Should Harvey Milk Have Been A Registered Sex-Offender? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Would Meghan's Law Apply To Harvey Milk If He Was Alive Today Doing The Same Things?

Yes, if he had sex with an underaged minor he should be registered as a sex-offender according to Law.
No, he was within his rights to have sex with the 16 year old because they were reportedly in love.
Maybe, if the teen was susceptible to coercion from Harvey Milk like "I'll give you a place to sleep and eat if you let me sodomize you".
Other [explained in a reply]
If you think it's intrinsic, then you'll have to actually cite some of these studies, rather than just asking me to google them. Calling the queer community 'intrinsically paedophilic', is something that you'll have to really start quoting something for, since obviously we've been hearing that claim for years from Murdoch media pundits and nothing has materialised to support it yet.

It still looks to me like your entire thread revolves around Harvey Milk.

Rei, I didn't tell you to google studies as reflective of the gay culture in the US overall getting behind the known-pedophile Harvey Milk. I simply told you to google "Harvey Milk" and see how many hits you got of gay organizations, groups and so forth that are actively promoting him as their hero/ambassador to the straight community, and in California, to children, no less..

Yes, of course this thread revolves around Harvey Milk. I assume you've read the title? :roll:

FYI, I think Rupert Murdoch is a steaming pile of hyena feces. He should:

1. Have his citizenship revoked in the US for abetting treason via his inciteful news programming, complete with Sarah Palin's gun-crosshair hit-list just before a nutjob shot Gabby Giffords, one of the crosshair targets on Palin's website.

2. Be run up in irons for the spying his outfit did in Britain.

He is quite possibly the world's most despicable man. I can barely stomach Fox News and only watch it to see what "the enemy is up to".

Surprised? Not every pigeon fits so nicely into its hole..
Did you google Harvey Milk yet Rei to see how many gay groups are promoting him as their all-around hero? They're even trying to get a holiday for him in CA where children will have to observe and celebrate him.

Children are the least represented group in civil rights struggles. Their right to be free from the reach of pedophiles and their abettors is as important as any other civil right around; moreso even. Where is their voice? Where is their champion?
Yes, but on the first three pages of Google I see only three actual organisations bearing his name. Nevertheless, I decided to investigate why they are lionising him, and it's because he was one of the only people that was working for the overall cause of GLBT empowerment in the United States.

He was for that reason shot, along with George Moscone, by Daniel White. White was also planning to kill Carol Ruth Silver and Willie Brown, because they had legalised homosexuality in California.

So to me it seems like you are trying to misdirect the issue away from why his name actually became as big in the USA as it is now.
And Rei you are legitimizing this homophobes anti-gay rant by responding to it. This whole thread is bigoted garbage. Silouette has no point and simply means to troll everyone with this bile. Ignore him.
I decided to investigate why they are lionising him, and it's because he was one of the only people that was working for the overall cause of GLBT empowerment in the United States.

He was for that reason shot, along with George Moscone, by Daniel White. White was also planning to kill Carol Ruth Silver and Willie Brown, because they had legalised homosexuality in California.

So to me it seems like you are trying to misdirect the issue away from why his name actually became as big in the USA as it is now.

There are anecdotes in the book where it was known, publicly known at the time that he was sodomizing "young waifs with substance abuse problems" for which he at once was officiating publicly as "helping" and privately as using their demise and vulnerable psychological state for his sexual appetite, his "penchant".

It's entirely possible that White knew this, and since Milk and his group were public figures, getting away with child-sex crimes and calling it "gay rights", White deduced that the two were connected?

Two wrongs don't make a right in any event. Whatever happened to Milk is not relevent to teaching a child predator to children to emulate. That's the bottom line. That's what Rei probably has a problem with this thread. Yes, it's problematic Rei, which is precisely why we should be talking about it. British are great for burying controversial topics and hoping they die by attrition. But problems in society don't get changed that way.

I notice none of you addressed concerns for children's suffrage as to child-sex predation...for anyone reading here and keeping track of the posters who truly care about the rights of the downtrodden...
65% of responders as of this date believe that the American gay-movement "hero" Harvey Milk should be registered as a sex-offender.

Wise may say, when trying to distance your cause from pedophilia, it is wise to not choose a man to head your movement who has committed sex-crimes against minors as your "hero/ambassador".
My experience has been that women are more sophisticated and wise than men in their public pronouncements there for you are correct. I assume you are a male.

And a homophobic and bigoted one.
If I was homophobic, I would be afraid of talking to homosexuals. Since I start threads like this one, it would be like a hydrophobic living in a hot tub.

So that doesn't apply. "Bigoted" would mean I am judging someone without a fair inspection of his qualities. I am inspecting the qualities of the homosexaul movement at large, not the individuals trapped or otherwise within it. So that doesn't apply either.

Are you completely incapable of seeing how bad it is for the US gay movement's public-relations to have a child-sex criminal presiding as their "gay hero"? Put all your and my subjective leanings aside and try to look at it from a sheer strategy standpoint. It is quite possibly the biggest blunder I've seen in a PR-campaign. Be honest. It was/is a stupid idea..
Silhouette wrote:If I was homophobic, I would be afraid of talking to homosexuals. Since I start threads like this one, it would be like a hydrophobic living in a hot tub.


Although I'm not a big fan of the use of the term "homophobe" (as it can apply to anything that people want it to), it is not fear that constitutes homophobia. It is irrational dislike or disinclination, i.e. aversion. Starting "threads like this one" doesn't have a bearing on whether you're homophobic or not, as fear is not necessarily a constituent characterization of homophobia.
Silhouette wrote:Are you completely incapable of seeing how bad it is for the US gay movement's public-relations to have a child-sex criminal presiding as their "gay hero"? Put all your and my subjective leanings aside and try to look at it from a sheer strategy standpoint. It is quite possibly the biggest blunder I've seen in a PR-campaign. Be honest. It was/is a stupid idea..

Do you have any evidence that there is a massive, state-wide backlash in California against Harvey Milk? I can't find anything on Google that suggests the usual liberal hero worship has been disturbed.

From a sheer strategy standpoint, the idea that Harvey Milk was a child molester apparently doesn't even have a PR-campaign, let alone a bad one. :lol:

Perhaps you can pitch it to some faggy townhouse meeting.
I'd say laws like Prop 8, and others currently being written to be voted on this Fall would qualify as "backlash" aginst gays promoting a pedophile as their ambassador to children.

Although I'm not a big fan of the use of the term "homophobe" (as it can apply to anything that people want it to), it is not fear that constitutes homophobia. It is irrational dislike or disinclination, i.e. aversion

Then use another word. "homophobe" means "afraid of homosexuals". I'm not. In fact, mine has been an in-depth investigation as to what is behind this sudden and massive social push to legitimze sexual paraphilas as "race" and get special Constitutional protection thereby. When something odd tries to pass itself off as normal, I get involved. Call it something else, but don't call it homophobic.. "Investigative" is more accurate.

For instance, I think it's "odd" that the same homosexuals who become furious at the suggestion that their subculture embraces pedophila, turn around and embrace a pedophile to hold out to children no less to emulate as their "quintessential gay hero ambassador". Apparently some 64% of posters voting on this thread feel the same way. I find it odd that parents would not even care, nor investigate the same book their children will read in connection with this "gay hero" that also tells how he sodomized a vulnerable, mentally ill, drug-addicted 16 year old minor and "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [direct quote, page 180 from The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk ]. I find it odd. And therefore I'm talking about it. It's called curiosity.
Last edited by Silhouette on 10 Mar 2012 19:34, edited 3 times in total.

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