Is It Okay To Be White? - Page 29 - Politics | PoFo

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Is It Okay To Be White?

1. Yes, It Is Okay To Be White.
2. No, It Is Not Okay To Be White.
3. Other
Godstud wrote:The Blacks did not automatically gain any sort of power after the Civil War. They were in no position to rebel or any such thing, as they might have been granted their "freedom", but they had no equality under the law, or with society.

The 50s were good? unless you were Black, right? Racial segregation. White's only places. Dream on! You talk like a person who knows nothing about society OR history.

yeah... Hangings in Mississipi, racial injustice.. oh yeah the 50s were great. :roll:

On December 31, 1952, for the first time in seventy years, a full year passed with no recorded incidents of lynching. Defined as open, non-judicial murders carried out by mobs, lynching befell people of many backgrounds in the United States but was a frequent tool of racial terror used against black Americans to enforce and maintain white supremacy.

Though the diminished frequency of lynching signaled by the 1952 report was encouraging, the Tuskegee Institute warned that year that “other patterns of violence” were emerging, replacing lynchings with legalized acts of racialized inhumanity like executions, as well as more anonymous acts of violence such as bombings, arson, and beatings. Similarly, a 1953 editorial in the Times Daily of Florence, Alabama, noted that, though the decline in lynching was good news, the proliferation of anti-civil rights bombings demonstrated the South’s continued need for “education in human relations.”

You really know fuck all about American history if you're saying the Blacks had it good in the 50s. :lol:

So, just ignoring all my points and continuing with the insane view history is restricted to rare acts? Use your brain. Southerners just finished killing and being killed by their relatives. Blacks were free to take revenge on their past masters. Where in our history is the wholesale slaughter we should have expected from such pent up anger of Blacks and Whites? You simply dismiss the reality that the vast majority showed restraint and tolerance.
As far as being ignorant of history, perhaps you should read up on Texas which is a good place to study the interactions of towns divided by race after the civil war. You had Black posses. Mexican posses, and white posses from different towns pursuing members of the other races. They did not exhibit the unthinking racial violence you imagine. They demonstrated restraint in their racism. You defile the memory of all these basically good people when you create a history solely based upon the rarity.
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By Drlee
That is right Godstud.

There is absolutely no evidence that we continue to make the strides forward in racial equality we did for a limited time in the 1960s save one. Young Americans. They are changing.

All one has to do is look at the Trump campaign to see how easily we can slide back into our old racist ways. He capitalized on coded speech. He has demonized people of color in a quite unabashed way. There is no doubt whatsoever that he sees blacks and Hispanics as his enemies and he is correct. Even so, that does not justify the kinds of comments he makes. The president of the United States said:

“Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!”

“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”

“Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.” –
It has recently been discovered that assuming someone's gender is a crime, should assuming someone's race not also be a crime? I am not sure I approve of random weirdos on the internet assuming that I am white.
SolarCross wrote:It has recently been discovered that assuming someone's gender is a crime, should assuming someone's race not also be a crime? I am not sure I approve of random weirdos on the internet assuming that I am white.

Why not, whites invented the internet or so I'm told. We use it more than any other race, take that assumption with pride. We're know to racial profile others and each other. Laziness/thug=Black, illegal=South of Texas, Drunkard=Irish, Pedophilia=white. You just made a rant how whites should label themselves more, so take the rhetoric.
Godstud wrote:The thing is, @Unthinking Majority, you are not supposed to have "white guilt". You are supposed to merely acknowledge, and recognize, the advantages you have been lucky enough to get because of this history. That and acknowledge that others have not always been so lucky, and privileged.

What does luck have to do with it? My ancestors & others like them came from nothing and worked their asses off to help create these wonderful societies. I have many friends who are asian immigrants, many come here and work their asses off, study their asses of, and they achieve. Is it just luck, or culture?

