#MeToo Hysteria Is A Pretext For Women To Take Power And Money Away From Men - Page 19 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Agreed. That hopefully wouldn't cut mustard in my country too.

If an employee was fired for a false reason, they can get compensated and even get their old job back.

If there is a complaint, the right thing to do is to suspend the person (with pay) until the complaint has been dealt with by the courts(or at least until police charges have been brought). You can't fire someone because of rumours and innuendo.

That's due process.
AFAIK wrote:@Pants-of-dog
Many first world countries have employment rights so you're boss can't fire you at any time for any reason. Britain even has employment tribunals where workers can argue they were unfairly dismissed.

I'm sorry to hear you live in a shithole where due process has such a narrow definition. ;)

Yes, and Atwood’s defense of Galloway is based in the same context from which I am arguing; i.e, both of us live in Canada. And Atwood is still wrong.

She has no evidence that the state has been involved, nor has Galloway or the university who hired him appeared before any tribunal. There was an investigation which is still not available to the public, but to whine about the lack of transparency is also not the correct use of the term “due process”.

I actually already discussed this with @Drlee but this gives me the opportunity to repeat it once again.

He also explained how employment law works, and was also unable to show how there is a lack of due process.

Boys just keep talking about it as if it is a big problem even though there have been no cases of due process being ignored, and they also accuse everyone of hysteria because we are not equally frightened by this imaginary problem.
What we need to learn from the Aziz Ansari clusterfuck
This is not actually an article about him, the claw, or anything to do with the night in question that we are all reading about this weekend. I wasn’t there. We haven’t heard his account, and so I have no right, nor inclination, to comment.

But it has indeed sparked an interesting conversation about consent, both technical and more importantly, emotional, and how vital it is to read the room and make sure the other person is not just willing, but damn well enthusiastic. Especially, in my opinion, if that person is the one to be penetrated. You want to enter them. You best ensure you are a welcome guest, not someone who just begged, pressured, guilt-tripped or harassed their way inside.

There are men I know who are respectful and patient in sexual scenarios, who I daresay are actually turned off if a woman isn’t very obviously enjoying herself. These men are sadly the exception, not the norm.

Our society has mislead men. We have allowed pornography to continuously promote that narrative that a woman is a hole for a man to enjoy when and how he feels like it. Very rarely is a woman’s needs paid much/any attention to in porn, and when it is, it’s often illustrated as the woman just happening to enjoy whatever the man does, even if she doesn’t at first, without fail, she always comes round to his brilliant idea, and is the good sport we all hoped she would be.

A lot of pornography is dedicated, quite literally, to the thrill being how much a woman literally didn’t want to have sex at all and how he did it, really violently, anyway. What is going on?

Then we have music videos where the girls are always practically naked and performing rehearsed dance routines for the men, who are sitting there on their arses, sometimes in outdoor winter layers, doing nothing other than enjoying their needs being met.


(Poor old pussy having a terrible time.)

Our society, the internet, and even our most mainstream media, constantly perpetuate the idea that men do not need to worry about what our needs and boundaries are. They just need technical consent, however that consent is acquired.

CONSENT SHOULDN’T BE THE GOLD STANDARD. That should be the basic foundation. Built upon that foundation should be fun, mutual passion, equal arousal, interest and enthusiasm. And it is any man or woman’s right at ANY time to stop, for whatever reason.

We also need to reassure women that their fear of being thought of as “difficult” “awkward” or god forbid, “frigid,” should be completely eradicated, effective immediately. These are stereotypes created by the patriarchy, about women, to rather astonishingly, douse women in shame for feeling ownership over their own bodies and moving at a pace they are comfortable with. If you think that he won’t call you again because you weren’t ready to meet his sexual needs on his schedule, then HE DOESN’T LIKE YOU VERY MUCH. Women have traditionally been taught to please, to placate and to avoid embarrassing a man. This has to stop, and it has to come from us. If a man asks you to put his penis in your mouth, and you don’t want to, but you do it because you want him to call you again, you are doing yourself a disservice and have to accept some responsibility. If he is not actively pressuring you, but you feel pressured by his eagerness, desperation, or the fear of his disappointment, then it is frankly on YOU to say no and act in honour of your needs. (Obviously in a situation where you feel in any danger at all, this is a completely different case.)

It is fairly modern for women to be allowed to choose who they marry. It is very modern for women to be “allowed” to have casual sex. It is extremely modern for women to ask to have their needs met and for that to be considered an achievement for a man. WHAT EVEN IS FAKING AN ORGASM? What does that say about women’s attitudes towards their role in the bedroom? “I’m going to congratulate him for something he didn’t take the time or make the effort to do?!” Women’s magazines forever, constantly writing about “how to please him” Very few men’s magazines with titles about “how to give her the orgasm of her life.”

The subliminal messaging is thorough and it is constant.

If a woman is not enjoying herself thoroughly, throughout your entire sexual engagement, and is not delighted about all the things your are doing together, then STOP. YOU ARE FAILING. This should not be your idea of fun. This is not sex. This is just a wank, you are using another body for, regardless of her needs or desires.

