Do you think Donald Trump will be impeached? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Red_Army wrote: Right wing morons were literally organizing against the US military because they thought Obama was invading Texas.

Good grief.

Compare and contrast: Obama - invading Texas, health care = death, which Republicans should find appealing, as the easiest way to lower costs would include letting those who have hefty health care issues are the most expensive to aid.

Trump - lost children, potentially raised in the USA require parents, education, and health care; most likely to grow up unable to sustain relationships, have drug and alcohol issues.
Federal workers to be refused their COLAs. Signs legislation allowing states to withhold federal funding from Planned Parenthood, so you pay to raise unwanted kiddies. Set up developers to utilise protected land and cause pollution etc

As Donald Trump continues his attacks on Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation into Russian election meddling, one Fox News host says that the president himself is to blame for the probe.
This week Trump has continued to express his continual frustration and disappointment in Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the investigation in the spring of 2017. At the time, Sessions said that he recused himself to avoid possible conflicts of interest due to the fact that he had worked on the Trump campaign in 2016.
Since the recusal the president has distanced himself from his attorney general and has recently begun to threaten Sessions' job. Trump told Bloomberg that the Alabama lawmaker will stay in his position at least until after the midterm elections.
But Fox News host Chris Wallace points out that the recusal of Sessions is not the reason for Mueller's special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
"Remember though, that the recusal of Sessions did not lead to the special counsel, it was the firing of Comey, of James Comey the FBI Director that lead to the appointment of the special counsel," Wallace said in a segment on Fox News on Friday.
"The only person the president can blame for that is himself," Wallace added.
Comey, who was leading the investigation into possible collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russians, was fired from the FBI by Trump in May 2017. The move made Trump only the second president in U.S. history to fire their FBI director.
After the dismissal of Comey, calls for an independent counsel to look into Russian election meddling became more intense. As a result, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein soon after appointed Mueller to lead the special counsel investigation.
Trump has bashed the investigation in what has effectively been a months-long, barely interrupted stream, calling it a "rigged witch hunt" and demanding that the Department of Justice end the probe.
Now, the attacks on Sessions have become more personal in nature. The president has told reporters that he doesn't like the way the attorney general talks on television and makes fun of Sessions' southern drawl. In one interview with Fox & Friends in late August Trump accused the attorney general of never taking control of the Justice Department and asked "what kind of man" Sessions is after recusing himself.
"Of course he didn't mind any of this when Sessions was the first senator to support him in 2016 when there weren't a lot of establishment politicians supporting Donald Trump's candidacy. But things have changed," Wallace added.
The insults come as anticipation continues to build over when Mueller will release the results of the year-long investigation. The window is soon closing for Mueller to take any more surprising actions before the midterm elections are in full swing. ... on-1101048
@Stormsmith People just have short memories I guess. I was no Obama supporter, but the fever pitched madness of his detractors was amazing. The fringe right embodied by InfoWars and Alex Jones had hundreds of ridiculous and completely fantastic conspiracy theories about Obama. From the birthers saying he was Kenyan, to his wife being Transgender, or that he was organizing false flag school shootings to get rid of the second amendment. People get excited about Trump and Russia (in a lot of ways stupidly IMO), but at least this conspiracy is possible and likely happened. I don't like it as it explains the Dems losing based on foreign intervention instead of the real culprit: incompetent campaigning and a horrible candidate.

A lot of people don't like Hillary, so you're in good company. I figure she fought pharmaceutical companies in the 90s, and although she couldn't get universal health care passed, she did get care for kiddies. She put up with a decade of insults to thoroughly insulting and untruthful books. She held up. She endured a smear campaign in 2008. But 2016, Crikey! Comey, Russia, Trump himself and all his assine nick names, to say nothing of gerrymandering , poll surpression, stealing Democratic files and more that is as yet definatively unproven, and yet she won the popular vote.

