If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 26 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:talking about religion

As I should be doing.

The debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between Werner Sombart and Max Weber was about the role of religion in the origins of capitalism.

You can't ignore the religious bollocks.

Weber used many of the same arguments to push Calvinism.

That said.

Sombart's evidence was often haphazard, his knowledge of Judaism deficient, his biologistic explanations crude, and his distaste for both capitalism and Jews coloured his analysis.

Evidence haphazard...

Seeing as we were talking about the Dutch before.

Let's take Sombart's statement that the Dutch East India Company, without the money of the Jews, could not have played such an important role and that the Marranos founded Dutch commerce in the seventeenth century.

In the first place Dutch commerce in that period was based not upon the trade to the Far East but upon the nearer Baltic trade and the herring fisheries, and secondly, when the Dutch East India Company (V. O. C.) was founded in 1602, out of six and a half million of florins subscribed to the Company, one can only trace 4,800 florins to a Jew and Jewess. Next year saw another I,200 florins added, and in I604 five new Jewish names were attached to subscriptions, amounting to about 22,000 florins. But counting all these Jewish subscriptions together, they do not amount to more than 28,000 florins, or not quite one-twentieth of I per cent. of the whole subscription list.

So, too, concerning the Dutch West India Company, established in 1621; the total capital was 7 million, out of which eighteen Amsterdam Jews held 26,000 florins, about the same minute fraction as in the case of the Eastern company. In neither company was a Jewish 'Bewindhebbe or director, even though at the commencement of the eighteenth century the Jews held one-quarter of the stock of the W. I. C. (Westindische Compagnie), which then began its decline.

As aliens or quasi-aliens Jews had next to no share or influence in the Dutch East India Company.

And when they acquired a significant holding in the Dutch West India Company, it was in decline.

See W. Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times: Part 1. The Mercantile System.

Verv wrote:(1) It is impossible to please someone who believes that providing education and vocational training to the least privileged in society is necessarily racism and colonialism.

Obviously, there are very tricky questions about culture and the preservation of a way of life that go into this, but to say that it was just universally racism is odd....

https://beyond.ubc.ca/8-ways-to-confron ... orted%20by

(2) This is a strawman - baptism does not cure addiction, sexual vice, rage, despair.

Nobody has suggested it would solve the economic problems and the perennial issue of racial discrimination.

That was your claim: that the rite of baptism provides a meaningful and intelligent way to stop people from treating otters as subhuman, Yet we have this example of kids being taken from their kids, forcibly baptized, and then sent to a school where they suffered grave human rights abuses.

If your claim is now different, please clarify.
A text that Tainari88 anonymously cited wrote:... they were peasants recruited as part of France's efforts to colonize Canada in the 17th century...

The expression "efforts to colonize" is inaccurate. It should read "make contact with the First Nations" because only a few French men were sent, and they were welcomed from the very beginning of this contact. But "history" is always framed in a way that protects that currently dominant, so I can see why this inaccurate wording was found online.

Rich wrote:...In the West the Liberal-Marxist response to Hitler has been amazing. The resistance to Hitler and the Nazis seems to grow by the day....

The West has responded amazingly to all the Hitlers that Victim-Media has presented them with over the last 70 years. As soon as our Victim-Media spots a Hitler (Ghaddafi, Hussein, Bin Laden, etc.), we're in there destroying countries and sanctionning various "races" to destroy him once again. Over and over and over... and no one notices that he keeps popping his head up, whenever our oligarchs need a quick infusion of cash.

FiveofSwords wrote:...Hitler sent military aid to ethiopia when mussolini invaded.

Hitler was serious about racial self determination. He preached it, and he put his money where his mouth was whenever it mattered. This is why he also supported the Palestinian cause. Anti colonialists all over the world revered Hitler....

One of the most interesting French-language podcasts I have ever heard... tells the story about how the Nazis recruited Arab-speakers to broadcast messages to North Africans fighting for Franch in world war two. These radio broadcasts explained how these Algerian fighters were being used as cannon fodder, and would secure victory for France, only to have to go back to being second-class citizens in Algeria - still ruled by Paris.

