The Principle of Compulsory Vaccination - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Sivad wrote: I have multiple expert committees as well as a number of top public health officials stating that vaccines haven't been sufficiently studied,that they could be causing everything from neurodevelopmental disorders to autoimmune diseases.

What you usually do is focus on how epidemiologists do not have enough data to determine if extremely rare adverse events are actually reactions to the vaccine or not. You then misrepresent this as a significant risk of the vaccine that has been ignored.

Again, if measles deaths are so rare that we should not worry about it, why should we worry about vaccine deaths if they are even more rare?
Sivad wrote:
I have multiple expert committees as well as a number of top public health officials stating that vaccines haven't been sufficiently studied,that they could be causing everything from neurodevelopmental disorders to autoimmune diseases.

No you don't. You simply cherry pick their comments to fit your confirmation bias. You are an uneducated amateur in the subject. You are unqualified to make these conclusions. But that has never stopped the uneducated from forwarding their opinion in the past so why expect it now.
@blackjack21, Uh no, she got fired because a manager didn't Personally like her. If a manager doesn't like you personally, they CAN get rid of you (they're not gonna say that because they can get sued). Yes you are a servant in terms of the JOB, but it shouldn't be the terms of PERSONAL nor INTERNAL factors such as if one is a lesbian or not for instance (But it is because there's people who've gotten fired from factories for refusing to have sex with their managers, but the manager is not going to say that because they can get sued so they're gonna lie and use COVER UPS).

"Poverty is generally related more to low IQ, a poor work ethic, mental illness, or substance abuse." That's what it's supposed to technically be, but it's not. There are some very smart people who live near poverty because they are trapped from their families economically (USA is more family oriented), they are stuck working low wage jobs because they can't risk paying for school or don't want to drive too far for a good paying job (in USA you drive EVERYWHERE unless if you live in the city which btw is VERY EXPENSIVE), they are mentally ill because they were abused as children, and nobody wants to hire them for PERSONAL reasons.

I am from a former socialist country, and it was better than capitalism today. Less crime, no graffiti, no prostitution, easy to divorce, more rights for women, free housing for some people, and you didn't have to rely on a family when you retired. You also have to mention that there was less FINANCIAL STRESS, like you didn't have to worry about paying your bills. Nowadays everything is family oriented, and employers can do whatever the fuck they want to their workers.

"I have never purchased gifts for my employer's kids, nor have I received gifts from anyone who reported to me. You have a pretty weird idea of what you think goes on in America. " Yeah I knew this one person, she was a dental hygienist who was paid 35 USD per hour. Her manager (dentist who paid himself 300K USD per year after paying for everything else, taxes, wages, insurance, lawsuits, etc.) made EVERYONE buy gifts for his family and some of his favoured staff, well she didn't buy no one shit. Everyone got a raise BUT HER. She didn't get a raise for two years, and the managers there (PhD educated assholes) tried to make her quit by putting her on egg shells. Well, eventually she got fired because they found enough excuses to get rid of her. And there was no proof about personal shit like that so she couldn't sue them (remember, they're PhD managers they know what they're doing).

Google is a huge, non family oriented corporation. Most corporations tend to be center leftist because they're not family oriented, and they have more economic security, so they can afford to pay more taxes and not use religion to cope with economic uncertainty.

"You are probably better off studying zoology first, so that you can distinguish between pure bullshit socialist arguments propagated in a total environment like a college. Humans are social animals. Families are not arbitrary constructs. " Zoology degrees in capitalist nations tend to have a pro capitalist educational leaning point to get people to support capitalism in a Darwinist manner. Humans tend to be sociable, but in capitalism, the economics determines how you socialize. Families are social constructs. Family is usually the first thing that brings one down!

Cuba is not bad. Their problems are that they have hurricanes, floods, and bad food (and that is due to their culture, NOT their socialist politics). The DPRK doesn't receive enough assistance from countries like Japan or the USA because they're pro capitalist, and they don't want to help a socialist country like the DPRK. Myanmar was always poor, it was more poor before socialism. Venezuela was also very poor, since the colonial era, and its government is corrupt. But hey, there are MANY poor and corrupt capitalist countries and Africa, Middle East, and Latin America.

Not sure because I didn't click on the link. Bl[…]

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