It's the same with Nancy Pelosi. On the one hand, she's hard to warm to, but on the other hand she raises cash like nobody's business and the record is clear: she's an excellent whip. Her party should be more supportive, but the GOP fears her continued success and smeared / is smearing her to a ridiculous degree. Rove smeared McCain. It's as if they can't win without cheating and lying.
Last edited by Stormsmith on 02 Sep 2018 04:13, edited 1 time in total.
Stormsmith wrote:@Red_Army

A lot of people don't like Hillary, so you're in good company. I figure she fought pharmaceutical companies in the 90s, and although she couldn't get universal health care passed, she did get care for kiddies. She put up with a decade of insults to thoroughly insulting and untruthful books. She held up. She endured a smear campaign in 2008. But 2016, Crikey! Comey, Russia, Trump himself and all his assine nick names, to say nothing of gerrymandering , poll surpression, stealing Democratic files and more that is yet definatively unproven, and yet she won the popular vote.

It's the same with Nancy Pelosi. On the one hand, she's hard to warm to, but on the other hand she raises cash like nobody's business and the record is clear: she's an excellent whip. Her party should be more supportive, but the GOP fears her continued success and smeared / is smearing her to a ridiculous degree. Rove smeared McCain. It's as if they can't win without cheating and lying.
Her party should be more supportive, but the GOP fears her continued success and smeared / is smearing her to a ridiculous degree. Rove smeared McCain. It's as if they can't win without cheating and lying.

I agree. Two reasons as I see it. One is that it is the nature of the contentious amalgam of one-issue voters they have assembled to comprise the party; forcing the center into the 'independent' camp. One-issue voters are disposed to be so zealous in their own particular elephant in the room to believe anything that is said about their opponents. Take abortion for example. To an abortion single-issue voter, everyone who opposes them is a baby killer. Once someone is a baby killer or anti-christian or a communist, there is no telling what else they might do.

Then there is the simple fact that Trumps confederation of dunces is not comprised of the sharpest knives in the drawer. Dumb people who limit their intake to one news source (the far right media) are simply cattle to be herded. You see it even here on occasion. Anyone who would quote a self-styled partisan pundit from Brietbart or Fox News as a source for truth is not just likely to be wrong....they are too stupid to understand why.

Do the democrats have their share of one-issue voters? Compared to republicans, some but not nearly as many. I exclude minority voters from the definition of one-issue voters because they are, in many ways, the most "American" of voters. They cast their votes from the generalized position of affirming self-interest rather than a single issue. Remember that it would be incorrect to assume that the founders wanted direct democracy at all. They created a republic in which citizens of the states elected representatives to forward the agenda of the people of those states exactly as racial and ethnic minorities, tend to vote democratic because that party best 'represents' the wide variety of issues that are important to their 'group'. Call it a state within a state.
Meh. Clinton used racist ads to lose to Obama and her failed healthcare bill was more of the same from democrats: not universal, not single payer. The Clinton crime policy was right of the Republican party and she is a war hawk who voted for the Iraq war, wanted war with Syria, and led a war against Libya. She is a center-right politician with nothing to speak of policy-wise. The issues that our country is desperate to have addressed have been ignored by her consistently.
I have no interest in excusing what Trump has done. Clinton being a shitty center-right candidate is not predicated on Trump being a good person. Nothing I just wrote was whataboutism or speculation. The only thing Clinton accomplished in the senate was some bullshit bill about video games causing violence. She's an incompetent politician.
Everything Trump has done as President has been good for the USA, except for maybe driving the liberal Media and Democrats crazy. I really don't care what he did before becoming President. So at this point, I see no logical proof of any impeachable offenses while President.
Zagadka wrote:There is literally not a single thing Trump could do or not do that would budge your position on him at all. And you're proud of that.

How are liberals any different? Or any ideological partisans for that matter? Some of the socialists on here are as bad the Trump devotees, and the liberals are just :knife: . Didn't you just refuse to read a post because it had 'MSM' in it? So is it fair to say there's not single thing the corporate media could do or not do that would budge your position on it at all?
So is it fair to say there's not single thing the corporate media could do or not do that would budge your position on it at all?

