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Would you abort a homosexual fetus and should it be allowed?

Yes, allowed
No, allowed
Yes, not allowed
No, not allowed
Godstud wrote:There should be no other reason for an abortion other than that of the mother not wanting to raise/have the child. If you start adding in allowing excuses such as gender preference, etc. then you open the floodgates to a whole heap of trouble.

I do not think that a fetus, after 24 weeks, should be aborted, unless there is direct danger to the mother. At 24 weeks it SHOULD have some rights, as it's determined, by medical science, that it's a human being. I'm not above compromise when it comes to the abortion issue, like some people(pro-life/pro-choice).

Whether the fetus has rights or not doesn't matter. If the woman is aborting on the basis of discrimination, we can disallow it.

I just wanted to make sure I understood you. So you believe the State should force a woman to have a child depending on her reason for the abortion. If she just doesn't want the hassle, doesn't feel she's ready, is overwhelmed, doesn't think she'll be a good mother, etc., no problem. However, if she wants to abort because her baby is going to be gay, that's unacceptable and the state should force her to have the child. Gotcha.
One reason is due to discrimination, the other is not.
And standing arm in arm with polygamists-for-marraige would be the end of their relationship with the feminists.

Dead in the water...

And hence the reason they don't. That will come just on the heels of any success they gain without the next toe in the door.

As to the poll, homosexuality isn't genetic, it's imprinted sometime after birth, like all compulsive sexual behaviors from A-Z from the base drive to mount and thrust upon hormone surge. That explains all the weird fetishes. Were people born craving to be tied up and whipped while sodomoized? No, I don't think there's a DNA marker for that or wanting a man's penis in your ass.
Silhoette wrote:As to the poll, homosexuality isn't genetic, it's imprinted sometime after birth,
You show your immense ignorance by saying this. There is no conclusive evidence for homosexuality being genetic OR imprinted after birth. It could be a combination of both. Your sexual orientation seems to be genetic, so perhaps they'll figure out exactly what causes it someday, but homosexuality is NOT, repeat NOT, a behavior! FFS, look up the definition, if you can't get it thru your head!

Silhouette wrote:No, I don't think there's a DNA marker for that or wanting a man's penis in your ass.
Maybe someday we'll get rid of blatant ignorance, and bigotry like this. :knife: There's no DNA marker for ignorance, is there?
Silhouette wrote:And standing arm in arm with polygamists-for-marraige would be the end of their relationship with the feminists.

Dead in the water...

And hence the reason they don't. That will come just on the heels of any success they gain without the next toe in the door.

As to the poll, homosexuality isn't genetic, it's imprinted sometime after birth, like all compulsive sexual behaviors from A-Z from the base drive to mount and thrust upon hormone surge. That explains all the weird fetishes. Were people born craving to be tied up and whipped while sodomoized? No, I don't think there's a DNA marker for that or wanting a man's penis in your ass.

I dount you have an issue with straight couples who engage in anal sex.
Maybe someday we'll get rid of blatant ignorance, and bigotry like this.
There's no DNA marker for ignorance, is there?
Stud why are you getting all aggressive and all? Silhouette has a legitimate stance, "that homosexuality is not genetic or inherited, but a habit, behavioral pattern or mental development". I do not see it as bigoted or ignorant as thinking homosexuality is genetic or mix of "nature and nurture".
I'm voting OTHER because I don't agree with the motives and intentions of the poster who created this poll. You asked a loaded question and I will not answer it.

In response to posts above, I can personally vouch for Silhouette's statement and I can confirm them.

When I was just a young lad (5 or 6 years old) I developed a fetish for being dominated by a woman or by watching women dominate men. This came out of nowhere. It just...happened. I certainly wasn't born with it, and I certainly didn't choose it. But, it happened a few years AFTER being born, and so no, it was NOT imprinted in my DNA.

Godstud is not a good source of information. He likes the new Star Trek.
Donald wrote:The majority of Silhouette's posts consist of anti-homosexual agitation, so it's pretty obvious that Silhouette is homophobic.
So let him express that agitation and homophobia. He has the right to speak his mind and emotions as he is not hurting anyone in the process of it.
Plaro wrote:So let him express that agitation and homophobia. He has the right to speak his mind and emotions as he is not hurting anyone in the process of it.
And I have have the right to laugh at bigotry, based on ignorance and hatred taught by inbred backwoods rednecks. He's promoting hatred, which is anything BUT harmless.

