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How the three kinds of women do rank according to their attractiveness to men?

Sensible - Sensual - Soulful
Sensible - Soulful - Sensual
Sensual - Sensible - Soulful
Sensual - Soulful - Sensible
Soulful - Sensible - Sensual
Soulful - Sensual - Sensible
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By Beren
You shouldn't worry much anyway, @MistyTiger, you seem to fall into the far most attractive category of women among the three, by PoFo measures at least. You must be a perfect sensible woman, actually, because as a sexual object you also appear to be sensible.

Google wrote:sensible


2. (of an object) practical and functional rather than decorative.
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By Wellsy
Rancid wrote:Is it true that women like to be treated poorly by men?

Many people develop poor boundaries and poor sense of self due to decent boundaries and relationships during their upbringing. Its not so much that people enjoy being treated like shit as much as they struggle to overcome their habitual behaviors which both attract such a type of man or make them feel only worthy of such a shitty man.

It is even often the case that people just end up in a prick of a relationship with someone and their next one is much better.

Know women who’ve been raped and severely beaten who once they finally got away found much better men but it certainly fucks with a person to endure such abuse for so long.

Probabilities of ending up with an abusive partner aren’t so few as to be entirely anomalous.
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By Beren
Rancid wrote:Is it true that women like to be treated poorly by men?

Only in case they're in true love, I guess. :lol:

So, @Rancid, if your wife is a great sensible lady, I wouldn't think she'd appreciate that. ;)
Beren wrote:You shouldn't worry much anyway, @MistyTiger, you seem to fall into the far most attractive category of women among the three, by PoFo measures at least. You must be a perfect sensible woman, actually, because as a sexual object you also appear to be sensible.

Thank you, Beren. I do my best to be sensible. Being considered sexy makes me feel uneasy, makes me think that men just like my looks and behavior but they don't care to see beyond the surface.

I get along well with men who are considerably older than me, men who have families and we speak as friends. I love that kind of camraderie. The sexual aspect can take center stage with men around my age and most men do not want to be friends with a sexy woman.

@Rancid No, women do not like being treated poorly by men. The ones who say they do are likely mentally insane or confused. It is uncomfortable for sane women to be disrespected and abused. It freaks me out that a nice guy could potentially be a mean psycho. Some serial killers can be charming and they look normal. Many women are abused by men they trust which scares me. Some even blame themselves for how they are treated.
Last edited by MistyTiger on 12 Oct 2020 04:39, edited 1 time in total.
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By Julian658
Rancid wrote:Is it true that women like to be treated poorly by men?

It is a well known that many young women are bored with men that are always available and way too interested. These women seem to prefer the rebellious type that is not always available. Some players have developed schemes on not returning texts right away or not calling next day after copulation. These guys know the tension of not knowing where they stand will keep the women on the hook. Women tend despise needy men.
By B0ycey
Julian658 wrote:It is a well known that many young women are bored with men that are always available and way too interested. These women seem to prefer the rebellious type that is not always available. Some players have developed schemes on not returning texts right away or not calling next day after copulation. These guys know the tension of not knowing where they stand will keep the women on the hook. Women tend despise needy men.

I have never known as woman who wants to be treated badly. Do you, as a man, want to bensure treated badly for example? Yet some are by promiscuous women and retain the relationship.

You will find many people simply fall under human instinct of sexual desire and companionship. That is people would rather be in a relationship and unhappy than single and lonely. But the target is always to have a loving relationship and the relationships that last are always from couples that are faithful and passionate. Nice guys don't lose - in fact they win everytime. However it is also true women like confident men. And if you are shy and timid that is a turn off and a man who is afraid to ask cannot expect a women to do the work for them.
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By Rancid
My question was more sarcastic than anything.

Here's my unprofessional sociological analysis of this question:

In Middle school and High school, the guys that get all the attention really are the dicks/assholes. They take higher risks, do pranks, etc. etc. In short, the "bad boys". Middle school and High school girls do in fact respond to this type of guy and like it. Many will not give regular dudes the time of day or maybe even treat them like shit too. However, what happens is that many of these women eventually mature, and eventually realize that those "bad boys" were actually a bunch of losers, so then they start looking for all the guys that they overlooked/ignored or even treated like shit in High school.

Now, when you move forward to adulthood you see this:
The "bad boys" that do not grow out of these behaviors will tend to attract the women that also never grew out (i.e. matured) of going after bad boys. The "bad boy" probably has to escalate their bad behaviors from mere pranks to being a bigger ass, maybe engage in crime, or be abusive to others. The women, are used to this, and think this is the way things should be. These are the confused women that will stay in bad relationships.

