think emotion dramatically influences human behavior. I just think that intellect can too. One of my biggest beefs with the political left is that they are so given to concepts like "love" and "hate" as if they could be discrete and quantified. That's why I think the concept of "hate crimes" is regressive and primitive.

Tainari88 wrote:In terms of emotion, the men in here get all bent out of shape and get red cards and yellow cards, in testosterone-fueled fights for being right, and they don't even hold public office in some nation or even in some small town?

Yes, but you take that stuff seriously, and I don't. I once wrote "Drlee is dumb" just so he would go and get me carded. I think it is hilarious. Personally, I think noemon is highly emotional. I had to moderate for a BB before, and we ultimately ended up with what we called "the unnamed rant area" so people could swear and attack each other (not criminally of course), and then we had moderated sections for swearing and ad hominem attacks, and then cleaning up the porn and prescription drug spammers. However, we never outlawed political factions like Nazis, communists, racists, and so forth.

Tainari88 wrote:Potemkin has never gotten a yellow or red card once in many years. He is as cool and collected as they come.

Perhaps Potemkin doesn't find that entertaining. I find some of these people hilarious. For example, Godstud will defend things like gay rights but when he wants to denigrate people, he usually uses homosexual acts as a rhetorical device to emote disgust. Einstein was a brilliant guy, but he wasn't "woke."

Was Albert Einstein a Racist?
The media has focused on several racist comments, including Einstein calling the Chinese an “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” and "often more like automatons than people.” He wrote that China is a “peculiar herd-like nation" and that “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.” In contrast, he wrote that the Japanese were "pure souls" who are "unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing."

Tainari88 wrote:Emotions are not paleolithic old things. They exist now and forever. But they are temporary or passing things. They come and go and flow and ebb like the tides.

The limbic system controls them is what I mean. I don't mean they are necessarily bad or good. Dogs have a limbic system too. That's why humans can relate to them so well and vice versa. Dogs can understand a number of words and commands, but they do not understand complete sentences or languages generally. However, they do relate your emotional state because they have limbic systems too. Another name for the limbic system is the "paleomammalian cortex."

Tainari88 wrote:For many Latin Americans being too emotionally controlled means, they are repressing a lot of it and it is going under the surface to fester and then it comes out in a way that is inhumane. It 'fermented' too long.

Like Potemkin? See, I have to turn it around. Is it a disability or a virtue?

Tainari88 wrote:I think you find me peculiar because I have a Latina mode of expression.

I like Latinas. You just wouldn't realize that, because you equate finding differences in people with necessarily hating people for their differences. Babies are stupid, but I don't hate them because they are stupid. I enjoyed debates with Rei Murasame too, but the world was not evolving her way and she began finding it pointless to debate. I enjoy it because it pushes me to stay informed and learn about the world around me and other people. I think you are interesting, because you are well read and educated; however, I think you are profoundly ideological and it is a sincere limitation for you. Take you next comments:

Tainari88 wrote:I can manage both worlds but I have chosen the one I want to be the core of me...and that is Latin American Blackjack21. I will always be that. If you don't like it? You can tell me.

You actually think at some level I must not like you because you are a Latina. That's actually a very sad thing, but that comes from ideology. For you, "equal" is somehow consonant with "good" and "not equal" is somehow consonant with "bad." In math, 5 != 6. That's true. 5 < 6 is also true, but that's because of an ordinal numbering system. When I say you and I are not equal, you necessarily imply an ordinal ranking as though I am saying Relmpaguito > Azuquita. I am not.

In computer science, a unique identifier is a very important concept. Objects may be identical in terms of class, but each instance ultimately has its own identity and therefore is not the absolute equal of the other. When you work in computing systems all day long, you have to think this way and when you take that mode of thinking back to the political world, you can easily see the problems with Jefferson and Marx. I can accept something like "universal dignity" much more so than absolute equality. At the genome level, you can say Relampaguito = Azuquita because we are both human. However, differences in our DNA that they can be used as among the most reliable of forensic evidence. We are all unique. We cannot be absolutely equal if we are all unique. You cannot live migrate a virtual machine from one host to another if you are using SR-IOV or PCI passthrough, because the VM is getting the MAC address of the NIC, which is unique. So for those situations, you have to cold migrate--shut down, move, restart and then get the MAC address of the destination host.