True Politics wrote:When I was just a young lad (5 or 6 years old) I developed a fetish for being dominated by a woman or by watching women dominate men. This came out of nowhere. It just...happened. I certainly wasn't born with it, and I certainly didn't choose it. But, it happened a few years AFTER being born, and so no, it was NOT imprinted in my DNA.
A fetish is a not a sexual orientation. It is enjoyment of a particular type of sex. It has nothing to do with anything related to DNA, because you are talking about something completely within the range of personal preference.

Still, you aren't likely to be discriminated against due to this fetish, are you, TruePolitics? You can still marry the person you love and engage in this "behavior". Sexual orientation is NOT a behavior. You and Silhouette should try getting a bit educated. There's a big difference between sexual preference and a behavior.

The Star Trek remark is just fucking moronic and has no bearing on information and facts. Grow up TP
It is amazing that these days we still have the hee-haw crowd who are so frightened by homosexuals. I don't know what scares them so much unless it is fear of their own feelings.

Anyway Godstud is right. Homophobia is anything but harmless. And homophobes are nothing but stupid.
Making such things LEGAL, however, would be allowing a form of discrimination, which the state should NOT be doing. I doubt the state would allow abortion on sexual determination, nevermind, orientation, and yet this is exactly where it could lead. Opening the floodgates, as it were.

Allowing discrimination against what? A fetus which has no privileges or authority granted to it by the state?

No more an offense than choosing a scoop of vanilla ice cream rather than chocolate.

That clear enough for you Far Right sage? Incidentally, your pseudo-fascist conservative dogma is repulsive to anyone with a hint of morality

Nothing about my dogma is pseudo-Fascist or conservative.

Conservative revolutionary, perhaps.
Making such things LEGAL, however, would be allowing a form of discrimination, which the state should NOT be doing.

The state wouldn't be doing anything, merely getting out of the way of private people making personal decisions.

Private people should be allowed to discriminate, even if you don't like them doing so.
Godstud wrote:No, Not allowed.

Should we be allowed to abort fetuses that aren't going to have IQs of 140+. or have the correct hair/skin colour, next?

Shouldn't the woman have a right to abort for whatever reason she pleases, if you are pro-choice? Her decision to abort the child has no effects outside the clinic and is a private affair.
Godstud wrote:...

Making such things LEGAL, however, would be allowing a form of discrimination, which the state should NOT be doing. I doubt the state would allow abortion on sexual determination, nevermind, orientation, and yet this is exactly where it could lead. Opening the floodgates, as it were.


Two things:

First of all, Godstud, you live in Canada where it is already legal for a woman to abort at any time during the pregnancy for whatever reason. As such, you are asking to make abortion (for a specific reason) illegal.

Second of all, this is not an enforceable law. A woman could simply walk into an abortion clinic and demand one and simply not provide a reason or lie when asked.

This would be the case of making an unjust law in order to fight injustice. I agree that we need to fight homophobia, but controlling women's reproductive rights will not help very much, in my opinion.
Pants-of-Dog wrote:I agree that we need to fight homophobia, but controlling women's reproductive rights will not help very much, in my opinion.

Once again, laudable attitude. I just wish you extended it beyond women's rights over their own bodies to include women's (and men's) other forms of property.
Eran wrote:Once again, laudable attitude. I just wish you extended it beyond women's rights over their own bodies to include women's (and men's) other forms of property.

The human body is not property. It is a human being.

I am my body. I do not own it.
Both, actually.

If you were a slave, you would still be your body, but you wouldn't own it.

A slave woman would find it hard to argue for a right to abortion, when she has no other rights over her body.

No, the issue cannot be resolved by merely noting that you are your body. You have to go further and deduce some normative conclusions from that fact, namely that because you are your body, you have certain rights with respect to your body. Those rights include specifically the mother's right to expel an unwanted fetus, but logically entail many other rights as well.
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