Old School Left Calls For End To Cancel Culture Of The New McCarthyist Left - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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skinster wrote:waton is cruising through search engines trying to find people who apparently got "cancelled" by the powerless left. :D


Actually I forgot about this. But it's not too hard:

https://nypost.com/article/celebrities- ... sm-claims/

How many have gotten monetary compensation for that? Or only your neonazi buddies should get money?
wat0n wrote:Actually I forgot about this. But it's not too hard:

https://nypost.com/article/celebrities- ... sm-claims/

This is what you come up with?

I don't know any of these people or why leftists are responsible for them being fired for their racism by TV shows.

You might want to spend a bit more time on your google search for better victims you can find, to maintain that weird argument you made up.

How many have gotten monetary compensation for that?

You tell me, since you just found out about these people and so did I.

Or only your neonazi buddies should get money?

Which of my buddies are neonazis and what makes them neonazis?

You are even struggling with using language properly, are you tired today? Because you're slipping. Usually your bullshit has a tinge of sincerity, you're not even trying here though, and it's hilarious. :lol:
skinster wrote:That you think the celebrities you just found online for being racist are comparable to an academic who got fired for his political opinions - that didn't include any racism - is :lol:

Or that you think people like me are responsible for what MTV does. :lol:

Sorry, but only the victims get to decide if they have been subjected to racism, right? Or this doesn't apply to Jews? Salaita was widely regarded as such by them, so there he goes.

And it's not like TV stars aren't the only ones getting fired by the cancellers either.

https://reason.com/2020/07/02/universit ... fe-matters
One of the signatories of this stupid letter cancelled herself from the New York Times because she was instructed to be less of a racist piece of shit :lol:

wat0n wrote:Sorry, but only the victims get to decide if they have been subjected to racism, right? Or this doesn't apply to Jews? Salaita was widely regarded as such by them, so there he goes.

Feel free to share a single incident of Steve Salaita being racist. Criticizing Zionism and white supremacy in general isn't racist, it's criticizing racist ideologies.

And it's not like TV stars aren't the only ones getting fired by the cancellers either.

https://reason.com/2020/07/02/universit ... fe-matters

Take it up with the TV shows and universities that are doing the canceling. People like me have no power and you keep missing this point.

Not to mention, I've been amongst the first on this board to oppose censorship of gross rightwingers like you, too. Do I need to direct you to my award-winning Ted Talk about this, again?
skinster wrote:He didn't say anything about anyone dying or anything antisemitic, because people who defend Palestine are not the racists; their defence for Palestinians is the anti-racist position because Zionism is the racist position.

LOL. Are you kidding me? Israelis and Palestinians are both filled with a ton of racists. Do you know how many racist Jew-hating Arabs and Palestinians there are?

Anyone who takes a "side" in that conflict is a close-minded fool. They're both filled their share of a-holes who do terrible things to each other. The anti-racist position is to tell everyone to stop being so damn racist and grow-up and listen and empathize with each other's plight and treat each other with some respect like mature adults.

wat0n wrote:@skinster I'm not blaming you personally. But you can't deny that those who have been cancelled have not been compensated for their firing, unlike Salaita and Finkelstein. As such, they don't really have strong grounds to complain.

It's a weird analogy you're trying to draw here, since the people in the list of TV people who got fired that you shared, were fired for saying racist things. Do you think racists should be compensated for their racism? Either way, it's not up to me to decide, it's up to their employers.

On the other hand, Norman Finkelstein and Steve Salaita were fired from their jobs as professors and/or lost tenure, for their political opinions that weren't racist, but opposed racist violence being committed by Israel. Salaita was compensated because it was discovered that there was some foul play (hiding emails), that it was politically-motivated and that it violated academic freedom, and because of all that, the university offered a settlement and still denied him his job. I'm not sure what the details are re: Norman Finkelstein but I do recall it happened because he embarrassed and exposed scumbag and paedo-defender, Alan Dershowitz, on a Democracy Now! interview many years ago. Dershowitz used his power/connections to have Finkelstein fired, for his politics, not for any racism. I recall also Finkelstein's students protested his firing but it happened anyway. I don't know think he was compensated.

Anyway, if you're opposed to the so-called cancel culture, weird you support the cancelling of these professors for their crime of *checks notes* defending Palestinian human rights.

Unthinking Majority wrote:LOL. Are you kidding me? Israelis and Palestinians are both filled with a ton of racists. Do you know how many racist Jew-hating Arabs and Palestinians there are?

This is incorrect. Zionism is a racist ideology which demands supremacy/privileges for its adherents from anywhere in the world, to the detriment of the millions of natives who have been living under their boot for 7+ decades. Palestinians have no power but did campaign for a movement (BDS) which demands for equality for all people living in Palestine/Israel. So no, they are not the same.

