Is politics a science or an art? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Is politics a science or an art?

much more science than art
much more of an art than science
Political Science is the distribution of resources in a society. It needs to be utterly based on science because of the fragility of life.

So if Political Science has become 'art' where you live, it's because your society has become decadent like Rome under Nero.

If Political Science has become an art in your society, then your society is making decorative sculptures with the future of other humans. With our future as a species.

"I'm just doing my art, man."
QatzelOk wrote:Political Science is the distribution of resources in a society. It needs to be utterly based on science because of the fragility of life.

So if Political Science has become 'art' where you live, it's because your society has become decadent like Rome under Nero.

If Political Science has become an art in your society, then your society is making decorative sculptures with the future of other humans. With our future as a species.

"I'm just doing my art, man."

I agree, but are there any societies where political science isn't art?
Rancid wrote:I agree, but are there any societies where political science isn't art?

Yes. In developing countries with hunger and lack of resources, many government types that have come along have been entirely science-based.

But then our rich "Arts community" invades and bombs them, and they are soon replaced by our "mini Andy Warhols" with their ironic post-colonial surrealism.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes. In developing countries with hunger and lack of resources, many government types that have come along have been entirely science-based.

But then our rich "Arts community" invades and bombs them, and they are soon replaced by our "mini Andy Warhols" with their ironic post-colonial surrealism.

Dunno. Developing countries are often riddled with corruption (which is what keeps them as a developing country and not advanced), which is the result of politics as an art.
It is neither and both.

Like science, it deals with the empirical and verifiable. Unlike science, it has no methodology to verify results in a consistent manner.

Like art, it requires a certain intuition and is all about knowing your audience. Unlike art, real lives are often lost when mistakes are made.

I would say that it is most comparable to a craft.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:Being a good leader, you have well to be a good manipilator.

This is what most Anarchists believe as well.

That's why they're anarchists in the first place.

"To be a good cancer, you have to detroy all other cells."
Every art is also a science, and every science is also an art. The practical component of any science is an art. As a way of making sense of the world every form of art is a kind of science.

Therefore, if politics is a science, then it would also be an art.

That being said, science is predominantly an art, and secondarily a science.

Just we can speak of a political science and a political philosophy, so there is an art of politics, indeed politics was first of all an art and only at a much later time was it finally reduced to a science.

In practice modern politics overlaps considerably several arts. Modern politicians appear to be nothing more than professional actors. Acting and oratory are arts. Rhetoric is an art. Trickery and deception are first and foremost an art. Contemporary politics is all theatre and stagecraft which is primarily an art but also a science.

But it appears to me that all politics at the present time are but a sham, and that what used to be called politics (real politics) has been abolished. Allstruggle that is of an overtly political nature, and is covered in the newsmedia, appears to be to be increasingly fake and illusory. It is as if all sides are following the same script, and serving the same master, whether they are conscious of it or not. (It is not necessary for all politicians to be "in on it" in order for the majority of them to be controlled by the same forces, which causes them to appear as if they were all following the same script. The same agenda is being pushed regardless of who is in office. It is exactly as if all political leaders are serving the same master, and are only pretending to oppose one another.)

Economics has superceded politics. The political theatre exists, because it gives the population the illusion of choice and participation, which undermines the will to resist. The people being under the impression that they chose their own leaders, they tend to submit to government tyranny; they are not going to lop their own heads off. Such is the effect of "democracy". But I digress. My point is that politics has been replaced by economics. Modern society is driven by economic forces, not political forces ('cept illusorily). Politics has been dead for a while now. All national policy is determined by economics. Tru,e it is freq. couched in political terms, so as to trick the population into complying with economic policies that are usu. contrary to their own interests. And of all sciences economics is the furthest removed from "art".
Last edited by Peter Pan on 27 Nov 2020 16:52, edited 1 time in total.
Peter Pan wrote:Every art is also a science, and every science is also an art.

While I think you've built a healthy narrative out of this assertion, the assertion itself falls apart on arrival.

ART is self expression

SCIENCE is the discovery of reality

So to start off with "they're both the same" and then put together a pretzel of relationships that "makes it seem so," you have probably slowed the speed of accumulated human knowledge by a few micro-seconds. They are meaninful words when they are in opposition to one another as the two main pursuits of the human mind.

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