Should Black Supremacists Get Punched In The Face For Wanting An Ethnostate? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Saeko wrote::lol: ^

You literally just posted an image with the n-word in it proving my point. Low IQ.

EDIT: And then you immediately removed it when you saw the n-word in there. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Admittedly, I did post it and remove it when I saw the n-word in there. It's a funny meme that to my knowledge doesn't refer to blacks but refers to the CIA, meaning that the CIA finds all these kooky cult members like this Grandmaster Jay guy, Jim Jones and all these other weirdos.
Last edited by maz on 06 Jul 2020 22:55, edited 1 time in total.
maz wrote:How could Grandmaster Jay and his crew be unaware of Liberia? He seems like a smart enough guy. And speaking of Liberia, I used to work with some guy who told me that he fled Liberia for America so that his newborn daughter wouldn't be circumcised.

Actually, I rather enjoyed their little demonstration up until they appeared to start harassing motorists in their vehicles. It was a great production! They came in put on a great show and no one got hurt.

I can't figure out how our glow in the dark friends find these provocateurs/cult leaders, but they sure as hell know how to pick them that's for sure.

"Grandmaster Jay" put on a superb performance, was quite eloquent and claims to want to do things in a legal way. He is definitely more entertaining than Richard Spencer. But he is just as nutty as Spencer and was saying some hilariously crazy stuff.

I mean, imagine a group of people who think that a carving in a hilltop is oppressing them, and whining about leaving the country if the government doesn't submit to their demands, whining about blacks being political prisoners, all this nonsense as they are being escorted in and out of a state park by the police :lol:

And if they were armed, why did they need the protection of the police? And aren't ACAB? Whatever happened to that?

The video was also instructive in a number of other ways. I frequently read the comment when I browse Black Twitter which goes something like "the police would never let armed black men to open carry in public like they do white armed militias."

And then there's all these liberal women who all of the sudden like the first and second amendment. The absolute state of things these days :lol:

Well... for all those insecure little bitches that want to have guns in their underwear and think "minorities are out to get me" and crazy shit like this, this is going to stir quite a bit of self-reflection.
Perhaps all it takes for the gun porn lovers to wake up is to see the minorities that they don't like marching in the street with military-grade equipment. Now it bothers you :lol: .
For the record, my stance is the same it has always been... nobody should have easy access to military-grade equipment and those that have access to "defense/sporting" should have proper training/licensing and such a display of intimidation should be an absolute nono for anyone to have a license as far as I am concerned.
Because let's be real, these black people are using it as an intimidation tactic, just the same way white supremacists and 2nd amendment nutjobs do. I think it is a transparent tactic, yet an effective one. :lol:
Having the freedom to do something does not mean you have to do it all the time at all places under every circumstance.
maz wrote:Admittedly, I did post it and remove it when I saw the n-word in there. It's a funny meme that to my knowledge doesn't refer to blacks but refers to the CIA, meaning that the CIA finds all these kooky cult members like this Grandmaster Jay guy, Jim Jones and all these other weirdos.

It isn't funny, and it is used as a racial slur by hiding behind conspiracy theories and memes. But you knew that, and you were just hoping that the wrong person wouldn't notice.
XogGyux wrote:Black militia, armed, openly walking through the streets exercising their 2nd amendment... Sounds like these racist's worse nightmare. :lol: :lol:
Maybe we just need more of this, perhaps some endorsement from very big, very black, very "scary" black men of the NRA to have some common-sense gun control.

On the other hand, making a Wakanda in the middle of texas doesn't sound like a bad idea :lol: .

That is already a reality in parts of large cities where the population is 100% black. They did a number on the 4th of July weekend. They only drawback is that the murder rate is quite high. And they often murder children.
Unthinking Majority wrote:It's possible. However, all other black-majority countries haven't done that well (even in the America's, ie: Jamaica, Trinidad etc) so there's more than racism probably going on here at the current time. Things like education, culture etc.

Racism was a major force in all of the Americas.

Jamaica wasn't an African project, it was a British slave project. So black Jamaicans are a product of British Racism, and NOT an independent entitiy that has nothing to do with white supremacy.

And the continent of Africa itself has been bombed, civil warred, and genocided in order to get cheap resources for.... France, Britain, USA, and multinational corporations.

There aren't many non-whites on the Earth who haven't been colonized by racists from Europe or from multinational corporations. Most whites have been colonized by the same forces, but in ways that have many of them convinced that they have a "duty" to be ideological mass murderers (world's policeman, white burden, R2P).
QatzelOk wrote:Racism was a major force in all of the Americas.

