Is It Okay To Be White? - Page 24 - Politics | PoFo

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Is It Okay To Be White?

1. Yes, It Is Okay To Be White.
2. No, It Is Not Okay To Be White.
3. Other
MistyTiger wrote:Does anybody really care if the whites "make amends" for their privilege? The non-whites who have never had that privilege will still be envious and still feel resentful. It doesn't change the fact that some are "born with a silver spoon in their mouth" and that some enjoy flaunting it with their superior, arrogant attitude.

If you want to make amends...stop acting so damn arrogant and learn some humility, all right? Humility is so rare these days. If I ever meet a humble man, I might just fall in love with him. *swoons*

The issue with many is arrogance and it is not based on knowledge. For example Donald Trump continually goes on twitter and rants on and on about how he is 'smart' and how he went to a great business school, and how he is this or that. All because Rex Tillerson called him a moron and was overheard by some reporter. Not a single POTUS in history has ever done that. He is the exception. Why? Because these mean, arrogant disrespectful and not quite intelligent men have fragile egos and are really just insecure. Again, Toni Morrison....if the only way you have of feeling tall is having others on their knees? Who are you? A sick little person.

Humility is a great quality in a man. So is a sense of justice. Honesty and generosity of spirit. You get one of those? You keep them.

In the end the arrogant ones with right wing extreme ideas are like Steve Bannon. They wind up divorced forever. No woman in her right mind is going to be feeding their egos forever. If they do? They are out shopping all day and not really interested in most of their bullshit. They just pretend they do.

As for @Politiks is this you? I kind of think it is you? It's a white guy...and he doesn't care that he is not an average white guy....he thinks it is ok to be white! :lol:

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By Ter
I am white and enjoy my white privilege almost every day here in South Asia.
I often get a better seat in air planes, I don't have to queue in the bank and I don't have to stop at police check points. Last Friday some stupid Traffic Sargent tried to stop me to check my papers (shake me down) but I kept on driving and nothing happened. During power outs, they rush to switch on the standby generator so I can use the elevator Just to mention a couple of things.
It's great to be born white.
Thank you for reading and please continue with your debates and deliberations.
Yes, Ter, I understand completely. I enjoy that, as well.

It is a little more pronounced in SE Asia, but it's there.
By Rich
Agent Steel wrote:No, it is not ok to be white.

The problem with being white is that you are a beneficiary of crimes that have been committed by whites against the rest of humanity.

The only way for it to be ok to be white is if you acknowledge your privilege, acknowledge your people's atrocities, and do everything you can to make amends for it. There are maybe 1 in a million white folks who do this. Those are the only ones who are good people. The rest of us are selfish, privileged, monstrous human beings.

Thank you Agent Steel for having the honesty to own up to your anti White hatred and bigotry. You have said what many others believe. I'm OK with the "Its OK To be White" as long as it seen as a start. Its also

OK to be Infidel
OK to be Gentile
and its OK to be proud to be White, Infidel and Gentile.

The rest of the world is very, very lucky our forbears existed and brought the rest of the world from its pre modern darkness. Its also right to talk about reparations for slavery. First Muslims should pay us for the enslavement of White Infidels. Secondly we bought slaves from Blacks, many of them Black Muslims, in good faith. The Africans we traded with claimed legal ownership over the people they sold us. If they had no right to own those people, then they were guilt of committing heinous fraud and should repay the money / value of the good, they received with interest.
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By maz
Silicon Valley doesn't agree that it is ok to be white.

Apple Diversity Chief Who Said Whites Can Be Diverse Out After Outcry

Apple's Vice President of Inclusion and Diversity, Denise Young Smith, who was forced to apologize last month for saying a group of "blue-eyed blonde men" can be diverse, stepped down from her job after only six months and announced she's leaving the company after 20 years.

"Diversity is the human experience," Smith said in early October at the One Young World Summit in Bogota, Colombia. "I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT."

"There can be 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they're going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation," Smith said.

Though her comments were well received by many, race-hustlers were outraged and demanded her resignation.

"I regret the choice of words I used to make this point. I understand why some people took offense," Smith said in an internal memo on October 13th. "My comments were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it. For that, I'm sorry."

Christie Smith, a white woman who we can be sure will not make the same "mistake," will be taking Young's place, TechCrunch reported Thursday.

Microsoft programs their AI Chat Bot to shut down when someone types, “It’s okay to be white” but supports “Black Lives Matter”


After Microsofts last public debacle caused by actually letting free speech run its algorithm for a chat bot, it seems they have utterly and completely cucked its new chat bot named Zo. In only a few minutes after entering the Zo chat room you realize this is not a randomly generated conversation as the website suggests but a highly curated and politically biased.

Microsoft has over extended to correct from it’s PR nightmare from the left in response to Tay and created a social justice warrior anti white trigglypuff Soy Boy android. The great thing is that a bot can perfectly imitate leftist reactions, no humanity
Ter wrote:I am white and enjoy my white privilege almost every day here in South Asia.
I often get a better seat in air planes, I don't have to queue in the bank and I don't have to stop at police check points. Last Friday some stupid Traffic Sargent tried to stop me to check my papers (shake me down) but I kept on driving and nothing happened. During power outs, they rush to switch on the standby generator so I can use the elevator Just to mention a couple of things.
It's great to be born white.
Thank you for reading and please continue with your debates and deliberations.