The "nice guys" from High school are traumatized from their younger years. They see that being nice got them ignored, or worse, actually treated like shit. I think these guys end up going 1 of 3 ways, and this dove tails in to what @Unthinking Majority said about 3 types of women.

Instead, I'm going to look at the other size of the coin and look at 3 types of guys:

- They grow to hate women, become abusive towards them, resent them, become MGTOW types. Basically, they become the same thing as the adult "bad boy above". There are subtypes of this personality though, many will claim they are an authentic "bad boy" but they're just a loser living in a basement on the internet all day (i.e. involuntary celebate). None the less, collectively, These are the guys people like to call "Toxic males", and the popular media makes it seem like most guys are these guys.

- They grow to think that the only way to get a women and keep her attention/happiness is to be subservient to them. After all, they were always ignored (or treated poorly) so they internalize that the only way to get and keep a women is to do exactly every thing she say's. Be her bitch. Both "good" and "bad" women can end up with this type of guy. If she's a "good" women, she probably won't treat the poor sucker like shit and actually appreciate him some. So maybe that's not so bad lol. These are the type of dudes that will say they are feminists, will go to women's rights rallies, hold their woman's purse (yea, I don't do that that, don't give a fuck what you say women), etc. These are the people the popular media likes to call "healthy/good males".

- Guys that don't let the past dictate their behaviors in the the future. Learn not to resent women, learn to treat them well, but to also have a backbone. I think the popular media conveniently ignores these guys, because it's not as easy to bucket them as "bad" or "good", and in fact, these are the type of males we should all be trying to raise our young men into. I don't believe these males are rare, I see most of my friends as this type of male, and I've seen friends be male #1 and evolve into this type of male as well. I've also seen male #2 evolve to this too.

The reality is, all dudes are probably a mix of all of the above, but we're are likely MOSTLY one of those.

One thing that gets missed in all of this, is that young women have a STRONG role in influencing how men behave as adults. Yes, I'm saying, that middle school and high school girls are a part of the reason "Toxic" males exist. I think this is something that gets ignored because it doesn't fit into the easy to understand "toxic masculinity" story that's focused on just men. I think this is a legitimate complaint from the MGTOW crowd. Not that I support them, but again, people are never 100% wrong or right in anything, there can be legitimate points even from seemingly despicable/dumb/weak people.

Anyway, OF COURSE I'm Guy #3... right @noemon ?? RIght? RIght??? :looks around very nervously for his wife: :lol:

Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all to hold my wife's purse if she asks me to. I am not too worried what other people think of me holding my wife's purse if she asks me to. I want to be a good husband and be supportive of my wife. Yeah, it's good to have a backbone, but I don't have to prove I have a backbone to anybody. I just use my backbone only when it is truly necessary and when I really need to.

I am secure in manhood to where I feel no need to prove my manhood so to speak and am quite comfortable in my skin. I wouldn't describe myself as a feminist though as I am a man and I feel that feminism is meant more for women than for men. That being said, I do believe in equal rights for women too. Including serving in the infantry for example (war is an equal opportunity employer and doesn't care if you are a man or a woman). As long as they are capable of meeting the physical requirements and doing the duty required of them.
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By Julian658
B0ycey wrote:I have never known as woman who wants to be treated badly. Do you, as a man, want to bensure treated badly for example? Yet some are by promiscuous women and retain the relationship.

That some very young women prefer a rebellious type and not the nerdy type is done at the subconscious level. However, once women hit their 30s they start to pay attention to the ones that were nerdy types in high school.
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By Rancid
Politics_Observer wrote:@Rancid

Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all to hold my wife's purse if she asks me to. I am not too worried what other people think of me holding my wife's purse if she asks me to. I want to be a good husband and be supportive of my wife. Yeah, it's good to have a backbone, but I don't have to prove I have a backbone to anybody. I just use my backbone only when it is truly necessary and when I really need to.

I am secure in manhood to where I feel no need to prove my manhood so to speak and am quite comfortable in my skin. I wouldn't describe myself as a feminist though as I am a man and I feel that feminism is meant more for women than for men. That being said, I do believe in equal rights for women too. Including serving in the infantry for example (war is an equal opportunity employer and doesn't care if you are a man or a woman). As long as they are capable of meeting the physical requirements and doing the duty required of them.

Yea, I'm sure most dudes don't really care. I do, I don't care, if you want to call it an insecurity, you can. Though for me, it's more like a "If you don't want to carry the purse, don't bring it" sort of thing. I do that with my kids too when they want me to carry a bunch of unnecessary shit they decide to bring along. For example, yesterday we went to the pool, and my daughter decide to bring a backpack for no good reason, she then asked me to carry it, I said no, because it wasn't even necessary to even bring it in the first place. Not so much that I didn't want to be seen holding it.