In Algeria during this time, the Catholic and Jewish invaders were called "Algerians" and the Muslim majority were called "Muslims." If this had continued, Algeria might have become another Israel, so these broadcasts may have saved a lot of lives, and a lot of cultures.
FiveofSwords wrote:So to recap, you wrongly accuse me of having a might makes right philosophy...because of your poor understanding of what logically implies what...and then I correct you...and then instead of accepting or rejecting my correction you just preach a might makes right philosophy that you had only just finished condemning in what you imagined I was saying. Cute.

And no, just making white babies is not going to save white people. What white people need is actual institutional power and without that itbwould not matter if there were a trillion of us. Population simply does not equal power. In fact it is always far more easy to acquire power as an organized minority (like jews) than it is as a majority. A disorganized majority, in fact, is just a slave class.

I fear your analytical abilities are terrible. And you won't be improving, your usual responses to other posters' rebuttals are 1) Reading comprehension disorder. Most people with those kinds of issues avoid writing in public fora for years. That profile does not exist here. But you insist on it because a)You are too lazy to do a decent rebuttal, with a logical and well-researched counterpoint, or b) You did not understand the original point and to cover your low level of ability to not be reductive in thinking, since it is encoded in your brain, due to reductive Nazi ideology in your case makes being able to understand other concepts not based on some bad interpretation you again, due to your issues with great insecurity of having an inadequate education on all levels want to blame it on the other posters. You never take responsibility for anything living in fear of losing a point. Argue with some logic and respect Five Man. If you do not? Do not blame people for ignoring your ass in mass amounts and never participating in great topics. You will be falling into the same crutches over and over again. The people who give you the courtesy to read your tripe will then say that he is not worth it. He will start on his Si Me Comprendieras song again of--if you could only understand me. No, you need to be unequivocal in your responses.

You have written over and over again about how power expansion does not need justification. That is Might is Right. You abandon points that are hard to defend after you state them over and over again. That is literally misrepresentation and misleading and also just verbal cowardice. If you write something you need to clarify. Nothing wrong with being wrong or not being clear enough and wanting to elaborate. Stand by what you write for your own sake. If you fail to stand by what you write and you fail to be clear and unequivocal it usually means you either did not take the time to reflect on what you wrote. Or you have no backing evidence for what you spout--which I happen to think you suffer from both problems. You do not reflect and you have no backing evidence. Like stating White Genocide is happening in your part of the USA which is a strong word. It means you are being ethnically violently attacked, and your entire family and neighborhood are being systemically wiped out by either the US Government or some people who are not generically White...according to you. Where is the evidence? Silence and avoiding that topic. It then turns to a power need in the Nazi community to take over a nation. That is not colonialism? Then you spout about Hitler being liked by anti-colonial movements around the world? What kind of BULLSHIT is that by the way? The reason Hitler expanded and invaded France, Poland, and many other places like the Netherlands too, was that he needed more land, power, and resources. A very IMPERIALIST shitty thing to do. Not Anti-Colonial. He wanted other nations' resources but he did not want to share power with anyone else but his agenda. What is Anti-Colonial about that? Nothing. You stop spouting bullshit and start paying attention to what you write and reflect on it. If you can't then be a man for once and admit you lose a point and move on. But no, you will lie to yourself and keep lying to yourself. That is the problem with you. Because other Nazis have come on here and are far more able to be conceding points and being able to engage with some decency. It is not about them. It is ABOUT YOU.

Do you think I do not notice a damn thing about the way you behave? I notice it all.

Not because I like you, or am obsessive with you, or anything of that nature at all. I do that because, in a politics board, we are what we write. Not what might happen outside of the board. We are not magicians. Or psychics here. You are the content of your writing. Period. And yours is about Might is Right. Racist commentary. Homophobic commentary and immature behavior avoiding valid points and thinking people on here are foolish enough to not notice every defect and bad argument you make and are. Sorry, Five Man, that is for people who do not know what the hell they are doing in an international politics board.