No, it goes well beyond simply acknowledging "privilege". I'm supposed to put up with things like completely arbitrary racial quotas in ie: workplaces, where merit isn't as important as whatever arbitrarily designated oppressed group you belong to. We allow visible minorities from poor developing countries to move into our countries (hitting the jackpot in itself), then let them have jobs that they don't even deserve. It's not my fault that third-world education & experience isn't viewed by employers with equal recognition, because it shouldn't in many cases. Would you want a doctor educated in India to do surgery on you, or someone educated in the West?

That's not saying some employers aren't racist, which is wrong & should be combated & condemned.
Unthinking Majority wrote:What does luck have to do with it?
Luck has to do with what skin colour you were born with. It's not like you had a choice, and if you did, I am sure being Black wouldn't be popular.

Culture does play a part, but also you have to look at things like OLD money. You will rarely, if ever, find black families whose parents have been rich for generations. This is simply not a thing, except in extremely rare circumstances, and it can't be attributed to them not working their asses off.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Would you want a doctor educated in India to do surgery on you, or someone educated in the West?
Many doctors in the West came from India, so I'd have no problem with either, provided they were qualified.

Also, we're not discussing other countries, to be fair. This is mostly about a right-winger in the USA making this post about how he's victimized by being white. :roll:
What does luck have to do with it? My ancestors & others like them came from nothing and worked their asses off to help create these wonderful societies. I have many friends who are asian immigrants, many come here and work their asses off, study their asses of, and they achieve. Is it just luck, or culture?

Well. Since we have an immigration quota that relies on selecting a limited number of people from each foreign country, it starts with luck, doesn't it?

Why did you pick Asians? Do you think that Mexicans do not work their asses off? Come to AZ in the summer and I put you to work next to a few of them.

No, it goes well beyond simply acknowledging "privilege". I'm supposed to put up with things like completely arbitrary racial quotas in ie: workplaces, where merit isn't as important as whatever arbitrarily designated oppressed group you belong to.

I would like you to define "merit". Suppose Paco's IQ is much higher than yours. Is that merit? Suppose Donald's father bought him into Wharton. Is that merit? Should he get the job because he went to a more prestigious school or should you get the job because you sweated your ass off working your way through state? Maybe Donald's grades are higher because he did not have to work full time and you did. Is that merit? Or should an employer hire you because you showed you could work hard while turning his back on Donald who went to a better school, got better grades and brings powerful social connections to the job?

Add to this the absolute fact that it is harder for blacks to even get an interview not to mention get hired. Study after study proves this.

We allow visible minorities from poor developing countries to move into our countries (hitting the jackpot in itself), then let them have jobs that they don't even deserve.

If you want to decry poor immigration choices I am your man. We allow way to much thoughtless immigration. But again. What does "deserve" mean?

It's not my fault that third-world education & experience isn't viewed by employers with equal recognition, because it shouldn't in many cases. Would you want a doctor educated in India to do surgery on you, or someone educated in the West?

I don't know. We did pretty well with German physicists for awhile. Surgeons are mechanics anyway.. I would not hesitate to have a foreign graduate of medical school as my doctor. Indeed I have in the past. But let me set you straight on this.

To practice in the US a foreign medical graduate must have his education evaluated. They must have practiced from 1-3 years as an MD to apply. Then they must pass two exams evaluating their medical knowledge. Then they must pass a US residency program. (That is really where doctors learn to be doctors anyway.) Then they must pass another exam. Suffice it to say that there is no doubt in my mind that foreign graduates are at least the equivalent of US grads by the time they are allowed to practice here and frequently much better. But you did not know that so you posted your mistake for all to see.

That's not saying some employers aren't racist, which is wrong & should be combated & condemned.

I get the condemning part but tell me; how do you do the "combat" without standards? You want to call them quotas? I'm OK with that. But if an employer of substantial size fails to hire any black employees, what are we to do? Give him snarky looks?

We passed a law saying it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of color, etc. Employers were forced to implement programs to achieve a reasonable accommodation. Now refer to my first two questions. Tell me what they ought to do.

