Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - Page 31 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:No.

That would be anthropogenic climate change deniers.

Morningstar isn't a climate change denier, she's a total alarmist and some kind of eco-socialist. She just happened to sniff out the reality that those on the right have been screaming about for over 40 years now.
Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist, writer and environmental activist, focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the non-profit industrial complex. She resides in Canada. Her recent writings can be found on Wrong Kind of Green, The Art of Annihilation, and Counterpunch. Her writing has also been published by Bolivia Rising and Cambio, the official newspaper of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

"Cory Morningstar captures The Simulacrum in her multi-part series on the non-profit industrial complex, domesticating the populace is a fait accompli, and the only question remaining is what will happen if and when capitalist activism is seen for what it is. By following the money from aristocratic derivatives to embodiments of false hope like Avaaz, MoveOn, and Change, Morningstar steps through the looking glass to expose how NGOs have become a key tool of global dominance using social media as a means of social manipulation."―Jay Taber, Associate scholar of the Center for World Indigenous Studies
Sivad wrote:Anyone who wants to understand how neoliberals are using climate change as vehicle for the financialization of nature should read Cory Morningstar's expose on the climate industrial complex ... l-complex/
We can all choose our favourite in this game of conspiracy and manipulation. ... ropaganda/
Sivad wrote:Morningstar isn't a climate change denier, she's a total alarmist and some kind of eco-socialist. She just happened to sniff out the reality that those on the right have been screaming about for over 40 years now.

I was not talking about that person.

I was talking about how climate change deniers are useful idiots for neoliberalism.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I was not talking about that person.

I was talking about how climate change deniers are useful idiots for neoliberalism.

Neoliberalism, like any brand of colonialism or fascism, typically finances both sides of a civil war in order to destabilize the population and make them easier to control and rip off.

Look how the USA and France are financing both sides of the Libya 'conflict.' It's in the interests of corporations in both countries to keep the country ungovernable.

Likewise, it's in the interests of corporations to keep the public at each others' throats about "what is real and what is fake."

Greta isn't Alexander the Great. She rose up through the world of marketing and entertainment media, just like Donald Trump did. They're two of a kind.
BeesKnee5 wrote:We can all choose our favourite in this game of conspiracy and manipulation. ... ropaganda/

Why Some So-Called Adults Are Attacking A Child
Greta Thunberg, the now famous Swedish child and prominent environmental activist who has focused the world on the risks posed by global warming, is being attacked by climate deniers, right wing politicians, major conservative media outlets like Breitbart, even President Trump and random bloggers like Lord Monckton, Miranda Devine, climate skeptic Bjørn Lomborg, and many others. Why is this happening? It’s really very simple. Greta is seen as a huge threat.

That's a lot of mind-reading going on there.

“[WKOG’s] take on Greta is part of a wider world view shared by Morningstar and others who reduce global events to the actions of the big powers over pipelines, and treat the masses as dupes and pawns without agency. This a fake left conspiracy theory that lumps eXtinction Rebellion (XR) and Greta together with other ‘actors’ who are supposedly manipulated and duped by powerful elites into defending capitalism.” – Situations Vacant

I'll speak for myself and go so far as to call them crisis actors in the most literal sense :lol:
Morningstar’s series meticulously documents how powerful global organizations seek ways to cultivate a consensus for their trajectory. And it carefully states, with facts, why the trajectory does not lead to achieving their promises—preventing climate change and other environmental calamities. The illustrated mechanism has been revealed over and over through their past crimes—the co-ordinated actions of industries, bankers, politicians, NGOs, UN, global financial institutions and media have culminated into colonial wars, cover-ups of nuclear disasters, regime change, and other corporate, colonial and imperial policies. There is nothing speculative, coincidental or conspiratorial about the series. It is based on careful research, honesty, courage to face the real issue and true love for humanity. It is again curiously indicative that those who engage in a conspiracy to mobilize the people according to their agendas accuse those who see through the attempt as “conspiracy theorist”. The use of the derogatory term invented by the US intelligence agency to label dissidents as tin-hat wearing nuts jobs hardly proves their legitimacy.
Capitalism as Pathology: The Guise of the Illusory "Green Economy"

This video includes interviews with Yvonne Yanez, Edagardo Lander, Pablo Solon and Silvia Ribeiro.

The (Illusory) Green Economy -- A Critical Analysis by Dr.Joanna Boehnert [Excerpts]

The work of environmental scientists supporting the UN's GEP will give scientific authority the project, but the important decisions will have already been made. The project is a deepening commitment to neoliberal free markets. On a macroeconomic level "the subordination of social and environmental considerations to macroeconomic policy imperatives" is the fundamental basis of neoliberalism (Nadal, 2012, p.15). Once "macroeconomic objectives are determined, every other policy target is chiseled in accordance" (Ibid., p. 15). The lessons of the recent economic crisis in regards to the fallibility of the financial sector are entirely ignored.