Sadly, I'm speaking to you at an intellectual level you don't seem to grasp, and it leaves you with the impression that I think must necessarily think you are somehow inferior to me. Yet, if that's what I thought, I wouldn't waste my time talking to you, and that doesn't seem to occur to you either.
Last edited by blackjack21 on 24 Jun 2020 19:16, edited 1 time in total.
NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace was not the victim of a racist hate crime, according to the FBI. It said the noose found in the garage stall assigned to the circuit’s only full-time black driver at Sunday’s Talladega Superspeedway had been there since at least October 2019.

The FBI said it would not pursue federal charges after the object was deemed to be a garage door pull rope that was just fashioned like a noose. It was likely used to secure the rope to a post or pole and not a symbol of hate and a reference to historical lynchings of African-Americans. In addition to the video evidence, Wood Brothers Racing released a statement that one of its employees recalled seeing the same pull-down rope in the same garage last fall.

It’s not uncommon for garages at NASCAR tracks to have these types of ropes, though they are usually tied in a different manner than this one was.

When the noose was found it was thought to be a hate crime and act of intimidation against the 26-year-old Wallace, who two weeks ago led the charge for NASCAR to ban Confederate flags at all of its events and properties, wore an “I Can’t Breathe” shirt before an event and had driven with “Black Lives Matter” painted on the side of his car. ... crime-fbi/

Actually, the USA is not a very racist nation. Most of the racism is history. The left-wing likes to bring it up every now and then as a political issue. There have been several other noose hoaxes in recent years.

Hoax Hate Crimes More Pervasive Than Real Hate Crimes ... te-crimes/
Hindsite wrote:NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace was not the victim of a racist hate crime, according to the FBI. It said the noose found in the garage stall assigned to the circuit’s only full-time black driver at Sunday’s Talladega Superspeedway had been there since at least October 2019.

The FBI said it would not pursue federal charges after the object was deemed to be a garage door pull rope that was just fashioned like a noose. It was likely used to secure the rope to a post or pole and not a symbol of hate and a reference to historical lynchings of African-Americans. In addition to the video evidence, Wood Brothers Racing released a statement that one of its employees recalled seeing the same pull-down rope in the same garage last fall.

It’s not uncommon for garages at NASCAR tracks to have these types of ropes, though they are usually tied in a different manner than this one was.

When the noose was found it was thought to be a hate crime and act of intimidation against the 26-year-old Wallace, who two weeks ago led the charge for NASCAR to ban Confederate flags at all of its events and properties, wore an “I Can’t Breathe” shirt before an event and had driven with “Black Lives Matter” painted on the side of his car. ... crime-fbi/

Actually, the USA is not a very racist nation. Most of the racism is history. The left-wing likes to bring it up every now and then as a political issue. There have been several other noose hoaxes in recent years.

Hoax Hate Crimes More Pervasive Than Real Hate Crimes ... te-crimes/

The Dems and the left knows the word racism is a turn on for the black voters. You often hear applauses when racism is mentioned in a speech. The victimhood mindset is addictive -----and MORE is better. Racism has gone down significantly, but the perception of racism is sky high due to PTSD. The latter due to the constant 24/7 propaganda of racism by the media and left wing leaders.
@Hindsite and @Julian658 Fuck you, racists.

NASCAR Drivers Escort Bubba Wallace onto Track in Show of Solidarity After Discovery of Noose
In sports news, NASCAR drivers and crew members on Monday escorted Bubba Wallace at the Talladega Superspeedway in a show of solidarity after a noose was found in Wallace’s garage Sunday. Wallace is the only African American driver in NASCAR’s elite Cup Series. Fellow drivers walked Wallace onto the track as they helped push his car. Wallace later tweeted a selfie with the crowd with the word “Together.” Wallace recently led a successful campaign to get NASCAR to ban displays of Confederate flags from its events.
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite and @Julian658 Fuck you, racists.

