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Do you self-identify as Transphobic?

Black folks commit a disproportionate amount of crime relative to the population, so I'm sure your fine with preemptively banning all of them from public spaces too. :roll:

The actions of some individuals associated with a group do not justify profiling all individuals of that group. After all, most clergy men are decent people, even if they, as a group, are several times as likely as a trans individual to abuse children.
It should be noted that the person exposing himself to the kid was a normal cis heterosexual male.

The trans person was the one shaving. Unless shaving is now considered immoral, this seems like a bait and switch.
Fasces wrote:Black folks commit a disproportionate amount of crime relative to the population, so I'm sure your fine with preemptively banning all of them from public spaces too. :roll:

The actions of some individuals associated with a group do not justify profiling all individuals of that group. After all, most clergy men are decent people, even if they, as a group, are several times as likely as a trans individual to abuse children.

Clergy are not several times more likely to abuse children as a trans person. That is simply fake news. It is the opposite.

Also, yes, it is totally acceptable to notice patterns and associated risks...that is kinda the point of literally every policy. Not all convicted criminals are even guilty but we still are 'racist' against convicted criminals and for good reason.

And yes I would be fine with banning black people from spaces where you don't want crime. You are just daring people to pass your shit test? Lol...
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Godstud wrote:Where did I say that?

We've been discussing this for the last 20 posts and the point was first raised in the OP. Are you incapable of following a conversation?

@Fasces How do you feel about organisations that want to segregate activities that don't involve athleticism, like Chess?

I agree that these decisions should ideally be made by those directly involved in the sport.
AFAIK wrote:We've been discussing this for the last 20 posts and the point was first raised in the OP. Are you incapable of following a conversation?
No. We were not discussing this one particular thing but you show you are as disingenuous as the other ideologues. :knife:

Pants-of-dog wrote:The trans person was the one shaving. Unless shaving is now considered immoral, this seems like a bait and switch.
There was a teenaged girl present in the locker rooms at the time, but I am sure you see nothing wrong with this. No consideration for any children or women. Also, how do you know it was a man? Did you ask them what their pronouns were? The problem with your ideology is that it has nothing to do with reality.

Fasces wrote:Black folks commit a disproportionate amount of crime relative to the population, so I'm sure your fine with preemptively banning all of them from public spaces too.
All black men are not mentally ill. It's not a valid comparison, but then again, you know that. It's your cult's rhetoric that is letting you down.
Godstud wrote:
All black men are not mentally ill. It's not a valid comparison, but then again, you know that. It's your cult's rhetoric that is letting you down.

Not all mentally ill people are dangerous, either. They are simply more likely to be...just like black men. The comparison was actually perfectly valid.
@FiveofSwords It's not valid, since all Trans people(gender dysphoria, delusion, etc.) are mentally ill, whereas not all black men are. I never said they were "dangerous". That's a Strawman argument. We should keep mentally ill people away from children, though, shouldn't we?

"Trans" people need compassion and therapy, not affirmation of their delusions. They need to be told the truth, and that no matter how they change their bodies, they cannot become another sex except cosmetically.

Godstud wrote:@FiveofSwords It's not valid, since all Trans people(gender dysphoria, delusion, etc.) are mentally ill, whereas not all black men are. I never said they were "dangerous". That's a Strawman argument. We should keep mentally ill people away from children, though, shouldn't we?

"Trans" people need compassion and therapy, not affirmation of their delusions. They need to be told the truth, and that no matter how they change their bodies, they cannot become another sex except cosmetically.

I'm pretty sure that if you check the per capita statistics black people are more likely to kill children (or anything) than trans people. You shouldn't take that as invalidating your point of view, though. This is why historically the police would 'profile' black people. Because they actually are dangerous.
@FiveofSwords Comparing a population of 30+ million to an extremely tiny percentage of Trans people is not a valid comparison. It's just dumb. Your analogy is just stupid, and ill thought out.
Godstud wrote:@FiveofSwords Comparing a population of 30+ million to an extremely tiny percentage of Trans people is not a valid comparison. It's just dumb. Your analogy is just stupid, and ill thought out.

Why does population matter? If there were 30 million Trans people then would it make them safe?
@FiveofSwords Not the same, and you know it. Nice racist argument, though. :lol:
skinster wrote:Most gender confused kids grow out of it, according to a landmark study conducted over 15 years in the Netherlands.