I understand you are frustrated with the Rainbow Coalition of Two-Faced Crap that defines modern American liberalism--but you have to realize that every political philosophy and ideology has a kernel of truth somewhere in there. No matter how extreme it may be. And unless you realize which kernel of truth you have to overcome in political debates? You are up shit's creek without a paddle.

¡Hombre, tienes que tener cojones intelectuales y de honestidad para dejar de ser tan trevigersado! ¿Sabrá Dios si lo logras o estarás toda la vida revolcándote en la misma mierda! :lol:
ingliz wrote:As I should be doing.

The debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between Werner Sombart and Max Weber was about the role of religion in the origins of capitalism.

You can't ignore the religious bollocks.

Weber used many of the same arguments to push Calvinism.

That said.

Sombart's evidence was often haphazard, his knowledge of Judaism deficient, his biologistic explanations crude, and his distaste for both capitalism and Jews coloured his analysis.

Evidence haphazard...

Seeing as we were talking about the Dutch before.

Let's take Sombart's statement that the Dutch East India Company, without the money of the Jews, could not have played such an important role and that the Marranos founded Dutch commerce in the seventeenth century.

In the first place Dutch commerce in that period was based not upon the trade to the Far East but upon the nearer Baltic trade and the herring fisheries, and secondly, when the Dutch East India Company (V. O. C.) was founded in 1602, out of six and a half million of florins subscribed to the Company, one can only trace 4,800 florins to a Jew and Jewess. Next year saw another I,200 florins added, and in I604 five new Jewish names were attached to subscriptions, amounting to about 22,000 florins. But counting all these Jewish subscriptions together, they do not amount to more than 28,000 florins, or not quite one-twentieth of I per cent. of the whole subscription list.

So, too, concerning the Dutch West India Company, established in 1621; the total capital was 7 million, out of which eighteen Amsterdam Jews held 26,000 florins, about the same minute fraction as in the case of the Eastern company. In neither company was a Jewish 'Bewindhebbe or director, even though at the commencement of the eighteenth century the Jews held one-quarter of the stock of the W. I. C. (Westindische Compagnie), which then began its decline.

As aliens or quasi-aliens Jews had next to no share or influence in the Dutch East India Company.

And when they acquired a significant holding in the Dutch West India Company, it was in decline.

See W. Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times: Part 1. The Mercantile System.


Five Man Ingliz is all over the place. He has to be spoon-fed connections between one concept and the next.

Weber's point was that you have to have Protestant ethics to make the most of Capitalist concepts. And the US was founded on Protestant ethics.

Calvinism was his bag. God approves of you if you produce Profit through being industrious and hard-working and not showy and blingy. Or worshipping Idols like those horrible Roman Catholics do...with Saints and Idols and so on and so forth. :lol:
Rich wrote:@Tainari88 Responding to your comment in another thread got me thinking. Although I believe, nay although I know that race is a real biological phenomena and know, that even those who claim it is not, really know it is,

There has never been a race war in the whole of human history. Every war of any scale has been cultural. Of course attitudes to race can be massively important, but we always fight as cultures not as races. When I was a kid and I watched westerns I always identified with the American Indians. I always wanted them to fight back and to win. Some people on the forum still express this attitude. They wish that as soon as the Indians set sight on Europeans they had all united to throw all the European settlers into the sea. This would have been a race war, with all Indians united against all Europeans. But there are no race wars, ever.

Some people think in terms of race traitors. White Supremacists believe many White people are being traitors to their race. Similarly many Black nationalist idenitarians see many Black people as being traitors to their race. But humans have always been traitors to their races. Cultures on the other hand are a completely different matter. People have shown incredible loyalty to their cultures, and people have made incredible sacrifices for their tribe / nation religion. Often displaying incredibly low rates of treachery.

Look at Britain and Germany in the first World War. How many British people said "The Germans are in the right in this war, I must be prepared to lay down my life in order to support German victory" And how many German people said "The British are in the right in this war, I must be prepared to lay down my life in order to support British victory" Very, very few in ether case. Of course people try to racialise the conflict, to portray the Germans as Teutonic militarist bullies or the British as perfidious, duplicitous and mercenary. But its all nonsense. It was a conflict between nation state formations. It had squat zero to do with the different racial characteristics of the belligerents

People are free to fantasise about race wars as much as they want, but there's never been one and there never will be one.

