How would you describe my posts ? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Polls on politics, news, current affairs and history.

Which option would most accurately describe my posts.

False or of opposing views.
Poor quality.

You generally seem like a thoughtful poster who posts some interesting stuff.

The zoo you manage to keep is amazing, but maybe you're just preparing for a Thai bbq... ;)
anasawad wrote:EDIT:
Ok, let me dig deeper to why I started this thread and what I wish to know, and if anyone would like to take the time to discuss it, then its more than welcomed.

For example, what mainly led to me to start thinking about this topic is this

Now, the reason this comment got pretty much stuck in my head is because it kind of made me realize that perhaps I don't always present my views in a clear way which gives the wrong impression.
I am not anti-European, in fact I am more so pro-European, which is why I support the EU for example as I believe its the best way for Europe to defend and preserve itself against the growing hegemonic influence of China, and soon India.
And also why I live in Europe, eastern Europe; Because I much prefer the traditional European culture than the one otherwise present in them Arab side of the middle east.

I realize that I often have harsh criticism of the actions of some western powers, mainly the US and the UK, but thats more based on a point of principle and morality from my side not from "hatred".

And ofcourse going further down the line to other posts and topics I usually discuss.
Mainly Israel.
Now, my view of Israel is more on the line of it being a country with significant potential yet having a bunch of short sighted retards for leaders.

Why are they short sighted retards ? Because they don't seem to get a grasp of the routine the middle east will go through every few centuries.
The greater middle east region extending from north east Africa, the middle east, and central Asia is in overwhelming majority, Sunni. And it usually goes in a cycle of weakness and strength every two or three centuries, often accompanied by a massive revival of religious zeal all across.
We're currently in the beginning of one such period; And perhaps one of the main features of these periods is the routine genocides and ethnic cleansing done mainly by the Sunni majority against all religious minorities, this is why the number of religious minorities went from over 150 groups to less than 25 by this century.

So here comes Israeli Jews, a religious minority mind you, and instead of siding with the rest of the religious minorities in the region against the ever growing threat, they side with the Sunni majority in the attacks against other minorities, in the process draining their resources and those at the disposal of other groups; All while continuously committing routine massacres against the Palestinians, in public and in a provocative manner, to insure that whom ever doesn't necessarily agree with the Salafists, starts agreeing with them.

This is how I generally see Israel's behavior and the consequences of it are pretty clear in the long run; But, non the less, I realize that it probably sound like my criticism is coming from the basis of antisemitism and not a logical rational.

Which I'm pretty much sure this impression, that is being an antisemite, has probably crossed the minds of atleast a good number of posters, including @Ter who's probably too polite to say it. :p

So, to avoid such mis-impressions; I'm asking where or what, in my posts, give these impressions about my views ?

This could be a thread on its own @anasawad, and it is similar thinking to my own - a European. Although I tend to more critical than you as it happens. Not so much with Americans, Europeans or Israelis civilians, but the governments (mainly US and to some extent UK) foreign policy.
I am more baffled by the number of animals you keep :D
Are you breeding them for profit ?
I have bred chameleons and tropical fish successfully as a hobby but that was a long time ago.

Not really, they kinda just happened. You start low with a handful as pets for fun and cuteness if so to say, then they start breading and before you know it you have in the 100s. :p

we would've had more though if we don't give away some.
We had 2 packs of dogs for example, the one still with us just passed 40 in number, and the other one around 35 whom we relocated to Lina's aunt house as there was no room for them and the 2 groups kept fighting.
Same for bunnies, birds, and hamsters, all multiply by large sums every year and we give away many of them to friends and family and pet shops occasionally.
The ant colonies, 2, are one of the most recent add ons, and they're already very large in size as I bought the entire colonies from a friend of mine who moved to Finland a couple of months ago.
And the foxes are who are the most recent are orphans, their mother got shot as she entered a farm near by, and they found her pups and called me since they know we raise lots of animals and thought we would take care of them, so we said sure why not.

They're friends of ours, not some random people who found out about us. :lol: :p

The zoo you manage to keep is amazing, but maybe you're just preparing for a Thai bbq... ;)

Thats one hell of a BBQ with this many. :lol:

This could be a thread on its own @anasawad, and it is similar thinking to my own - a European. Although I tend to more critical than you as it happens. Not so much with Americans, Europeans or Israelis civilians, but the governments (mainly US and to some extent UK) foreign policy.