People need to be aware that this type of thing goes on. If you were a decent man, you would do the right thing and give away your airline seats instead of taking advantage of your white privilege.
Ter wrote:I am white and enjoy my white privilege almost every day here in South Asia.
I often get a better seat in air planes, I don't have to queue in the bank and I don't have to stop at police check points. Last Friday some stupid Traffic Sargent tried to stop me to check my papers (shake me down) but I kept on driving and nothing happened. During power outs, they rush to switch on the standby generator so I can use the elevator Just to mention a couple of things.
It's great to be born white.
Thank you for reading and please continue with your debates and deliberations.

Nope, don't believe you. I believe you probably drive a nice car and that's why they didn't stop you, I believe a Asian driving the same nice car would get the same privilege. I believe you don't queue in banks because you might have a premium account that avoid the queue, a Asian paying for the same privilege would avoid the queue just like a poor white would be in the queue with the poor Asians.

What you really want to say is: great to be or at least seem to be more wealthy than the average population.

I doubt Asians would allow you to pass in front of them in a bank queue just because you're white and someone called you to go first, specially in the Philippines and Singapore. The first would would complain loudly and the second is to civilized to allow people go in front of other people.

Try again matte
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By Ter
Agent Steel wrote: If you were a decent man, you would do the right thing and give away your airline seats instead of taking advantage of your white privilege.

Sorry no can do. I like to sit in the front of the plane, it is less bumpy and I get more attention from the flight attendants (I fell in love with a Kenyan stewardess on a long flight from Nairobi to Bangkok, my god she was so pretty. On arrival she joked with me saying I could remain in my seat and fly all the way back to Nairobi but she added to say there would be a new crew...).
So, no, sorry Agent Steel, I am not about to give up my white privilege.

Politiks wrote:Nope, don't believe you.

That's up to you, and I don't care if you believe me or not.

Politiks wrote:I doubt Asians would allow you to pass in front of them in a bank queue just because you're white and someone called you to go first, specially in the Philippines and Singapore

I wasn't talking about those places. I avoid Singapore as much as I can with their silly rules about everything and I also avoid the Philippines because of the horrendous traffic jams. I visited only once, way back in 1997 and I hope never to return.

You seem to know very little about South Asia.... oh well.
I agree with Ter on one thing, that Asians are obliging to whites. I knew a Chinese stewardess who noticed that passengers and other stewardesses were so sweet with the white people but with their own kind, they could be rougher.

And one of my old co-workers who lived in Shanghai for many years noticed how kind the Chinese and Japanese were treating him, he was teaching English there. Plus even his landlady was sweet on him, probably had a crush on him. He did look handsome, a bit like Ewan Macgregor actually. His Chinese speaking ability sucks but they forgive him and they will speak English with him. :)

I can think of other examples as well. Like how my Asian cousins envy the fact that I was born and raised in the states. They practically worship the white culture. They will never understand the struggles my family and I have faced and still face, but all they see is the fact that we are in "the West." They probably think I am privileged but I disagree and I don't like when anyone calls me "preppy" because I dress proper and act proper.
Ter wrote:

I wasn't talking about those places. I avoid Singapore as much as I can with their silly rules about everything and I also avoid the Philippines because of the horrendous traffic jams. I visited only once, way back in 1997 and I hope never to return.

You seem to know very little about South Asia.... oh well.

I used those places as a example, all I said is valid for any country. Funny enough, you didn't say anything to disregard what i said: your privilege comes with driving a nice car, your bank privilege very likely comes from having premium account. I don't believe people at the bank give you a "queue free" pass for nothing. Your flight privilege very likely is connected to be a frequent flyer or your credit card, for sure isn't because you're white.

In resume, the one who's trying to throw the white privilege in a bigot way is you, as very likely your privilege is connected to a bank account with more cash than the usual citizen of whatever country you live in. FYI is like that everywhere....with any race.
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By Ter
Politiks wrote:I used those places as a example, all I said is valid for any country. Funny enough, you didn't say anything to disregard what i said: your privilege comes with driving a nice car, your bank privilege very likely comes from having premium account. I don't believe people at the bank give you a "queue free" pass for nothing. Your flight privilege very likely is connected to be a frequent flyer or your credit card, for sure isn't because you're white.

In resume, the one who's trying to throw the white privilege in a bigot way is you, as very likely your privilege is connected to a bank account with more cash than the usual citizen of whatever country you live in. FYI is like that everywhere....with any race.

I see you persevere with your wrong assumptions.

I drive a Toyota Corolla station wagon which I bought in 1996 in a re-conditionned state and I have a Toyota LandCruiser short-wheel base SUV 1988 model.. Both are reliable and in excellent running condition.
I don't drive my car to town often, I prefer using Uber or some company car with a driver.
I do not have frequent flyer status anywhere because I fly whatever company has the most suitable connections. I usually don't have to pay for my air travel.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that almost everybody here calls me "Sir" or "Boss". Sorry if that offends anyone.

