Did You Get Vaccinated? - Page 28 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Did You Get The Jab?

No, but I will.
No, but I will if required.
No, and I never will. Fuck off.

She's got the money to take the racist lying bastards to court.

Hope she wins and sends them bankrupt like Hulk Hogan did to Gawker. Don't like her slutty music though.
colliric wrote:McDonalds has killed way way more human beings than Covid-19.... Even probably more human beings than Smoking has.

People eating at McDonalds isn't going to kill them unless they form their entire diet on that, and everyone knows that not healthy. A guy even did a movie on that.

That said, most people don't eat McDonalds on a daily basis(the guy in the movie did it to make a point), so blaming McDonalds for people over-eating isn't really feasible, let alone realistic. McDonalds even has relatively healthy choices, if you so choose to use them.
https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/hea ... mcdonalds/

Please provide a source with evidence that McDonalds has DIRECTLY led to the death of people.

I think you are engaging in ridiculous hyperbole and trying to back a ridiculous premise, to make an idiotic point that's impossible to support.
Yes, @Igor Antunov, some people who run businesses are fucking idiots. Is that the point you were trying to make?

If so, mission accomplished.
Igor Antunov wrote:‘All welcome’: Businesses go rogue over vax

https://www.news.com.au/finance/busines ... 08a4c38b82


May be that is why NSW has the most covid cases in Australia? That was not really surprising to see after your post.

You guys are exploding to the MOON so to speak apparently. And you are not Europe or US where 50-60-70%+ are already vaccinated.

Lol.... Going to be a real bitch for PT using Essential Workers to get into the CBD for work on Saturday. Lol.

The protestors will just drive there, use Uber or organise a mass walk from just outside the zone.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ourne.html

Dan just made it a bitch for people to get to work, some hospital workers too. Lol.
colliric wrote:That's a different situation. He was having a heart attack and needed immediate response.

Non-life threatening surgeries can be delayed till later. Still dang, they didn't close the youth Psychiatric wards in Alberta? They didn't make more room?

This is where your policy of non-vaccination leads us:

To people with cancer getting their surgeries delayed.

Deaths that result from this will be on the hands of those of you who reject vaccination.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is where your policy of non-vaccination leads us:

To people with cancer getting their surgeries delayed.

Deaths that result from this will be on the hands of those of you who reject vaccination.

Most common cancers (eg. lung, colon, prostate, melanoma) are caused by poor diet (eg consumption of processed meats, alcohol consumption) excess time spent in sunlight and smoking. Therefore these people can wait in line because they chose to get these cancers.
Igor Antunov wrote:Most common cancers (eg. lung, colon, prostate) are caused by poor diet (eg consumption of processed meats, alcohol consumption) and smoking. Therefore these people can wait in line because they chose to get these cancers.

@Igor Antunov , this seems to be a strawman.

I never argued that people who are unvaccinated should not receive medical treatment.

Even though they are causing other people to die and are selfish and stupid, they still deserve medical treatment. And this uses up resources that end up causing lethal shortages for others.
Here is an article I read covered by the left leaning Guardian newspaper .
Healthy boys may be more likely to be admitted to hospital with a rare side-effect of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine that causes inflammation of the heart than with Covid itself, US researchers claim.

Their analysis of medical data suggests that boys aged 12 to 15, with no underlying medical conditions, are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than ending up in hospital with Covid over a four-month period.

Most children who experienced the rare side-effect had symptoms within days of the second shot of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, though a similar side-effect is seen with the Moderna jab. About 86% of the boys affected required some hospital care, the authors said. Saul Faust, professor of paediatric immunology and infectious diseases at the University of Southampton, who was not involved in the work, said the findings appeared to justify the cautious approach taken on teenage vaccines by the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation.

The JCVI did not recommend vaccinating healthy 12 to 15-year-olds, but referred the matter to the UK’s chief medical officers who are expected to make a final decision next week. Children aged 12 to 15 who are particularly vulnerable to Covid, or who live with an at-risk person, are eligible for the shots.