@Rich I have studied human culture for years and years. In fact, I do remember a course I took with Professor C, who was an anthropology professor of mine, and he told me I had the highest score on all the quizzes and exams he gave me over that course entitled Human Culture. I also had through my mother's work for years lived among many different Native American cultures. The Lakota, the Hopi, the Navajo, the Rosebud Sioux, the Great Lake Region in Minnesota tribes, the Mayans from Guatemala, and the list is long. I do mean living in their homes, talking and staying for months and months and over years and decades. The ignorance about who they are and what they have done is ENORMOUS. It is a completely blacked-out scene with information that is realistic about them. I wanted to talk about it with you because I think you have no idea either about it. How could you? You have lived all your life in England mostly in that town you told me you lived in. I always respect people's privacy so I won't say the name.

I have read you over the years. And you love history. That much is obvious. And you suffered from what many children of Born Again fundamentalist Christian parents teach their kids.

Yes, there are culture wars. But most military wars are not really about culture. Hitler admired French art tremendously and he also respected the Dutch masters, and Polish musicianship like Chopin. The issue with most wars has to do with POWER. That lust for power. To be able to determine who gets to dictate and why. It also is tied to wealth. Without great control of resources and wealth? You won't be able to seize control of other societies and their resources. Technology plays a role in that. It is tied together.

When I was younger I did not truly understand why so many people I met in the USA had no idea of what life was like for my family in the Caribbean. How we loved and laughed and lived, and how meaningful it all was for us. No clue. There was a great divide. I saw the same lack of understanding of what Native American cultural aspects were about. Puerto Rico is on the same list in the US Government's Department of the Interior as the Native American reservations are. Why? Because we are conquered lands by force and often in violation of international laws and treaties signed by the US government's own agreements.

We are the part of the USA that never signed on to agree with the US Constitution. Societies already in existence and the land already occupied before the US Government arrived and the US Constitution never was fully applied to us. It was not a compact. That has legal ramifications of enormous import in every way.

Again, I wanted to discuss it in depth with you Rich in that thread I did on Puerto Rican independence for you. But you never showed an interest my main man in England. So I dropped it.

People have to be willing to explore a topic. That is our freedom of choice eh? I respect choices always. It is my creed.

Once my sons become adults they have choices to make on their own. If they no longer need me to guide them and they can make it on their own and live with the consequences of their choices without wanting me to bail them out? I did my job as their mother eh?

I find culture interesting in the extreme. It defines your human experiences in a real way. It always has.
Bill_Nye wrote:Gracias Señora/ita. Ojalá qué puedo contribuir más también.

Did you know Bill Nye that the word Ojalá means I hope or I wish I could, etc. It is an Arabic origin word that I was mentioning about Spanish to Ingliz. It breaks down to Oh, or Al Allah. Ojalá. Just like Adiós means literally To God. You say good bye to people in Spanish saying To God....you go. A Dios. Dios. Deus in Latin and Dios in Spanish.

I liked your video on the skin color issue. ;)

For the Maltese, Alla is our Catholic God in print, and when spoken, it sounds the same as the Muslim Allāh. This shouldn't surprise anyone as, at root, Maltese is a Maghrebi Arabic dialect.

ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

For the Maltese, Alla is our Catholic God in print, and when spoken, it sounds the same as the Muslim Allāh. This shouldn't surprise anyone as, at root, Maltese is a Maghrebi Arabic dialect.


But according to your ideology, it is pointless to even speak about the Maltese as a people. All you need is to be educated as Americans and you will become americans.Americans. why do you even bother caring about the maltese?
ingliz wrote:As I should be doing.

The debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between Werner Sombart and Max Weber was about the role of religion in the origins of capitalism.

You can't ignore the religious bollocks.

Weber used many of the same arguments to push Calvinism.

That said.