The architects of the project have failed to acknowledge the most expansive systemic dynamics of capitalism and ignored the political and historic context. Despite claims by the UNEP, the UN's GEP is not policy neutral (Ibid., p. 23).

The UN's GEP is supported by the financial and corporate sectors because they recognize the programme as a continuation of the neoliberal model, an expansion of the scope of market and also an exceptional opportunity to create entirely new financial instruments. Similarly to the financial deregulation that set up conditions for the dramatic plunder of public wealth during the current economic crisis, the UN's GEP establishes new markets that will lead to new avenues for financial speculation. The speculative bubble during the 2008-2009 period has been estimated to cost governments globally at least $12 trillion (Conway quoting IMF, 2009) leaving several bankrupt national governments and severe economic austerity in its wake. This is the context in which the UN's GEP is operating. The designers of the project have closely aligned themselves to the same financial institutions that played leading roles in the economic crisis.

Meanwhile, scientific institutions, environmental NGOs and government agencies are working to build institutional infrastructure to give scientific authority to the UN's GEP. ...The historical critique of capitalism presented by John Bellamy Foster (2002) and others describes that the appropriation of the commons is an integral aspect of capitalism. Capitalism is always looking for new means of producing profit from activities that were otherwise not managed through commodity relationships.

The Indigenous People's Kari-Oca 2 Declaration describes the UN's GEP as 'a continuation of colonialism... a perverse attempt by corporations, extractive industries and governments to cash in on Creation by privatizing, commodifying and selling off the Sacred and all forms of life and the sky' (2012, p.1-2). The programme of re-visioning of the commons as sets of commodities ripe for exploitation is diametrically contrary to the environmental rhetoric used to sell the project.
If the people who want to make better environmental choices are EVIL because they are also capitalist, then please notemthat everyone who is supporting the environmental status quo are capitalist.

They have a business plan for the world too, and are currently doing it. And polluting the world with GHGs as we speak.
@Pants-of-dog I thought you supported indigenous people?

Kari-Oca II Declaration: Indigenous Peoples at Rio +20 reject the Green Economy and REDD
an article by Chris Lang, REDD Monitor

In 1992, while the first Rio Earth Summit took place, hundreds of indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca Declaration and the Indigenous Peoples Earth Charter. 20 years later, in parallel with Rio +20 meeting, more than five hundred indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca II Declaration.

The words “Kari-Oca” mean “white man’s house” in the Tupí-Guaraní language. That’s what the indigenous people living in what is now Rio de Janeiro called the first settlements of Portuguese colonists.

The Kari-Oca II declaration rejects the “Green Economy”: The “Green Economy” promises to eradicate poverty but in fact will only favor and respond to multinational enterprises and capitalism. It is a continuation of a global economy based upon fossil fuels, the destruction of the environment by exploiting nature through extractive industries such as mining, oil exploration and production, intensive mono-culture agriculture, and other capitalist investments.

The declaration also rejects REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) as one of many false solutions to climate change. The declaration demands that the UN abandon these false solutions: We demand that the United Nations, governments and corporations abandon false solutions to climate change, like large hydroelectric dams, genetically modified organisms including GMO trees, plantations, agro-fuels, “clean” coal, nuclear power, natural gas, hydraulic fracturing, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, bio-energy, biomass, biochar, geo-engineering, carbon markets, Clean Development Mechanism and REDD+ that endanger the future and life as we know it.

The 1992, Kari-Oca meeting played an important part in the development of an international movement for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and in the recognition of the role that Indigenous Peoples play in conserving their environment. But many of the agreements from 20 years ago have been ignored by the world’s governments. For example, the 1992 Indigenous Peoples Earth Charter includes the following: We urge governments to ratify International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 169 to guarantee an international legal instrument for Indigenous Peoples. At the time only four countries had ratified ILO 169 (Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Norway). Twenty years later, that figure has increased, but only to 22 countries.

The Kari-Oca II Declaration is an important document, as Windel Bolinget, of the Igorot people in the Philippines explains, “The Kari-Oca II declaration is not just a paper. It is a sacred document that encompasses our struggles worldwide. It makes clear that we will walk the path of our ancestors.” ... rticle=849

it is interesting how critiques from both the left and the right are converging on the problem of neoliberal eco-colonialism. The right frames it in terms of NWO globalism and the left sees it as global capitalism, but they're talking about the same thing.

the funny thing is watching white conservatives freak-out about being colonized by technocratic NWO imperialists and forced into eco-reservations(sustainable smart cities). It's no fun when it's happening to you, is it?
Sivad wrote:@Pants-of-dog I thought you supported indigenous people?

