We only kill black people. Racism in the US police force. Why? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Oh, you've learned to use the word "culture"!

Would you like to discuss the tendency of poverty and crime to correspond across all cultures?


I do, by the way, agree with you that the single parent household is very damaging in any culture. Where we differ is how to approach this problem - not making contraception and abortions available, lowering education and healthcare funding, pushing harsh criminal convictions on minor drug offenses, etc do not help the situation.
Zagadka wrote:I do, by the way, agree with you that the single parent household is very damaging in any culture. Where we differ is how to approach this problem - not making contraception and abortions available, lowering education and healthcare funding, pushing harsh criminal convictions on minor drug offenses, etc do not help the situation.

Sorry to but-in but...I agree with you 100% here.
But declaring war on the police is NOT the way to solve this issue.
Its actually gonna be, and is being, counter productive.
Buzz62 wrote:But declaring war on the police is NOT the way to solve this issue.
Its actually gonna be, and is being, counter productive.

And I agree with you there.

But a culture's voice generally is formed by what challenges or faces that culture most. In an environment of police aggression, for whatever reason, that will take the form of crime and anti-police media. It can be a snowball effect.
Buzz62 wrote:no, we do not agree.
YOU in particular, think you can wipe out racism with violent "but moral" violence.

No, I do not think this, nor did I claim it.

Racism is "part" of the reason for allot of things POD.

Yes, that is what I said. Racism is part of the reason why so many innocent blacks are killed by police in the US.

Its amazing how "tunnel-visioned" you are.

IMO, and mind you, you already think the worst of me I'd bet, but IMO, you should focus on "BEATING RACISM" with your head, instead of balloons full of piss.

Since I never claimed that balloons full of piss are an effective way to fight racism, and since I never claimed that violence was going to eradicate racism completely, I will simply ignore all of this.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No, I do not think this, nor did I claim it.

You wrote: Okay, but when your idiotic choices involve oppressing me and mine, I will do what it takes to pursue my own agenda in peace, and that might involve punching someone in the face.

I wrote:So you believe "punching someone in the face" is peaceful?

You wrote:Sure, if it stops someone from, say, plowing a car into a group of people.

But what if it CAUSED someone to, say, plow a car into a group of people?
And you most certainly DO think "this". Or were you "fibbing"...

Pants-of-dog wrote:Since I never claimed that balloons full of piss are an effective way to fight racism, and since I never claimed that violence was going to eradicate racism completely, I will simply ignore all of this.

Good for you...l8r...
Pants-of-dog wrote:My claims about defending myself and others against racial violence and oppression cannot be logically tied to a claim about how violence will magically eradicate racism.

But I am glad that we agree that racism is one of the reasons why innocent blacks are shot by cops.

I'm so glad you're so impressed with yourself.
I do hope, however, you don't go pronouncing your odd beliefs to cops.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 63501.html

    The racial biases of white members of a community have a direct link to the number of black people shot and killed by police officers in that same area, new research indicates.

    A study published last year found that African Americans are almost three times more likely than white people to be killed by the police’s use of force. Indigenous Americans are also almost three times as likely to suffer such a fate, while Hispanic men are twice as likely.

    Now, a new report suggests the biases and prejudices held by white residents in an area has a close correlation to the number of black people who will lose their lives at the hands of officers.

    “We expected many economic or demographic variables such as the overall wealth of an area, residential segregation, average levels of education in the area, or overall crime levels, to be involved,” said the report's lead author, Eric Hehman.

    Yet the researchers - Mr Hehman from Ryerson University in Toronto, Jessica Flake from Toronto’s York University, and Jimmy Calanchini of Germany’s Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg - found implicit bias, or the strength of someone’s association between specific social groups and threat, was the primary indictor as to the level of lethal force.

    Specifically, they added, regional implicit biases toward black people, or the implicit stereotypical association between black people and weapons, predicted African Americans being more likely to be killed by police. Where these biases were stronger, African-Americans were more likely to be killed by police.

    “[The results] indicate that this is not specifically a problem of police officers, but reveals that there is something about the broader communities and contexts in which these officers make speeded, life and death decisions that is associated with killing more African-Americans,” said Mr Hehman.
Specifically, they added, regional implicit biases toward black people, or the implicit stereotypical association between black people and weapons, predicted African Americans being more likely to be killed by police. Where these biases were stronger, African-Americans were more likely to be killed by police.

Which makes sense. These are cops POD. I'd be willing to bet that their EXPERIENCE teaches them to be more leery of some people, than other people. Wouldn't you think? Is that solely the fault of the police? Maybe the entire white community? Or could it be more the results of personal experiences, or the stories other cops tell about their experiences?
You don't know, and it sounds like, nor do these researchers.
Look POD, in this case, you more than likely have a good point. Blacks and other visible minorities do seem to get shot more than white guys. But maybe that has allot to do with a cop's desire to go home to his wife and kids at the end of a shift, instead of decorating a slab in the morgue?

One of my kids has been mugged twice now by a gang of black kids from out of our community. The second time, the cops brought my son home in an ambulance. He didn't want to give them his cell phone, so they bashed his head into a cement curb.

