Free speech is under attack in America - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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While I was researching this argument, I came across an interesting tidbit: ... rain-body/

    GIVING OUT PARKING tickets in New York does not usually inspire goodwill. If anything, it inspires a steady stream of insults from angry drivers. So several years ago, Elizabeth Brondolo, a psychologist at St. John’s University, came to counsel the city’s traffic agents, most of whom were African-American.

    “We could do standard behavior therapy things about being called a ‘fat pig’ or ‘get a real job,’” says Brondolo. Her team ran through relaxation exercises and skits, which usually worked. “But the racial insults involved so much despair that we couldn’t do the same kind of intervention.”

    That experience set Brondolo on a path studying the psychological and physical toll of racism. African Americans face disproportionately high levels of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. And when it comes to mental health, studies show that reporting more incidents of racism is linked to more signs of depression and anxiety. But does racism cause health problems? Hard to tell. Other factors like socioeconomic status confound the data. But one thing is more certain: Racism causes stress, and stress can wreak havoc on a person’s body and mind.

So, the bolded part implies that racism actually has a negative impact on us that is measurably different from other, ordinary insults.
You get no argument from me...
I suffer mildly from stress, in the form of chest pains. Its nasty, and serves to bolster my argument to "the missus" that we should sell it all and just drop off the edge of the planet. Be that as it may...I know stress is a bad thing. And its easy to believe that racist comments would eventually pile up and cause real stress. You might even make the next logical step and say that certain races, depending on their local, have developed a sort of communal stress. Maybe that's why stereotypes can be both hurtful and funny at the same time.
Is it "productive" to validate racism, with an opposition?
No matter what we do, stress and anxiety will always be a "thing". So will some extent. Even once all races can claim "equality" in every reach of the planet. But if the feeling...instinct...whatever it stems given loud and obsessive opposition, it is verified in a way. Bannon feels good about it. It justifies his media outlet.
Buzz62 wrote:No matter what we do, stress and anxiety will always be a "thing". So will some extent.

There are some that try to relieve their stress of racism by blaming it all on God.
Hindsite wrote:There are some that try to relieve their stress of racism by blaming it all on God.

Nobody can blame racism on Gawds. Unless yer-a speakin' of the horned one...and even then...not buyin' it sorry...

@POD yes move along... :roll:
I'm wondering if our society hasn't taught or trained the population to expect respect, sans the requirement to earn respect.

Are you under the impression that I get a great deal of respect and deference in this country because I earned it? :lol:

I was born to privilege. I was blessed with professional parents, good schools and an unexceptionable visage. And I was white. Now I could have separated myself from my privilege. I could have screwed it all up and eventually people may have come to notice me as a wastrel or worse. But I was different from a black man of my age, growing up under the same circumstances. All he had to do and still to this day has to do to take on the mantle of disrespect is walk outside.

If I raise my voice in disrespect to a waiter because of some real or imagined sleight the manager comes running over to see what he can do to fix the problem. If a black man does it they call the cops. Do you believe that my resume headed by my name (Lee) is as likely to be tossed as one headed by Jamal?

There are two kinds of respect Buzz. The first is the kind that one earns through accomplishments. I am all for that kind. It is important and I know of no person in this country who does not understand the concept. The second though is the kind you get just for what you appear to be. So this old white man, carefully dressed, driving the black Porsche starts the "respect" game far higher up the food chain than does the Hispanic kid with an accent, driving an old Buick.

If I had adopted a black child (as my wife and I briefly considered doing) I would have to teach him to fear the police. I would have to tell him to be extra careful around them. For his own good. And the irony is that all the while I was doing it I would know that because of my skin color backed by the influence of affluence the police were intimidated by me. The power dynamic is completely different father to adopted son.

That is what has to change.

Free speech is the key to making this change happen. We need to be so sickened by the unfairness and ignorance that makes this true that we fight the bad examples with our own unfettered speech.

I do not want hate speech covered up or banned. I want it right out front. I want the bubbas to have to hear it and own it. As hurtful as it is to the people they denigrate, the seeds of their heeling are in those hateful words.

The most dangerous kind of racist is one who smiles and hides his/her racism. They teach it to their children. They deny opportunity to minorities all the while being Mr. Friendly to their face. I want to embolden these jerks to come out of the closet and own their own ignorance. If enough people see it times will change.

Hate speech laws would force these problems underground even more than they already are. Free and unfettered speech; encouraged to the fullest extent possible is the answer to our problems.
Drlee wrote:Hate speech laws would force these problems underground even more than they already are. Free and unfettered speech; encouraged to the fullest extent possible is the answer to our problems.

I believe I agree with you for a change. At least on this point. Down with hate speech laws. Praise the Lord.

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