Are the majority of Trump supporters racists? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Are Trump supporters inherently racists?

Yes, they are hardcore racists.
No, they are not racists.
Maybe, they are subconscious racists.
They might be angry at mainstream polticians, and Trump is not.
Other(please explain)
That's pretty much the gist of my last paragraph. Whether intentional or not - whether consciously or subconsciously - the rank and file Republican owns all the racism that Trump represents. They had choices; they had alternatives.
You are both falsely assuming that just because you decided Trump is racist, his supporters must also. Your own bias is corrupting your reasoning. That is what happens when you decide your view is ‘righteous’.
One Degree wrote:You are both falsely assuming that just because you decided Trump is racist, his supporters must also.
Wrong. I'm saying they own his racism - not that they are, themselves, racist.
They are responsible for it, like a parent is responsible for a recalcitrant child without actually being the recalcitrant child.
Citizen J wrote:Wrong. I'm saying they own his racism - not that they are, themselves, racist.
They are responsible for it, like a parent is responsible for a recalcitrant child without actually being the recalcitrant child.

You are still assuming his racism is a fact. Two of us asked for a definition of racism to be used in this thread. It is to be the dictionary definition apparently. This means only Trump knows if he is racist since the dictionary definition requires he believes in racial superiority.
I addressed that in a previous post. It's quite obvious that Trump is either racist himself, or at least reluctant to distance himself from white supremacists. He has also expressed male misogyny on multiple occasions. He has also disparaged the disabled and even some veterans. So an argument can be made that he has multiple forms of bigotry.
Now I suppose you're going to request video of each and every instance to "prove" my point? We've all seen the same video, heard his voice, read his tweets, read all about the things he has said and done, both public and privately. We all know the same information here. Regurgitating everything we all have already seen, read, and heard is not necessary, nor will it change any minds.
You are both falsely assuming that just because you decided Trump is racist, his supporters must also. Your own bias is corrupting your reasoning. That is what happens when you decide your view is ‘righteous’.

If you support a racist for public office you are racist. Full stop. This is simply not up for debate. It is a fact.

Two of us asked for a definition of racism to be used in this thread.

That is because only two of you do not know what it is? I am not buying that. You define what you think racism is. Stop talking about dictionaries. That is just a dodge. So you said that Trump is not a racist. We posted evidence in his own words and actions that he is. YOU tell us what racism is and why what he has repeatedly done is not racist.

But I am going to hammer this forever. If you even consider voting for a racist you are a racist. It is really as simple as that.
Surveys of their views provide a consistent result. The questions either produce a large minority result like 45%, or large majority result per question, like 80%, They are the questions you ask a white racist all questions except "Are you a racist?" and they answer them with predictable results.

Even a majority of Trump supporters don't think the n-word is racist and offensive! What more proof can one ask for?

My emphasis in bold.

The past year of research has made it very clear: Trump won because of racial resentment
Another study produces the same findings we’ve seen over and over again.

More than a year after President Donald Trump won the election, there are still some questions about what drove him to victory: Was it genuine anxiety about the state of the economy? Or was it racism and racial resentment?

Over at the Washington Post, researchers Matthew Fowler, Vladimir Medenica, and Cathy Cohen have published the results of a new survey on these questions, with a focus on the 41 percent of white millennials who voted for Trump and the sense of “white vulnerability” that motivated them. The conclusion is very clear:

Contrary to what some have suggested, white millennial Trump voters were not in more economically precarious situations than non-Trump voters. Fully 86 percent of them reported being employed, a rate similar to non-Trump voters; and they were 14 percent less likely to be low income than white voters who did not support Trump. Employment and income were not significantly related to that sense of white vulnerability.

So what was? Racial resentment.

Even when controlling for partisanship, ideology, region and a host of other factors, white millennials fit Michael Tesler’s analysis, explored here. As he put it, economic anxiety isn’t driving racial resentment; rather, racial resentment is driving economic anxiety. We found, as he has in a larger population, that racial resentment is the biggest predictor of white vulnerability among white millennials. Economic variables like education, income and employment made a negligible difference.

