"Propaganda, Facts and Fake News" - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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RE: "PROPAGANDA, FACTS AND FAKE NEWS" Is itself a form of propaganda. It indicates there is news that is not fake or propaganda. It is the same with ‘hate speech’. It is the subtle and not so subtle use of language to convince there is only one side while pretending there are two or more.
The correct use of language to be honest with ourselves and our language would be ‘unacceptable hate speech’.
It is obvious no one wants to do away with ‘hate speech’, only the ‘hate speech’ that does not fit their political preference. All that has been accomplished with this concept today is rearranging the groups differently than yesterday. It was and still is propaganda and fake.
The problem is the ‘propaganda we accept’ more than the propaganda of others. Today, the problem is even worse. Many do recognize their own propaganda, but have no qualms about using it. I think this might be a definition for ‘evil’.
One Degree wrote:"PROPAGANDA, FACTS AND FAKE NEWS" Is itself a form of propaganda.


OK, so they can just shut down Pofo now ...

Zamuel wrote:Image

OK, so they can just shut down Pofo now ...


I am not sure of your intent. I can think of a couple different ways to interpret your post. I am certainly not going to attack POFO, but everyone has an agenda. I am proposing we be honest with ourselves in our bias, distortions, and limited view. I am not suggesting we eliminate them as that is impossible. Recognizing we are as guilty as our adversaries is the best we can hope for.

Edit: We each create our own reality. When we insist others abide by our reality, we are actually demanding they share our delusion.
One Degree wrote:I am not sure of your intent. I can think of a couple different ways to interpret your post.

Good, art should propose a variety of ways to approach it.

Consider these reactions to your recent essay.

I am certainly not going to attack POFO, but everyone has an agenda. I am proposing we be honest with ourselves in our bias, distortions, and limited view.

Implying that "We" -(Pofo) are not ... That isn't an attack?

Many do recognize their own propaganda, but have no qualms about using it. I think this might be a definition for ‘evil’.

And this doesn't indict Pofoites as devils incarnate?

Recognizing we are as guilty as our adversaries is the best we can hope for.

Conversely establishing that "our adversaries" are obviously "guilty." That sort of reveals where you're coming from - as I see it.

It's evident that you don't question your own motives, but are dissatisfied with other Pofoites ... Something you conceal with your own "Propaganda, Facts and Fake News" ?

I am trying to see your point, but am totally confused. How does my saying we are all equally guilty, including Pofo which is a meaningless diversion, equate to my attacking others. How can my attack on everyone, including myself, be an attack on ‘others’?
What do you find so upsetting about recognizing your own delusions? I have no problem with knowing my reality is not your reality. I think it is important for us to share our delusions if for nothing more than entertainment, but to take my or your delusions too seriously is just silly.
One Degree wrote: but to take my or your delusions too seriously is just silly.

Hence the three monkeys (surrounded by beauty.)

Zamuel wrote:Hence the three monkeys (surrounded by beauty.)


If life was so simple as you being right and me being wrong, humans would have achieved Utopia millennia ago.
One Degree wrote:If life was so simple as you being right and me being wrong, humans would have achieved Utopia millennia ago.

I'ts not so much that one is wrong, it's that one has reached a certain level of consciousness and gotten stuck there ... Sometimes a little nudge is needed to get things rolling again. (sometimes even blasting with nitro doesn't help) :roll:

Zagadka wrote:I don't think the lack of coverage of the Yemen conflict has to do so much with MSNBC or liberal media whatsoever. Everyone is ignoring the shit out of that. Most of us really hate being sided with the Saudis.

So what are you saying, the MSM isn't obligated to cover an issue if it's uncomfortable for them? Media blackouts are definitely a form of censorship and MSNBC doesn't get a pass just because every other corporate media conglomerate has a blackout in effect.

Media blackout refers to the censorship of news related to a certain topic, particularly in mass media, for any reason.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_bla ... ntemporary

Zamuel wrote:I'ts not so much that one is wrong, it's that one has reached a certain level of consciousness and gotten stuck there ... Sometimes a little nudge is needed to get things rolling again. (sometimes even blasting with nitro doesn't help) :roll:


I basically agree with this as it follows moral/intellectual growth theory, but I disagree with the ‘getting stuck at a level’ part, as I mentioned in a different thread. The theory leads you to believe advancing should be our goal, yet it tells you we are happy at every level until it conflicts with our reality. If an individual or group of individuals are still happy at their lower level, how does it improve them to encourage or force them to another level, which again the theory says you can’t really do anyway. We appear to be wired to advance or stagnant based upon our different realities. So, even though I can see people who I believe are functioning at a lower level, I see no reason to criticize them. I will argue with their views to provide them with information they may need when they decide they need a change.
Those are my views but unfortunately they make me sound like I believe I am better than I am. I don’t claim to be all that great at remembering to follow my own guidelines.
One Degree wrote:I will argue with their views to provide them with information they may need when they decide they need a change.

Those are my views but unfortunately they make me sound like I believe I am better than I am. I don’t claim to be all that great at remembering to follow my own guidelines.

That's basically it, but I see personal development more as an external flow than an internal choice. Some folks seem to need the illusion that they are "in control." And there do seem to be those consciously resisting development. I see the deployment of "propaganda, facts, and fake news" mostly as attempts to reinforce self image rather than to coerce.

The real story here is not just fake news. It's "fake criticism of mainstream media."

Pretending that some news reports are "fake," while others are "real," is a way of brushing aside the problem that the entire information delivery system is a failure.

Why is Noam Chomsky ALWAYS quoted as "the alternative voice intellectual?" ARe there no other intellectuals in the USA, or is Noam the only one that can be counted on to not offend any powerful people?

Why are the same celebrity voices always quoted?

Answer: the reason that the same handful of celebrity thinkers and reactors are always used by mainstream media is to suggest to the viewer that there are only a few people whose opinions are worth anything.

This is the fakest message of all, and the current "fake news" meme hasn't touched this at all. In fact, it's the same exact voices who are using yet another strategy to destroy any kind of social solidarity by marginalizing the common sense that anyone is capable of - if they have a decent information distribution network.

A decent information network includes: good education for all, a well functionning community, and a media that exists with a mission to inform.

How many so-called "rich" countries have all three of these? And without these, what makes the citizens of these "rich"countries any less ignorant than a homeless garbage-picker who never went to school?
It sounds like you are suggesting things like our media should not depend upon movie stars, ball players, and late night comedians for political leadership.
That is as strange as suggesting I don’t go to a lumberjack for computer repair.
This is America. The beautiful people are the holders of all knowledge. They don’t even need to have a basic understanding to explain to you what is right in any situation.
I even find it funny so much is made about Obama being the first Black President. He won because he was the best looking candidate. Our history is pretty clear on this being the main factor.
This is America the beautiful.
Sivad wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB1L7qRtSes

This guy is a terrible lecturer ... 5 minutes into it and he hasn't said anything pertinent yet ... Over an hour of him? much better things to do.

Zam :eh:
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