In the latest study, which has yet to be peer reviewed, Dr Tracy Høeg at the University of California and colleagues analysed adverse reactions to Covid vaccines in US children aged 12 to 17 during the first six months of 2021. They estimate the rate of myocarditis after two shots of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be 162.2 cases per million for healthy boys aged 12 to 15 and 94 cases per million for healthy boys aged 16 to 17. The equivalent rates for girls were 13.4 and 13 cases per million, respectively. At current US infection rates, the risk of a healthy adolescent being taken to hospital with Covid in the next 120 days is about 44 per million, they said.

How reliable the data is and whether similar numbers could be seen in the UK if healthy 12 to 15-year-olds are vaccinated are unclear: vaccine reactions are recorded differently in the US and shots are given at longer time intervals in the UK. According to the UK medicines regulator, the rate of myocarditis after Covid vaccination is only six per million shots of Pfizer/BioNTech.

So far, UK children have not been admitted to hospital for Covid in large numbers and may not be at great risk of long Covid. While the recent Clock study found that up to 14% of children who caught Covid may still have symptoms 15 weeks later, levels of fatigue appear similar to those in children who have not caught the virus. This suggests that children may be spared some of the most debilitating problems seen in adult long Covid. some of the most debilitating problems seen in adult long Covid.

Covid-19 vaccines to be offered to children in the UK aged 16 and 17<br>epa09395350 A Covid vaccination sign outside a vaccination centre in London, Britain, 04 August 2021. The UK government is expected to announce that Covid-19 vaccines are to be offered to children in the UK aged 16 and 17, in line with many other countries. EPA/ANDY RAIN
Why aren’t children being vaccinated in the UK? – podcast
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The overwhelming majority of myocarditis appears after the second dose of vaccine, so offering single shots could protect children while reducing their risk of the side effect even further.

“While myocarditis after vaccination is exceptionally rare, we may be able to change the first or second doses or combine vaccines differently to avoid the risk at all, once we understand the physiology better,” said Prof Faust. “On balance, there is no urgency to immunise children from a medical perspective, although if schools are unable to maintain education for the vast majority at all times, the overall balance could shift. If my two teenage children are offered the vaccine by the NHS my GP wife and I will have no hesitation in allowing them to receive the vaccine.”

Prof Adam Finn, a member of JCVI at the University of Bristol, said: “I stand by the JCVI advice, which is not to go ahead at this time with vaccinating healthy 12 to 15-year-olds on health outcome risk-benefit grounds given the current uncertainty – as there is a small but plausible risk that rare harms could turn out to outweigh modest benefits.”

The MHRA said it has been closely monitoring all available data on the potential risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 vaccination. “We have concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna may be linked with a small increase in the risk of these very rare conditions. The cases tended to be mild and the vast majority recovered with simple treatment and rest,” they added.

The spokesperson said the latest study had been considered by the government’s independent advisory body, the Covid-19 vaccines benefit risk expert working group, which found that the interpretation of the findings was limited by the fact that the study did not take into account differences in treatment practices when comparing hospitalisation rates between Covid-19 infections and myocarditis and pericarditis presenting post-vaccination, and there was no assessment of severity and duration of illness after admission.

“Safety monitoring strategies are in place for individuals under 18 years, including monitoring myocarditis and pericarditis occurring post-vaccination and the long term outcomes with these events. The MHRA continues to keep the safety of Covid-19 vaccines under close and continual review,” the spokesperson added.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/10/boys-more-at-risk-from-pfizer-jab-side-effect-than-covid-suggests-study The reason for why such young people seem to have some immunity I think has to do with them having received cross protection from prior vaccines . https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2020/11/02/tetanus-vaccine-could-be-the-solution-to-covid-19-spanish-researcher-reveals/ , https://www.verywellhealth.com/childhood-vaccines-covid-protection-5200781 Plus , with all that being said , the oral vaccines , that I as well as these young people are forced to wait to receive once available , are even more effective , plus safer . https://www.24newshd.tv/01-Aug-2021/why-an-israeli-company-is-developing-an-oral-covid-vaccine
@godstud and the rest of the vaccine junkies on this board. Also @colliric

I have been doing some independent research. I have thus formulated a sensible strategy.