Jamaica wasn't an African project, it was a British slave project. So black Jamaicans are a product of British Racism, and NOT an independent entitiy that has nothing to do with white supremacy.

And the continent of Africa itself has been bombed, civil warred, and genocided in order to get cheap resources for.... France, Britain, USA, and multinational corporations.

Yes, so what's the difference between Jamaica, a now independent nation of largely decedents of former African slaves, vs a new ethnostate carved out of America made up of largely decedents of former African slaves?

I'm sure Jamaicans have to deal with less racism, but the socio-economic results aren't so hot. In fact Jamaica has one of the very highest gun murder rates in the world. A lot of Jamaicans have left seeking a better life in white-majority countries.

If an African-American ethnostate were to be formed, the results would still be below that of other developed countries because they'd be starting with a population base that would be starting somewhat poor, with not the highest education base. Maybe it would be better than their current situation, but maybe it wouldn't.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Yes, so what's the difference between Jamaica, a now independent nation of largely decedents of former African slaves, vs a new ethnostate carved out of America made up of largely decedents of former African slaves?

If I understant correctly, your point is that they would both be exactly the same thing "because black?"

A new state carved out of the USA would have a very different independence story than Jamaica, a different culture, a different history, a different geography, etc. It would be nothing like Jamaica, any more than Serbia is like the USA (both white).
QatzelOk wrote:Racism was a major force in all of the Americas.

Jamaica wasn't an African project, it was a British slave project. So black Jamaicans are a product of British Racism, and NOT an independent entitiy that has nothing to do with white supremacy.

And the continent of Africa itself has been bombed, civil warred, and genocided in order to get cheap resources for.... France, Britain, USA, and multinational corporations.

There aren't many non-whites on the Earth who haven't been colonized by racists from Europe or from multinational corporations. Most whites have been colonized by the same forces, but in ways that have many of them convinced that they have a "duty" to be ideological mass murderers (world's policeman, white burden, R2P).

This is where you lose me. Why are you guys unable to recognize that perhaps other nations have not done a good job with regards to economic prosperity? Why must you guys always blame someone else for your own mistakes? No one is denying racism exist, but to use racism to justify your own inability to take personal responsibility is very poor form.
Saeko wrote:Yes.

I've never seen a Pro-fascist who's in favor civic fascism let alone BLM . The close I have seen with mutual respect are separatists. Garveyists and other white nationalists groups were willing to collab with each other to advocate ethostates.

These BLM are Marxist and so is the whole movement, they're now trying to destroy america monuments. Now I'm in favor of this and destruction of america, but they're just proving the right wing correct and will only cause more militia attacks and racial strife. If they succeed, it wouldn't be tolerable to either of us and if they fail there will be more racial division to the point of balkiniztion, either way civic fascism isn't going to work.

And Black people are very anti-lgbt and more distrustful of whites now(but not enough to stop swirling LOL)

> Absolutely not. I only believe in nationalism for Americans.

America has always been about whites/black country, it wasn't meant for the other immigrants. But america stands for white control and hegemony, and that is against Black interests.
Black Consequense wrote:I've never seen a Pro-fascist who's in favor civic fascism let alone BLM . The close I have seen with mutual respect are separatists. Garveyists and other white nationalists groups were willing to collab with each other to advocate ethostates.

These BLM are Marxist and so is the whole movement, they're now trying to destroy america monuments. Now I'm in favor of this and destruction of america, but they're just proving the right wing correct and will only cause more militia attacks and racial strife. If they succeed, it wouldn't be tolerable to either of us and if they fail there will be more racial division to the point of balkiniztion, either way civic fascism isn't going to work.

And Black people are very anti-lgbt and more distrustful of whites now(but not enough to stop swirling LOL)

> Absolutely not. I only believe in nationalism for Americans.

America has always been about whites/black country, it wasn't meant for the other immigrants. But america stands for white control and hegemony, and that is against Black interests.

This is not obviously apparent to black Americans that have racial PTSD and are consumed with finding racism under every rock. The best way to get rid of racism is too stop the idea that it is up to white people to fix racism. That in itself is a weak position that generates condescending racism of low expectations among white lefties. ON the right it causes frustration as many would actually love to see a more prosperous black America. It fuels the idea of "fuck it, they don't want things to get better".

Prosperity in Black America is bad news for the Democrats because they would lose the oppressed voter they depend on.

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