NASCAR Drivers Escort Bubba Wallace onto Track in Show of Solidarity After Discovery of Noose
In sports news, NASCAR drivers and crew members on Monday escorted Bubba Wallace at the Talladega Superspeedway in a show of solidarity after a noose was found in Wallace’s garage Sunday. Wallace is the only African American driver in NASCAR’s elite Cup Series. Fellow drivers walked Wallace onto the track as they helped push his car. Wallace later tweeted a selfie with the crowd with the word “Together.” Wallace recently led a successful campaign to get NASCAR to ban displays of Confederate flags from its events.

Not an anglo or French Canadian. :knife: :knife:
blackjack21 wrote:He liked large scales and simplicity. "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice." See the Bohr Einstein debates. See also Political views of Albert Einstein.

(bold emphasis mine) I think ultimately it comes down to things like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Capitalism isn't chaotic, per se. It accepts chaotic events and adapts with them. Physical phenomena can be stable and become chaotic.

Chaos in capitalism BJ comes from what? Anyway, you are using Niels Bohr as an example of questioning Einstein's credibility? Bohr and Einstein were rivals but admired each other. That is the kind of competition human beings should be engaged in. The competition to improve knowledge. Bohr wasn't a right-winger either. So what is the point? You should discuss this with @Potemkin who loves precision a lot. He will spend a lot of time on being precise. And concise. That is one of the ways I adore about him. His love of concision and precision. I gave you the name Relampaguito because you ae a Lightning Bolt with typing and thinking. But I gave him the name Bellisimo in Spanish because it means extreme male beauty. And for me? All his personal qualities add up to extreme male beauty. Especially with math, physics, and precision and concision. I could not come up with another nickname for him. Only Bellisimo. Such a handsome man. In all ways.

We don't get to peer inside Einstein's mind too easily, but we know some of his associates. Russel's Paradox.

Kurt Gödel.

Alan Turing and Claude Shannon were aware of this too. Computer programs are iterative in nature; n=n+1; peano's axiom. In cryptography something is Shannon secure if it is based on a truly random number and only used once, so-called "Shannon Secure." Do you know how we get a truly random number? We disconnect a microphone from a microphone input and use the Gaussian noise--the background radiation of the universe. To Einstein I would say, "God keeps secrets."

Alan Turing was gay and was punished for it very badly. Should his mother have aborted him when he was responsible for helping win the war against the Third Reich? Was he a Right-winger too? I think one should be re-assessing the value of diversity in genes, in subsets of human complexity. You start aborting people who might be like Alan Turing for being a gay man? Aborting Einstein for being a Jew? Aborting someone like a series of great minds like Albizu Campos for being of mixed-race heritage? Even though the man was brilliant and was the valedictorian of his law school class and the professor had to admit a 'black' man was the one who was the best of all the students? A Puerto Rican, and a mulatto. An engineer and a chemistry major, a lawyer, and a polyglot and brilliant in military history as well. He was too much for them BJ. It broke all their racist stereotypes and they hated him for it. Had to destroy the leader. W.E.B. DuBois also did that to them. Another brilliant Black scholar and intellectual. He was a founder of the NAACP. He wanted back to Africa movement and to forget about integration with a society created for the benefit of only one group. None of them were from the Right. My mother was a leader and they also went after her a lot. They do that to all the ones who say to, you can't just come in here and impose your shit and your white supremacy on people and think you can suck out all the wealth and keep everyone living in ignorance and fear. And my mother never owned a gun in her life. Never advocated violence. But she did advocate independence. The FBI admitted it all. The unfairness, the violation of civil rights, everything. But they don't care. As long as they win. They play dirty and they use racism. It enrages me Blackjack21. It always has. I don't tell you a lot of things. If I did? You would come up with excuses and it would get me angry again. I don't want to do that. I want to be true to what has worked in my life? Remain positive. Remain with logical and reason-based thinking and be responsible for your own emotional states and only be responsible for everything that goes on in your life, your world, and your society. Change often doesn't happen in time because no one wants to be responsible for righting what is going wrong. You can't do that by hiding one's head in the sand.

Now you are making great leaps in logic again. I do think emotion dramatically influences human behavior. I just think that intellect can too. One of my biggest beefs with the political left is that they are so given to concepts like "love" and "hate" as if they could be discrete and quantified. That's why I think the concept of "hate crimes" is regressive and primitive.

