Will Democrats Pack the U.S. Supreme Court? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Will Democrats Pack The U.S. Supreme Court?

Not Sure
In the news, there is talk of packing the U.S. Supreme Court in retaliation to the dirty tricks that republicans played in denying a democrat supreme court judge when Obama was in office and the recent low blow Mitch initiated in getting a conservative supreme court judge confirmed shortly after Ruth Ginsburg passed away. A recent news article discusses this. I personally support the move to pack the Supreme Court though I can't say for sure if that will happen.

Joan Biskupic of CNN wrote:
President Joe Biden will soon reveal the membership and agenda of a commission that would take the first modern-day look at reforming the Supreme Court, according to officials familiar with the commission.

The move comes as liberals are calling for additional seats to balance out the conservative-dominated bench that is increasingly going to the right on abortion, immigration, voting rights and religious freedom cases.

Biden first proposed a presidential commission as a candidate last October, partly as an alternative to immediate "court packing" demands from Democrats, as proposals for more seats on the nine-member bench are dubbed. Another idea that scholars have raised in recent years, and could be under consideration, is term limits for the justices, who currently enjoy life tenure.

Liberals pressing for dramatic change are trying to generate a sense of urgency by emphasizing just how different the high court is today. Trump appointments have accelerated the rightward tilt of judges across the county, and the Supreme Court is now controlled by the 6-3 conservative majority since the addition of Justice Amy Coney Barrett for the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Democrats remain incensed that Senate Republicans blocked the 2016 Supreme Court nomination of US Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland for nearly a year, but then moved swiftly to confirm President Donald Trump's appointees, including Barrett just days before the November 2020 presidential election.

"Democrats feel that seats were stolen from them, and that now their priorities will be struck down by the court," said University of Wisconsin law professor Joshua Braver, who has studied the history and consequences of "court packing."

Officials involved with the Biden commission say its membership and mission are being finalized and could be unveiled as early as next week.

I agree that some of those Supreme Court seats were stolen from democrats so court packing is fair game in retaliation.

https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/30/politics ... index.html

Will democrats pack the Supreme Court?

Biden also opened up a commission to study this the question of how many justices should there be. I suspect it will come back with "leave it at 9". The supreme court has historically been loaded with conservative for the last few decades. Things don't seem that bad... I think
Rancid wrote:

Biden also opened up a commission to study this the question of how many justices should there be. I suspect it will come back with "leave it at 9". The supreme court has historically been loaded with conservative for the last few decades. Things don't seem that bad... I think

Mostly this.

Biden has quietly made it clear he will not expand the court.

That's disappointing, to me. To my way of looking at it, there is a majority of kooks on the bench. FDR had to deal with a very reactionary and 'activist' court, and it made managing the disaster the Republicans gave him that much harder.

The Federalist Society started out conservative, it looks to me like they are power hungry radicals now. Or maybe the conservatism was always a front.

Anyway, read a few articles by Dorf on these guys, it's where I got my understanding of the situation:

There are 2 things for the courts. One is voters, as far as voters are concerned, they care about social issues, voting rights, who gets married and to whom, abortion, immigration, etc but the real power is that which is more insidious. Anti-trust, corporate issues, etc. I don't think the current supreme court, as "conservative" as it might be, has any appetite to revive those social issues that have been decided in the past and they might also play they hands careful with those issues that are popular in the American collective psyche (e.i dreamers for instance). So the real thing that could be in play here is corporate's interest. I don't really think the democrats have any appetite to change the status quo, they never had, and unless the justices force their hand by making a very controversial ruling on important social issues (e.i. abortion) I don't think you will see much other than empty rhetoric.
This is what the Trump supporter failed to grasp, this is the "one thing" that they won, everything else they basically lost and lost "biggly" and even on this, they don't seem to realize it is an empty win, because they are not likely to get out of this win what they REALLY wanted, they just handed more power to corporate America. This is dangerous because it will only deepen the "have vs have not" chiasm that in the past have left to actual real revolutions and while I am a fan of change, I do prefer slow gradual change, revolutions are bloody and do not really guarantee a "better system".

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