North Korea says it may withdraw from the talks... - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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It seems that this Libya analogy alarmed North Korea. The Trump administration may allow North Korea to retain some warheads as long as they do not build intercontinental missiles. Bolton objected to this soft approach and insisted on complete denuclearization of North Korea. Kim Jong-un has been continually demanding the removal of 28,500 American troops in South Korea in exchange for giving up its nuclear weapons.

In weekend television appearances, Pompeo seemed to blur the US negotiating position, suggesting the aim was to prevent North Korea threatening the US mainland with nuclear weapons, a lower bar that would theoretically permit Pyongyang to retain some warheads as long as they did not build intercontinental missiles.

Ambiguity is not Bolton’s style, however. In his own, competing, TV appearances, he was adamant that North Korea would have to take all its weapons apart and ship the fissile material to the US. It was this, coupled his earlier reference to the “Libya model” – which for Pyongyang summons up the memory of Muammar Gaddafi’s brutalised body being paraded on a truck – that got the regime’s attention.

“It was quite deliberate. We all know how Gaddafi died,” said Jeffrey Lewis, the director of the East Asia nonproliferation programme at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies of Monterey. “You don’t bring up a man’s grisly murder as an inducement.” ... ohn-bolton
US President Donald Trump has said there is a "very substantial chance" a historic summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un next month may not happen.
Trump says Kim Jong-un attitude changed after his second visit to China. lol
He said the North must meet conditions for the summit to go ahead though if it did not, it might happen "later".
He was speaking as he received South Korea's President Moon Jae-in at the White House.
The North has said it may cancel the summit if the US insists on it giving up nuclear weapons unilaterally.
Mr Trump did not say what conditions the US had set for the summit but, asked by a reporter about the North's arsenal, he said "denuclearisation must take place".
The 12 June summit is due to take place in Singapore. It follows a summit between the two Korean leaders in April.
North Korea is expected to dismantle a nuclear test site this week as a good will gesture but the demolition may be delayed by bad weather.
What exactly did Trump say about the chances of the summit happening?
"We'll see what happens," he told reporters.
"There are certain conditions that we want and I think we'll get those conditions and if we don't we don't have the meeting."
The property tycoon-turned-politician added: "You never know about deals. You go into deals that are 100% certain - it doesn't happen. You go into deals that have no chance and it happens and, sometimes, happens easily."
How did the mood sour last week?
North Korea cancelled high-level talks with South Korea, saying the South's joint military exercises with the US were a "provocation" and rehearsal for invasion.
Pyongyang then accused US national security adviser John Bolton of making "reckless statements" after he suggested the North could follow a "Libya model" of denuclearisation.
That was a reference to Libya's former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, who agreed to give up nuclear weapons in 2003 and was later killed by Western-backed rebels.
Mr Trump, however, later denied the US would follow the "Libyan model" if an agreement was reached with North Korea.
"The model, if you look at that model with Gaddafi, that was a total decimation," he said.
"We went in there to beat him. Now, that model would take place if we don't make a deal, most likely. But if we make a deal, I think Kim Jong-un is going to be very, very happy."
anarchist23 wrote:US President Donald Trump has said there is a "very substantial chance" a historic summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un next month may not happen.
Trump says Kim Jong-un attitude changed after his second visit to China. lol

I'd image China is pulling NKs strings pretty hard.
China makes trade concessions to US. Kim returns from China with chip on shoulder.
Maybe China felt Trump ‘strong armed’ them and wanted a little payback?
Pure speculation but I am always intrigued by coincidence.
I would be surprised if the meeting happens.
A senior North Korean official has dismissed remarks by US Vice-President Mike Pence as "stupid", casting further uncertainty about a planned meeting between the two countries' leaders.
Choe Son-hui said Pyongyang would not "beg" for dialogue and warned of a "nuclear showdown" if diplomacy failed.
In recent days, both sides have said that the 12 June Trump-Kim summit could be delayed or even called off.
Pyongyang has insisted it would not give up nuclear weapons unilaterally.
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that it was the North that had to meet the conditions for the talks to go ahead.
Choe Son-hui has been involved in several diplomatic interactions with the US over the past decade.
Her latest comments came days after Mr Pence warned that North Korea "may end like Libya" - where then-leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed by rebels in 2011 after renouncing nuclear weapons eight years earlier.
In an article carried by the state news agency KCNA on Thursday, Ms Choe said Mr Pence had made "unbridled and impudent remarks".
She added: "As a person involved in US affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing from the mouth of the US vice-president.
"Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision and behaviour of the United States."
US National Security Adviser John Bolton also angered North Korea last week by saying it could follow a "Libya model" of verifiable denuclearisation.
That led to North Korea's vice-foreign minister threatening to pull out of the Trump-Kim summit.
Meanwhile North Korea is pressing ahead with plans to dismantle its only nuclear testing facility later this week.
The Punggye-ri site is located in a remote part of the north-west of the country. A group of international journalists, who have been invited to observe the event, are on their way there.