The survey looked at millennials because they will be the largest share of the voting-eligible population in 2018, so they’re an important bellwether for future trends. (At the same time, most millennials backed Hillary Clinton in 2016, not Trump.)
To anyone who’s been following the research on this, the findings should come as little surprise. There have now been numerous studies that found support for Trump is closely linked to racial resentment, defined by Fowler, Medenica, and Cohen as “a moral feeling that blacks violate such traditional American values as individualism and self-reliance.”

This is crucial to understanding both Trump’s rise and how to overcome Trump. As a presidential candidate, Trump made all sorts of racist comments — suggesting that Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists, proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, saying a US judge should recuse himself from a case simply because of his Mexican heritage, and deploying dog whistles about “law and order.”
As president, Trump equated a group of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and white nationalists who descended onto Charlottesville, Virginia, with the anti-racism protesters who stood against bigotry. His administration has also pursued policies that will disproportionately hurt minority groups, including his travel ban, immigration restrictions, “tough on crime” policies, and potential voting restrictions.
The studies suggest that these kinds of comments and actions are not just incidental to Trump; they are at the core of his political success
. If Democrats want to defeat him, they will need to overcome that racial resentment.
The latest findings are backed by many other studies

This is not a one-off finding. At this point, the evidence that Trump’s rise was driven by racism and racial resentment is fairly stacked.
One paper, published in January by political scientists Brian Schaffner, Matthew MacWilliams, and Tatishe Nteta, found that voters’ measures of sexism and racism correlated much more closely with support for Trump than economic dissatisfaction after controlling for factors like partisanship and political ideology.

Apart from instantly losing their temper and lashing out "You're a Hillary supporter!" (as if you can't support say Gary Johnson, or other candidates while aso opposing Trump in 2016), we all know what a conversation with a Trump supporter is usually like. The same with the average racist.

"I'm not racist BUT............I consider the defeat of the Confederacy in the Civil Wara tragedy, Segregation and slavery should not have been banned, the Voting Rights Act wis wrong, non-whites should not hold public office, Obama was a closet Muslim born in Kenya, and I think racist decscimination in the workplace should be fully re-legalised and using the n-word is NOT racist."

A non-racist wouldn't dream of using a the n-word! Anti-black racists do, and of course either just confused when told it's 'rude' , 'offensive' or 'racist' to use it and even lash out at you win response!
And most Trump supporters have no problem with using it. Yeah, no suprise there!

An overwhelming majority of Donald Trump voters don't think that using the n-word makes white people racist and less than half think the slur is offensive, according to a new poll.

A combination of two polls conducted over the past two weeks found that only 18 percent of Trump voters believe using the racial epithet makes white people racist and just 42 percent find the term offensive. On the other side of the aisle, more than three-quarters of Hillary Clinton voters said that the n-word is offensive and racist.

Over 70 percent of Trump supporters indicated that they would still cast their vote for a political candidate even if they had said the n-word. By contrast, nearly 90 percent of Clinton voters say it would deter them from supporting a candidate if they had used the slur before.
The findings, reported by The Washington Post, were part of two different polls conducted by YouGov and The Economist as well as Huffpost during the week of August 14 to August 21.

The political debate on the n-word has grown increasingly bipartisan over the past few years. In 2006 a CNN/ORC poll showed that 55 percent of Democrats and 49 percent of Republicans viewed the term as offensive. But now that gap has widened to a 32 point margin in 2018, as 75 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans said the n-word was derogatory.
Tainari88 wrote:Why would they NOT want ethnic, racial or cultural purity?

They can't play divide-and-conquer with a highly cohesive population.

Drlee wrote:All evidence to the contrary. He is the most establishment candidate in recent history.

Indeed. This is why the establishment's opposition to Trump is irrational.

Drlee wrote:His empire is global as is his financing.

Russians! Russians! Oh no!

One Degree wrote:@Tainari88 , if you and @Drlee want to stick with the dictionary definition then ‘no’ Trump supporters are not racists and this thread is a waste of time.
I should have known better than expect a rational discussion.