Hate crimes exist Relampaguito. People can go and do something out of murderous rage. Have you been a juror in a trial that is about attempted murder and violence? I have. That is another story. There are different punishments legally for the reasons for murder. If it is a crime of passion or semi-accident? It is not the same as a crime that is premeditated and deliberate. It is about the context of the offense. Emotions are not about measurements BJ. They are about instinct and what exists so you can survive and thrive. Again you got the two primary drivers of human emotional reactions. One of them is fear. Fear for your life that translates into adrenaline. Have you ever been physically attacked and did not expect it in your life Blackjack21? I have. Your entire body goes into a defensive mechanism. Love if it is in the highest points of expression is the most beautiful thing in the world to experience. You are completely connected to the loved person whether it is a baby you are nourishing or your lover whom you adore? It is sense of absolute bliss very unlike anything else. You are in that most profound state of being united to all of what lives. In every way. I can't describe it. Emotions tell you things about life and it is up to us to listen to how we manage such emotions. In terms of politics? Empathy, logic and justice and also what is best for the greatest amount of humanity is the path that we should follow. Too many selfish instincts and thoughts without a sense of connection, empathy and a sense of respect for all living things? Is not a form of government that will again advance human civilization forward.

Not all socialists are scientific in thought process Blackjack. Some are like @annatar1914 Russian Orthodox religious blue collar socialists. Who detest liberals with elitist mentalities playing at being fair when they are anything but. The socialist tent is very flexible with that.

Yes, but you take that stuff seriously, and I don't. I once wrote "Drlee is dumb" just so he would go and get me carded. I think it is hilarious. Personally, I think noemon is highly emotional. I had to moderate for a BB before, and we ultimately ended up with what we called "the unnamed rant area" so people could swear and attack each other (not criminally of course), and then we had moderated sections for swearing and ad hominem attacks, and then cleaning up the porn and prescription drug spammers. However, we never outlawed political factions like Nazis, communists, racists, and so forth.

He owns the website. That is the way it is. There is a defunct website that used to operate and it had similar areas that you mention. Noemon is Greek and British too. He is both. He is following his Greek ways. He is a mixture of some issues he is on the right of the political spectrum and on the left of the political spectrum. He is logical and also with strong opinions. The way he copes with people for me? Comes from a Greek tradition. It is what Roman culture is based on too. And I am familiar with the core of what Latin culture is Blackjack21. It is Greco-Roman and it is not about Germanic European offshoots like Anglos, Germans or Dutch. Those are two different European traditions. You think it is emotional? It is another culture Blackjack. Punto y se acabo.

Perhaps Potemkin doesn't find that entertaining. I find some of these people hilarious. For example, Godstud will defend things like gay rights but when he wants to denigrate people, he usually uses homosexual acts as a rhetorical device to emote disgust. Einstein was a brilliant guy, but he wasn't "woke."

Was Albert Einstein a Racist?

Einstein was deeply concerned about the A bomb and what could happen if the Third Reich could get a hold of it. Godstud is a retired Canadian who has grown children and a little boy my son's age with a wife he adores of another culture and race. He lives in Thailand and is not worried about being surrounded by people speaking a language that is not his. He loves his family life and his freedom after working hard in a physically and mentally demanding profession. He has a gorgeous wife whom he wants to protect and he has his way. I respect people who treat me with respect Blackjack21. That is instinctual.

The limbic system controls them is what I mean. I don't mean they are necessarily bad or good. Dogs have a limbic system too. That's why humans can relate to them so well and vice versa. Dogs can understand a number of words and commands, but they do not understand complete sentences or languages generally. However, they do relate your emotional state because they have limbic systems too. Another name for the limbic system is the "paleomammalian cortex."

Yes, again we share a lot with our mammalian living species. A rock doesn't have living cells now does it BJ? But a leaf from a tree does, and so do animals and others. We are living creatures. All of us. Together. I want to be able to create social systems that are about manifesting what is best of our species. Once we do so? We can go extinct and allow a new set of circumstances create a new species. Out of something old comes something new. And it will vary. Why? Because conditions change and if we don't know how to adapt? We don't have a fighting chance.

Like Potemkin? See, I have to turn it around. Is it a disability or a virtue?

Now, you are making me smile. You are what we call in Puerto Rican slang. Vacilador. It is another word for devil's advocate but also someone who likes to be a pain in the ass.