Women must learn that “no” is a right, not a privilege.

I hope one day more young women in the public eye, in music videos and on instagram, use their platforms, when being sexual, to promote a balanced approach to arousal, one that promotes pleasure for both parties involved.

I hope men stop singing about putting pussies in blenders and making Pussy humus out of them, or whatever.

I hope the men (who don’t already) actually realise and come to terms with the fact that porn is a bullshit fantasy and learning sex from pornography is like learning how to drive from The Fast and the Furious. A terrible idea.

And I also hope men start to understand one day, that women have been oppressed since the beginning of time. We are only just starting to find our voices and demand equality. Do not abuse our conditioning to bend to your whims. Especially in the bedroom.

“erm…Ok” shouldn’t be encouragement enough for you.

You can and must do better.
http://jameelajamil.co.uk/post/16972026 ... ziz-ansari
I don't exactly know what to make of the 'alienating' possible allies/sympathetic peeps point as I don't see it expanded upon beyond, the implicit goodness of having the sympathy of others.
But I always come back to Pankuhurst in this regard...
Historian Trevor Lloyd wrote that "by [1913] the suffragettes were no longer looking for opportunities for martyrdom. They wanted to fight against society."[55] These activities drove away some of their sympathizers, but Pankhurst was unwavering, stating that:

…if you really want to get anything done, it is not so much a matter of whether you alienate sympathy; sympathy is a very unsatisfactory thing if it is not practical sympathy. It does not matter to the practical suffragist whether she alienates sympathy that was never of any use to her. What she wants is to get something practical done, and whether it is done out of sympathy or whether it is done out of fear…doesn't particularly matter so long as you get it. We had enough of sympathy for fifty years; it never brought us anything, and we would rather have an angry man going to the government and saying, my business is interfered with and I won't submit to its being interfered with any longer because you won't give women the vote, than to have a gentleman come onto our platforms year in and year out and talk about his ardent sympathy with woman’s suffrage.[56]

I don't think the term rape culture demonizes all men unless one takes an problematic view of culture as to be perhaps strictly social detereminist and to lose the nuance of the concept.
It would be misandric if one generalized that all men were rapists, but it isn't apparent to me many people actually believe that, the belief is instead different.
Rethinking Rape By Ann J. Cahill
The threat of rape, then, is a constitutive and sustained moment in the production of the distinctly feminine body. It is the pervasive danger that renders so much public space off-limits, a danger so omnipresent, in fact, that the "safety zone" women attempt to create rarely exceeds the limits of their own limbs and quite often falls far short of that radius. Women consider their flesh not only weak and breakable, but also violable. The truth inscribed on the woman's body is not that, biologically, all men are potential rapists. It is rather that, biologically, all women are potential rape victims. Note, too, that this bodily inscription may take place without the explicit articulation of the concept of "rape" or the actual experience of sexual assault. Girls especially may know that their bodies are inherently dangerous without being clear as to the precise nature of the danger they present. They may only sense that something very bad and very hurtful will befall them should their surveillance falter, and, correspondingly, that all sorts of social opportunities will be open to them should their project of femininity be successful.9"

The more damning thing is the silence and lack of resistance, silence being inclusive of silencing those that speak out. Which includes both men and women in the sense that both can be silent to crimes.
Male Violence and Male Silence.
None of this implies, or depends on, universal male violence toward women. In modern societies, and probably all others, most men never engage in serious violent acts toward women. But almost all men participate in the pattern of harassment and intimidation with some regularity, and they gain the benefits of women's fear of more violence because men generally tolerate other men's violence toward women. This does not mean that men anywhere practice or condone uncontrolled violence toward women. But it does mean that men have consistently overlooked most minor forms of intimidation practiced by other men, unless their own women were the object of it. Moreover, they have been inconsistent and sluggish about protecting unattached women from unpredictable violence by anonymous men or protecting dependent women from their husbands.

I think it's agreeable the point about due process, in regards to both criminal/civil court cases and in regards to not being fired unlawfully.
No one should be losing their job frivolously, even when such laws to protect people do exist, they do not safeguard many for substantive reasons.
But regardless of due process, public opinion seems to hang people or not regardless because it's in the social space. Even being found innocent in a court of law doesn't mitigate the social perception of many seeing a guilty person (ie OJ Simpson). So there will be some social repercussions regardless of the state of an allegation.
And it is the case that many of these folks with some money could sue on the assertion of false allegations.
Brett Ratner Sues Woman for Libel Over Facebook Post Alleging Rape
[url=Gaslamp Killer Sues Rape Accusers for Defamation]https://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/gaslamp-killer-sues-rape-accusers-for-defamation-w511699[/url]
And seems one can even sue for being told that one's allegation is false
Rapper Nelly sued for claiming rape allegation was false
I'm guessing that when one sues though, asserting someone made false allegations, it isn't with standards of evidence as in a criminal case because it's suing, so civil courts, which means they just have to prove the falsity to a lower standard, which seems to be an advantage if one attempted to clear their name some that way.