They are puzzled as to why Trump is up in the polls again, and they figure if they bash everyone who supports Trump as "racist," then Trump's poll numbers will go down.

I live in California. White people aren't a majority in California. We cannot be racist, because we don't have the power to be racist according to modern theories of racism.

Tainari88 wrote:I am saying...this is the point....the ones with the biggest power of all are globalists and they are against white nationalism, and they are anti racists. Not for sentimental reasons but for economic reasons. Period.

Sometimes you say something that doesn't make you look like a moron. This is one of them. The globalists are also the ones that are behind imperialism. They are the ones who supported racism, segregation, slavery, and so forth. Not because they were into racism, but for purely economic reasons.

Tainari88 wrote:That Comey dossier with the British spy stated that Russian intelligence might have some videos of Russian prostitutes in a hotel room at the Ritz in Moscow.

So what? Why do you think that is relevant to Trump? That would matter if Trump were running on a holier-than-thou position. He doesn't. He runs as though he were a blue collar guy who likes to eat burgers and talk shit with the guys.

CitzenJ wrote:Trump supporters, I am quite sure, have more than one motivation distributed among them.

Well, that's very open minded of you. This gives you a great analytical advantage over most #NeverTrump types.

Tainari88 wrote:If you don't care for racist language then why vote for someone who has a long track record of being a racist in the classic form of the word.

Trump has lots of black friends. He also created a country club, seizing on a market opportunity to compete against country clubs that excluded blacks and Jews. That is why in spite of all the pounding he takes in the press, people who know Trump--and there are many--know that he does not fit the depiction promoted by the media.

CitizenJ wrote:It's quite obvious that Trump is either racist himself, or at least reluctant to distance himself from white supremacists.

It's more obvious that he understood that the masses hate political correctness and that he could be elected to the White House by trolling the media and his opposition, while spending a fraction of the money of his competitors for high office.

Drlee wrote:If you support a racist for public office you are racist. Full stop. This is simply not up for debate. It is a fact.

A does not necessarily imply B. If you support a racist for public office, you support a racist for public office. That much is not in dispute. Why you do it is another matter entirely.

redcarpet wrote:Even a majority of Trump supporters don't think the n-word is racist and offensive! What more proof can one ask for?

Most of us think your feelings are something we can play with instead of trying to cater to your sense of contentedness.
Tainari88 wrote:Do you think Trump supporters are inherently racists?

I don't know about inherently, there's definitely a depraved indifference to the suffering of non-white non-middle class people in this country and around the world, but really they're more shithead than racist. They'll use racist arguments to deny responsibility and justify their indifference, but ultimately it's less about race than about them maintaining their socio-economic status.
Drlee wrote:If you support a racist for public office you are racist. Full stop. This is simply not up for debate. It is a fact.

That is because only two of you do not know what it is? I am not buying that. You define what you think racism is. Stop talking about dictionaries. That is just a dodge. So you said that Trump is not a racist. We posted evidence in his own words and actions that he is. YOU tell us what racism is and why what he has repeatedly done is not racist.

But I am going to hammer this forever. If you even consider voting for a racist you are a racist. It is really as simple as that.

No, this is the ‘politically correct’ refusing to apply a definition to racism. This allows them to use it to mean anything they want it to mean at the time. This is why our requests for a definition was met with “everyone knows what it is” and then you refuse to accept the standard definition. You are now asking me for a definition. It is not my thread. It is not up to me, but the dictionary definition works fine. I am capable of distinguishing between ‘racism’, ‘bigotry’, ‘cultural’, etc. The politically correct will blend them all together into ‘racism’ to shut down debate.
Claiming someone is racist because they supported someone you decided is racist is nonsense and doesn’t fit any definition of racism.
Claiming you are a racist if you are not a globalist is also nonsense and fits no definition of racism.
Claiming you are a racist because you are against illegal immigration fits no definition.
This is the trend where the politically correct just make shit up.
Claiming someone is racist because they supported someone you decided is racist is nonsense and doesn’t fit any definition of racism.