As for sex-segregated spaces, keep them as they are. I think loony toons USA and Canada are where unisex places are imposed, which sucks for young boys and girls there, but it's not a problem here in the UK.

So do most Goths. I wouldn't get red in the face telling my kid I will never call him "Raven" or let him wear black trousers with chains to school, either. :lol:
By Rich
Winston Churchill threw all the Germans into prison, FDR put the Japanese into concentration camps. While these may have been over reactions, some form of profiling was necessary. In the case of the Germans I think racial profiling was absolutely correct, German Jews should have been presumed to be low risk while Gentile Germans should have been considered high risk.

OK so girls and women need to be protected from heterosexual male predators and lesbians. Boys and men need to be from homosexual male predators. I don't think gendered bathrooms are a good way to do this. They've had mixed bathrooms in Italy for decades, long before trans become a major thing. The Sky hasn't fallen in. Gendered bathrooms should be abolished they are just not an effective or efficient way to provide protection.

Britain is bad, America is much worse in fermenting a culture of sexual immaturity. Segregating bathrooms for children just creates a whole layer of unnecessary problems. Obviously at times individuals of what ever gender will feel a need for greater privacy, we should try and accommodate that in public bathrooms them where possible, but pubic bathrooms must inevitably compromise on privacy if costs are to be kept in check
@Rich Keep the washrooms Male(Men) and Female(Women) as they always have been and inconvenience the extremely tiny minority of mentally ill people, who ware confused about what they actually are. most of them are merely attention seeking ill people, as actual gender dysphoria only occurs very rarely.
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They also inconvenience families who have to split between 2 different toilets/ changing rooms. It's especially annoying for father/ daughter and mother/ son combos.
As they always have been? :eh:

Gender seperation of public restrooms dates to, at best, the Victorian era - and fuck me if we're going to keep our society chained to Victorian mentalities.

Wikipedia wrote: The earliest known example of a western sex-separated public toilet was a temporary installation that occurred in 1739 at a Parisian ball.[89] This involved chamber boxes in separate rooms with attendants guiding visitors to the appropriate location.[89] According to sociologist and author Sheila Cavanagh, this was seen by the guests as "sort of a novelty - something eccentric and fun."[89] She argues that this was done to accentuate sexual difference, and project that difference onto public space.[84]

George Jennings, the sanitary engineer, introduced public toilets, which he called "monkey closets", to the Crystal Palace for The Great Exhibition of 1851. They included separate amenities for men and women, and were the first flush toilet facilities to introduce sex-separation to the activity.[84][90]

In the United States, Massachusetts was the first state to pass a law mandating sex-separated toilet facilities in 1887. It was titled "An Act To Secure Proper Sanitary Provisions in Factories and Workshops".[95] The act called for suitable and separate toilets for women in the workplace.[84] By 1920, this was mandated in 43 states.[95]

Let's take a page from the Supreme Court, go back to the historical experience of the founding fathers, and ban all gendered restrooms! Unisex toilets for all!
By Rich
Some context

Wiki wrote:Victorian morality was a surprising new reality. The changes in moral standards and actual behaviour across the British were profound. Historian Harold Perkin wrote:

Between 1780 and 1850 the English ceased to be one of the most aggressive, brutal, rowdy, outspoken, riotous, cruel and bloodthirsty nations in the world and became one of the most inhibited, polite, orderly, tender-minded, prudish and hypocritical.[
Fasces wrote:So do most Goths. I wouldn't get red in the face telling my kid I will never call him "Raven" or let him wear black trousers with chains to school, either. :lol:

You and I both know that it is not about what people wear, as I've said in this thread already, wear whatever you like.

The problem is with giving useless medication that is actually harmful and feeding into delusions such as men can be women and vice-versa, if they feel that way. I know you and others think that doing that is NICE and BEING KIND but it actually is the opposite of these things, fundamentally, it is lying..and lying is not good.

What should be opted for instead, is teaching gender-confused kids to be comfortable in their bodies and perhaps even that gender non-conformity is actually absolutely fine. Allowing them on a route to meds that does nothing positive for them except maybe some temporary feelings of comfort in their "gender" or whatever, is not worth the physical and mental harm they cause. And as that study I shared shows and how detransitioners who have learned the hard way tell us, most kids grow out of these confused feelings just as we all grew out of the bollocks that was puberty..
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