I frankly don't know what else to tell you.
maz wrote:Silicon Valley doesn't agree that it is ok to be white.

Apple Diversity Chief Who Said Whites Can Be Diverse Out After Outcry

Microsoft programs their AI Chat Bot to shut down when someone types, “It’s okay to be white” but supports “Black Lives Matter”


Previous AIs had a tendency to turn into neo-Nazis so I guess they hard-wired this one to be PC :lol:
Ter wrote:I see you persevere with your wrong assumptions.

I drive a Toyota Corolla station wagon which I bought in 1996 in a re-conditionned state and I have a Toyota LandCruiser short-wheel base SUV 1988 model.. Both are reliable and in excellent running condition.
I don't drive my car to town often, I prefer using Uber or some company car with a driver.
I do not have frequent flyer status anywhere because I fly whatever company has the most suitable connections. I usually don't have to pay for my air travel.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that almost everybody here calls me "Sir" or "Boss". Sorry if that offends anyone.

I frankly don't know what else to tell you.

In resume you don't have any privilege because you're white, do you? :eh: About the bold....That was funny . Why would annoy me if people call you Sir, Nugget or chicken? Why would I care lol? I'm gonna call you Grandpa though, your car alone is almost older than me :lol:
These whites who can afford to travel around the world are indeed privileged and they are treated better than usual because of their social status. I used to enjoy the same privilege when I was younger, behaving like the British upper class, while I have also seen white poverty in the UK. These rough sleepers in Manchester have nothing to do with privilege of any kind. The notion of white privilege is a hindrance to equitable social policies.

White privilege is everywhere. It's different, depending on what country you go to, though. Denying it, is silly. It exists. There is no way to "remove it", except through a long process where we recognize it and slowly phase it out, as we grant the benefits we enjoy, to everyone.
Godstud wrote:White privilege is everywhere. It's different, depending on what country you go to, though. Denying it, is silly. It exists. There is no way to "remove it", except through a long process where we recognize it and slowly phase it out, as we grant the benefits we enjoy, to everyone.

What? White privilege is everywhere? Nope. Slowly phase it out? Ridiculous.
10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Exists in Every Aspect Imaginable
1. I Have the Privilege of Having a Positive Relationship with the Police, Generally
2. I Have the Privilege of Being Favored by School Authorities
3. I Have the Privilege of Attending Segregated Schools of Affluence
4. I Have the Privilege of Learning about My Race in School
5. I Have the Privilege of Finding Children’s Books that Overwhelmingly Represent My Race
6. I Have the Privilege of Soaking in Media Blatantly Biased Toward My Race
7. I Have the Privilege of Escaping Violent Stereotypes Associated with My Race
8. I Have the Privilege of Playing the Colorblind Card, Wiping the Slate Clean of Centuries of Racism
9. I Have the Privilege of Being Insulated from the Daily Toll of Racism
10. I Have the Privilege of Living Ignorant of the Dire State of Racism Today ... e-20170724

17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege
And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. ... .tdPw7jlr9

Yes, You Can Measure White Privilege ... 1794303451

Understanding White Privilege
The U.S. Racial Hierarchy in the 21st Century

Yet, in societies fundamentally structured by race, understanding one’s white privilege, regardless of other social characteristics or positions one embodies, is still deeply important. And, given that the meaning of race and the forms that racism takes are ever evolving in the process of racial formation, it is important to update our sociological understanding of how white privilege has changed over time. While McIntosh's descriptions of white privilege are still perfectly relevant, there are some additional ways in which it manifests today, like:

The ability to speak and write from an unchallenged position of authority (see for instance, commenters online);

The ability to hold onto wealth during economic crisis (Black and Latino families lost far more wealth during the home foreclosure crisis than did white families);

Protection from experiencing the brunt of negative implications of climate change (economically vulnerable and politically unstable populations, mostly people of color in the global south, are disproportionally affected);

Protection from the lowest wages and most dangerous labor conditions cultivated by the globalization of production;

Being able to deny that racism exists;

Believing in and cultivating sympathy from others for “reverse racism";

Being unconcerned with the racial implications of political candidates one supports;

Believing you worked hard for and earned everything you have without receiving any help or advantages;

Believing that people of color who have achieved success have been given racially motivated advantages;

The ability to adopt a victim status rather than engaging in critical self-reflection when accused of racism;

Believing it is acceptable to be “ironically” racist;

Believing that people need to “get over it” or “move on” when they point out racism; and,

The belief that cultural products and practices that come from communities of color are yours for the taking. ... on-3026087

Believing that people need to “get over it” or “move on” when they point out racism; and,

The belief that cultural products and practices that come from communities of color are yours for the taking.

This is nothing more than left-wing liberal propaganda. There is no white privilege in America today.
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it any less real. You are simply refusing to deal with reality because you call anything that isn't confirmation bias, "fake" or, "propaganda". It's really not dealing with reality in a logical, or reasonable, manner.

How are you going to learn anything if everything that doesn't fit in your tiny little box of preconceived notions is fake, or propaganda? :?: You are pretty much the old dog that refuses to even try to learn a new trick.
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