I like Latinas. You just wouldn't realize that, because you equate finding differences in people with necessarily hating people for their differences. Babies are stupid, but I don't hate them because they are stupid. I enjoyed debates with Rei Murasame too, but the world was not evolving her way and she began finding it pointless to debate. I enjoy it because it pushes me to stay informed and learn about the world around me and other people. I think you are interesting, because you are well read and educated; however, I think you are profoundly ideological and it is a sincere limitation for you. Take you next comments:

I am profoundly ideological? Babies are stupid. Do you like Latinas? Lol. I bet you haven't read scientific books on babies and the neurons firing off in those baby brains. That is how those little creatures learn so fast so many things. Kids are fascinating. If ever you get to be a papa will realize "Did I ever think babies were stupid? Silly me." Lol. Rei Murasame was very intelligent, brilliant, and also far-Right, she cited peole like Primo de Rivera, a fascist as someone who she thought was very filled with truth, she was a feminist, a lesbian, a good writer and also intolerant and believed in violence and many controversial things. One has to realize people are who they are. But they also can change and be adapting as they go along. She wound up adopting a Marxist dialectic. That is what @ingliz claims. The Maltese Leftist.

You actually think at some level I must not like you because you are a Latina. That's actually a very sad thing, but that comes from ideology. For you, "equal" is somehow consonant with "good" and "not equal" is somehow consonant with "bad." In math, 5 != 6. That's true. 5 < 6 is also true, but that's because of an ordinal numbering system. When I say you and I are not equal, you necessarily imply an ordinal ranking as though I am saying Relmpaguito > Azuquita. I am not.

No Blackjack, I take what you write here as evidence of what you feel about Latinos. And you sound pretty racist to me when you talk about Latinos. It is about your maid you can't drive and doesn't speak English fluently and has teen pregnancy daughter? Do you want me to tell you how you may be interpreted BJ?

In computer science, a unique identifier is a very important concept. Objects may be identical in terms of class, but each instance ultimately has its own identity and therefore is not the absolute equal of the other. When you work in computing systems all day long, you have to think this way and when you take that mode of thinking back to the political world, you can easily see the problems with Jefferson and Marx. I can accept something like "universal dignity" much more so than absolute equality. At the genome level, you can say Relampaguito = Azuquita because we are both human. However, differences in our DNA that they can be used as among the most reliable of forensic evidence. We are all unique. We cannot be absolutely equal if we are all unique. You cannot live migrate a virtual machine from one host to another if you are using SR-IOV or PCI passthrough, because the VM is getting the MAC address of the NIC, which is unique. So for those situations, you have to cold migrate--shut down, move, restart and then get the MAC address of the destination host.

You don't get that just because we are different and unique and are opposite sex people? That that means we are unable to connect to each other, respect each other and have innate dignity in our humanity. When have I said that people have to be absolutely alike to be valuable? I think you are thinking of humanity as a computer code that needs to process a living complex organism that is very complex in variants and that means that you got to put them in a hierarchy that is about some bad value system abuse of power people saying to me...or to you? Azuquita is prohibited from doing or becoming this? Because that is what is keeping us in power. Don't connect with her because if you do? You might empathize and cooperate and as such that goes against our divide and conquer tactics. Ay BJ. Por que te ones asi eh?

Sadly, I'm speaking to you at an intellectual level you don't seem to grasp, and it leaves you with the impression that I think must necessarily think you are somehow inferior to me. Yet, if that's what I thought, I wouldn't waste my time talking to you, and that doesn't seem to occur to you either.

BJ, have you ever thought of taking responsibility for your shortcomings with the patronizing and the arrogant and somewhat condescending style you have with some folks you disagree with in here?

You just did it again, you said and I quote, "I am speaking to you at an intellectual level you don't seem to grasp ?" That doesn't sound condescending BJ? Be honest now Senor?

What do I truly think? That you like my writing Relampaguito and you like communicating with me.

That is enough Senor.

I am realizing, you think everything has to go into a coding framework to make sense to you? Maybe you should put some work into becoming more open to things that are not about coding eh?

I still like you BJ. If I did not? I would not be reading all your quote bomb tactics. Mr. Quote Bomb fast little deditos on the teclado extraordinaire.