Why do you use the term "corporate media"? Clearly you do not use it when posting something with which you agree. Who says, "here is what the corporate media says".

There has never been a time in US history when the "media" has not been corporate and partisan. In my youth almost any city of any size had opposing newspapers. Because confirmation bias is soft and squishy, people have been drawn to their own flavor of pap forever.

Today, if one wants to, one can be exposed to far more diverse ideas than ever before. Indeed, one can't avoid a certain amount of opposition stuff.

Sometimes I watch a few minutes of Fox News; particularly when there is a contentious issue and I want to see what the propaganda will likely be. Fox is a wholly owned subsidiary of the republican party. (Or vice versa)

What we have today though is something quite different. We have a government behaving so outrageously that it is difficult to take serious any of its supporters. Or I could better say apologists.

I do not fault Trump for this. He is behaving quite consistently with what his followers think they want. He is not playing to the brain trust after all. I do blame the mainstream republicans for not moderating this behavior in a variety of ways. Of course they are captured by the fact that Trump is doing the stuff that gets them bags of dough from their wealthy masters.

This is not hard Sivad. It is really obvious even to someone who would rather look stupid than admit it.
Sivad wrote:How are liberals any different?

Did I make a claim other than the singular "you"?

If you do want to stick with the "you" thing, I stopped supporting Obama in 2011 after it became apparent that he would not do what he said. And Obama doesn't have a patch on what Trump has failed at.

Going with the general "you", I actually feel bad for a lot of the conservatives who value intelligence, morals, family, ideology, etc that have abandoned all of that for a marriage of convenience to a populist criminal scam artist who couldn't even sell vodka with a cult of personality. It is like they have their souls drained and somehow went from the party of small government to the party of government should withdraw journalistic credentials from media dissenting from the state because the president got his feelz hurt every time one of his "best people" staffers flees his administration, sometimes under felonies.

How are liberals any different? Can you possibly imagine how fast Fox & Friends would have creamed all over their lovely couches if Obama's campaign chief got convicted of a corruption felony? And that is only ONE count.

I never made a claim about liberals not being hypocrites. Everyone is a hypocrite at some level. I can't speak for all liberals, and you can't speak for all conservatives. But I would feel even more personally insulted by Trump, if I were a Trump supporter, than I was by Obama.


How can anyone NOT be enraged the hail of criminal charges committed during Trump's campaign?
Zagadka wrote:And Obama doesn't have a patch on what Trump has failed at.

That's completely dishonest right there, Obama wasn't any better than Trump by any metric, he was just a better politician.

How are liberals any different? Can you possibly imagine how fast Fox & Friends would have creamed all over their lovely couches if Obama's campaign chief got convicted of a corruption felony? And that is only ONE count.

MSNBC is just as bad as FOX in terms of partisan hackery.

I never made a claim about liberals not being hypocrites. Everyone is a hypocrite at some level. I can't speak for all liberals, and you can't speak for all conservatives.

I'm not a conservative or a liberal so I can't speak for either, but I can say both are equally dishonest. That's why the entire political discourse is stuck on stupid. It's why government is corrupt to the core, it's why the MSM is completely captured by corporations and the permanent national security state, it's why there's an absurd wealth gap. The stupidity and dishonesty on both sides is the root of all the problems we have in this country.

But I would feel even more personally insulted by Trump, if I were a Trump supporter, than I was by Obama.

I would feel like a total fucking idiot if I was taken in by either of those jokers. Anyone who was paying attention and being honest knew exactly what those two were all about before they even won the election.

How can anyone NOT be enraged the hail of criminal charges committed during Trump's campaign?

How can anyone not be enraged by the hail of crimes committed by Clinton and Obama? You're a guy that denies the existence of the deep state despite all the evidence for it and all the serious scholarship on it. Your worldview isn't one bit more honest or accurate than the wingnut perspective, it's just a different brand of bullshit.

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