Trumps separating Central American children from their parents. Is this acceptable? - Page 47 - Politics | PoFo

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One Degree wrote:All internationalists are imperialists due to hubris and other human flaws. They are never satisfied with cooperation, they always demand top down control. We should solve problems one community at a time and encourage cooperation for mutual benefit, not control and indoctrination.
It makes no sense to have all US people concentrated in large metro areas just as it makes no sense to move all people to the US and Europe. The solutions must be found in every community one by one. We need more successfully designed communities, not international dictated uniformity.

I hate to say this to you @One Degree but you are totally and completely uneducated about political categories, political philosophies, you are not understanding the present system you are living under at all. You need some emergency intervention about everything. If you want to advocate for small, rural communities with local municipal and county government control within a federal authority system like the USA is One Degree the first step is to understand the system well. Everything you wrote is nonsensical. If you want answers why?Ask. And get on YouTube and listen to polisci profs defining terms for you.

You are as we say in slang Spanish despistado.
Suntzu wrote:Or just the mega rich. They want cheap labor. They live in villas and gated neighborhoods and send their kids to exclusive private schools. Dealing with the problems created by immigrants is for the poor. ;)

Finally you wrote something that makes perfect sense! Global capitalists want to be unfettered. What does this mean? They want their cheap, slave labor. If they can get automation and technology and robotics to replace human labor costs? And at a lower cost than employing humans--they will do so. What to do with unskilled and uneducated labor? You can build private prisons and detention centers--pay them ten cents a day or what other prisons prison guards in Louisiana private prisons like $9 an hour with no benefits and have threadbare maximize profit. Make an entire industry out of uneducated, unskilled people who have criminal records.

Also you pay off politicians to go and use the armed forces of the USA to secure your markets all over the world. You have the USA defense department being world cops and also bending other national governments to do your private for profit bidding using taxpayer funding that comes from the American middle classes mostly.

You as a global capitalist find tax havens for your taxable income in offshore accounts and loopholes and you make sure your personal investment portfolio is not tied to patriotic shot in the USA, but finds the best profit growth in poor nations that have weak labor laws and pay the lowest for labor and overhead. You don't want honest, regulated, uncorrupted gov't. You go for corruptable so no one impedes your expansion and growth in foreign markets, etc.

You are an anarcho capitalist globalist. And your agenda is of primary importance because if you grow your money internationally? You grow your power and political influence on a global and international scale as well.

Those are the real power players in the world. They are liberals and conservatives--but they agree on screwing all the lower classes to keep their positions in all the nation's who's markets they can penetrate and control.

What are their names? Do you know?
Finally you wrote something that makes perfect sense! Global capitalists want to be unfettered. What does this mean? They want their cheap, slave labor. If they can get automation and technology and robotics to replace human labor costs? And at a lower cost than employing humans--they will do so. What to do with unskilled and uneducated labor? You can build private prisons and detention centers--pay them ten cents a day or what other prisons prison guards in Louisiana private prisons like $9 an hour with no benefits and have threadbare maximize profit. Make an entire industry out of uneducated, unskilled people who have criminal records.

Also you pay off politicians to go and use the armed forces of the USA to secure your markets all over the world. You have the USA defense department being world cops and also bending other national governments to do your private for profit bidding using taxpayer funding that comes from the American middle classes mostly.

You as a global capitalist find tax havens for your taxable income in offshore accounts and loopholes and you make sure your personal investment portfolio is not tied to patriotic shit in the USA, but finds the best profit growth in poor nations that have weak labor laws and pay the lowest for labor and overhead. You don't want honest, regulated, uncorrupted gov't. You go for corruptable so no one impedes your expansion and growth in foreign markets, etc.

You are an anarcho capitalist globalist. And your agenda is of primary importance because if you grow your money internationally? You grow your power and political influence on a global and international scale as well.

Those are the real power players in the world. They are liberals and conservatives--but they agree on screwing all the lower classes to keep their positions in all the nations whose markets they can penetrate and control.No loyalty to any particular nation state or community. Only to their own need to control how to keep expanding without having to pay tax or adhere to laws favoring poor people with no educations.

What are their names? Do you know?
Suntzu wrote:I'm getting the old airplane ready to fly to Oshkosh and AirVenture, world largest fly-in. I'm going to camp under the airplane for a week so there might be some mosquitoes. I will be thinking of you as I walk around looking at old airplanes built by White folks. :lol:

Did you see who built the plane? Was it Mexicans making Boeing parts in Gudalajara factories? Are you sure no Black or Hispanic low IQ dumbell, unworthy filth touched da plane? Did you know some of the top rocket scientists who engineer rockets for NASA are Puerto Rican? I went to uni with some of them!

I like this one:

She graduated from th University of PR in Mayaguez NASA recruited from there. They are good at rocket science...who would have thought? Racists have a hard time with hidden darkies doing scientific projects...
One Degree wrote:All internationalists are imperialists due to hubris and other human flaws. They are never satisfied with cooperation, they always demand top down control. We should solve problems one community at a time and encourage cooperation for mutual benefit, not control and indoctrination.