Wrong. :roll: Supporting someone who has clearly and openly demonstrated he is racist is racist.

Claiming you are a racist if you are not a globalist is also nonsense and fits no definition of racism.

Who has done that? Trump is a globalist and he is a racist. He just has lied and convinced his ignorant followers that he is not.


Claiming you are a racist because you are against illegal immigration fits no definition.

I am against illegal immigration and try my hardest not to be racist. Trump is not that though. Scapegoating immigrants to appeal to the cracker minority is racist.

This is the trend where the politically correct just make shit up.

Give us a list of that. You won't. Just like refusing to define racism you are afraid of the truth. You should be. It argues eloquently against your opinions.
Sivad wrote:I don't know about inherently, there's definitely a depraved indifference to the suffering of non-white non-middle class people in this country and around the world, but really they're more shithead than racist.

The ruling class who have shifted the blue collar manufacturing jobs offshore blame white middle class people for policies they had little to do with forming or implementing. So they are usually too busy defending themselves against charges of racism. For example, inner city blacks are routinely told that the people oppressing them are white suburban Republicans, when it is in fact white urban Democrats who rule over them. So after 50 years of that practice, it is not unreasonable for white middle class suburbanites to react with indifference.

Drlee wrote:Wrong. :roll: Supporting someone who has clearly and openly demonstrated he is racist is racist.

See W.V.O. Quine. Supporting a racist is supporting a racist. It doesn't mean that the person supporting the racist is him or herself a racist. They may be doing it for other reasons--lesser of two evils sort of thing. At any rate, I think the name-calling is pointless, because many people simply do not care anymore because they are used to the left using disparaging appelations to try to sway people's thinking.

Drlee wrote:Trump is a globalist and he is a racist.

Trump claims to be a nationalist. He has not specifically advocated any race-based policies for US citizens that I am aware of. Globalism/imperialism was racist up until the aftermath of WWII. Now it is characterized by anti-racism. However, as Tainari88 noted, it has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with profit motive.

Drlee wrote:Scapegoating immigrants to appeal to the cracker minority is racist.

Using a lot of loaded language insulates you from considering other points of view. That doesn't make your position any more correct, just more insulated.

Drlee wrote:They'll use racist arguments to deny responsibility and justify their indifference, but ultimately it's less about race than about them maintaining their socio-economic status.

Responsibility for what?

One Degree wrote:Claiming someone is racist because they supported someone you decided is racist is nonsense and doesn’t fit any definition of racism.

Right. I support Donald Trump, because I got sick of establishment insiders. They hate Trump. So naturally I like him. The more they hate him, the more I like him. However, I don't really care that much about Trump.
Tainari88 wrote:Do you think Trump supporters are inherently racists?

There are almost certainly some Trump supporters who are inherently racist though I can honestly say I don't know any. There are absolutely some Obama supporters, Bush 43 supporters, Clinton supporters (both Bill and Hillary), et al who are inherently racist.

But the huge majority of Trump supporters are not inherently racist or racist in any other way.

For the record I don't see Trump supporters as inherently ignorant, uneducated, clinging to their guns and religion, deplorable, homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, brainwashed, fanatic, Nazis or fascists, women are instructed to vote as their boyfriends and husbands direct, etc. etc. etc. as they are generally described by non-Trump supporters either.

So there we are.
blackjack21 wrote:They can't play divide-and-conquer with a highly cohesive population.

Indeed. This is why the establishment's opposition to Trump is irrational.

Russians! Russians! Oh no!

They are puzzled as to why Trump is up in the polls again, and they figure if they bash everyone who supports Trump as "racist," then Trump's poll numbers will go down.

I live in California. White people aren't a majority in California. We cannot be racist, because we don't have the power to be racist according to modern theories of racism.

Sometimes you say something that doesn't make you look like a moron. This is one of them. The globalists are also the ones that are behind imperialism. They are the ones who supported racism, segregation, slavery, and so forth. Not because they were into racism, but for purely economic reasons.