People can call it an insecurity, but I don't see it that way.
Last edited by Rancid on 12 Oct 2020 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
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By Rancid
Politics_Observer wrote:Well with the kids, bringing a bunch of un-necessary stuff I wouldn't carry it either. I would make them carry it themselves.

Right, and my point is, I do that with my wife too.

Well, with the purse, I view it as necessary as my wife needs her money and bank cards. If she is asking me to hold her purse briefly or watch it because she has to do something, I don't mind doing so. It's a not a big deal. I don't know of any women that carry a small wallet in their back pocket like most men do. However, if kids bring a whole bunch of un-necessary stuff, then yeah, they are going to need to carry it themselves.
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By Rancid
Politics_Observer wrote:@Rancid

Well, with the purse, I view it as necessary as my wife needs her money and bank cards. If she is asking me to hold her purse briefly or watch it because she has to do something, I don't mind doing so. It's a not a big deal. I don't know of any women that carry a small wallet in their back pocket like most men do. However, if kids bring a whole bunch of un-necessary stuff, then yeah, they are going to need to carry it themselves.

Sure, watching for a few second while she ties her shoe or whatever, that's cool. I'm talking more about holding it around for her the whole time while out doing something.

Also, my wife usually does not carry a purse. She does have a phone/wallet holder thing that she can keep in her picket. 8) She only ever really uses purses as a fashion thing now, like when we go somewhere like a formal/semi-formal attire company party or something. You know, a cute purse to match a dress or whatever.

Yeah, I see what you mean. I wouldn't want to be stuck holding my wife's purse all day now. But if she needs me to hold briefly while she does something, that is no problem. My wife uses her purse to carry her money and bank cards.
By B0ycey
Julian658 wrote:That some very young women prefer a rebellious type and not the nerdy type is done at the subconscious level. However, once women hit their 30s they start to pay attention to the ones that were nerdy types in high school.

The important word here is 'some'. And from my experience the word some is actually more relevant to mean 'minority' in your assumption in any regards. That is to say there is nothing inheritently different between a teenage or middle age women in who they find attractive. Not everything in life is a John Hughes movie. People date and make friends by their social circle. Some of the most attractive women at my school did in fact date the "nerds" because their intelligence and interests matched. And the girls who dated "bad boys" were actually troubled teenagers who suffered from self esteem issues and I guess problems at home because they were also getting in trouble at school too. I can't say I ever recalled a straight A female date a high school drop out... or even seem attracted to them... so please explain why you believe the dead beats are attractive to women because girls like the chase. I have already told you women are not alien from men so can I ask do you like women who treat you like shit again and if not why not. Because the answer is the same with females.
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By Rancid
B0ycey wrote:
The important word here is 'some'. And from my experience the word some is actually more relevant to mean 'minority' in your assumption in any regards. That is to say there is nothing inheritently different between a teenage or middle age women in who they find attractive. Not everything in life is a John Hughes movie. People date and make friends by their social circle. Some of the most attractive women at my school did in fact date the "nerds" because their intelligence and interests matched. And the girls who dated "bad boys" were actually troubled teenagers who suffered from self esteem issues and I guess problems at home because they were also getting in trouble at school too. I can't say I ever recalled a straight A female date a high school drop out... or even seem attracted to them... so please explain why you believe the dead beats are attractive to women because girls like the chase. I have already told you women are not alien from men so can I ask do you like women who treat you like shit again and if not why not. Because the answer is the same with females.

This much is true, people tend to stick to their socioeconomic class when dating/mating. But, each class does have it's "bad boys" and "nerds" no?
By B0ycey
Rancid wrote:This much is true, people tend to stick to their socioeconomic class when dating/mating. But, each class does have it's "bad boys" and "nerds" no?

I specifically addressing @Julian658 on his assumption that he believes that women like boys who actively treat them like shit and that they also like being strung along because they like the chase. That is frankly BS. But if you are saying that in every class of males there are some who are not in fact dicks but who are charismatic and find making friends or a mate easier because they act in a way that makes them stand out then sure that is true. But I did say in my first post that women like confident men. And that is no different in saying those with charismatic personalities will also find making friends easier too.
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By Beren
Julian658 wrote:That some very young women prefer a rebellious type and not the nerdy type is done at the subconscious level. However, once women hit their 30s they start to pay attention to the ones that were nerdy types in high school.

They rather start to pay attention to anyone that finds them attractive. :lol:

Rancid wrote:people tend to stick to their socioeconomic class when dating/mating.

Even Romeo and Juliet, the super-romantic couple do so. Their tragedy doesn't come from them being from different classes, it's rather the opposite. They couldn't fall in love with each other so spontaneously and deeply if they weren't from exactly the same kind of families, that happen to be fatally antagonistic to each other.
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