Is Trump a Kremlin stooge? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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His effect on KJU has resulted in DPRK resuming their nuclear program. Fat lot of good that did.

Nearly three weeks since North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un committed to complete denuclearization, multiple signs have emerged of expanding activity at his country's nuclear facilities. ... ities.html
We live in a globally connected world. Australians living in a small room in London, Mossad and Vladimir Putin are going to fuck with every election you have from now on.

.....Welcome to the age of the Internet....
Dan Rather: A President Out Of His League

There has been no shortage of historic summits in American history – but nothing like what is happening today.

No American president has ever appeared as a supplicant to a foreign power who attacked us – an attack that the intelligence community says is ongoing.

No American president has been so eager to placate a hostile foreign power. And no American president has been under a credible shadow of allegedly conspiring with a hostile foreign power.

No American president has so attacked our allies and heaped scorn on his fellow citizens while heaping praise on a hostile foreign power.

No American president has been so ill-prepared for diplomacy and statecraft and then insisted on handling negotiations with a hostile foreign power alone.

We do not know what was discussed. We will not be able to trust what President Trump or Putin say was discussed. Their words fail even the most minimum standards of political truth telling.

This is a historic summit indeed, but historic in terms of the damage it can (and likely already has done) to our nation and a democratic world order. ... nt-league/
I think Putin meant to speak for Trump when he said the US was a democracy and only courts could decide in a democracy, or something like that, while Trump was nodding. It really was like eminent vs idiot.
It's fucking obvious that Trump is a Kremlin stooge.
It was obvious even before Trump was elected as president that Trump was in the pocket of Putin.
Anyone who doesn't believe that Trump is Putins puppet is a damm fool.
I've been around for nearly seventy years and this is unfuckingbelievable...
Trump will have to be impeached asp.

Just FYI since what they're actually saying doesn't seem to have occurred to some of the people pushing this dialogue, the Soviet Union officially collapsed in 1991, so to say that Trump was compromised by Russians in the 80's is actually to argue that the Soviet Union compromised Trump and that the plan took this long to be carried out by the Russian Federation.

So you may as well take that Hammer and Sickle off your wall now bros.
There is no precedent—a president sides with America’s enemies
Scott Gilmore: After Helsinki, America is in unchartered waters, facing the possibility that its president is no longer defending America

Then, Associated Press journalist Jonathan Lemire stood up and pointed out that while Putin claims Russia never attacked the American election, every U.S. intelligence agency has concluded they did. He asked, “Who do you believe?… And would you now, with the whole world watching, tell President Putin, would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you warn him to never do it again?”

It was a moment that will define the Trump presidency. As the question unfolded, Trump straightened his back and leaned away from the microphone. He glanced at the ceiling. He answered by first attacking the FBI’s role in investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails. Then he added [Putin] “just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be….President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” He then concluded by praising Putin’s offer to help him get to the bottom of it.

Three days after the FBI issued indictments showing the military of a foreign power attacked America, the president of the United States stood with the attacker and defended him. ... s-enemies/
Godstud wrote:Even Fox News...

What is your point? We should dislike FoxNews, because some of the dough to propagandize Americans was evidently spent in buying some FoxNews talking heads? Exactly why should we care about that?

Ter wrote:I the Russian's aim was to sow discord amongst the Americans, they have succeeded magnificently.

Right. That's my goal too. I want to turn the establishment on its ear. I don't see why I should have to be ruled by these retards.

Godstud wrote:His effect on KJU has resulted in DPRK resuming their nuclear program. Fat lot of good that did.

Yeah. Let's nuke 'em.

colliric wrote:We live in a globally connected world. Australians living in a small room in London, Mossad and Vladimir Putin are going to fuck with every election you have from now on.

.....Welcome to the age of the Internet....

What amazes me is how Americans show little interest in the fact that major technology houses are all tied in with the state. Facebook was funded in part by the CIA. I've said for about a decade now that we can use social media to fuck with their censorship. However, they can get around ours too, and it starts to get very clear that the US media isn't a spontaneous journaler of events.

Beren wrote:The only thing we can hope is that America is learning fast (faster than Trump at least).

Learning what?

Godstud wrote:Dan Rather: A President Out Of His League

Nobody listens to Dan Rather since he participated in a phony story about Bush being AWOL.

Beren wrote:I think Putin meant to speak for Trump when he said the US was a democracy and only courts could decide in a democracy, or something like that, while Trump was nodding. It really was like eminent vs idiot.