By the way. Affirmative action programs do not cause employers to hire just any old black, woman or other minority. They incentivize those doing the hiring to seek out the most qualified minority employees available. That part doesn't change. Do you know what one HR guy told me about affirmative action. In the search for qualified minority applicants be found highly qualified people he might have walked by.
Libertarian353 wrote:One Degree is one of those folks who thinks whites are the real victims of racism. :lol:

Making such a statement without putting @ before my name is pretty chickenshit. All races suffer from racism. The arguments of Whites being immune due to historical dominance is such silly logic I can’t understand the number of people who buy it. Anyone growing up in a multi racial community knows the truth.
Simply identifying with a race makes you a racist.
The problem is not knowing the difference between culture and race and using one to ignore the other. A different race is not a threat to your way of life. A different culture can be and usually is. Whether that threat ends up being beneficial or not is purely subjective.
One Degree wrote:All races suffer from racism.
All races might receive racism, but whites don't suffer from it in North America. Latinos and blacks DO.

One Degree wrote:Simply identifying with a race makes you a racist.
That's bullshit. When you attack other races and then identify yourself as part of a race, that is when people call you racist.

One Degree wrote: A different culture can be and usually is.
That's false.That's simply fearful traditionalism speaking. Culture is always changing. Conservatives, like you, FEAR change, however.

Drlee wrote:Add to this the absolute fact that it is harder for blacks to even get an interview not to mention get hired. Study after study proves this.
Godstud wrote:All races might receive racism, but whites don't suffer from it in North America. Latinos and blacks DO.

That's bullshit. When you attack other races and then identify yourself as part of a race, that is when people call you racist.

That's false.That's simply fearful traditionalism speaking. Culture is always changing. Conservatives, like you, FEAR change, however.


You are arguing degrees of racism determine whether racism exists. That is ‘doublethink’.
How are you making a distinction between ‘traditionalism’ and ‘culture’? More ‘doublethink’?
Where did I express fear of cultural change? I said the change is subjective as to whether or not it is viewed as good or bad. If you do not have fear of cultural change, then you do not adhere to your own cultural standards. You are advocating the elimination of cultural norms as a means of consideration. This comes from placing the individual above community. You are advocating for anarchy as a solution to cultural differences. You believe simply disregarding culture as racism, will magically create some Utopian society where everyone can choose a life as easily as creating an avatar on a computer. It simply doesn’t work in real life. Humans can not maintain civilization if everyone is their own avatar.
It'd be nice if racism didn't exist, but since so many people are racist, we can't dismiss it.

One Degree wrote:How are you making a distinction between ‘traditionalism’ and ‘culture’?
Traditionalism is a part of culture. It's the part that resists any, and all, change.

One degree wrote:You are advocating for anarchy as a solution to cultural differences.
No, I am arguing that culture is dynamic, and not static.

One degree wrote: You believe simply disregarding culture as racism, will magically create some Utopian society where everyone can choose a life as easily as creating an avatar on a computer. It simply doesn’t work in real life. Humans can not maintain civilization if everyone is their own avatar.
Some cultures are racist. That's a fact. Society is constructed of many individuals. We already are all our own avatars. It works fine, as long as we acknowledge that society is made up of individuals, and that we may all have different desires, even if we don't necessarily have different needs.
I don’t know of a society that is not racist. It is mathematically impossible for one race not to dominate. Racism is a part of us. It can not be argued away. Add to that, the Earth’s people’s are geographically separated by race which required the different cultures have developed as ‘racial cultures’.
Acknowledging our racism allows for better understanding. Accusing people of racism is accusing them of being human. I just want the ‘magic’ removed from the term. It has been weaponized. It is a cultural weapon. Racism is being used to validate cultural change in the US and elsewhere. I am being told I must give up my culture because it is unfair to other races, but the solution is to replace my culture with a different culture identified with other races. The conflation of ‘race’ and ‘culture’ hides the truth.
I do not dislike Latinos or Blacks. I do dislike many of our cultural differences. By conflating one with the other you delegitimize concerns I have a right to have.
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By Zamuel
Red_Army wrote:I think its OK to be white, but I don't think its OK to support white power.