Julian658 wrote:The Dems and the left knows the word racism is a turn on for the black voters. You often hear applauses when racism is mentioned in a speech. The victimhood mindset is addictive -----and MORE is better. Racism has gone down significantly, but the perception of racism is sky high due to PTSD. The latter due to the constant 24/7 propaganda of racism by the media and left wing leaders.

We Trump supporters believe most Dems have also gotten PTSD as a result of Trump winning the election. Many of us refer to the hatred of Trump and his supporters as the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" that make them irrational and so crazy that they see racism just in you disagreeing with them.
@Hindsite You are, by far, one of the biggest racists on this forum, in word and deed. Trump has nothing to do with your racism, but it seems that racists tend to flock to Trump, so there is that...
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite You are, by far, one of the biggest racists on this forum, in word and deed. Trump has nothing to do with your racism, but it seems that racists tend to flock to Trump, so there is that...

A clear example of your "Trump Derangement Syndrome" when I haven't said anything racist there at all. To you the truth has become racist. You better get help.
You got that yellow card for your racist shit. Trump has nothing to do with you being a racist asshole.
Godstud wrote:You got that yellow card for your racist shit. Trump has nothing to do with you being a racist asshole.

That is the first time that I have ever heard you stand up for Trump.
Praise the Lord.
I am not standing up for Trump. Your racism though, is your own. Blaming it on anyone else is dishonest.

That Trump also is racist, doesn't mean that you have to be. It's just your choice. :knife:
Godstud wrote:I am not standing up for Trump. Your racism though, is your own. Blaming it on anyone else is dishonest.

That Trump also is racist, doesn't mean that you have to be. It's just your choice. :knife:

I am choosing to be a Christian, not a racist.
Praise the Lord.
You're a racist, in word and deed.

Christians aren't racist. I don't think Jesus mentioned treating people with a different skin colour, badly.
Godstud wrote:You're a racist, in word and deed.

Christians aren't racist. I don't think Jesus mentioned treating people with a different skin colour, badly.

For you information, I don't treat people with black sin badly. I just tell the truth.
That is the Christian thing to do. Praise the Lord.
Tainari88 wrote:You just did it again, you said and I quote, "I am speaking to you at an intellectual level you don't seem to grasp ?" That doesn't sound condescending BJ? Be honest now Senor?

I've laid it out for you in discrete terms. You routinely infer things I have neither expressly said or implied. Even when I rebut your assumptions, you remain undeterred. Uniqueness is not equality. It's absolute difference; the complete opposite of equality. You seem so bound to a Marxist ideologically-driven interpretation that you cannot really see absolute difference as the opposite of egalitarianism. Instead, you insist that it must be some sort of race-based caste system, which I haven't advocated anywhere before. Yet, here's the rub, and it's not exclusive to you: from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Well? Doesn't that presume inequality in ability at the very minimum? And very likely inequality in terms of needs? It's a very peculiar construct that does not imply equality at all, while at the same time bitching constantly about inequality. I also find today's SJW anti-racist types humorous, because they can't deal with difference on the one hand and can't deal with most of the instances of the racism they complain about coming from places controlled by the Democrat party. What does the Confederate Flag represent? Southern Democrats. I'm fine with getting rid of the stars and bars, but I think we'd do better to get rid of the Democrats themselves.

Tainari88 wrote:I am realizing, you think everything has to go into a coding framework to make sense to you?

Not into a coding framework. It has to make sense based on observable physical phenomena and should be internally self-consistent.

Tainari88 wrote:I would not be reading all your quote bomb tactics.

It's not a tactic. It's simply conversational style. Yesterday, my SO was sitting in my office watching me type and marveling at my speed compared to her boss, who looks at the keys and henpecks. You talked about your prescription changing, and how it impairs how you look at the keyboard. My prescription is changing too. However, I never look at the keyboard when I type. I know qwerty like the back of my hand. The biggest issue with that is that motor skills and homonyms clash a bit. So I have to be careful with there, their, your, you're, were, we're, its, it's, and so forth, because my fingers are faster than I can punctuate my thoughts while typing. If you want to type fast you need to learn to type without looking at the keyboard, and use all eight fingers.