That makes me like Putin. SCOTUS decisions on gay marriage, corporate equality, abortion and health care demonstrate how corrupt the courts are in the United States.

anarchist23 wrote:Anyone who doesn't believe that Trump is Putins puppet is a damm fool.

I'm a damn fool! It's awesome! You should try it.

MAGA :rockon:

Hong Wu wrote:Just FYI since what they're actually saying doesn't seem to have occurred to some of the people pushing this dialogue, the Soviet Union officially collapsed in 1991, so to say that Trump was compromised by Russians in the 80's is actually to argue that the Soviet Union compromised Trump and that the plan took this long to be carried out by the Russian Federation.

So you may as well take that Hammer and Sickle off your wall now bros.

Yeah. You never know what communist thing Trump might do. He might, for example, pass socialized medicine if Putin controls Trump that much.

Godstud wrote:There is no precedent—a president sides with America’s enemies

Obama shipping planes of cash to Iran might qualify as a precedent.
It is interesting to see the left completely losing in it and believing the conspiracy propaganda spun out of CNN. All these years their self proclaimed superiority of reason has just gone out of the window.

I watched the conference when Trump was asked about US intelligence. He ignored the question as far as I remember. This whole thing is being spun to get Trump impeached for political reasons other then actual Russian inference in the election. Plus on top of that why would Trump agree with intelligence when parts of FBI is publicly seeking to impeach him and put him in jail.
Last edited by Albert on 17 Jul 2018 08:07, edited 1 time in total.
Even Fox news was stunned at Trump's behavior, so it's just just the left bogeyman that saw it.
True there are many right-wing establishment Republicans war hawks that are angry with Trump right now. Like McCain, he seems to got up out of his death bead to voice his dissatisfaction that Russia is not going to get nuked. Washington seems to be in uproar atm.

It still does not make it true though. That Trump is somehow a puppet of Putin.
Trump needs to be impeached. What Nixon did was nothing compared to Trumps behaviour..

US president stunned his nation by turning on his own ­intelligence chiefs and insisted Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election race, which he won.
Former FBI director James Comey, an outspoken critic of Trump since his firing in May 2017, took to Twitter to condemn the president for defending a "murderous lying thug."
Comey wrote: "This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country.
"Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president."
Putin's poodle Donald Trump branded a traitor and accused of treason after backing Russian leader over election meddling
Trump was branded a spineless traitor for siding with his rival and calling an FBI probe into claims Putin ­influenced the election “ridiculous”.
During a joint press conference in Helsinki, which was briefly delayed when a protester was removed, the president insisted: “There was no collusion at all.
“I have President Putin, he said it’s not Russia. I will say this: ‘I don’t see any reason why it would be.’”
But his willingness to accept the Russian’s word without question sparked fury back home.
Former CIA director John Brennan said: “It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”
Republican senator Jeff Flake added: “I never thought I would see the day when our ­president would stand on the stage with the Russian president and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful.”
Fellow Republican John McCain branded Trump’s press conference “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president” in his ­lifetime. He added: “President Trump proved not only unable but unwilling to stand up to Putin.
“He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as he made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant and to grant him an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”
Even Trump ally Orrin Hatch blasted his boss.
He said: “Russia interfered in the 2016 election.
“Our nation’s top intelligence agencies all agree on that point.
“From the president on down, we must do everything to protect our democracy by securing future ­elections from foreign influence, regardless of what Vladimir Putin or any other Russian operative says. I trust the good work of our intelligence and law enforcement personnel.” Democratic senator Chris Murphy added: “This trip has just been one giant middle finger from Trump to his own country.”
Fellow senator Mark Warner said: “For the president to side with Putin over his own intelligence ­officials and blame the United States for Russia’s attack on our democracy is a complete disgrace.”
Trump’s rolling over for Putin was in stark contrast to his tough talking last week in Britain and Brussels where he laid into Nato allies for not paying enough into defence and branded the EU “foes”.
It came just days after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian agents over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
But Trump repeatedly refused to endorse the findings and stuck with his “Putin is innocent” line.
He touted several conspiracy theories related to the ballot about the DN­C’s email server and ­Clinton’s missing emails.
When asked to condemn Russia, he instead said: “So let me just say that we have two thoughts: You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server.
“Why haven’t they taken the server? Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee? I’ve been wondering that. Where is the server? And what is the server saying? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? 33,000 emails gone, just gone.
And of the FBI investigation, he added: “It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous what’s going on with the probe.
“I think that the probe is a disaster for our country. I think it’s kept us [the US and Russia] apart. I think it’s kept us separated.” Mr Trump was back to his bragging best when he spoke of the historic meeting with Putin.
He said: “Our relationship has never been worse than it is now. However, that changed as of about four hours ago. I really believe that.”
And on the breakdown in relations between the two countries, he added: “I hold both countries responsible. I think that the United States has been foolish. We’ve all been foolish.
“We should have had this dialogue a long time ago. I think that we’re all to blame. I think that the US has now stepped forward along with Russia.”
Putin admitted he had wanted Trump to win the presidential race because he talked about normalising relations” between the two countries.
He also said he would look into extraditing the 12 Russians indicted by a US grand jury last week.
Putin, who handed a World Cup football to his counterpart and wife Melania, added: “I don’t know the full extent of the ­situation. ­President Trump mentioned this issue.”
As Trump flew home tonight he insisted he had “great confidence in my intelligence people”.
Russian Maria Butina, 29, who lives in Washington and is a pro-gun campaigner, has been charged with spying for Moscow, the US Justice Department said tonight. ... r-12932585
This is a bit stupid honestly. Trump is not a Putins stooge. Trump is under the influence of Putin because what Trump is doing in America is to some degree influenced by Putin. His more a cultural phenomenon in this sense. He made it cool before Trump arrived. And also a little small tip, not only Trump is a fan of Putin. It seems Macron also comes from the same category.
anarchist23 wrote:Trump needs to be impeached. What Nixon did was nothing compared to Trumps behaviour..

