Mid-to-late Middle Ages - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Ombrageux
I've been listening to some of the Open Yale lectures, particularly enjoying those on political philosophy, the ancient Greeks and the early Middle Ages. The latter stops at 1000 and I want to learn more about 1000-1500, which seems to be the crucial period for the "European miracle." Yet I can't find many videos on this online. Can anyone recommend any?
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By killim
I am not aware of any web based (including) learning solutions for that topic.

Concerning political philosophy at that age some names spring into my mind however. Maybe you can search backwards with them:

-Niccolò Machiavelli & Martin Luther (not really middle-age anymore I admit, but they reflects to some extend the problems)
-Dante Alighieri
-Wyclif & Jan Hus (if you want to include pre-reformation)
-Albertus Magnus, Tommaso d'Aquino & Marsilio da Padova (Aristo
-Cluny / Cluniac reforms (see Investiture Controversy)

Assuming that not only western Europe is of interest:
-Islamic: The judicial part of the Islamic philosophy is called "fiqh" there are four different schools founded around 600-800 and named after their founders. Which I cant remember to be honest. The only name that stuck is Ibn Khaldun.
-China: Neo-confucianism during the Song era with two different schools. Not that interesting imho.

Please note that I am not an expert with that topic and the real experts over here might laugh their assess off about this laymen list out of my head, but better than nothing maybe.

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