North Korea appears to have blown up tunnels at its only nuclear test site today, in a move to reduce regional tensions.
Foreign journalists at the Punggye-ri nuclear testing site in the north-east said they witnessed a huge explosion.
Pyongyang offered to scrap the site earlier this year as part of a diplomatic rapprochement with South Korea and the US.
But scientists believe it partially collapsed after the last test in September 2017, rendering it unusable.
Independent inspectors were not allowed to attend the dismantling of the Punggye-ri site in the mountainous region of the country.
Three tunnels were collapsed in a series of explosions in front of about 20 handpicked international journalists.
Two blasts were reportedly carried out in the morning, and four in the afternoon.
Sky News' Tom Cheshire was among the journalists present. He said the doors to the tunnels were "theatrically rigged" with "wires everywhere".
"We hiked up into the mountains and watched the detonation from about 500m away (550 yards)," he was quoted by Sky News as saying.
"They counted it down - three, two, one. There was a huge explosion, you could feel it. Dust came at you, the heat came at you. It was extremely loud."
It's not going to happen.

US President Donald Trump has cancelled a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, saying the world had "lost a great opportunity for lasting peace".
He said his decision was because of "tremendous anger and open hostility" in a recent North Korean statement.
In a letter to Mr Kim, he said he was still looking forward to meeting him "some day".
It came hours after North Korea said it had dismantled tunnels at its only nuclear test site.
Foreign reporters at the Punggye-ri site in the north-east said they had witnessed a huge blast.
These predicted talks were never going to happen, but the news of their coming existence was just another stage towards the coming war that had to be crossed to follow the formalities, such formalities as continue to exist.

Now, a Fascistic revisionist ''country'' (ruled by a familial dynasty after the manner of a sinister private corporation) disguised as a modern state will go to war with it's enemies.
anarchist23 wrote:Yes. As predicted it's not going to happen.
All this crowing by Trump on his diplomacy skills just shows how naive he is.
In fact he has made things worse.

President Trump is many things, but naive is not one of them. If one wants a war, or believes a war is inevitable, offering talks to the enemy prior to taking military action gives one the appearance of being peace loving while preparing one's population for the coming incidents of violence.
annatar1914 wrote:President Trump is many things, but naive is not one of them. If one wants a war, or believes a war is inevitable, offering talks to the enemy prior to taking military action gives one the appearance of being peace loving while preparing one's population for the coming incidents of violence.

Trump is a populist and is politically naive.
If the US attacked North Korea, South Korea would be attacked and China would retaliate.
B0ycey wrote:So what now for this Nobel peace prize? :lol:

O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize


The Washington Post wrote:South Korea’s government seemed blindsided by Trump’s announcement. 

“We are attempting to make sense of what, precisely, President Trump means,” said government spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom.

Shortly before midnight in Seoul, South Korea’s president called an emergency meeting to discuss Trump’s decision, summoning his chief of staff, national security adviser, foreign minister, unification minister and intelligence chief to the presidential Blue House.
Last edited by Beren on 24 May 2018 21:41, edited 1 time in total.
Trump is a populist and is politically naive.

President Trump is a Populist to a point, but his main purpose is the saving of Capitalism. And, he is a successful Populist, which one does not become if one is politically naive. I am disheartened by the political naivety of the alleged ''Left'' in fact, which is always divided and diverted, by the picking up of the false and stupid idea that Trump is somehow in reality a buffoon and politically inept moron, when nothing further could be from the case. I guess it's a revelation of the truism, that ''he whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad''...

If the US attacked North Korea, South Korea would be attacked and China would retaliate.

You assume that the US would attack first, or give the appearance of being attacked. You also assume that China is like Maoist China which came to the aid of North Korea in 1950-1954, and you assume that North Korea is the same too. Lots of assumptions.

In fact, North Korean strategic military doctrine emphatically points out that in the event of what they see as an inevitable war with the US, they would not be able to depend on anyone else to help them, and thus they think they must have the political will to defeat the US by themselves if they wish their political entity to survive.
Diplomacy is the ONLY way this situation is going to be resolved without people dying. Trump doesn't know what the word means, and works in contradiction to his diplomats and people trying to work a peaceful resolution to ANYTHING.

Trump is a fucking "FOOL". I cannot emphasize this enough! He cannot keep his mouth shut, and has no filter. He's a doddering old dotard, just as KJU stated.

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