Tainari88 wrote:So what is the point?

The point is that socialism is essentially a static system in a dynamic world. That's why you keep predicting capitalism will die and socialism will inevitably come, but it never really does come and stay. Societies that go socialist generally collapse. One reason is chaos, randomness. The world is not static. Capitalism, when competitive, tends to be efficient and ruthlessly so--e.g., Jeff Bezos. Capitalist firms become inefficient when monopolies arise (including organized labor at times), or when technology cannot scale up to or scales beyond supply/demand.

There's Covid. And there's companies that can adapt to it and companies that can't. There are companies trying to thrive on it and kill off their competition. Think Amazon vs. main street retail. Pushing all these left wing policies of letting people out of jail and refusing to prosecute shoplifting will not hurt Amazon at all, but it will kill off local retail quickly. Amazon is ruthless.

Tainari88 wrote:Alan Turing was gay and was punished for it very badly. Should his mother have aborted him when he was responsible for helping win the war against the Third Reich?

By today's rules, his mother would indeed have the right to do that and in 1920s Britain probably would have if they knew he was going to be homosexual.

Tainari88 wrote:You start aborting people who might be like Alan Turing for being a gay man?

Right. We have 10s of millions who have been aborted so that they don't grow up in poverty. That may be a noble sentiment, but a lot of great people grew up in poverty. How many geniuses have we killed off that way?

Tainari88 wrote:Aborting Einstein for being a Jew?

That's what Margaret Sanger was aiming for. Planned Parenthood was founded by a white supremacist, and guess which political party in the United States is passionate about supporting Planned Parenthood? Sanger wanted to kill off Italians, Jews and Blacks from the American population.

Tainari88 wrote:The FBI admitted it all. The unfairness, the violation of civil rights, everything. But they don't care. As long as they win. They play dirty and they use racism. It enrages me Blackjack21. It always has.

Yes. They just got caught playing dirty against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. That's how the establishment plays, and it enjoys some amount of popular support even among people here. If they hate Trump, law and constitutional rights be damned. Incidentally, that's often how they play against minorities. They pull you over for a broken tail light and then find the pot and then prosecute you when you throw a punch at the cop.

Tainari88 wrote:If I did? You would come up with excuses and it would get me angry again.

I am for Puerto Rican independence, it's just that I have different reasons from yours. I'm sort of with the turn of the 20th Century anti-Imperialists.

Tainari88 wrote:Hate crimes exist Relampaguito. People can go and do something out of murderous rage. Have you been a juror in a trial that is about attempted murder and violence? I have.

Grand jury. Yes. Not trial jury.

Tainari88 wrote:There are different punishments legally for the reasons for murder. If it is a crime of passion or semi-accident? It is not the same as a crime that is premeditated and deliberate. It is about the context of the offense. Emotions are not about measurements BJ. They are about instinct and what exists so you can survive and thrive. Again you got the two primary drivers of human emotional reactions. One of them is fear. Fear for your life that translates into adrenaline.

Right. Fear is from the limbic system. It's not the frontal cortex. It's not based on logic and reason. Yet, we dispose of people based upon our interpretation of their emotional states using so-called "hate" crimes.

Tainari88 wrote:There are different reasons for different cultures in human history where defective human beings genetically or physically or mentally were killed or aborted or just left to die. For example, in Spartan society, a baby was born and if it had a deformed hand or leg or the child looked like a Down Syndrome they would put the child out in a mountain and let it die from exposure. In some African societies, any defective child was killed right away. The conditions on the African savanna were harsh and if they had any physical deformity the verdict would be death or infanticide. Roman society was also had little room for defective people.

Indeed. Neither do American Progressives and their Eugenic abortion campaign. Hitler actually picked up some of those ideas from American and British progressives.

Tainari88 wrote:Thinking human beings are all conventional in behavior or thoughts or there aren't any real variants is strange to expect Blackjack21.

I don't think Octavian Caesar was looking for "conventional" in some sort of 1950s America when pushing for what became modern marriage. He was looking for reproductive fitness. Good breeding, per se.

Tainari88 wrote:I bet you haven't read scientific books on babies and the neurons firing off in those baby brains. That is how those little creatures learn so fast so many things. Kids are fascinating.