Sombart's evidence was often haphazard, his knowledge of Judaism deficient, his biologistic explanations crude, and his distaste for both capitalism and Jews coloured his analysis.

Evidence haphazard...

Seeing as we were talking about the Dutch before.

Let's take Sombart's statement that the Dutch East India Company, without the money of the Jews, could not have played such an important role and that the Marranos founded Dutch commerce in the seventeenth century.

In the first place Dutch commerce in that period was based not upon the trade to the Far East but upon the nearer Baltic trade and the herring fisheries, and secondly, when the Dutch East India Company (V. O. C.) was founded in 1602, out of six and a half million of florins subscribed to the Company, one can only trace 4,800 florins to a Jew and Jewess. Next year saw another I,200 florins added, and in I604 five new Jewish names were attached to subscriptions, amounting to about 22,000 florins. But counting all these Jewish subscriptions together, they do not amount to more than 28,000 florins, or not quite one-twentieth of I per cent. of the whole subscription list.

So, too, concerning the Dutch West India Company, established in 1621; the total capital was 7 million, out of which eighteen Amsterdam Jews held 26,000 florins, about the same minute fraction as in the case of the Eastern company. In neither company was a Jewish 'Bewindhebbe or director, even though at the commencement of the eighteenth century the Jews held one-quarter of the stock of the W. I. C. (Westindische Compagnie), which then began its decline.

As aliens or quasi-aliens Jews had next to no share or influence in the Dutch East India Company.

And when they acquired a significant holding in the Dutch West India Company, it was in decline.

See W. Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times: Part 1. The Mercantile System.


Well it is fun that you are being inspired to research this subject in some attempt to gain forum clout...but actually doing some agenda motivated Google searches are not going to make you any kind of expert on the subject. It also is still just avoiding the original topic. You are clearly just baiting me into defending sombart when honestly I don't care to...sombart just isn't very important to me. In fact when you first brought up his book I mentioned aspects of it that I do not even agree with. So other than attempting to get forum readers to think you know something about history, this whole project of yours is futile.

But also, knowledge of a subject is useless if you are incapable of rudimentary logical reasoning. I can store massive amounts of information on a hard drive but I am not going to ask the hard drive for any political insights because a hard drive doesn't have a brain. You are not demonstrating that you yourself have any greater sentience than a hard drive because you seem unable to stay on topic and are incapable of understanding what I have actually said.

Once again, I simply corrected you because you seemed focused on religion in your spmbart criticism and I informed you that sombart was not focused on religion. After some furious internet googling I guess you realized I was correct and you are trying to change your approach to saying that we SHOULD focus on religion, without even pausing to admit that I was right about sombart.
FiveofSwords wrote:I informed you that [S]ombart was not focused on religion

And you were wrong as usual.

The debate at the beginning of the twentieth century between Werner Sombart and Max Weber was about the role of religion in the origins of capitalism.


according to your ideology

According to my experience, people are people.

Their cultures are different.

Americans live in America and speak a bastardized form of English.

The Maltese live in Malta and speak a Maghrebi Arabic dialect with Romance accretions.

Using your ever-changeable constructs, we are coming up in the world. For years we were Arabs but now we are officially European, and so is our language - Hooray.

You are going down.

Americans were Europeans but, if the 'scare stories' put about by people such as yourself are to be believed, you will soon become Latinos, and speak a Latin American form of Spanish or Portuguese - Diddums.

Last edited by ingliz on 17 May 2024 10:58, edited 4 times in total.
@ingliz you got some real asskissing tokens climbing the ladder of success. They have racist comments offending their ethnic backgrounds and they just sit there and smile like dummies. As long as it is directed at others and not at their ethnic group they tolerate the racist shit. But you know, the truth is the racist is a racist. It is hard for them to continually hide it and deny. If they are more honest they should be like Anne Coulter. Just say it.

Let the world know. Vivek Rhamaswamy ran for presidential candidate for the Republican party. But he has a problem. He is not white according to Anne Coulter. So she needs to set him straight.

Why want to be in the same political party as these racist people? They do not have an ounce of dignity at all Ingliz. What assholes!