I think there are legitimate points and fears in reaction to particular cases, but I think they all fall flat as long as the issue of sexual violence itself isn't resolved. They simply repeat themselves because the same problem remains, and so when it bubbles up into public space, one repeats history.
It's not my problem that you think the term 'rape culture' is negatively directed at you (for whatever weird reason that you do).

And while it's nice to see men advocate for feminism, denying rape culture is a thing just because the words offend you = not the type of ally I for one, could give a shit about.

Skinster you are taking a position that will send men running for the hills. If this forum was not semi-anonymous I would not post any comments at all. The fact is that rape is a felony. We should prosecute rapists. But recently the term has become so watered-down that it is loosing its meaning. So many actions have become included that speaking of rape today vice 10 years or more ago is essentially talking about two different things.

Men commit the majority of rapes. If you want to fix the problem you have to have men willingly involved in the discussion and acting to help. Without that you are just a bunch of angry women talking to yourselves.

Here is another thing to consider. Rape is a power offense not a sexual one. All of the experts know that. You will not go far to reducing rape by making more men feel powerless. That sounds horrible and in a way it is but it is the real deal.

You have an ally in Godstud but you are deliberately alienating him over what amounts to semantics. When I hear the term "rape culture" I too am offended. It is a stereotype that attaches to all men though a tiny fraction would ever consider committing a rape. How do you feel when Islam is accused of being a violent religion because of the actions of a few? Palestinians are violent against Israelis. These kinds of decent into hyperbole are not helpful. What are helpful are alliances of men and women seriously working to identify the problems and find solutions.

I am not a rapist. I am certain that Godstud is not either. We are not going to be inclined to help with this cause if we have to deal with a group that assumes that we are. Your comment that you do not want an ally who disagrees with you on such an insignificant point is silly. Your movement is not suffering from too many people who take it seriously. How about this. I am a politically active, reasonably affluent male. I have the ear of politicians and other movers and shakers and could help you place your message in the right ear for real action to happen real soon. I think I will pass. Your doctrinal purism is frightening. There may be other "groups" I may help but not yours. You are too unpredictable and potentially dangerous to me.
I've been saying for years that we need to take a stand against Black Rap(e) music culture. Black men in America are more than twice as likely to rape a woman as a White man. I haven't been able to find the rape rate for American Muslims, but if its anything like the American Muslim murder rate it will be utterly horrific.
Drlee, rape-culture is a thing whether you like it or not. We live in it. I posted the statistics which I'll note now, you ignored, after accusing me of hyperbole.

You guys should actually look up what it means before acting like victims.

As for allies in this movement, I'm sorry but I don't trust men who are so fickle in their support because of certain words used. You all can go fuck yourself. You think women need men for feminism? You guys are the problem ffs. And I'm not even going to add the notallmen disclaimer this time because you all can go fuck yourselves, we don't need you, your mansplaining or your cries of victimhood in our movement.

[Zag Edit: Rule 2]
The Aziz Ansari case and how it apparently resonates with many females is instructive. It shows that our perception of male and female sexuality has become less accurate and more based on wishful thinking. The blank slate dogma and the associated unrealistic expectations must lead to disappointment in both sexes as reality catches up with them. Women realise to their astonishment that men and even the nice guys often just want sex, while men are surprised to learn that women, despite their signals to the contrary, often don't just want sex. It's rather funny to watch their confusion about basic facts which have been known to humanity since time immemorial and which were in part the basis for traditional gender roles.
Drlee, rape-culture is a thing whether you like it or not. We live in it. I posted the statistics which I'll note now, you ignored, after accusing me of hyperbole.

I disagree that your statistics prove that.

You guys should actually look up what it means before acting like victims.

Nonsense. It is funny that you post statistics about victims then accuse us of being victims.

As for allies in this movement, I'm sorry but I don't trust men who are so fickle in their support because of certain words used. You all can go fuck yourself. You think women need men for feminism? You guys are the problem ffs. And I'm not even going to add the notallmen disclaimer this time because you all can go fuck yourselves, we don't need you, your mansplaining or your cries of victimhood in our movement.

Grow up and mind the rules young lady.

Also, don't address me again either, your politics are god-awful and you think because you're old that you have a clue but that really just makes you old and delusional. Go away. I don't want or need anything from you


Not your circus honey.
For the record, I have no problem with the term “rape culture”.

Also, if you think yourself as an ally for women and a feminist, but you are also willing to withdraw your support because people are being so rude as to use terms like “rape culture”, then perhaps you are not actually an ally.
Pants-of-dog wrote:For the record, I have no problem with the term “rape culture”.

Of course you don't. It's a trend, and you're very proud of your trend-following.

The real rape culture, of course, happens in all our wars.

And by reducing the sexual opporunities that are usually opened-up by male advances (flirting, lewdness, propositions...), and by smearing male sexuality in general with a specialized vocabulary designed to do this, you are helping Hollywood to steer males (and our culture) towards more propaganda-fueled wars. These wars are being instigated for more industrial resources and as a distraction from what industrial shit the world is in right now.

Thanks for doing what Hollywood wanted you to do. You must be the proudest mouse in their maze.
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