My parents have received both their pfizer shots. Both are in their 60's, my dad is in high risk category so I actually encouraged him to do it - he was very unwilling. But in tandem with his work mandating it (he has a very sweet job he doesn't want to ditch) and my advice he caved.

My mum got it because she works taking care of really old farts and didn't want to be the odd sheep out. She's also really dumb, like 90's IQ tier. Good thing both me and my sister did not inherit the stupid genes, 60-70% active paternal gene expression represent.

So far dad has had no adverse reactions. Mum had none either, until recently (which may be unrelated) but she was diagnosed with very high blood sugar. I'm keeping tabs on that one looking for correlations. She's never had high blood sugar and does not have a shitty diet. So this happening just after vaccine is suspect.

Both my sister and her partner (they are young, in their mid-20's) got Pfizer. He had no reaction, but my sister did get sick for 2 days after her second shot. I encouraged her to get it because she's a fat cunt due to hormonal issues and this is better. She is ok now. They both had to get it for their work - they both have very high paying 6-figure jobs and didn't want to lose them.

I am not at the whims of wage slaving employers. I also have the luxury to observe the mid-term effects of this vaccine in my closest family in person. They are all getting their blood tested regularly (on my advice-before and now after their gene therapy-only reason we caught the dramatic rise in blood sugar for mum).

I am using them as guinea pigs. I don't care about the meme virus, or getting coerced into it by some employer or government mandate to keep me out of businesses. I don't leave the house when I'm in this shithole, Australians are not my cup of tea. I play abroad.

And that's where the rub is, I need to get on a plane asap. I need to leave this cuck nanny state far behind. I have access to manhattan sized family land in europe and the means to develop it. I have citizenship in 4 countries. I want to start my empire. I want to have five wives with 30+ kids in three different countries. For this reason I may consider getting the Pfizer but only after some further observation and only if I can't get a flight without it.

Also, if they mandate a 3rd jab I'm out - it only provides 2-3 weeks additional 'protection' then basically peters out to nothing in people over 60's, people who need it most of all. Suspect as fuck.

If all these conditions are met - mum didn't get diabetes from the vaccine, sister isn't going to suffer heart damage alongside her partner, and no issues pop up in dad AND they don't mandate a 3rd booster shot - then and ONLY THEN will I receive the two Pfizer jabs.

And only because I have come up with a self medicating safety strategy (based on all my research) which serves to mitigate the potential killing blows of the clot shot aspect of this vaccine. eg I have started a daily regimen of 100mg baby aspirin to thin out my blood, and have begun strenuous cardiovascular exercise, doing brutal military commando-standard 5-8 mins shuttle runs every second day. This should counter-act the possibility of the clot shot blowing a vessel in my brain or inducing micro-clots in my lungs and heart.

I'm going to avoid Moderna because it is significantly more potent than pfizer in terms of acting dosage and all of the side effects, and Astra Zeneca is just too fucky and inconsistent to trust. I know too many people firsthand that are still suffering side effects of that vaccine months later. They would have been better off getting covid.

So this fits in nicely with the Pfizer waiting list which is at present up to 6 months. I intend to ditch this pozzed shithole next year. I'm out, back to Balkans where the slavic women with legs for miles are 10x hotter than the anglo-saxon troll-things with little legs, and where the climate is normal, where actual seasons exist. My kingdom awaits. But if the clot shot blows my brains out I'm coming for you @Godstud, from beyond the grave.
My mum is taking Astrazenaca Igor. After what the GP showed us about the vaccine effectiveness, how long it lasts and death statistics compared with the mRNA vaccines, I realised that it's the best one for my mum to take that's currently available. She made the decision herself.

