The New, and very Dangerous "Left" - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Elyzabeth wrote:What the conservatives have to say IS often ridiculous, just as what the left has to say is often ridiculous, and increasingly violent.

We are discussing the new more violent LEFT /WOKE,

which has nothing to do with Epstein or Dershowitz,

Or your rather unpleasant and incorrect insults about me.

On topic, with a little less venom, please!

The OP was written by Alan Dershowitz, not you. You didn't bother giving a link to it, but here it is: ... -hard-left . It's not about a 'violent' 'left/woke' at all, as you very well know. Dershowitz accuses the left of suppressing free speech, not violence. Yes, of course this is about Epstein - this is Dershowitz complaining about his own experience:

The other dangerous similarity between the Stalinists and the "wokers" is that both disdain due process for those they deem guilty of political incorrectness or other crimes and sins. They reject any presumption of innocence or requirement that the accuser bear the burden of proof. These bourgeois concepts are based on the recognition of human fallibility and uncertainty. For Stalinist and "wokers," there is no uncertainty or fallibility. If they believe someone is guilty, he must be. Why do we need a cumbersome process for determining guilt? The identities of the accuser and accused are enough. Privileged white men are guilty perpetrators. Intersectional minorities are innocent victims. Who needs to know more? Any process, regardless of its fairness, favors the privileged over the unprivileged.

Because he's hip deep in the Epstein scandal:

In a 2014 deposition Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the Australian-based woman who says she served as Epstein's teenage sex slave, said the financier had lent her out to powerful friends including Prince Andrew, modelling agent Jean-Luc Brunel and Dershowitz.

Giuffre asserted that she’d had sex with Dershowitz at least six times, in several of Epstein’s residences, on his island, in a car and on his plane.

Since Epstein's death, the accusations have received another wave of media attention. Dershowitz is asked about them everywhere he goes and has had speaking engagements cancelled as a result.

"Nobody I know believes her story about me," he says. "But people who don’t know me believe it."

Dershowitz insists the claims are completely untrue. He says he not only never had sex with Giuffre but that he has never met her.

This makes him, he argues, a major victim of the #MeToo movement.

"I am a victim of her false accusations and I’m speaking out,' he says. "Victims should speak out. False accusations are serious crimes and I would like to see her prosecuted."

Dershowitz believes that Giuffre concocted the allegations against him as part of a "shakedown scheme" devised with her lawyers. Pay up or we'll ruin your reputation like we did for Dershowitz, is how he believes the system worked. ... 52mm1.html

On March 2, Dershowitz tweeted, "I hereby accuse my false accusers of committing the felony of perjury and challenge them to sue me for defamation. They won’t, because they know the truth will land them in prison."

Most people would probably interpret this as an invitation for truth-settling in court, but now that Giuffre has taken up the challenge, Dershowitz is, to use a legal term of art, playing chicken. And what's galling about what's happening is that those who are merely watching Dershowitz's cries of innocence in TV interviews probably have no idea. On Wednesday morning, CBS News, for example, addressed Giuffre's defamation suit and Dershowitz's dismissal motion but omitted any of the nuance that showcases Dershowitz's utter cowardice. After brazenly entreating the very court action at hand, Dershowitz is attempting to seize on technicalities and broad immunities to elude fact-finding. That's not the impression conveyed on television. CBS viewers may believe there to be a war of words in court about the alleged occurrence of rape. In actuality, hardly. ... rt-1223453
Reichstraten wrote:@Elyzabeth,

Can you give an example of this dangerous left you are talking about?

So far in this thread there's zero proof of this.

Yes, there may be some intolerant left wingers around, but they don't kill people on the scale right wingers do.

They kill them on an epic mass and now they want to kill them right up until the point of birth.
:lol: Still no evidence presented to support such a stupid belief, but sure WTF, believe any dumb thing you want. :knife:

Yes, @Finfinder does not write clearly. Allow me to paraphrase.

Finfinder wrote:They kill them on an epic mass and now they want to kill them right up until the point of birth.

They (i.e. progressives) kill unborn people, aka fetuses, on an epic and massive scale, and now they (i.e. progressives) want to kill unborn people, aka fetuses, right up until the point of birth.

