Cuba has proven that capitalism and technology are failures - Page 90 - Politics | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:And yet, the sad reality is that they make way more with that sort of life than back at home. No, people don't come here because it's a paradise. People come here because wages are way higher than in Latin America.

Yes, they are. Likewise, wages are higher here.

But, from my own personal observations, Cubans (in Oriente) are happier and have more free time than USA people do.

And the other thing to remember is that many Cubans watch commercial media, and are thus just as brainwashed into thinking that bigger numbers on your paycheque and more gadgets in your possession is all it takes to be happy.

That's what it says on commercial media, and a lot of Cubans are fed commercial media by their lazy parents, just like anywhere else.
Two wonderful things I have learned about Cuban medicine in the last week.


1. Cuba took in 20,000 Chernobyl victims - mostly children - and treated them for free in Cuba for years.

Eve Ottenberg wrote:Just as they did after Chernobyl, when Cuba took in 25,000 Ukrainian patients and treated them gratis – for years.

The Guardian wrote:Following the catastrophe, the tiny island of Cuba stepped forward and cared for over 20,000 young cancer victims from 1989 to 2011, – medical care, schooling, clothing, food, accommodation, playgrounds – all free of charge. A specialised medical facility was opened to the east of Havana, and Cuban doctors travelled to the affected region to treat patients in their homeland.

2. Cuba has invented a lung-cancer vaccine and Americans aren't allowed to go there to get it

Lee Camp wrote:Cuba has a lung cancer vaccine that Americans can’t get. One of the few mainstream articles about it gave the example of an American named George Keays. USA Today reported, “Keays has stage 4 lung cancer. As his treatment options appeared to be dwindling this fall, he went to Cuba for a vaccine treatment despite a federal law that prohibits Americans from going there for health care.”

So why don't America's multinational Pharma companies imitate this vaccine. According to Camp, it's because:
there’s too much money in treating cancer
This thread has gotten too political lately. ( :lol: )

So let's bring it back to the apolitical side of Cuba having proven that capitalism and technology are failures.

Let's look at pop culture's "response" to the Cuban Revolution.

In the hegemonic pop song "Copacabana" originally by mainstream media personality Barry Manilow, Lola loses everything - Tony, her mind, etc. - because of some unexplained event that must have transpired. The exact event isn't mentionned, which tends to suggest that we all decompose eventually.

This message suggests that the most important thing about Cuban history for the pop consumer to retain is that it lost its "Tony" (shorthand for mafia?), and then "lost its mind" (shorthand for reformed its mafia system?).

All "Lola" has left are her old feathers and liquor (shorthand for not following recent fashions and being able to drink without guilt?)
QatzelOk wrote:I don't. "Paradise" doesn't exist, except in propaganda.

What I am trying to demonstrate is that Cuba is a well-run country, making the most of its resources and establishing international solidarity with other people struggling under the dead weight of Western oligarchy and economic racism.

It is the USA (and every other empire in human history) that propagates the image of being some kind of "paradise." And when social movements herald the "new worker's paradise," all they are describing is how justice and equality "feel like" a kind of paradise to the abused slave classes who have to carry the fake paradises of the rich on their backs.

Many Latinos come to "America" in search of the paradise they saw on TV. And then they end up working at a Wal-mart warehouse, and driving 3 hours per day from bungalow to parking lot.

For the love of God! Have you ever talked to a Cuban refugee? Why do you think so many Cubans are Republican? They have tasted the system that you glorify so much!
Sivad wrote:jimjam has done the Party a service by putting a happy face on the brutality and decay of late stage gulagism. I'm sure those children will be eternally grateful to jimjam for his help in perpetuating the generational gulaging of the Cuban people.

Talking like the above to someone who's been to the island, coming from you who has not, is the epitome of ignorance.

But you support Trump too so what do you know really? Just another dumb American, nothing to see here... :lol:
Sivad wrote:jimjam has done the Party a service by putting a happy face on the brutality and decay of late stage gulagism. I'm sure those children will be eternally grateful to jimjam for his help in perpetuating the generational gulaging of the Cuban people.

Happy face your ass. I have been to Cuba a few times and actually met Cubans and find them to be happy and friendly. I am simply attempting to show a part of every day life in Cuba not through the inherent prism of politics that generally depicts reality through a smog of hate and anger.
jimjam wrote:Happy face your ass. I have been to Cuba a few times and actually met Cubans and find them to be happy and friendly. I am simply attempting to show a part of every day life in Cuba not through the inherent prism of politics that generally depicts reality through a smog of hate and anger.

As a tourist you only see the good side. Try living there for a few years with no dollars. Talk to Cuban refugees in America and you will get the picture.
Julian658 wrote:Talk to Cuban refugees in America and you will get the picture.

You can also go to Cuba and talk to Canadian "refugees" (as you call "immigrants.")

I have met far more Quebecois living in Cuba than the other way around so I guess that proves to you that Quebec must be an even worse "bad name for a bad place."

Try living there for a few years with no dollars.

A lot of Americans are currently trying to live in the USA with no dollars. Tell me how that goes.

Sivad wrote:No, "mind" is code for Stockholm syndrome.

Stockholm Sundrome (love of your kidnappers) is what happens when your country is kidnapped by terrorists (from the USA, in the case of Cuba) who use big guns, big bribes, and big violence, to destroy any semblance of democratic input from locals. If you end up "loving" this kind of system while being illiterate and having no access to health care - you are an idiot with Stockholm Syndrome.

Learn to diagnose this, Sivad, because it just may affect your neighbors and family.

Also, "Tony" represents what exactly? What happens to "Tony" after Lola "loses him?"

My guess is that Tony worked with selling heroin for the CIA in order to trade arms with the contras. This kind of illegal work is one reason why Barry Manilow (and the MIC he works for) might have decided to just say "loses" when describing this important, life-changing event. It's censorship in order to futher the USA's historical amnesia.
Julian658 wrote:As a tourist you only see the good side

way cool! you know what I saw :lol: .

Julian658 wrote:Try living there for a few years with no dollars

Have you ever set foot upon Cuban soil?

Julian658 wrote: Talk to Cuban refugees in America and you will get the picture.

My favorite Cuban "refugee" was Batista who flew out of Cuba on his private airplane with $300,000,000 (maybe a billion in today's dollars) a day or two ahead of Castro. I suspect that a talk with Cuban refugees will get THEIR picture not THE picture.

America is simply pissed as hell because they thought they owned Cuba and found out otherwise.
jimjam wrote:Happy face your ass. I have been to Cuba a few times and actually met Cubans and find them to be happy and friendly. I am simply attempting to show a part of every day life in Cuba not through the inherent prism of politics that generally depicts reality through a smog of hate and anger.

I'm sure your participation in all the gulag denial around here and presumably elsewhere is purely apolitical and is only motivated by your deep affection for the Cuban people.
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