Who is the most masculine leftist? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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You can be very masculine and still be a feminist. If you think these conflict, then you don't understand what feminism actually is. Feminism is elevating women to an equal footing, not diminishing men.

Agent Steel wrote:Why would you want to be masculine if masculinity is a toxic character trait that causes harm to women?
Not all masculinity is "toxic". Masculine attributes like self-confidence, ambition, and others are not toxic.

Agent Steel wrote:That's why it's so funny and ironic the way Godstud is getting so defensive about this. It makes no sense.
That you think I am "defensive" is pretty hilarious. You're projecting. What makes no sense, is what you're saying.
This thread say's far more about you than it does about me or anyone else.

What it say's about you is that you are Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation . If this were a prison, you'd be the first to get raped. No question.
Godstud wrote:You can be very masculine and still be a feminist. If you think these conflict, then you don't understand what feminism actually is. Feminism is elevating women to an equal footing, not diminishing men.

Not all masculinity is "toxic". Masculine attributes like self-confidence, ambition, and others are not toxic.

That you think I am "defensive" is pretty hilarious. You're projecting. What makes no sense, is what you're saying.

It is interesting Godstud but I always considered you a very masculine man. You always were.

Feminine men? I would say one the most feminine men on this board? Ness31. Lol.

Whining men are the worst.

Have you noticed the dumb men all call me nicknames like "Cupcake" or 'sweetheart' or some crappy nickname to try to say I am some dumbell woman....


And the least nice men and the ones with empty love lives all are the ones who are always trying to say how masculine and macho they are.

A bunch of fools Godstud.
Tainari88 wrote:Whining men are the worst.

I agree. Also 'men' that obsess over what masculinity is and isn't probably aren't masculine. A man knows if he's a man or not. He doesn't need other people to validate his masculinity. Further, he doesn't gossip like a little school girl about what physical features made a "real" man. :lol:

This shit is too funny. Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation
Este pendejo Agent Steel es muy confundido.
A man knows if he's a man or not. He doesn't need other people to validate his masculinity.
Rancid wrote:I agree. Also 'men' that obsess over what masculinity is and isn't probably aren't masculine. A man knows if he's a man or not. He doesn't need other people to validate his masculinity. Further, he doesn't gossip like a little school girl about what physical features made a "real" man. :lol:

This shit is too funny. What a bitch, that agent steel.

Este pendejo Agent Steel es muy confundido.

I miss a Puerto Rican forum where I could go in there and they had a forum where there was no moderation and it was called the Grudge fora. Where two posters who hated each other could go in there and insult each other without any moderation going on...lol. I think they closed it down. But it was fun while it lasted. There was one dude I hated. He was some Kris Kobach admirer...and he hated women. All he did all day was attack women posters with insults about what they looked like or what they said.

The only woman he could not beat verbally was me. And he was pissed off. So he wanted me to do a grudge thing in that forum. I did. At the end he was WHINING Rancid. Whining like a little pendejo...it was bad. But she said this to me....boo hoo...the dude was a nasty bully. And when he got what was coming to him? He whined like a little coward. It was so bad....I hate bullies and when the bullies turn into whining complainers who all they do is cry like fools when they get what they deserve?

Ufff..it is terrible.

There is nothing more attractive in a man than a man who is gentle and considerate. Respectful and kind.

Those men are the the best men in the world. Always.

I try my best not to insult or put other people down, because to do so only reflects poorly back onto you. As a man of confidence, I enjoy helping other people and lifting them up. It's something that you too will develop once you become strong.

That's something for you to think about if you get yellow carded for your violation of rule#2, which I suspect you will.
Agent Steel wrote:As a man of confidence

If this is true, why did you open this thread? Why do you care so much about other men?

Tainari88 wrote:There is nothing more attractive in a man than a man who is gentle and considerate. Respectful and kind.

Those men are the the best men in the world. Always.

I agree.

Tambien, hombres que no son come mierda como este.
The reason I opened this thread is because I believe that the Democratic party needs a serious image makeover.

As someone who supports many left-wing ideologies, I feel like we could do a much better job at presenting our views in a such a way that doesn't come across as weak or un-masculine. I think this turns a lot of people away from becoming liberals. They don't like the soft beta-ness they see. And it's understandable, as I don't like this image either.

As I say, I don't believe that left-wing views are in conflict with masculinity, BUT, for some reason, many liberals come across as having a very un-masculine appearance and demeanor.

The democratic party needs a more manly leader in order to better sell left-wing ideologies to the country.

That's my opinion anyway.
Rancid wrote:@Tainari88
What is a man? But a miserable pile of secrets!
- Dracula

I liked Bram Stoker's movie "Dracula". It was a visual masterpiece.

For me that deleted scene where Prince Dracula realizes his Princess is dead because she could not live without him?

For me? That is a man who feels love deeply....the ending of that movie was lovely. He loved extremely deeply and because of that he damned himself...and because he loved her, she was his salvation. A truly romantic movie. Lovely thing.

For me very emotional men with a lot of passion? Those are truly masculine men.

All the men I have loved deeply in my life Rancid have been deeply passionate men. I have seen them cry. All of them. No, stiff upper lip emotionless creatures...none them were like that.