Is that what you wanted to say, @Finfinder ?
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Reichstraten

Yes, @Finfinder does not write clearly. Allow me to paraphrase.

They (i.e. progressives) kill unborn people, aka fetuses, on an epic and massive scale, and now they (i.e. progressives) want to kill unborn people, aka fetuses, right up until the point of birth.

Is that what you wanted to say, @Finfinder ?

So obviously I was clear. Anything else you need me to help you with ?

No, I am not saying conservatives are bad because they get abortions.

I am saying that if yiu are using abortion as an example of mass killings by progressives, it akso counts as an example of mass killings by conservatives.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Reichstraten

Yes, @Finfinder does not write clearly. Allow me to paraphrase.

They (i.e. progressives) kill unborn people, aka fetuses, on an epic and massive scale, and now they (i.e. progressives) want to kill unborn people, aka fetuses, right up until the point of birth.

Is that what you wanted to say, @Finfinder ?

Actually, Finfinder forgot to mention that the Virginia governor, a democrat, wants to give the mother the choice to kill the baby immediately after birth as long as the baby is made comfortable while awaiting the decision.
Hindsite wrote:Actually, Finfinder forgot to mention that the Virginia governor, a democrat, wants to give the mother the choice to kill the baby immediately after birth as long as the baby is made comfortable while awaiting the decision.
:lol: If this is true you should have no problem finding a legitimate source, otherwise it's just fake news, and bullshit like most of the claims in this thread.
The whole "defend the borders" argument is bullshit. Both Republicans and Democrats are very close on actual policy, when it comes to both regular and illegal immigration.

This thread is mostly fear-mongering based on misinformation and taking things out of context.
Godstud wrote::lol: If this is true you should have no problem finding a legitimate source, otherwise it's just fake news, and bullshit like most of the claims in this thread.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed
January 30, 2019

In an interview on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” on Wednesday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, explained how a post-birth abortion would proceed.

NBC Washington’s Julie Carey asked Northam whether he supported a bill proposed by Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran (D), which would allow abortions--up to the moment of birth.

In response, Northam said that a baby born alive could be “kept comfortable” and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired” – the implication being that the baby could be left to die if the family decided they did not want to keep their child.

“In this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Northam also said he thought that the reaction to Tran’s bill was “really blown out of proportion.”

He also emphasized that the decision to allow babies to die should be left to “the mothers and their providers.”

“We want the government not to be involved in these types of decisions,” Northam said. “We want the decision to be made by the mothers and their providers, and this is why, Julie, that legislators, most of whom are men, by the way, shouldn’t be telling a woman what she should and shouldn’t be doing with her body.”

During her introduction of House Bill 2491 on Monday, Tran admitted that her bill would allow abortions even as a woman was in labor. ... ld-proceed
Finfinder wrote:They kill them on an epic mass and now they want to kill them right up until the point of birth.

Fact: over 60 million unborn babies have been killed via abortion in the US since Roe v Wade in 1973. About 10 million of them have been black.

Fact: more black babies are aborted than are born every year in New York City.
Godstud wrote:The whole "defend the borders" argument is bullshit. Both Republicans and Democrats are very close on actual policy, when it comes to both regular and illegal immigration.

Nonsense! In the last Democrat debate, the candidates were all criticizing Joe Biden for the Obama admin's record of deporting more undocumented immigrants than Trump has.

These were people in the USA illegally where most of them had arrived recently or had criminal records. But Biden/Obama are now the bad guys!
Elyzabeth wrote:Foxdemon:

" It is entirely justifiable to describe white progressive fanatics as dangerous people."

This is your quote.

I cannot believe one can be so bigoted against white people,

as I would also find it intolerable to be this bigoted against people of color.

Bigotry is bigotry!

Those white progressive people certainly are bigoted in their attitudes to white people. You should go and tell them off.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@foxdemon

I doubt any of that is true.

It seems like just a list of insults that you believe about progressives.

Progressive means a person pushing for social change toward what they think is new or modern. Eugenics was considered progressive at one time. So progressives aren’t always in the right.

Would you dispute that?
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