Tainari88 wrote:Five Man Ingliz is all over the place. He has to be spoon-fed connections between one concept and the next.

Weber's point was that you have to have Protestant ethics to make the most of Capitalist concepts. And the US was founded on Protestant ethics.

Calvinism was his bag. God approves of you if you produce Profit through being industrious and hard-working and not showy and blingy. Or worshipping Idols like those horrible Roman Catholics do...with Saints and Idols and so on and so forth. :lol:

That was actually the point that the right-wing polemicist , Ann Coulter made , as to why in her view only WASPs should deserve to be president . She feels that only Calvinists , such as herself as a Presbyterian , have a good work ethic , and that Catholics glorify being poor as being a virtue , in the video you posted , which Pofo didn't notify me of before I posted my response here , for whatever reason .
ingliz wrote:Lenin said, "No society is more than three meals away from revolution."

Polling has found that 28% of UK adults, more than a quarter, 14.7 million, are skipping meals because of costs.

I'd rather the revolution not be led by the far-right.


Going by the article you linked to above , I will say that never since the time of the Great Depression that preceded World War 2 , has liberalism been discredited . I think that the only question is what shall prevail against it , as an alternative , national populism on the right , or social populism , on the left , which as @Tainari88 pointed out has been gaining ground in such Latin American countries as Mexico .
Deutschmania wrote:That was actually the point that the right-wing polemicist , Ann Coulter made , as to why in her view only WASPs should deserve to be president . She feels that only Calvinists , such as herself as a Presbyterian , have a good work ethic , and that Catholics glorify being poor as being a virtue , in the video you posted , which Pofo didn't notify me of before I posted my response here , for whatever reason .

I had a debate on this with a Protestant Christian man a long long time ago.

And I ended with 'Was Jesus worshipping the Golden Calf there? Was he wearing Gucci sandals and Versace loincloth and he had millions of golden coins in his personal account? The only time Jesus displayed or was portrayed as being angry was the mention of the moneychangers in the Temple. He did not want the Temple turned into a commercial space. Why? The message was to not disrespect spirituality with mundane Greed and expect that to not be offensive to Jesus and God.' Poverty is not about pleasing God and being industrious. Lots of industrious people who are very poor. What makes you a true Christian is your ability to remain faithful in a world of sin and betrayal by the acts of human societies.

In that the Roman Catholics are more true to the scripture. That whole idea that God is judging you on how much you can produce and how worthy you are by being prosperous and that you got to earn your way into heaven, is a very very Protestant view of Christianity. It is not shared by many other Chirstian sects. The Roman Caholics do demand vows of poverty from their priests in general. That they are fakers or wind up living well off the church memberships and hierarchy? Is another story. But the premise that Jesus of Nazareth never was a banker, or a capitalist in his lifetime and never wore designer Guccis on the cross or so on and so forth is a true statement.

Look at this funny clip Deustchmania:

Angela's Ashes. I read that book. It was a great book and memoir about Frank McCourt.

He died shoeless. The Roman Catholic interpretation of the Passion and Crucifixion eh?

The protestant version of Calvinism would be saying, 'Jesus was a carpenter and a fisherman, he earned his way into Heaven by working two jobs. He had silk robes on and good shoes but the Jews stole it all from him. Those dirty Jews' The KKK would agree with that too.