I am critical in regards to foreign policy of these countries mainly, but I do think the people should take more action since they're democracies and can vote for who's in charge, and lack of action by the populace leads to those in power becoming more and more corrupt as they're left uncheck.

I don't hold the belief that the US government for example is going to suddenly change its foreign policy with a more reasonable one without a serious push from the general population. And specially with money in politics, that push needs to be a really big one to get anything done.

@Political Interest
Your posts worry me because it is clear you know what you are talking about. At the same time what you say can make me uncomfortable.

In which topics do my views or predictions worry you ?

And it seems you are not a friend of Europe which is upsetting.

I get where the idea comes from, and generally it depends on how you define a friend.

@Red_Army @Decky
So, more talk about weed ?
:lol: :p
Yeah i think you're a knowledgeable and fair poster.

But some of use have poor eyesight and more spacing would help in your long posts.

I agree with what you said about Europe needing to stick together to compete with the big powers. That was my main reason for voting against brexit since i had no idea the scale of the economic problems that are coming out only now.
anasawad wrote:In which topics do my views or predictions worry you ?

I had always hoped that Europe and the Islamic world could come to some type of mutual accomodation. Imperialism would end and there could even be friendship between Europe and the Islamic world. But it worries me that as someone who is representative of that world you do not appear to share this vision.

anasawad wrote:I get where the idea comes from, and generally it depends on how you define a friend.

You are very critical of Boers in South Africa and it seems you favour mass immigration to Europe. I do not understand this. I mean obviously there is imperialism in your part of the world but to support mass immigration is a sign someone really does not like Europe at all.
@Political Interest

I had always hoped that Europe and the Islamic world could come to some type of mutual accomodation. Imperialism would end and there could even be friendship between Europe and the Islamic world. But it worries me that as someone who is representative of that world you do not appear to share this vision.

True, I don't share that vision.
Because I don't believe thats how the world operates; If Europeans powers ended their imperialist behaviors in Africa for example, which they're almost entirely done with that, other powers will start projecting power there instead. And If Europeans became weak and disunited, other powers, mainly from Asia I predict would start projecting power in Europe, which is something we can already see.

it seems you favour mass immigration to Europe.

I'm not in favor of mass migration anywhere.
That doesn't mean I cant see why there are waves of mass migration from certain countries to others and what causes them.
And for Europe, there are 2 types of migrants whom I talked about a couple of times before, there are the new migrants and there are the migrants who came during the time of the empires.
Those are very different in the ways they got there and If you noticed, many people here and elsewhere seem to want to kick both types out and thats not only not fair but wont be feasible to begin with.
Ter wrote:It never crossed my mind, @anasawad , I don't believe you have an antisemitic fibre in you at all.

I have bred chameleons and tropical fish successfully as a hobby but that was a long time ago.

Chameleons eh? Why exactly did you pick those?

Decky wrote:Chameleons eh? Why exactly did you pick those?

Since you asked:
I came across them in the wild in the Middle East and in Africa and I took a liking to them.
I kept a few in my room in Europe as a high school student, I had collected them during the holidays and brought them home in a small cardboard box which I hand-carried on the plane. This is way before 9/11 of course. I kept them free in my room on a metal book shelf but they escaped sometimes. My mother saw one in the living room on an electric wire behind the television, the rascal was looking into the room just over the top.

In Africa we had them free and wild in the garden. My students thought that chameleons are the most dangerous animals on the continent, it is a persistent superstition and I did nothing to correct their misgivings. They are a bit weird, looking at different places at the same time, they have character and the way they hunt for insects is spectacular. I used to feed them with juicy bluebottle flies which I caught with a special fly trap which looked like a little round bottle but it stood on three legs and was open at the bottom. A piece of French cheese inside and they would come and get in, but could not get out because there was a ridge. To release the flies in the terrarium, I placed that bottle in there and removed the cork. Bon appetit !

I am quite sorry I can't keep any here because their geographical distribution reaches only up to Western India. There are more than 50 species of chameleons.
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