I know too many people firsthand that are still suffering side effects of that vaccine months later. They would have been better off getting covid.

I personally suspect it's side effects are caused by the live cold virus it uses. It basically infects you with a genetically slightly modified Common cold taken from the Chimp version of the virus. And that virus can also cause those same reactions in older and younger people itself. I think my body will cope with getting a forced cold, I'm going to prepare for that. My mum is going to load up on Vitamin C and whatnot before she takes it.

Also the 2 jab protection is just far better for AZ. No need for a third jab if you take it.

But the stats speak for themselves Igor. UK is fully open and just letting her rip now, since their death rate is so low. While the countries that used the mRNA ones as their primary vaccines are freaking out with higher death ratios.
colliric wrote:My mum is taking Astrazenaca Igor. After what the GP showed us about the vaccine effectiveness, how long it lasts and death statistics compared with the mRNA vaccines, I realised that it's the best one for my mum to take that's currently available. She made the decision herself.

I personally suspect it's side effects are caused by the live cold virus it uses. It basically infects you with a genetically slightly modified Common cold taken from the Chimp version of the virus. And that virus can also cause those same reactions in older and younger people itself. I think my body will cope with getting a forced cold, I'm going to prepare for that. My mum is going to load up on Vitamin C and whatnot before she takes it.

Also the 2 jab protection is just far better for AZ. No need for a third jab if you take it.

But the stats speak for themselves Igor. UK is fully open and just letting her rip now, since their death rate is so low. While the countries that used the mRNA ones as their primary vaccines are freaking out with higher death ratios.

Finally. A sliver of sense.
@Igor Antunov Just get the damned shot. You won't die... You'd need to have a brain for a clot to affect it. :excited: ;)

I'm not afraid of ghosts. We even have a ghost house for you to live in, at the edge of our property.
colliric wrote:My mum is taking Astrazenaca Igor. After what the GP showed us about the vaccine effectiveness, how long it lasts and death statistics compared with the mRNA vaccines, I realised that it's the best one for my mum to take that's currently available. She made the decision herself.

I personally suspect it's side effects are caused by the live cold virus it uses. It basically infects you with a genetically slightly modified Common cold taken from the Chimp version of the virus. And that virus can also cause those same reactions in older and younger people itself. I think my body will cope with getting a forced cold, I'm going to prepare for that. My mum is going to load up on Vitamin C and whatnot before she takes it.

Also the 2 jab protection is just far better for AZ. No need for a third jab if you take it.

But the stats speak for themselves Igor. UK is fully open and just letting her rip now, since their death rate is so low. While the countries that used the mRNA ones as their primary vaccines are freaking out with higher death ratios.

I don't want a cold though. Had one the other week for like 6 hours it was mildly annoying. If Astra proves to be this much more potent long term, and a booster is not in the cards, AND I can get my crypto via Tor to some onion wallet to donate to a cartel hitman group in the event of my death, I will get it. I'm not going doing without taking you all with me, you included colliric. I get vaccine clotted you all getting cartel swatted.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 17 Sep 2021 06:04, edited 1 time in total.
Igor Antunov wrote:I don't want a cold though. Had one the other week for like 6 hours it was mildly annoying.

Yep, been there. But I don't want the mRNA weaksauce myself. If I'm going to take an experimental product, I'll take the one that appears to work better.

I would prefer the traditional dead virus Vaccine but that's not on offer and probably won't be until next year sometime, if ever.
colliric wrote:I personally suspect it's side effects are caused by the live cold virus it uses. It basically infects you with a genetically slightly modified Common cold taken from the Chimp version of the virus.

No it doesn't.

Igor and you shoud make a movie together.

Igor Antunov wrote:Hmmm I wonder if vaccine causes excess douchiness. Believe me you wouldn't want me acting like a douche-bag on steroids. You'd regret it. Better hope you aren't this way because of the vaccine Rugoz.

Jesus. Even your insults are stupid.
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