Anyone who takes a "side" in that conflict is a close-minded fool. They're both filled their share of a-holes who do terrible things to each other. The anti-racist position is to tell everyone to stop being so damn racist and grow-up and listen and empathize with each other's plight and treat each other with some respect like mature adults.

It seems like you only know the MSM version of events. I would support equality for all people in the land, and I do. Do you? Because one side doesn't. You can guess which side that is.
skinster wrote:This is incorrect. Zionism is a racist ideology which demands supremacy/privileges for its adherents from anywhere in the world, to the detriment of the millions of natives who have been living under their boot for 7+ decades. Palestinians have no power but did campaign for a movement (BDS) which demands for equality for all people living in Palestine/Israel. So no, they are not the same.

So you're saying there aren't a lot of antisemitic Palestinians and Arabs? Or any at all? Tell me how many Jews live in Saudi Arabia or Iran. lol.

It seems like you only know the MSM version of events. I would support equality for all people in the land, and I do. Do you? Because one side doesn't. You can guess which side that is.

I've studied the conflict at the university level. I know what I'm talking about. If you think one side is "good" while the other is "bad" you don't know much about the conflict. It's not a black and white issue, you're oversimplifying it, it's very complex and both sides have done a lot of bad things to each other. And yes there's quite a large number Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian/Arab racists on both sides.

The problem has lasted for 120+ years because people like you take one side without understanding or empathizing with the other. You're part of the problem, and why it will never be solved.
Unthinking Majority wrote:So you're saying there aren't a lot of antisemitic Palestinians and Arabs? Or any at all? Tell me how many Jews live in Saudi Arabia or Iran. lol.

I've already pointed out one side demands equality. Only one side, so far. And anti-Zionist Jews. This should be enough for you to do a little thinking about that. But you're speaking about countries unrelated as if they're some kind of gotcha. But to answer your question, Iran has the second largest population of Jews in the region, after Israel. And Saudi Arabia, I'm not sure if they have any, but they're allies with the Israeli govt. That might make you think too, but I'm not holding out much hope given what I'm seeing already.

I've studied the conflict at the university level.

So? I wrote a hit play!

And I have an award-winning Ted Talk.

I know what I'm talking about. If you think one side is "good" while the other is "bad" you don't know much about the conflict. It's not a black and white issue, you're oversimplifying it, it's very complex and both sides have done a lot of bad things to each other. And yes there's quite a large number Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian/Arab racists on both sides.

What a childish response. One side is systematically racist while the other is demanding civil rights and basic equality. You didn't learn much at university, by the sounds of it.
skinster wrote:It's a weird analogy you're trying to draw here, since the people in the list of TV people who got fired that you shared, were fired for saying racist things. Do you think racists should be compensated for their racism? Either way, it's not up to me to decide, it's up to their employers.

On the other hand, Norman Finkelstein and Steve Salaita were fired from their jobs as professors and/or lost tenure, for their political opinions that weren't racist, but opposed racist violence being committed by Israel. Salaita was compensated because it was discovered that there was some foul play (hiding emails), that it was politically-motivated and that it violated academic freedom, and because of all that, the university offered a settlement and still denied him his job. I'm not sure what the details are re: Norman Finkelstein but I do recall it happened because he embarrassed and exposed scumbag and paedo-defender, Alan Dershowitz, on a Democracy Now! interview many years ago. Dershowitz used his power/connections to have Finkelstein fired, for his politics, not for any racism. I recall also Finkelstein's students protested his firing but it happened anyway. I don't know think he was compensated.

Salaita was fired over his anti-Semitic tweets, even if he had already been on some people's crosshairs. Both got compensated (yes, Finkelstein got a monetary settlement too).

skinster wrote:Anyway, if you're opposed to the so-called cancel culture, weird you support the cancelling of these professors for their crime of *checks notes* defending Palestinian human rights.

I don't think either needed to be fired. Not that I miss them, mind you, but bigotry is not by itself grounds for termination of employment. I also don't think they were acting on their biases (ideological or racial) against students who disagreed with them either.
wat0n wrote:Salaita was fired over his anti-Semitic tweets, even if he had already been on some people's crosshairs. Both got compensated (yes, Finkelstein got a monetary settlement too).

Nothing Salaita said was antisemitic, because he's not antisemitic.

What settlement did Finkelstein get? Do you have a source for that?

I don't think either needed to be fired. Not that I miss them, mind you, but bigotry is not by itself grounds for termination of employment. I also don't think they were acting on their biases (ideological or racial) against students who disagreed with them either.

Which students? Their students supported them.