So what? Why do you think that is relevant to Trump? That would matter if Trump were running on a holier-than-thou position. He doesn't. He runs as though he were a blue collar guy who likes to eat burgers and talk shit with the guys.

Well, that's very open minded of you. This gives you a great analytical advantage over most #NeverTrump types.

Trump has lots of black friends. He also created a country club, seizing on a market opportunity to compete against country clubs that excluded blacks and Jews. That is why in spite of all the pounding he takes in the press, people who know Trump--and there are many--know that he does not fit the depiction promoted by the media.

It's more obvious that he understood that the masses hate political correctness and that he could be elected to the White House by trolling the media and his opposition, while spending a fraction of the money of his competitors for high office.

A does not necessarily imply B. If you support a racist for public office, you support a racist for public office. That much is not in dispute. Why you do it is another matter entirely.

Most of us think your feelings are something we can play with instead of trying to cater to your sense of contentedness.

Oh Blackjack, thank you for deigning to say that I occasionally say non-moronic things. Lol.

I think you a man who is into selfish politics. And nasty politics. Are you a racist? Since I think deep in your heart that you think you are superior
And believe you are superior? And that means that all people are not created equal? I think you are a racist. Lol.You don't believe in equality. That is the core belief of racists. They all are in that basket of thought. You confirmed it for me. Black friends? Like Trump's Omarosa? Lol.

You calling me a moron is a good sign. Means I am not and it bothers you. An excellent thing!
Tainari88 wrote:Oh Blackjack, thank you for deigning to say that I occasionally say non-moronic things. Lol.

I think you a man who is into selfish politics. And nasty politics. Are you a racist? Since I think deep in your heart that you think you are superior
And believe you are superior? And that means that all people are not created equal? I think you are a racist. Lol.You don't believe in equality. That is the core belief of racists. They all are in that basket of thought. You confirmed it for me. Black friends? Like Trump's Omarosa? Lol.

You calling me a moron is a good sign. Means I am not and it bothers you. An excellent thing!

Your reasoning here is about as good as any other crazy liberal I know. So congratulations.
As Blackjack21 pointed out, Trump is like most normal guys, who would like to have sex with a Playboy model and other sexy women. I know ugly women don't appreciate that, however, that does not mean men that support Trump's political views are racists.
Hindsite wrote:Your reasoning here is about as good as any other crazy liberal I know. So congratulations.
As Blackjack21 pointed out, Trump is like most normal guys, who would like to have sex with a Playboy model and other sexy women. I know ugly women don't appreciate that, however, that does not mean men that support Trump's political views are racists.

Lol. Trump isn't a normal President. How many of his close associates are going to be sent to the Big House instead of the White House?

He is a normal racist. I agree. Hee hee.
Tainari88 wrote:Lol. Trump isn't a normal President. How many of his close associates are going to be sent to the Big House instead of the White House?

He is a normal racist. I agree. Hee hee.

There you go with that crazy liberal logic again. Repeatedly calling someone racist without any concrete proof does not make that person racists no matter how often you repeat it. Trump has close associations with all kinds of people, so your reasoning fails again.

I was referring to President Trump as a normal male, like me for example. I never claimed he was a normal President. President Obama was not a normal President either and I am certain crooked Hillary Clinton would not have been a normal President either. I voted for him because I agreed with his visions for America and the way he presented them.
One Degree wrote:I decided to invent a new word. ‘Racistist’ is someone who calls everyone they disagree with a racist.

I am sorry One Degree. I really think you are a racist. I do not think you are a bad person at all. But I do think you are what we call in Spanish un insularista.

I disagree with a lot of people who are not racist. You are one of the racists. Some liberals are racists. Some conservatives are racists. Some claim to not be racists and are but they are not aware of it. Many people are that.

It has to do with being pro capitalism. Capitalism is about classes of people. Owners and non owners of property. Power relationships. In this country you got racists because there were entire ethnic groups excluded from citizenship and membership in this society who were not European. But since I am a socialist? It also means class systems are the reason for racism. And most everyone in the world has a class system.

How do I feel about racists?

Again Toni Morrison said it best:

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