USS Liberty - Politics | PoFo

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By Suntzu
It was 50 years ago today . . . where have I heard that?

Anyway, the Israel Defense Forces tried to sink the Liberty with all hands to prevent the U.S. of alerting Egyptian forces of an impending attack. The attack was carried out by unmarked aircraft and the S.O.S. signals from the Liberty were jammed, 34 American dead and many wounded.

The attack was deliberate.
By skinster
Israeli navy torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty and attempted to blame it on Egypt. America let Israel get away with murdering its servicemen.

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By ThirdTerm
The United States had announced that it had no naval forces within hundreds of miles of the battle front and the USS Liberty was an unflagged spy ship navigating within 14 miles off the Sinai coast, cruising at 30 knots like a warship. It was a legitimate target because Israeli troops in El Arish were being fired upon from the sea by an Egyptian vessel on the fourth day of the Six-Day War. The USS Liberty could never be positively identified as an American vessel as it was navigating without displaying the US national flag and it does look like a rundown Arab vessel typical in the region.
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By Suntzu
The USS Liberty was a converted Liberty ship with a top speed of 11 knots. It was cruising at 5 knots at the time of the attack and displaying an American flag. It was clearly marked with Latin alphabet markings. The flag was knocked down in the initial attack and was replaced.
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By Oxymoron
1. US was not an Ally
2. The Ship was in a warzone
3. The Ship was spying

The lack of repercussions as a result point to the fact that the ship had no business being and doing what it was doing.
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By Suntzu
1. US was not an Ally True. The U.S. was neutral.
2. The Ship was in a warzone The ship was in international waters.
3. The Ship was spying Sorta. The ship was an intelligence gathering ship monitoring radio traffic.

The lack of repercussions as a result point to the fact that the ship had no business being and doing what it was doing. Interesting take. Israel paid damages and made a half assed apology. The fact that they tried to sink the Liberty with all hand points to their desire to cover up.
By Decky
The American government care more about keeping their masters in Tel Aviv happy than the lives of their own sailors. Not surprising really, US politicians see members of the military as working class scum whos lives mean nothing and see the Israelis and their masters and owners. The sinking of the Liberty was a foreshadowing of the US response to the 9/11 attacks.
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By Oxymoron
Decky wrote:The American government care more about keeping their masters in Tel Aviv happy than the lives of their own sailors. Not surprising really, US politicians see members of the military as working class scum whos lives mean nothing and see the Israelis and their masters and owners. The sinking of the Liberty was a foreshadowing of the US response to the 9/11 attacks.

a bit elders of Zion do you not think? In any case the US realized there was no benefit to push the issue, and the sailors knew risks when they joined the Navy.
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By ArtAllm
Oxymoron wrote:a bit elders of Zion do you not think?

This is not an argument, you try to switch the discussion into the emotional domain, I will not be surprised if your next "argument" is the "Nazi-Hitler-Holocaust"-Card.

Oxymoron wrote:In any case the US realized there was no benefit to push the issue, and the sailors knew risks when they joined the Navy.

What do you mean with "the US"?
The American Normies?
They were never properly informed by the lying and controlled media.

The survivors?
Nobody cared about their witness accounts, they were intimidated and told to keep their mouths shut, or else they and their families may be harmed.

The American ruling elite?

Yes, these corrupt puppets figured out that there was no benefit for them personally to push the issue.


Trump will not push this issue, either, because he is just another puppet.
By Rich
Tel Aviv should have been carpet bombed, as Mecca and Islamabad should have been carpet bombed after 9/11. Sadly we (ethnic) Europeans have become total cowards.
By Decky
Why would Tel Aviv order its servants to do that rich? Or do you maintain the illusion that the west is independent and self governing? :lol:
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By Oxymoron
Rich wrote:Tel Aviv should have been carpet bombed, as Mecca and Islamabad should have been carpet bombed after 9/11. Sadly we (ethnic) Europeans have become total cowards.

WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ETHNIC EUROPEAN? The Romans would have allied with the Judeans to wipe out the Germanics any day of the week including Zuesday.
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By ArtAllm
Oxymoron wrote:1. US was not an Ally

The corrupt ruling elite of the USA (now called USrael) believed that Israel was their personal ally, speak this elite was very dependent upon the Israel Lobby. After JFK there were no American politicians that cared a rat's ass about the interests of American Normies, these guys only cared about their personal interests, which was detrimental for the founding population of the USA.

According to the Admiral Lawrence Geis and Lt. Commander David Lewis, Lyndon Johnson did not care a rat's ass about the brave Americans that were under attack. Johnson said that he would not give a damn if this ship sank. His only concern was that if the ship did not sink, it would embarrass the best "ally" of American Ruling Elite, speak Israel or the Israel Lobby in the USA. ... ly&f=false

BTW, Lyndon Johnson made this comment before USS liberty managed to establish a communication, which was really a miracle, because Israelis destroyed all antennas in the first minutes of their attack.