He won't be impeached. The deep state clearly is trying to undermine his presidency. They are getting their just desserts.

lame article wrote:US president stunned his nation by turning on his own ­intelligence chiefs and insisted Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election race, which he won.

Trump repeated Vladimir Putin's insistence that they didn't interfere. He didn't say the Russians didn't interfere. He also questioned why the DNC never turned over the server and why the independent counsel is trying to prosecute when the essential proof--the server itself--isn't known to the prosecution.

lame article wrote:Comey wrote: "This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country.

Comey thinks he's loyal to the country by betraying the will of the voters. It's a delusion he shares with other establishmentarians. They are upset about Trump's behavior, because the establishment is getting exposed. Trying to direct Trump when he is overseas--briefing him via the media and independent counsel indictments--instead of being directed by Trump is their essential problem. They are supposed to back him, not he them.

lame article wrote:During a joint press conference in Helsinki, which was briefly delayed when a protester was removed, the president insisted: “There was no collusion at all.
“I have President Putin, he said it’s not Russia. I will say this: ‘I don’t see any reason why it would be.’”

There is no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mueller will have to make his case. The Russian nationals have been charged, and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

lame article wrote:Former CIA director John Brennan said: “It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”

Brennan voted for a communist. He really doesn't have that sort of street credibility. It is not treason to not back deep staters hostile to your presidency enough to time the release of indictments to a few days before you are scheduled to meet with a foreign leader. It's just another shitty attempt by the deep state to try to control the narrative. The population is too sophisticated for their game now.

lame article wrote:Republican senator Jeff Flake added: “I never thought I would see the day when our ­president would stand on the stage with the Russian president and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful.”

A NeverTrumper heading for the exits, because he can't even win a primary now.

lame article wrote:Fellow Republican John McCain branded Trump’s press conference “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president” in his ­lifetime. He added: “President Trump proved not only unable but unwilling to stand up to Putin.
“He and Putin seemed to be speaking from the same script as he made a conscious choice to defend a tyrant and to grant him an uncontested platform to spew propaganda and lies to the world.”

McCain's lifetime is almost over. He has been a champion of every disastrous war we've fought in his lifetime, and has no apologies for the lives lost on all sides.

lame article wrote:Even Trump ally Orrin Hatch blasted his boss.

Hatch is also outgoing. By the way, Hatch is a Senator. The president isn't his boss.

lame article wrote:“From the president on down, we must do everything to protect our democracy by securing future ­elections from foreign influence, regardless of what Vladimir Putin or any other Russian operative says. I trust the good work of our intelligence and law enforcement personnel.” Democratic senator Chris Murphy added: “This trip has just been one giant middle finger from Trump to his own country.”