Religion is a trip if people do not understand that cultural wars have to do with how the world is interpreted by different traditions and histories. Again, variation is baked into everything that is human.
Tainari88 wrote:1. Yes, my grandmothers on both sides supported the first one and I go by my matrilineal line like a good Boricua should. We have matrilineal ancestors that are interesting. Including a free Black Kenyan who never was a slave in my maternal line. She was East African and Kenyan Rich. At the time she was in Puerto Rico not a single East African was a slave. All of them were free. The slaves were all West African. Southern Spain had free Africans from Eastern African and Northern African lines. If you study the documents in the original Spanish archives from Colombus' era? He details a family of African brothers who were captains of some of their ships. All free. All Black. The Caribbean has a fascinating history from its inception. My Kenyan great great great grandmother was a believer in women voting. Yes she was. :D She advocated for women's suffrage and wound up marrying a Spaniard. A blonde and blue-eyed one. In fact, many of my ancestors are blondies with blue eyes. They all had like good Roman Catholics a lot of kids. 21 kids. 17 kids. 15 kids. Popped out those mixed race defective (all of those people lived to almost 100 years of age Rich eating tropical fruits and veggies, and working and swimming in beautiful rivers and streams, and breathing some of the best quality air on planet Earth). Nothing defective about those mixed-race ancestors of mine at all.
I also have Syrian ancestry galore. Which is one of those 'races' that are hard to categorize. Most Puerto Ricans have Spanish ancestry from Southern Spain, and most of Southern Spanish people have Northern African roots. Like the Syrians. Kenyans and Syrians, are also two peoples who are ANCIENT as hell. The first early hominids are all from there.

I also have Moroccan. A good chunk. And the biggest chunk of all of the DNA that my sister had on her chart there...was Lithuanian. The majority of it is from Lithuania. Yes, that little tiny land next to Estonia and Latvia. Lithuania. Super white-skinned. I inherited that super-white skin. I live in a very very hot zone with strong sunlight. I never get sunburned with that super-white skin. Why? The dermatologist said it was because he tested my skin and said it has a gene that comes from Eastern Africa that protects you from skin cancer. Who might that be working for my benefit eh? The Kenyan ancestor. Who is protecting me from burning to a crisp with the white-skinned Lithuanian ancestor trying to get as much Vitamin D from the sun as possible living in that super cold Northern area. I have also some Taino DNA. But it is small. But it is there. My maternal grandmother's mother was part African due to the Kenyan woman and her blondie Spanish husband. But she married a man who was a little bit Taino and very blonde too. They had 21 kids. Most came out with light-colored eyes and Black African hair textures. My mother had light brown eyes, very white skin, and curly hair that had a very European texture. Her older sister had bright blue eyes and white skin and an Afro. My father came from a long line of Spanish peasants. He is the one with the Lithuanian and Syrian ancestry. He had the most lovely skin in the world Rich. Never a pimple, and it glowed. It tanned beautifully too. And he was born with a shock of pearly white hair since he was 13 years old. And big brown eyes dark as night. All my Aunts on my mother's side were blue and green eyes and my Uncle W. had gray eyes. Everyone in the USA thought us Europeans. The DNA tells another story Rich.

It would seem that due to the long Moorish history shared between Iberia and North Africa , before King Ferdinand drove out the Muslims , many Spaniards are of Moroccan descent , while those of Moroccan origin , such as Imane Anys , featured in the video below , have some Spanish ancestry . Not to mention all of the Spanish of Jewish ancestry .


Tainari88 wrote:I fear your analytical abilities are terrible. And you won't be improving, your usual responses to other posters' rebuttals are 1) Reading comprehension disorder. Most people with those kinds of issues avoid writing in public fora for years. That profile does not exist here. But you insist on it because a)You are too lazy to do a decent rebuttal, with a logical and well-researched counterpoint, or b) You did not understand the original point and to cover your low level of ability to not be reductive in thinking, since it is encoded in your brain, due to reductive Nazi ideology in your case makes being able to understand other concepts not based on some bad interpretation you again, due to your issues with great insecurity of having an inadequate education on all levels want to blame it on the other posters. You never take responsibility for anything living in fear of losing a point. Argue with some logic and respect Five Man. If you do not? Do not blame people for ignoring your ass in mass amounts and never participating in great topics. You will be falling into the same crutches over and over again. The people who give you the courtesy to read your tripe will then say that he is not worth it. He will start on his Si Me Comprendieras song again of--if you could only understand me. No, you need to be unequivocal in your responses.

