Should All Drugs Be Legal - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Should All Drugs Be Legal?

1. All Drugs Should Be Legal.
2. Some Drugs Should Be Legal, Others Illegal.
3. All Drugs Should Be Illegal.
4. Other.
No votes
Pants-of-dog wrote:Safe injection sites, which would reduce infection rates for HIV and other diseases, and reduce the number of syringes in parks and playgrounds.

It would also reduce the amount of smuggling, which means customs and border agents can focus on human traffickers.

We could regulate the amount of Fentanyl in heroin and save lives that are currently being lost in the ongoing opioid crisis.

That is cause and effect. What is good for society for people to use heroine?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Safe injection sites, which would reduce infection rates for HIV and other diseases, and reduce the number of syringes in parks and playgrounds.

It would also reduce the amount of smuggling, which means customs and border agents can focus on human traffickers.

We could regulate the amount of Fentanyl in heroin and save lives that are currently being lost in the ongoing opioid crisis.

It would cripple organized crime

It would lower prices thus reducing junky street crime

It would save tens of billions in criminal justice costs

Taxing the revenue would more than pay for rehab and prevention

The question isn't should we legalize all drugs, it's why the fuck haven't we done it already.
Some legal some illegal. Obviously medicene should be legal, recreational illegal.

Drug dealers are the very worst kind of capitalist, they live off the misery of the working class and sell their poison to keep them from being capable of throwing off their chains, it wouldn't supprise me if the royal family are behind the importation of drugs into the UK if you follow the chain up far enough. "Dealers to siberia" should be the battle cry of the left! Working class people drink and smoke, drugs are for middle class suit wearing types with effeminate voices.
B0ycey wrote:The impact of Heroin is obvious and the need for a fix is paramount to the user. It is a drug where only a one time user becomes an addict willing to do whatever they need for another fix. And you think the state should make that legal? China clearly won't agree with you. But if you are against a state existing, then sure. Everything becomes legal then. So why not drugs right?

As for the benefits of legalising drugs, POD has done a good job at given some points. But he neglects to highlight the fact that a legalised product, whatever that may be, is part of the capitalist model and marketing/selling to the wider public is part of that model. The notion that children are protected from danger is a fallacy when they are likely to get their hands on a substance that can cross borders with ease without understanding fully the dangers that substance has on their mental health.

The legalisation of heroin is meant to deal with those problems that arise specifically from the criminalisation of heroin. It is not meant as a panacea for all the ills of capitalism.

For that, we need international socialism.


Finfinder wrote:That is cause and effect. What is good for society for people to use heroine?

Does it matter?

As far as I can tell, society does not benefit from people using tobacco or alcohol.
B0ycey wrote:It is a drug where only a one time user becomes an addict willing to do whatever they need for another fix.

Bullshit. You don't get addicted from one use, it takes a week or two of daily use before a physical dependency begins to develop. Even after a month of use the withdrawals aren't that intense. Physical withdrawal is only difficult for people who have been on it a long time and have built up a high tolerance. I've been using heroin and opiates for years and I've never developed an addiction.
I think that no drug should be used unless for medical purposes. Drugs used for recreational purposes promote social decay. Drugs used for recreational motives cause brain damage, lowered IQ and natural intelligence, slow brain growth if young, and make people messed up. Druggies tend to be messed up, annoying, sloppy, and obnoxious.

Drugs can also be used by capitalists against the people below them, so that the people can use drugs to cope with capitalism, rather than have a socialist revolt. There's all kinds of drugs that capitalists use: From marijuana to help workers cope with excessive stress; Heroin to make the homeless who can't find jobs feel safe when they sleep on the streets; Meth to make the depressed happy, because the depressed are struggling under the capitalists which is why they are depressed in this scenario; and Religion, which is used to keep the poor from revolting.
Missus V. Spolia. wrote:Nothing should be illegal because there should be no government.

This was my first thought too. They don't need to be "legalized" if they are never illegal in the first place.

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