Frankly, and in a broad sense, it's not ok to be white, or black, or brown, or whatever ... If your self identity is color based, you have missed the boat. It's (most likely) not your fault, the world you grew up in judged everyone on color ID and then assigned values. Hopefully several generations of children raised with healthier self identities will dispel this social flaw.

One Degree wrote:I don’t know of a society that is not racist. It is mathematically impossible for one race not to dominate. Racism is a part of us. It can not be argued away. Add to that, the Earth’s people’s are geographically separated by race which required the different cultures have developed as ‘racial cultures’.
Society is not racist, unless you make it so by the actions of individuals. Many societies are not racist, and pretending they have to be is something a racist would say, to justify their racism.

One Degree wrote:Acknowledging our racism allows for better understanding.
Only if you seek to eradicate it. It's like seeing there's leaky roof and then not doing anything to fix it.

One Degree wrote: Racism is being used to validate cultural change in the US and elsewhere. I am being told I must give up my culture because it is unfair to other races, but the solution is to replace my culture with a different culture identified with other races. The conflation of ‘race’ and ‘culture’ hides the truth.
I do not dislike Latinos or Blacks. I do dislike many of our cultural differences. By conflating one with the other you delegitimize concerns I have a right to have.
No one is equating culture with race, so that's poppycock. That sure is a lot of words you wrote, just to say, "I am afraid that my white privilege will disappear and I will be equal to blacks and latinos.". :knife:
Godstud wrote:Society is not racist, unless you make it so by the actions of individuals. Many societies are not racist, and pretending they have to be is something a racist would say, to justify their racism.

Only if you seek to eradicate it. It's like seeing there's leaky roof and then not doing anything to fix it.

No one is equating culture with race, so that's poppycock. That sure is a lot of words you wrote, just to say, "I am afraid that my white privilege will disappear and I will be equal to blacks and latinos.". :knife:

Sorry, I don’t know how to respond to ‘selective reading’. If you choose to believe my words mean the opposite of my intent, then nothing I can say to you can be useful.
Your belief in “eradicating racism” demonstrates either profound ignorance of the issue or a Utopian view unobtainable by mere mortals.
You can eradicate racism. That you say we can't only shows profound ignorance of what racism is.

racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

This can be eradicated in any society where racism is deemed simply unacceptable. You don't need a utopian society to educate people about racism. Education helps prevent racism. Uneducated people tend to be the most racist twats.
Godstud wrote:You can eradicate racism. That you say we can't only shows profound ignorance of what racism is.

racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

This can be eradicated in any society where racism is deemed simply unacceptable. You don't need a utopian society to educate people about racism. Education helps prevent racism. Uneducated people tend to be the most racist twats.

If we are defining racism as skin color then it will only disappear when we all have the same color. Shades of color are used among whites and even more so among Blacks in denoting preference of color among themselves. It may be half humorous, but it is none the less real.
To espouse the eradication of racism by skin color requires I depreciate my own value. This is not a mentally healthy think to do. I should feel everything about me is the best. This does not preclude me from believing you should also accept everything about you is the best. This is ‘acceptance’, not ‘eradicaion’. Acceptance is healthy. Eradicaion is destructive and an unobtainable goal in the foreseeable future.
By Rich
Decky wrote:How would non whites have it? :eh: Slavs are less white than Indians, at least Indians developed civilisation independently of western Europe, slavs can hardly make that claim. They only discovered civilisation when Marxism (a western ideology) came along and gave it to them.

I'm reminded of poor Adolf and Himmler's archaeological enthusiasm's. Adolph was rightly concerned that Himmler's search for great ancient Germanic civilisations would only lead to embarrassment. Have you read Bernard Cornwall's warlord series? He does a nice job of portraying the Celtic struggle against English barbarians.
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