It's what they are thinking - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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All general discussion about politics that doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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Thanks to you and the thousands of other members who took action, we got Penn State’s planned “Stand Back and Stand By” event, which featured Proud Boys’ founder Gavin McInnes, CANCELLED! We’re proud to stand behind courageous Penn State students who put their own safety at risk to protest the event and fight for what’s right.

The Proud Boys celebrated Trump’s infamously violent instruction to “stand back and stand by,” but most of the country was shocked at the sitting president’s apparent directive for a known white nationalist group to engage in violence on his behalf. Many consider it to be the catalyst for the January 6th insurrection, an attack on our democracy that resulted in the deaths of at least seven people. We know that, when institutional powers indirectly or directly support white nationalists and their dangerous rhetoric, violence is not far behind. Penn State must meet the moment and take steps to permanently ban all those with ties to white nationalist groups from appearing in university-sponsored events. ... 2%2ET_n9Zs
ckaihatsu wrote:And what 'social identity' in identity-politics are *you*, Ness?

That’s an excellent question my friend and I was actually thinking about it today.

It pains me to say, but I’m exhibiting traits that are a wee bit feminist. I’m keeping a close eye on the symptoms however so don’t be too alarmed ;)
ness31 wrote:
That’s an excellent question my friend and I was actually thinking about it today.

It pains me to say, but I’m exhibiting traits that are a wee bit feminist. I’m keeping a close eye on the symptoms however so don’t be too alarmed ;)

I'm gonna *pass* on that invite, but how about *you* just keep talking and talking like that, as you like -- ? I think the thread still has some room left.
late wrote:It completely isn't.

Those unvaccinated idiots were why hundreds of thousands died that didn't need to...

I’m not going to engage as I’d have to say nasty stuff to make a point - for me it’s not worth it. If you cannot see the parallels then this really isn’t a genuine conversation. Zealotry has a habit of blinding people so I’m not surprised.
ness31 wrote:Yeah, and for 2 years unvaccinated people were treated like scum. Same same, but different.

Edit - some people still can’t get jobs.

What a load of shit. Notwithstanding the fact that not vaccinated people are dumber that a bag of hammers, there was no mob after them. Science is after them. They are not only a danger to themselves they are a danger to the rest of us.

I see no compelling reason to hire someone who could pose a danger to my other employees. Indeed, as an employer, "I" am obligated to try to keep my employees safe. And their families. Their elderly friends.

Not being vaccinated should not be seen as some kind of individual rights thing. It is a public health issue. The profoundly stupid people who refuse vaccines, without a valid medical reason, put all of the rest of us at risk because they are such special snowflakes. No sympathy. If I had my way I would put them on an island with the other MAGA fools and let them choke in their own fluids. Covid is a really nasty way to die.

I wish you could see it Ness. Watch someone in isolation gasping out their last breath all alone, because the Republican Party has deluded them into believing that Covid has something to do with "rights" . It is not a pretty thing Ness. I hope you don't have to experience it. But if you do, and you are not vaccinated, with your dying gasp, panicked as only a smothering person can be, you can remember that you could have been home with a cat on your lap. A cat, by the way, that you made sure was up on all of its vaccinations. It will miss you.
The focus should have always been on the vulnerable. I personally know of someone that wasn’t vaccinated and has clogged up bed for 9 months. Dumb. Some very generous triaging if you ask me.

None of that justifies mandates. It doesn’t justify forcing medicine on people; taking away their livelihoods, their social ties and family connections when they don’t play ball with people who say ‘science’ a lot.

We were all here! Everyone witnessed what went down! Now the dust has settled you see, Covid is ‘over’ and the real fun begins; the real ‘long Covid’ - the hang over from our hysterical excesses. The global economy, the global supply chains, the inflation, the toll on children, the politicization of vaccines, the entrenched authoritarianism in a ‘post pandemic’ world..

Your wonderful New Normal.

Please, spare me the diatribes, the lectures, the pontificating. Most people would be embarrassed but not the die hards. Zealots to your core.
ness31 wrote:
clogged up bed for 9 months

ness31 wrote:
None of that justifies mandates.

Nice quick rhetorical pivot there, ness, but isn't this actually a *contradiction* -- ?

Which *is* it -- 'generous triaging', or '[medical] mandates' -- ?

You happen to have listed *several* 'post-Covid' mandates, so why not the *medical* ones as well.
ness31 wrote:
I have no idea what what you’re saying.

Look -- here's your list of mandates:

ness31 wrote:
The global economy, the global supply chains, the inflation, the toll on children, the politicization of vaccines, the entrenched authoritarianism in a ‘post pandemic’ world..

Now just add 'pandemic', at the beginning of the list.
I don’t understand your use of the term ‘mandate’ in that context.
ness31 wrote:
I don’t understand your use of the term ‘mandate’ in that context.

The *opposite* of 'mandate' in this context is 'generous triaging', and it can't be *both*, because either the policy will be to treat the *patient*, *generously*, with all accompanying costs and waiting lists, or else *rules* will have to be imposed -- triaging.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospitals became severe for some hospital systems of the United States in the spring of 2020, a few months after the COVID-19 pandemic began. Some had started to run out of beds, along with having shortages of nurses and doctors. By November 2020, with 13 million cases so far, hospitals throughout the country had been overwhelmed with record numbers of COVID-19 patients. Nursing students had to fill in on an emergency basis, and field hospitals were set up to handle the overflow. ... m_COVID-19
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