Let's start by removing all illegal aliens if we're serious about foreigners not influencing our politics.

lame article wrote:When asked to condemn Russia, he instead said: “So let me just say that we have two thoughts: You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server.
“Why haven’t they taken the server? Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee? I’ve been wondering that. Where is the server? And what is the server saying? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? 33,000 emails gone, just gone.
And of the FBI investigation, he added: “It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous what’s going on with the probe.
“I think that the probe is a disaster for our country. I think it’s kept us [the US and Russia] apart. I think it’s kept us separated.” Mr Trump was back to his bragging best when he spoke of the historic meeting with Putin.

Trump is right. To prove this case, the defense is going to ask for the essential piece of proof and the DNC has denied it to the prosecution. It's pointless to file charges when the defense is entitled by law to compel witnesses and evidence.

JohnRawls wrote:Trump is under the influence of Putin because what Trump is doing in America is to some degree influenced by Putin.

It's more like Putin is a nationalist, and the globalists have overplayed their hand. So nationalists are more popular than globalists now. Whereas globalists trash Christianity and embrace Islam, Trump and Putin embrace Christianity and are critical of Islamic extremists. That puts both leaders squarely on the side of their population against deep state globalists.

JohnRawls wrote:He made it cool before Trump arrived.

It's always been cool, except to globalists who are not loyal to their country. Trump is loyal to the American people, not the FBI or CIA.
The Washington Post wrote:Trump just colluded with Russia. Openly.

Editorial - The Washington Post - Tuesday, July 17, 2018

THE ENDURING image of the U.S.-Russia summit in Helsinki on Monday will be that of President Trump standing next to Vladi­mir Putin and suggesting he found Mr. Putin’s “powerful” denial at least as persuasive as the U.S. intelligence community’s unanimous finding that Russia intervened in the 2016 election. Coupled with another groundless attack on the FBI and an apparent endorsement of a patently disingenuous offer by Mr. Putin to collaborate with the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Mr. Trump appeared to align himself with the Kremlin against American law enforcement before the Russian ruler and a global audience.

Mr. Trump had said he would raise the issue of Russia’s interference in the election with Mr. Putin, but the result was a series of statements that could have been scripted by Moscow. Mr. Trump said that, while Daniel Coats, the United States’ director of national intelligence, had told him Russia was responsible for hacking into the server of the Democratic National Committee, “I don’t see any reason why it would be.” He referred to various discredited conspiracy theories about the hack while lambasting the FBI. When offered an open-ended opportunity to cite any behavior by Russia that had contributed to poor relations, the president sidestepped, saying, “I hold both countries responsible.” As Mr. Trump apparently sees it, Russia’s invasions of Ukraine and Georgia, war crimes in Syria, poison attack in Britain and the shooting down of a Malaysian civilian airliner over Ukraine are morally equivalent to the policies pursued by previous U.S. administrations.

It’s not yet known what Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin discussed in their private meeting, or whether they reached any tangible agreements. Both leaders suggested there had been accord on securing Israel’s border with Syria and on providing humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees, though they offered no details. Even if he obtained nothing concrete from Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin scored a symbolic triumph by appearing to stand as an equal with the U.S. president in a relationship with “special responsibility for maintaining international security,” as he put it.

While Mr. Trump’s insistence on granting Mr. Putin that status was misguided, it paled beside his betrayal of the FBI and his own senior intelligence officials. Incredibly, Mr. Trump appeared to endorse a cynical suggestion by Mr. Putin that Mr. Mueller’s investigators be granted interviews with a dozen Russian intelligence officers indicted in the DNC hack in exchange for Russian access to associates of William Browder, a financier whose exposure of high-level corruption and human rights crimes in Moscow led to the adoption by Congress of the Magnitsky Act, which imposed sanctions on those responsible. Mr. Putin’s citation of bogus Russian charges against Mr. Browder was matched by Mr. Trump’s garbled reference to “the Pakistani gentleman” who was falsely alleged by right-wing conspiracy theorists to be behind the leak of DNC emails.

In Helsinki, Mr. Trump again insisted “there was no collusion” with Russia. Yet in refusing to acknowledge the plain facts about Russia’s behavior, while trashing his own country’s justice system, Mr. Trump in fact was openly colluding with the criminal leader of a hostile power.

RT wrote:He may have been called an ally-betraying Putin-loving traitor by the US liberal media, but Donald Trump is not making any apologies after his European tour that culminated in ground-breaking talks with the Russian president.

“While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way - the Fake News is going Crazy!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday.


Is it such a terrible thing for the US and Russia to have non-hostile relations? It may have been a necessary evil while Russia was host to the evil of communism but that situation is in the past by nearly 30 years. If the US can have friendly relations with Germany and Japan now then why not Russia?
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