Also, there was no bigotry. Neither are racists or bigots. Both support equality.
skinster wrote:Nothing Salaita said was antisemitic, because he's not antisemitic.

Only victims get to decide that. They already made their call.

skinster wrote:What settlement did Finkelstein get? Do you have a source for that?

http://inthesetimes.com/ittlist/entry/1 ... _of_tenure

skinster wrote:Which students? Their students supported them.

Also, there was no bigotry. Neither are racists or bigots. Both support equality.

Nice way to miss the point: They could have posted even cruder stuff and I don't think they should have gotten fired over them as long as they did not engage in academic or teaching misconduct.
wat0n wrote:Only victims get to decide that. They already made their call.

No they didn't, because nothing he said was antisemitic. If anything, Zionists claimed victimhood because someone stood for Palestinian rights. Which is a theme.


It doesn't give details of the settlement but does state the settlement was violated by the University. And it does reiterate Finkelstein's claim that his cancelling was for his political opinions (that again, don't include any racism).

Neither of these professors were/are racist. If they were, I'm sure you'd be able to quote them. But that you can't suggests you're actually ok with cancelling people who oppose a certain ideology that you support.

Nice way to miss the point: They could have posted even cruder stuff and I don't think they should have gotten fired over them as long as they did not engage in academic or teaching misconduct.

I didn't miss any points. I asked which students opposed them and you ignored that because I think you made it up.

And cruder stuff? You are yet to post anything they've stated that's racist, because of the simple fact that it doesn't exist. Both these professors were the actual victims of cancel culture. A thing that you oppose, apparently.
Last edited by skinster on 14 Jul 2020 21:43, edited 1 time in total.
skinster wrote:No they didn't, because nothing he said was antisemitic. If anything, Zionists claimed victimhood because someone stood for Palestinian rights. Which is a theme.

Sorry but just like you can claim to believe victims, so can I. And they made their call. But I don't find your denial and double standards surprising.

skinster wrote:It doesn't give details of the settlement but does state the settlement was violated by the University. And it doesn't reiterate Finkelstein's claim that his cancelling was for his political opinions (that again, don't include any racism).

Neither of these professors were/are racist. If they were, I'm sure you'd be able to quote them. But that you can't suggests you're actually ok with cancelling people who oppose a certain ideology that you support.

skinster wrote:I didn't miss any points. I asked which students opposed them and you ignored that because I think you made it up.

And cruder stuff? You are yet to post anything they've stated that's racist, because of the simple fact that it doesn't exist. Both these professors were the actual victims of cancel culture. A thing that you oppose, apparently.

I already said I don't think they should have been fired. They could have even denied the Holocaust and I would not change my mind here.

And their victims already made their call about Salaita. Why don't you believe them?
wat0n wrote:
@skinster so I take it you have no examples of people who have been cancelled who got a payout like that of your neonazi buddy Salaita. I see.

Steven Salaita (born 1975) is a scholar, author and public speaker formerly holding the Edward W. Said Chair of American Studies at the American University of Beirut. He became the center of a controversy when University of Illinois withdrew its conditional offer of employment as a professor of American Indian Studies[1][2][3] following university donor objections to a series of tweets critical of Israel and of Zionism.[1][4]


This is not the biography of a neo-Nazi.

You're using the term *incorrectly*, as a generic epithet to smear Salaita's anti-Zionist politics.

Unthinking Majority wrote:
LOL. Are you kidding me? Israelis and Palestinians are both filled with a ton of racists. Do you know how many racist Jew-hating Arabs and Palestinians there are?

Anyone who takes a "side" in that conflict is a close-minded fool. They're both filled their share of a-holes who do terrible things to each other. The anti-racist position is to tell everyone to stop being so damn racist and grow-up and listen and empathize with each other's plight and treat each other with some respect like mature adults.

Why aren't you taking your own advice here?

You're not addressing the Palestinian plight *at all*, and you're pretending that the two sides have some kind of 'moral equivalence', which is *not* the case whatsoever:

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,172 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)


wat0n wrote:Sorry but just like you can claim to believe victims, so can I. And they made their call. But I don't find your denial and double standards surprising.

You can't share anything Salaita or Finkelstein said that's racist because it doesn't exist. Spare me your "believe victims" schtick, when you spend over 150 pages in the BLM thread defending racist killers and ignoring the victims. :lol:

I already said I don't think they should have been fired. They could have even denied the Holocaust and I would not change my mind here.

Why did you call them neonazis then and suggest them losing their careers was deserved?

And their victims already made their call about Salaita. Why don't you believe them?

No they didn't. Because they don't exist. And we know that if they did, you'd have provided them as examples to support this weird argument you're making. The victims in this story are Salaita and Finkelstein, why don't you believe them, since apparently you care about victims now? :excited:
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