Are the majority of Trump supporters racists? - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Are Trump supporters inherently racists?

Yes, they are hardcore racists.
No, they are not racists.
Maybe, they are subconscious racists.
They might be angry at mainstream polticians, and Trump is not.
Other(please explain)
I chose most of those optoins, except for Other.

There are many reasons why they supported him. I myself held out hope he would be a different type of president. Sadly he showed himself to not really have clear positions, but who knows what he really thinks and what he is forced to do?

It was disappointing that he recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

It was a positive step that he met with Kim Jong-un.

Attempts to improve relations with Russia have been disappointing but at least he is not as hawkish as some other American politicians. A Clinton presidency would have been far worse.

Trump's hardline position on Iran is also not good.

Overall it is not a very good record but it is important not to expect too much from a US president.

Trump's weakness is his lack of ideology and he is too much of a businessman. What is really needed for the good of America and the world are doctrinaire ideological patriots such as Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul.
@Political Interest Yes, the problem is that he is a businessman/conman. You need a politician to work in politics.

Would you hire a popular plumber if you had electrical problems? America would! :lol:

Not all Trump supporters are racists, but all racists are Trump supporters. Even the racists in this forum, despite denying their support of Trump, never fail to leap to his defense on ANYTHING.
The Democrats have always been the party of hard core racism. They used to be the party for hard core White supremacism, now they are the party for anti WIG (White Infidel Gentile) hatred. Look at America's top universities and WIGs are massively under represented. Trump supporters are right to be angry, in modern America, White people and non Whites who refuse to go along with the dominant Cultural Marxist agenda are the victims.
Godstud wrote: Yes, the problem is that he is a businessman/conman. You need a politician to work in politics.

Would you hire a popular plumber if you had electrical problems? America would! :lol:

Not all Trump supporters are racists, but all racists are Trump supporters. Even the racists in this forum, despite denying their support of Trump, never fail to leap to his defense on ANYTHING.

True, he's a businessman and you definitely shouldn't hire a plumber for electrical problems.

Businessmen can become politicians or dreamers, but what is to say most politicians are really idealists or sincere?

Well it would be nice if he would read more books.
Godstud wrote: Trump supporters are stupid.

At the end of the day most people (on the right or on the left) are pretty stupid and don't question anything. I'm willing to bet that most Trump supporters didn't even stop and think when Trump talked about the ''red flag laws''. They just mindlessly cheer him on, because at least he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. People on the right with a working brain have already ditched (or never even voted for) Trump for being such a tool for Israel. America first is a sick joke. There has never been a bigger Israel-firster in the White House.
Well I support trump. As far as I know I'm not a racist :lol:

He is very clumsy and pesky old man and he indeed might be racist afterall.
The reason I support him isn't even close on because he isn't "mainstream" politician.
Lol that argument for supporting trump is dumber than a texan inbred. We are tlaking about a millionaire businessman here, he was raised in the same neighbourhoods as most of Congress and the house. Not only he is mainstream, moreover he is an example of mainstream politician. Image is different but the essence of it is the same. You really think American elit would let a non mainstream human rule America? :lol:

So the reason I support trump. Is that although he is a very dumb motherfucker. His foreign policy as far as it goes for humanity, is actually close to perfection.
American and Russian relations are at their best since EVER. He is still boosting American interests in Middle East, but because he actually has a brain, he doesn't use American soldiers to do that like others did before. Instead he uses Turkey and other local powers to do his dirty job. Thus he still does the work, but with no dead Americans (and he makes it seem like America is less involved).
He is a very smart and cunning weasel.
Also, he is the first president who actually finally decided to fight China head on. And he is winning so far.
I know he is a dickhead. He might not be the dickhead the world wanted, but he is the dickhead the world needs. :)
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