Kari-Oca II Declaration: Indigenous Peoples at Rio +20 reject the Green Economy and REDD
an article by Chris Lang, REDD Monitor

In 1992, while the first Rio Earth Summit took place, hundreds of indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca Declaration and the Indigenous Peoples Earth Charter. 20 years later, in parallel with Rio +20 meeting, more than five hundred indigenous peoples met and produced the Kari-Oca II Declaration.

The words “Kari-Oca” mean “white man’s house” in the Tupí-Guaraní language. That’s what the indigenous people living in what is now Rio de Janeiro called the first settlements of Portuguese colonists.

The Kari-Oca II declaration rejects the “Green Economy”: The “Green Economy” promises to eradicate poverty but in fact will only favor and respond to multinational enterprises and capitalism. It is a continuation of a global economy based upon fossil fuels, the destruction of the environment by exploiting nature through extractive industries such as mining, oil exploration and production, intensive mono-culture agriculture, and other capitalist investments.

The declaration also rejects REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) as one of many false solutions to climate change. The declaration demands that the UN abandon these false solutions: We demand that the United Nations, governments and corporations abandon false solutions to climate change, like large hydroelectric dams, genetically modified organisms including GMO trees, plantations, agro-fuels, “clean” coal, nuclear power, natural gas, hydraulic fracturing, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, bio-energy, biomass, biochar, geo-engineering, carbon markets, Clean Development Mechanism and REDD+ that endanger the future and life as we know it.

The 1992, Kari-Oca meeting played an important part in the development of an international movement for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and in the recognition of the role that Indigenous Peoples play in conserving their environment. But many of the agreements from 20 years ago have been ignored by the world’s governments. For example, the 1992 Indigenous Peoples Earth Charter includes the following: We urge governments to ratify International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 169 to guarantee an international legal instrument for Indigenous Peoples. At the time only four countries had ratified ILO 169 (Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Norway). Twenty years later, that figure has increased, but only to 22 countries.

The Kari-Oca II Declaration is an important document, as Windel Bolinget, of the Igorot people in the Philippines explains, “The Kari-Oca II declaration is not just a paper. It is a sacred document that encompasses our struggles worldwide. It makes clear that we will walk the path of our ancestors.” ... rticle=849

it is interesting how critiques from both the left and the right are converging on the problem of neoliberal eco-colonialism. The right frames it in terms of NWO globalism and the left sees it as global capitalism, but they're talking about the same thing.

the funny thing is watching white conservatives freak-out about being colonized by technocratic NWO imperialists and forced into eco-reservations(sustainable smart cities). It's no fun when it's happening to you, is it?

If you think I support something just because you reject it, that is stupid.
BeesKnee5 wrote:Greta Thunbergs secret society exposed.

Greta speechwriters keep writing that she is constantly in contact with scientists, who she keeps telling us that we have to believe like they are a modern day priest class. Who are these scientists that she keeps speaking of and where is there science? Were the scientists even working with sound scientific data?

Sivad wrote:Marching for Capital, 2019 | Christiana Figures, UNFCCC at Climate Week NYC, 2014

"we are writing a business plan for the world"

Why have these scientists faded to the background while the lobbyists and propagandists have taken center stage?
maz wrote:
Greta speechwriters keep writing that she is constantly in contact with scientists, who she keeps telling us that we have to believe like they are a modern day priest class. Who are these scientists that she keeps speaking of and where is there science? Were the scientists even working with sound scientific data?

Why have these scientists faded to the background while the lobbyists and propagandists have taken center stage?

Those scientists of who she speaks are people like Ed Hawkins and other authors of the IPCC reports.

As for scientists fading into the background. Michael Mann is currently on a very public tour of Australia, giving their politicians a hard time.

As for calling scientists priests and denying there is evidence. That's your choice, the scientists working for the coal and oil industries reported that man made global warming was real in the 60s and 70s but their employers suppressed it.

If I was forced to choose a single set of data that points to warming due to changing atmospheric gas composition it would be the stratospheric and tropospheric microwave temperature measurements.
They confirm that the lower atmosphere is trapping more heat and less energy is escaping into space.
I notice Sivad is questionning the entire 'ecology movement.'

Well, I'm not. I'm just accusing Greta of being part of the corporate spin that stops humanity from doing anything real about it.

Having a lady on TV say nice things about the environment isn't even a first step to changing the way we live. But change is coming, whether we like it or not. And all this procrastinating just ensures that we will be much worse off when the carbon hits the fan.

A video and accompanying text that Sivad uncritically posted as proof that climate change isn't real wrote:"the subordination of social and environmental considerations to macroeconomic policy imperatives" is the fundamental basis of neoliberalism...

This is not true. It is the subordination of social and environmental considerations to MICROeconomic policy imperatives that is neoliberal. The difference between "macro" and "micro" in this text is also the difference between True or False.

The statement is false, but sounds smart because it uses big words.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 09 Feb 2020 13:45, edited 1 time in total.
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