Enough on Russia, lets diversify this forum - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Ocker
I guess it has to do with the hole Capitalist vs. Communist thing that breeds all the USSR threads.

It would be cool to see a bit more variety, I guess this will come as more members come.
By GandalfTheGrey
well why don't they make a seperate forum, maybe we can call it "Stalin Revisionism" There these crazy Stalin worshippers can fantasise all they want about how marvellous Stalin was.
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By Adrien
It's true that the threads about the Soviet Union could go in the Communism forum, not to make those two forums to redundant, but threads about Russia can go here, since Russia means here the Czarist era.

But we could for instance here have debates about colonization, pre-20th century wars, the formation of nations, ...
By Din
Ummmm well i sorta made a post like this not to long ago, buried somewere on this board, but the fact is it is history, the fact that the people on the board want to talk about russia/socialism is entirly up to them
By GandalfTheGrey
Din wrote:the fact is it is history, the fact that the people on the board want to talk about russia/socialism is entirly up to them

I realise this. But there are so many interesting things to discuss about history, yet whenever I come here its just russia, russia russia, Stalin Stalin Stalin. There is a communism forum you know. The fact is, this forum has been hijacked by people living in la la land who want to spread their propaganda that Stalin was God's gift to the world.

And your Churchill quote I believe goes "Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few"
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By Vander
I have to agree with Gandalf. Too much debating over commuism vs capitalism and socialism vs democracy.

Most of the forms of government the human race have lived under were exemplified in pre-empire Greece. I think it would be interesting to have a discussion about all those and the influence it has had over modern thought. After all, pretty much how the demographic West's culture has developed is directly related to ancient Greek and Roman philosophy.

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