Not that deep. More like scientific articles. Plastic brains. Very fast learners, especially with language and gesture compared to adults.

Tainari88 wrote:No Blackjack, I take what you write here as evidence of what you feel about Latinos. And you sound pretty racist to me when you talk about Latinos. It is about your maid you can't drive and doesn't speak English fluently and has teen pregnancy daughter? Do you want me to tell you how you may be interpreted BJ?

Stating the facts makes me bad? I don't mean she drives badly. I mean she doesn't know how to drive a car. This is a developmental and cultural issue. Neither of my grandmothers drove cars either. She makes enough money to afford a car, but she relies on others. Both of my grandmothers were intelligent women. They could have learned to drive cars, but they didn't. That was man's work in their day. Does that make me a racist or a sexist for pointing that out? Last May when I was in Dubai, I was surprised to see pink taxi cabs driven only by women who took only women passengers. Does it make me a sexist to have noted that, or does it make me observant of the facts? That one of my maid's daughters had a teen pregnancy is a fact, and my maid is not too terribly happy about that. Her daughter is not a teen anymore, but in her young twenties. You asked me about my maid's feelings for her kids, so I told you. She loves her son and daughters, but is very frustrated with the one who got pregnant in her teens--probably, because she wanted a better life for her daughter.
Uniqueness is not equality. It's absolute difference; the complete opposite of equality. You seem so bound to a Marxist ideologically-driven interpretation that you cannot really see absolute difference as the opposite of egalitarianism. Instead, you insist that it must be some sort of race-based caste system, which I haven't advocated anywhere before. Yet, here's the rub, and it's not exclusive to you: from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Well? Doesn't that presume inequality in ability at the very minimum? And very likely inequality in terms of needs?

Correct! And Marx himself was very clear on this point. He addressed the issue in his Critique of the Gotha Programme. The 'Gotha Programme', incidentally, was a political manifesto written by the SJWs of Marx's own time, and in his critique he dismantles it point by point. I've always thought that, if Marx were alive right now, he would be the SJWs' loudest and most devastating critic. Read his essay, and you'll see what I mean. The Communist slogan "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" does not presuppose absolute equality or any kind of egalitarianism; quite the reverse in fact. Marx actually points out that absolute equality, if rigorously enforced, would be unjust. And, after all, don't capitalists claim that workers and factory owners negotiate labour contracts from a position of equality? And doesn't this 'equality' lead to unjust outcomes?

It's a very peculiar construct that does not imply equality at all, while at the same time bitching constantly about inequality.

You're mistaking SJWs for Marxists, @blackjack21.
Reiterating @Potemkin s point: The emphasis on inequality and attempts to rectify it by equality is still within the logic of capitalism, it is a attempt to deal with problems of capitalist production whilst retaining it.
It is, however, this very consequent egalitarianism which is simultaneously the limitations of the Jacobin politics. Recall Marx's fundamental insight about the "bourgeois" limitation of the logic of equality: the capitalist inequalities ("exploitations") are not the "unprincipled violations of the principle of equality," but are absolutely inherent to the logic of equality, they are the paradoxical result of its consequent realization. What we have in mind here is not only the old boring motif of how market exchange presupposes formally/legally equal subjects who meet and interact on the market; the crucial moment of Marx's critique of "bourgeois" socialists is that capitalist exploitation does not involve any kind of "unequal" exchange between the worker and the capitalist - this exchange is fully equal and "just," ideally (in principle), the worker gets paid the full value of the commodity he is selling (his labour force). Of course, radical bourgeois revolutionaries are aware of this limitation; however, the way they try to amend it is through a direct "terrorist" imposition of more and more de facto equality (equal salaries, equal health service...), which can only be imposed through new forms of formal inequality (different sorts of preferential treatments of the under-privileged). In short, the axiom of "equality" means either not enough (it remains the abstract form of actual inequality) or too much (enforce "terrorist" equality) - it is a formalist notion in a strict dialectical sense, i.e., its limitation is precisely that its form is not concrete enough, but a mere neutral container of some content that eludes this form.

The abstractness of such equality is a problem. As Anatole France says of how majestic the equality of law that both rich and poor are barred from sleeping under bridges. The universality is often inadequate if not indifferent to the concrete.
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