The cops caught the kids, but they were out that very day. One cop told me that they laugh at the arresting officers in the cop-shop, when they get released.

Sometimes POD, we get what we pay for. people LEARN to be afraid of black people.
And that probably leads them to open fire, perhaps more easily than they might when dealing with a person who does not represent getting their head bashed into a curb, to them.
Buzz62 wrote:Which makes sense. These are cops POD. I'd be willing to bet that their EXPERIENCE teaches them to be more leery of some people, than other people. Wouldn't you think? Is that solely the fault of the police? Maybe the entire white community? Or could it be more the results of personal experiences, or the stories other cops tell about their experiences?
You don't know, and it sounds like, nor do these researchers.

This doesn't even seem to be an actual criticism of the study. It seems like RANDOM capitalisation. And a whole bunch of questions?

Anyway, if you think the study is somehow wrong, please exaplin how and cite evidence supporting your claim. Thanks!

Look POD, in this case, you more than likely have a good point. Blacks and other visible minorities do seem to get shot more than white guys. But maybe that has allot to do with a cop's desire to go home to his wife and kids at the end of a shift, instead of decorating a slab in the morgue?

And if he assumes that all blacks are going to kill him, it could be both racism and a wish to not die.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This doesn't even seem to be an actual criticism of the study. It seems like RANDOM capitalisation. And a whole bunch of questions?

It what we do in discussions POD. Ask questions. Deal with it or don't...I don't care anymore.
Frankly I find this response of your completely disingenuous.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Anyway, if you think the study is somehow wrong, please exaplin how and cite evidence supporting your claim. Thanks!

I didn't say it was wrong POD. I said they don't know the reasons for this phenomena either.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And if he assumes that all blacks are going to kill him, it could be both racism and a wish to not die.
Indeed. It could be.
And who all share the blame for that?
Buzz62 wrote:It what we do in discussions POD. Ask questions. Deal with it or don't...I don't care anymore.
Frankly I find this response of your completely disingenuous.

I didn't say it was wrong POD. I said they don't know the reasons for this phenomena either.

So you are just making vague criticisms about some arbitrary lack of knowledge that does not invalidate the study? Okay....

Indeed. It could be.
And who all share the blame for that?

I do not know, nor do I care about blaming people. Does blaming people magically get rid of racism in police forces?
anarchist23 wrote:
This little video encapsulates one of the reasons why there are proportionally more minority's busted in the US than white Americans.

As in most countries, the behaviour of the police is usually a reflection of the norms of the general population whether it's sexism or racism. As I said previously the US police force is institionally racist.

And as you brought this up, the US police force is sexist to boot. This is born out by the disproportionate number of policemen to policewoman.
If there were more policewoman in the US police force, it wouldn't suffer from the macho culture that is ingrained in it. This possibly might cut down the disproportionate number of black men that are shot by the US police.

It's difficult to have a conversation if you just ignore my points. Again, why do you think men are disproportionately locked up and shot by the police? Is this sexism against men? And if not, why not?
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:It's difficult to have a conversation if you just ignore my points. Again, why do you think men are disproportionately locked up and shot by the police? Is this sexism against men? And if not, why not?

Sorry about that. I thought I'd covered that.

Yes. It's not the only reason. Sexism is rife not only in the police force but also in the justice system.
anarchist23 wrote:
Sorry about that. I thought I'd covered that.

Yes. It's not the only reason. Sexism is rife not only in the police force but also in the justice system.

Thanks, anarchist.

Don't you think we ought to take the different crime rates into account? It looks like if we did this that it would account for most of the difference in incarceration rates and police shootings.

I'm sure there is some bias too and while I agree that police should try to minimise it, I suspect it's impossible to eliminate completely. That's because any rational person would be wise to be more careful when dealing with males. They are more likely to be involved in crime, more likely to carry a weapon, more likely to be violent and more likely to attack police than women. You cannot wipe this knowledge from people's minds.
Rich wrote:Jews and Non Muslim Asians have been the victims of plenty of racism, but they don't behave (on average) like Blacks or Muslims do. Some cultures are just far more prone to violence and criminality of all kinds

I think most cultures have their favorite crimes. Americans love mass murder and wars, UK loves imperialism and stealing other nations, Latins (every single Latin speaker country) loves tax evasion and a crook Government, Muslims and blacks love physical violence, rape, and bombing things and people.
Politiks wrote:Muslims and blacks love physical violence, rape, and bombing things and people.

In regards Muslims and blacks. USA is pretty violent. It bombs the fuck out of people and countries and have been doing this for many many decades.
Reductionism is a curse that we all have a propensity for. Including me. lol
Buzz62 wrote:I hope all you morons who are actually morally bereft enough to now call the police a racist enemy, need a cop soon.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskato ... ing_deaths

    The Saskatoon freezing deaths were a series of deaths amongst Canadian Aboriginal people in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the 2000s. These deaths were caused by members of the Saskatoon Police Service, officers of which arrested Aboriginal men (usually for drunkenness and/or disorderly behavior), drove them out of the city in the dead of winter, and abandoned them there. The practice was known as taking Aboriginal people for starlight tours.[1]

Since my daughters are indigenous, should I not worry about racism in police forces?

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