Money talks: corporate America turns on Trump - Politics | PoFo

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“Boy, did Donald Trump blow it,” said Molly Roberts in The Washington Post. He may not have fulfilled his ambition of becoming the first US president to grow richer in office, but until recently it looked like he would at least enjoy a lucrative post-presidency. Not now, it doesn’t. Since the deadly riots on Capitol Hill, corporate America has turned on Trump with a vengeance. Deutsche Bank, his top lender, is reportedly no longer willing to do business with him; Shopify has taken down online stores affiliated with his empire; PayPal has stopped processing certain group’s payments; Twitter has banned him; and – a particular blow to Trump – the PGA has stripped his New Jersey golf club of a prestigious tournament. A host of big firms, meanwhile, have suspended political donations to all 147 Republican members of Congress who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s election victory.
SOURCE: ... ns-on.html
this would be globalists message and probably lesson to any american who dont bows to the deep state swamp, he was courageous when stated that he will drain it quickly, but when got in the chair it consumed him, eventually he turn the back to them in respect of their global for now neocon agendas, now is payback time, but what they can understand is that like this they are keeping him spare public chair and sympathies from his voters, on top like this they are revealing how cancerous is the american society, nevertheless this is good point how transnational corporatism is interwoven with neocons and international globalists, maybe like this they are trying to pressure him not to go public later in bidens presidency!?
Goranhammer wrote:Turns? They declared war on Trump long ago.

Indeed. They are afraid of the backlash against globalism, wage arbitrage, outsourcing, etc.

Goranhammer wrote:They were never in his favor, because corporations who showed favor toward Trump were biting hands that fed them.

Social justice warriors aren't the hands that feed corporations. Basically, officers of large corporations tend to be part of a cabal from a handful of schools like Harvard, Yale, UPenn Wharton, University of Chicago, or Stanford. They all tend to have the same political views, etc. SJW's can't really hurt big companies, but shareholders--including government pensions systems, can depose corporate CEOs rather easily. So they do what they're told. That's why there is such a striking difference in the US between publicly traded companies and privately owned closely held companies.

alyas wrote:Twitter has banned him; and – a particular blow to Trump – the PGA has stripped his New Jersey golf club of a prestigious tournament. A host of big firms, meanwhile, have suspended political donations to all 147 Republican members of Congress who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s election victory.

If you saw the inauguration, Trump's farewell address, and Trump being greeted on the streets of Mar-a-Lago, you can see how totally bereft of public support the federal government is at this point. The neoliberals/neoconservatives think they won, but cheating and gaining from it requires that people believe you and so many Americans are totally disgusted with the establishment now.

Biden's campaign took down the video of his inauguration, because it had fewer views than Trump's farewell address by orders of magnitude, and it got ratioed--many more dislikes than likes. Biden is coming in to office with only 48% approval--unheard of for a newly elected president.

Social media "fact checkers" also assert that it's just perfectly normal for Biden to walk past the marines while saying "Salute the marines" as if he wasn't repeating what was being told to him in his earpiece.

Talk about a "puppet" or a Manchurian Candidate... :roll:

In 2016, Victor Davis Hanson characterized the 2016 election as the "Neutron Bomb" election, where all the institutions remain standing, but they are effectively dead. The 2020 election is having even more of that effect. Even the once vaunted FoxNews is coming in third against CNN and MSNBC.

These big businesses have much more to fear from 74M Trump voters, tens of millions of them who feel that they have been cheated.

alyas wrote:this would be globalists message and probably lesson to any american who dont bows to the deep state swamp, he was courageous when stated that he will drain it quickly, but when got in the chair it consumed him, eventually he turn the back to them in respect of their global for now neocon agendas, now is payback time, but what they can understand is that like this they are keeping him spare public chair and sympathies from his voters, on top like this they are revealing how cancerous is the american society, nevertheless this is good point how transnational corporatism is interwoven with neocons and international globalists, maybe like this they are trying to pressure him not to go public later in bidens presidency!?

Payback time is a tactical error for a failed strategy. In a military context, they call this "winning hearts and minds." They have utterly failed to win hearts and minds in the United States, particularly on the right. Just the opposite has happened. FoxNews, for example, was the dominant conservative-leaning outlet that had some liberals in their news team, but conservative op-ed shows in the evenings. FoxNews has lost half of their audience in just a few months. That's how many Republican voters feel about the Republican party now too. Trying to punish Trump will not work for them, it will just make the divide deeper and wider.

Some of the social media stocks have taken a big hit too--losing billions in market capitalization.

Robert Barnes has a good analysis of why Trump failed at draining the swamp. It's a podcast with a lot of stuff you probably don't care about, so I've cued it up so you can get the goods in a few minutes:

American society itself isn't cancerous, but the political establishment is and it's obvious that the media caters to some fairly narrow interests. That inauguration was one of the most bizarre sights any of us have seen in a long time.
blackjack21 wrote:Social media "fact checkers" also assert that it's just perfectly normal for Biden to walk past the marines while saying "Salute the marines" as if he wasn't repeating what was being told to him in his earpiece.

He said 'Good-looking marines.'

Beren wrote:He said 'Good-looking marines.'

It just sounded like mumbled gibberish to me . I think that this might have something to do with priming . If you are listening for " Salute the marines " , you'll hear it . But if you are expecting to hear "Good looking marines " , you'll hear that . It's like with back masking .
And for example this , from a few years back .

From the Halls of Montezmu, to the shores of Tripoli....we fight our country's battles on the land, air and sea. First to fight for right and freedom and to keep our honor clean...we are proud to claim the title of United States Marines.

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