You have written over and over again about how power expansion does not need justification. That is Might is Right. You abandon points that are hard to defend after you state them over and over again. That is literally misrepresentation and misleading and also just verbal cowardice. If you write something you need to clarify. Nothing wrong with being wrong or not being clear enough and wanting to elaborate. Stand by what you write for your own sake. If you fail to stand by what you write and you fail to be clear and unequivocal it usually means you either did not take the time to reflect on what you wrote. Or you have no backing evidence for what you spout--which I happen to think you suffer from both problems. You do not reflect and you have no backing evidence. Like stating White Genocide is happening in your part of the USA which is a strong word. It means you are being ethnically violently attacked, and your entire family and neighborhood are being systemically wiped out by either the US Government or some people who are not generically White...according to you. Where is the evidence? Silence and avoiding that topic. It then turns to a power need in the Nazi community to take over a nation. That is not colonialism? Then you spout about Hitler being liked by anti-colonial movements around the world? What kind of BULLSHIT is that by the way? The reason Hitler expanded and invaded France, Poland, and many other places like the Netherlands too, was that he needed more land, power, and resources. A very IMPERIALIST shitty thing to do. Not Anti-Colonial. He wanted other nations' resources but he did not want to share power with anyone else but his agenda. What is Anti-Colonial about that? Nothing. You stop spouting bullshit and start paying attention to what you write and reflect on it. If you can't then be a man for once and admit you lose a point and move on. But no, you will lie to yourself and keep lying to yourself. That is the problem with you. Because other Nazis have come on here and are far more able to be conceding points and being able to engage with some decency. It is not about them. It is ABOUT YOU.

Do you think I do not notice a damn thing about the way you behave? I notice it all.

Not because I like you, or am obsessive with you, or anything of that nature at all. I do that because, in a politics board, we are what we write. Not what might happen outside of the board. We are not magicians. Or psychics here. You are the content of your writing. Period. And yours is about Might is Right. Racist commentary. Homophobic commentary and immature behavior avoiding valid points and thinking people on here are foolish enough to not notice every defect and bad argument you make and are. Sorry, Five Man, that is for people who do not know what the hell they are doing in an international politics board.

I understand you are frustrated with the Rainbow Coalition of Two-Faced Crap that defines modern American liberalism--but you have to realize that every political philosophy and ideology has a kernel of truth somewhere in there. No matter how extreme it may be. And unless you realize which kernel of truth you have to overcome in political debates? You are up shit's creek without a paddle.

¡Hombre, tienes que tener cojones intelectuales y de honestidad para dejar de ser tan trevigersado! ¿Sabrá Dios si lo logras o estarás toda la vida revolcándote en la misma mierda! :lol:

I think it is hilarious that you can write like 1p thousand words and literally none of it is relevant or true. One would think that by the law of large numbers or large numbers of words, you might accidentally type something relevant simply as a product of typing so much random stuff. But you don't. You spend an hour saying nothing and then feel like you are winning cause I don't respond to it. Maybe if one of you ever made a point I would rrspond...but you are actually more amusing as clowns. You are trying to beat on strawman and even the straw man is winning. It's hilarious.
FiveofSwords wrote:I think it is hilarious that you can write like 1p thousand words and literally none of it is relevant or true. One would think that by the law of large numbers or large numbers of words, you might accidentally type something relevant simply as a product of typing so much random stuff. But you don't. You spend an hour saying nothing and then feel like you are winning cause I don't respond to it. Maybe if one of you ever made a point I would rrspond...but you are actually more amusing as clowns. You are trying to beat on strawman and even the straw man is winning. It's hilarious.

I see you belong to the Bill Clinton school of military strategy, @FiveofSwords - fight an unnecessary war for personal political reasons, lose it, bomb a baby formula factor and say you just destroyed a chemical weapons factory, then hold a press conference to declare victory. :)
Potemkin wrote:I see you belong to the Bill Clinton school of military strategy, @FiveofSwords - fight an unnecessary war for personal political reasons, lose it, bomb a baby formula factor and say you just destroyed a chemical weapons factory, then hold a press conference to declare victory. :)

But you repeat yourself, for I know that you believe there is no difference between myself and Bill Clinton, because he is perfectly able to bear my children. But I do apologize if I have bombed your baby factory...it was not my intent. Perhaps you should consider taking some responsibility for having such a poorly defended baby factory? But of course you cannot. You have no agency of your own, because everything is merely the will of the people.
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