Is it not obvious that Israelis knew that this ship was not an Egyptian ship, but an American spy ship with lots of antennas and no weapons to protects itself?

If Israelis were not sure, that this was an American spy ship that cannot protect itself, why would they pay so much attention to destroying the means of communication, and jamming any communication? Israelis even knew the frequencies they needed to jam:

Jamming: During U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry testimony, Wayne L. Smith, Radioman Chief, testified: "... We did have [radio frequency] jamming in my estimation. I was unable to determine this exactly, but every time it seems when an attack was made on us, or a strafing run, it was preceded by, anywhere from 25 to 30 seconds, carrier on our HICOM circuit, and I had ascertained to check this by calling the transmitter room and they said that they had not keyed the transmitter. This prevailed during the attack and quite a bit after the attack, intermittently." In a U.S. Navy message dated 11 July 1967, sent by Rear Admiral Kidd (senior member of Naval Court of Inquiry) via the Naval Communications Unit, Naples, Italy to Commander in Chief U.S. Navy Europe and Chief Naval Operations, Rear Admiral Kidd stated, in part: "Liberty reported apparent discriminate jamming on certain CW and voice circuits just before and during each aircraft's individual attack. Effect was to scare mischief out of those below who heard it start, because they knew a rocket or bomb would soon follow." None of the Israeli Defense Forces' investigations or reports confirm or deny radio frequency jamming was performed during or following the attack.
Jamming as a motive: A UPI report published by The Washington Star on 19 September 1977 indicated CIA documents obtained by the American Palestine Committee suggested Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan ordered the attack because Liberty was jamming Israeli communications. A CIA document dated 23 June 1967 said Liberty had been jamming Israeli communications. Another CIA document dated 9 November 1967 quoted unidentified agency informants as saying Dayan personally ordered the attack. CIA said the documents were "unevaluated for accuracy."[113]

And how did Johnson know before anyone else that Israel was attacking the USS Liberty?

Johnson knew that Americans were dying on this "damn ship", but he was in cahoots with Israelis, who knew what they were doing. They needed a pretext to involve USA in a war for Israel, and if there were no survivors, they would have blamed the attack on Egypt and stampeded the gullible Americans into a war with the Soviet Union, that was an ally of Egypt.

After the planned "false flag" did not work, they just pulled the "option B" and pretended that they did not know that they were attacking an American ship, which is insulting to all survivors, but the corrupt American elite did not push for a real investigation.

Admiral Tom Moorer stated that the Liberty was the most identifiable ship in the U.S. Navy and in an interview with the Washington Post stated: "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."

Why does American ruling elite not care about the lives of Americans?

Well, because they think that American Normies are just subhuman animals, that can be sacrificed, if this is in the personal interests of the corrupt American Ruling Elite, now called "Deep State".

Military men are "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy.
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By Oxymoron
ArtAllm wrote:
Why does American ruling elite not care about the lives of Americans?

Well, because they think that American Normies are just subhuman animals, that can be sacrificed, if this is in the personal interests of the corrupt American Ruling Elite, now called "Deep State".

:lol: And pray tell me where this is different?
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By ArtAllm
Oxymoron wrote::lol: And pray tell me where this is different?

Does the Israeli elite not care about Jews in this "Jewish state"?
Sorry, but you sound very "Anti-Semitic".
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By Oxymoron
ArtAllm wrote:What?
Does the Israeli elite not care about Jews in this "Jewish state"?
Sorry, but you sound very "Anti-Semitic".

Every Jew is Elite :D
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By MB.
The attack on the CIA spy-ship USS Liberty is hardly the first or only time Israel had acted unilaterally and without regard for national sovereignty or international law. American libertarians and anti-semites love to trot out the Liberty case as evidence of some grand conspiracy between the US ruling elite and the elders of zion. Of course this is hogwash. The truth is that Israel will act unilaterally whenever it judges its national security to be at risk. They were planning to drop nukes on the Arabic capitals if things got too heavy in the 1967 war, I don't think they were particularly worried about the US reaction to the destruction of one of their CIA spy ships.
By noir
MB. wrote:The attack on the CIA spy-ship USS Liberty is hardly the first or only time Israel had acted unilaterally and without regard for national sovereignty or international law. American libertarians and anti-semites love to trot out the Liberty case as evidence of some grand conspiracy between the US ruling elite and the elders of zion. Of course this is hogwash. The truth is that Israel will act unilaterally whenever it judges its national security to be at risk. They were planning to drop nukes on the Arabic capitals if things got too heavy in the 1967 war, I don't think they were particularly worried about the US reaction to the destruction of one of their CIA spy ships.

Not sure about that. The pilot who dropped the bomb, Yftah Spector, said it was mistake. There were many attacks of this sort during the war. Israel was just becoming American client, why would they deliberately attack the ship?
By Decky
You have it the wrong way round. It is the US that is an Israeli client state.
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