Again, kind and considerate and respectful and gentle.

Passionate and strong as well....always loving well.

Male energy that is full of love is the most beautiful thing in the world too....

Here is the scene....Prince Dracula is angry at God. For condemning his love...according to the church. He should have realized that the church is just old dogma. Love transcends it all. The ending of that movie is about exactly that. Such a great message.

Tainari88 wrote:
I liked Bram Stoker's movie "Dracula". It was a visual masterpiece.

For me that deleted scene where Prince Dracula realizes his Princess is dead because she could not live without him?

For me? That is a man who feels love deeply....the ending of that movie was lovely. He loved extremely deeply and because of that he damned himself...and because he loved her, she was his salvation. A truly romantic movie. Lovely thing.

For me very emotional men with a lot of passion? Those are truly masculine men.

All the men I have loved deeply in my life Rancid have been deeply passionate men. I have seen them cry. All of them. No, stiff upper lip emotionless creatures...none them were like that.

Again, kind and considerate and respectful and gentle.

Passionate and strong as well....always loving well.

Male energy that is full of love is the most beautiful thing in the world too....

Here is the scene....Prince Dracula is angry at God. For condemning his love...according to the church. He should have realized that the church is just old dogma. Love transcends it all. The ending of that movie is about exactly that. Such a great message.

I saw that movie when I was in elementary school. My cousin took me to see it. I saw a lot of movies I wasn't supposed to watch. I also saw the predator in the theater. I wasn't even in elementary school at that time. :lol:
Rancid wrote:I saw that movie when I was in elementary school. My cousin took me to see it. I saw a lot of movies I wasn't supposed to watch. I also saw the predator in the theater. I wasn't even in elementary school at that time. :lol:

Ha, I was a young woman at the time. I found it beautiful. But the scene were Dracula is letting those witches eat the baby? Awful.

But it was interesting. Dracula took the whole religious damnation thing and his anger with Christ very seriously. It was very interesting.
@Agent Steel, do me a favor and logically connect the statements 1 - 3 below.

Here's what you did, and why you are full of shit.

1. You open the thread claiming leftist men have less 'masculine' physical features. Let's ignore the fact this is completely baseless, with no data, and only your own subjective experience. Even if you were on to something here, it doesn't align with point 2.

2. Political Interest makes a comment about how leftist of the past (really, just soviets), were in short, more working class, and more aggressive. I'm guessing he was implying they were "manlier"

3. Out of nowhere, you claim post 2, validates the thread you started based on post 1. This is bullshit of the highest order.

There's no logical connection between point 1 and 2 above. 1 focuses on physical features, 2 focuses on historical attitudes of working class men. How exactly is there any logical connection. If point 2 was really what you wanted to say, why didn't you open the thread with that? This is because you're bullshitting around, and trying to steal someone else's point. that's low brow shit, and funny enough, not very manly. :lol:

The alternative and more likely explanation is, you are full of shit, and looking for something to grasp on to try and validate your opening loaded claim. This is what you are doing, and it's shameful.

Point 2 is an interesting speculative thought (that requires further discussion and objective data), point 1, is just random left field subjective bullshit (that requires objective data to maybe be interesting), and point 2 does not support point 1 in anyway. You claims of "logic" are bullshit. You are intellectually dishonest.

Point 2, which I should remind you, IS NOT YOUR POINT. Is a little more valid because it at least pulls in some historical context. There's at least a little something of substance there.

Agent Steel wrote:One thing that really is starting to bug me is that even though I agree with many leftist policies I've noticed that pretty much everyone who is a leftist is either a woman or a soft, feminized sort of man. Why is this? I have never thought of leftist policies as being un-masculine but it's just really weird how un-masculine the leftist crowd is.

I'm searching for a leftist who is masculine in appearance and demeanor...can someone find one?

Political Interest wrote:
Sorry, Tainari.

Let me put it here again for you to respond. I am sorry. :)

Yes, the Western left today are essentially charlatans. After the 1960s we now only have fake New Leftists hipsters and misanthropic idiots who focus on cultural issues.

In the old days we had Stalinist hardmen in the Western left. These were real men who loved their countries and wanted socialism for their peoples. They were not scared to put in the hard work and do the heavy lifting. Most of them were actual workers, i.e. steel mill workers, boiler makers etc. People like Harry Pollitt in Britain, for example. Pollitt knew Stalin and met with him a few times, he even pleaded for his ex-girlfriend's life in front of him before she was shot by the Stalinist state.

These were fighters and believers. They didn't focus on the divisive nonsense that the New Left of today focus on.

There was no obsession about race, gender, or other nonsense. It was all about building socialism.

Agent Steel wrote:^ See?

This guy just explained that there's a very logical and rational reason for why I made this thread.

My observation is true.
Agent Steel wrote:The reason I opened this thread is because I believe that the Democratic party needs a serious image makeover.

Well, let me tell you. You did a shit job of that. Nowhere in your opening post do you mention the democratic party, nor an image makeover.

So, rather than trying to recover the thread by stealing someone else's thought, maybe you should just admit that you came into this thread with a half cocked thought that's not worth discussing. That's more honorable, and incidentally, more manly.
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