On the Insidiousness of "We have 12 Years to Save the Planet." - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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LaDexter wrote:Religious people will not acknowledge "overpopulation" until we are actually at war with the rest of the planet over food appropriation. Once that "tipping point" hits, either half of the human population is wiped out quickly, or all will die.

Religious "leaders" are the most selfish bastards. All they care about is getting more sub humans to parrot their lies and donate to their "faith."

To reduce human overpopulation, we should first exterminate every single religious leader who advocates more than 2 kids per couple.... because their "followers" are too stupid to be "accountable."

Yeah they're liars as well.
SSDR wrote:You have no proof.

Here is proof:
God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
(Genesis 1:28 NASB)

Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:Here is proof:
God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
(Genesis 1:28 NASB)

Praise the Lord.

Those words are lies. There's no visual evidence.
I recall al gore and others saying the polar ice would all be gone.
Many people went wild over his predictions.
He made a lot of money probally made his home bigger and got a newer jet.
This also was about the time we were supposed to run out of oil .
Well none of that happened and the nut bars found new things to latch onto.
They latched onto gun control and immigration .
Now were dealing with thier kids.
Im 60 now and while the issues on the left have changed the insanity of a cause to fight for is still alive and well.
QatzelOk wrote:Those are both city-states that live off the limited resources of neighboring countries.

No, they live by producing.
We already have those here in North America. They're called large cities. When the environment starts collapsing, these will be the first places humanity abandons.

The environment can't collapse.
But whale species are ALL at risk of extinction. Perhaps some lights will continue to shine when humanity is gone as well.

The point is, people once relied on whales for lighting. Now they are effectively irrelevant to us.
I recall al gore and others saying the polar ice would all be gone.
Many people went wild over his predictions.
He made a lot of money probally made his home bigger and got a newer jet.
This also was about the time we were supposed to run out of oil .
Well none of that happened and the nut bars found new things to latch onto.
They latched onto gun control and immigration .
Now were dealing with thier kids.
Im 60 now and while the issues on the left have changed the insanity of a cause to fight for is still alive and well.

And my young fellow POFO'ers. This is why you are well and truly fucked. Your world is being ruled by people who just are not smart enough to understand science and not caring enough to give a flying fuck about their children and the generations to come.
SSDR wrote:@Hindsite Those videos are LIES. There is no scientific evidence to back those videos up, and even so, those pieces of evidence could be lies. Do you honestly believe what those videos claim? It makes no sense, nor is it realistic.

Driee told me I should leave you teenage atheists alone.
The Few Literate People In the Room Wrote: "Be fruitful and multiply because we get a percent of every person's labor."

They then cleverly added: " Once you're too over-populated to live off of nature and our commission is as risk, subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth, right up until there are no other creatures moving... not even a mouse!"

The phrase "not even a mouse" courtesy of Twas the Night Before Christmas
[rule 2 violation deleted - Prosthetic Conscience, mod]

Another "Bible stupid" "me smart" argument does not address this topic.

Let me spell it out for you son. To the extent that religion is a factor in this debate about the environment it is relevant. What is not relevant is whether or not religion is logical. That path goes nowhere now and it never did. So when someone argues that we need do nothing because "God will provide" then the issue is political and has nothing to do with whether Jonah lived inside of a whale. So please [rule 2 again] leave the thread alone.
Drlee wrote:Just drop it.

You're normally better than that, Drlee. It's Hindsite who has repeatedly tried to inject religion into this thread with bible quotes and off-topic videos (and no, that does not mean "then the issue is political") . If you want to accuse someone of hijacking, there's your target; and resorting to cheap insults instead ought to be beneath you.
Sorry PC. Won't fly. Hindsite is Hindsite. That is his gig. Also. People, a great many people, believe exactly what Hindsite is posting and it is germane to this discussion. It is not germane to attempt to argue the truth of religious beliefs. That is not a subtle difference.

You see, it is impossible to try to explain a religious belief without having to play whack-a-mole with a dozen youngsters wanting to argue that "there is no proof.....". It is tedious. It is annoying. It is fatuous.

The fact is that a great many people do believe that God will not allow the earth to "end" until He is ready. This is a real political hindrance to moving forward on climate change. The challenge is not how to get these people to stop believing. The challenge is how to get them to believe in climate change and that people ought to do something about it.

But if you want to have yet another endless argument about how David didn't slay Goliath then lets go.....
@Drlee , it makes no sense to say "there are a lot of people who think like Hindsite, so that's relevant to the topic" and then to accuse anyone who responds to him of hijacking the topic.

And you must try and put forward your argument without insulting members. Those are the rules.

If you want to try and persuade people to use different tactics to oppose Hindsite, I suggest you drop the condescending "you youngsters" bollocks - it is tedious, annoying and fatuous. And actually try and talk to Hindsite yourself about giving up the "the Bible said this, therefore we can ignore science" stuff, rather than jumping on others for their attempts.
Drlee wrote:SPeople, a great many people, believe exactly what Hindsite is posting ...

It would be more accurate to say that a great deal of people seem to believe what Hindsite is writing, since we don't really know his true beliefs. His religiosity is simplified and cartoonish enough to be a parody, so it might just be that.

But what's intersting about his interventions is that they help demonstrate how some ideologies have lead the human animal to destroy the environment with no fear or remorse. The Abrahamic God gave it (some say/write) to do what we want with.

This is an important - perhaps THE important - cause of environmental destruction, and it's why I put First Nations spirituality front and center in many of my posts (that I write).

Sometimes, thinking is helped along by writing opinions that come from commonly shared superstitions, in order to reveal their role in destroying the planet.

Why bother changing if you think that God will save all the good guys (like you) just before the elevator hits the bottom of the elevator shaft? We'll all just jump at the last minute... with Jesus.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:You're normally better than that, Drlee. It's Hindsite who has repeatedly tried to inject religion into this thread with bible quotes and off-topic videos (and no, that does not mean "then the issue is political") . If you want to accuse someone of hijacking, there's your target; and resorting to cheap insults instead ought to be beneath you.

But you are better than that because it is beneath you. :lol:
Some further thoughts I've had on climate change:

What are prerequisites to believe in climate change?

(1) A lack of a belief in God in any active, benevolent kind of way. You could still believe in God while believing in climate change as a serious threat but it would be a God that would allow people to destroy their own planet; I'm not sure how that can mesh with lots of the other liberal conceptions of God.
(2) A persistent belief in climate experts despite many incidents of incorrect predictions and faked data. This is a very strong belief in authority figures and experts.
(3) Accepting either the Green New Deal or having an interesting take on Germany's failed projects; what are we actually supposed to do about it?
(4) A weird blind spot regarding nuclear power since if we strictly wanted to go zero-emissions, wouldn't the occasional nuclear problem be worth saving the planet?

Honestly curious if the usual leftists on this forum have any coherent responses to these questions, thanks.
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