My god.

Your entire physical being is composed, at an atomic level, of "Wait, stop. Maybe change will happen." The same forces that told black civil rights activists to just stop being so annoying, because someday whites would give them what they wanted.

No. Reducing things to the atomic level is just lazy, retreating racism masquerading as "individual rights." It's the loser's argument: "How about if we keep rehashing the same argument with everyone in my gay little town until you hopefullly get tired of arguing?"

Your 1° schtick is just you putting window dressing on being a straight R ticket voter btw.
Suntzu wrote:It is true that social status amongst Mexicans depend a great deal on skin color. When the end comes I will become Spanish!

More like your daughter child would have Negroid blood, than anything else.

Although wonder if the race caste will change now that we're not going to be on top anymore? I know the stigma of Black self hate would be there for a while, but since we're gone I assume the lightest Brown skin is the top tier.
Tainari88 wrote:Did you see who built the plane? Was it Mexicans making Boeing parts in Gudalajara factories? Are you sure no Black or Hispanic low IQ dumbell, unworthy filth touched da plane? Did you know some of the top rocket scientists who engineer rockets for NASA are Puerto Rican? I went to uni with some of them!

I like this one:

She graduated from th University of PR in Mayaguez NASA recruited from there. They are good at rocket science...who would have thought? Racists have a hard time with hidden darkies doing scientific projects...

No, my old airplane was made in Rochester, Wisconsin in 1967 by a bunch of White guys. Probably the only Mexicans involved were the guys mowing the grass around the plant.
SpecialOlympian wrote:My god.

Your entire physical being is composed, at an atomic level, of "Wait, stop. Maybe change will happen." The same forces that told black civil rights activists to just stop being so annoying, because someday whites would give them what they wanted.

No. Reducing things to the atomic level is just lazy, retreating racism masquerading as "individual rights." It's the loser's argument: "How about if we keep rehashing the same argument with everyone in my gay little town until you hopefullly get tired of arguing?"

Your 1° schtick is just you putting window dressing on being a straight R ticket voter btw.

Nothing is lazier than making every argument about race. Decentralization is simply the default position against authoritarianism. People believed in it long before the civil war. Some humans want control over their own lives. They don’t want some self righteous Oligarchy as a world government whether it is communism or liberal democracy. They are all imperialist if they demand uniformity.
Libertarian353 wrote:I think racial denialism is lazier.

Are you saying it is now racist not to be racist? Somehow it is suppose to be virtuous to keep bombarding people with examples of why we should hate one another? It’s bullshit for the overwhelming majority in the US. Open your eyes. Making everything about race is increasing racism now, not decreasing it. The DNC is openly advocating race division. Where is the improvement from the racial hysteria?
One Degree wrote:
Are you saying it is now racist not to be racist?

See here it is again. This is how racists work with that tactic. I never said this and you know it. I said racial denialism is a lazy excuse for not holding whites accountable for clear racist bias.

We clearly do not like minorities. Our 50 year experiment with "integration" prove this. Whites and Blacks are still segregated in schools and housing. You obviously are in favor of this, otherwise you would take Black issues of racism into consideration.

Whites clearly have an leg up over Blacks, this is a fact. If exposing injustice is causing racism, well that says more about us than it does about Blacks. That you're favor of not rectifying their issues. Which means you're worse than any Alt-right person advocating extinction.

I saw your reaction in Virginia, you clearly have no consideration to minorities. What's worse is that if that was a Million Man March and they have killed a white person, you would pay more attention to yourself and your race.

It's obvious you treat whites differently than non-whites. Any sane person would condemn this, but we have lost sanity since 2001.
Libertarian353 wrote:See here it is again. This is how racists work with that tactic. I never said this and you know it. I said racial denialism is a lazy excuse for not holding whites accountable for clear racist bias.

We clearly do not like minorities. Our 50 year experiment with "integration" prove this. Whites and Blacks are still segregated in schools and housing. You obviously are in favor of this, otherwise you would take Black issues of racism into consideration.

Whites clearly have an leg up over Blacks, this is a fact. If exposing injustice is causing racism, well that says more about us than it does about Blacks. That you're favor of not rectifying their issues. Which means you're worse than any Alt-right person advocating extinction.

I saw your reaction in Virginia, you clearly have no consideration to minorities. What's worse is that if that was a Million Man March and they have killed a white person, you would pay more attention to yourself and your race.

It's obvious you treat whites differently than non-whites. Any sane person would condemn this, but we have lost sanity since 2001.

Meaningless babbling. The white guy shooting the teenager in Texas over fireworks doesn’t appear to have anything to do with race, but was headlined as white guy shoots black teenager. This is an example of any disagreement between people of different races automatically being considered racist. That creates racism. To eliminate racism, you need to acknowledge race may have had nothing to do with the disagreement. If you can not accept it is okay to be angry at a person of another race, then you are just an idealistic moron creating racism.
One Degree wrote:Meaningless babbling.

No, saying DNC are the "realz raycess" is meaningless babbling. Being silent on Black suffering is being in favor of it. You're silent, you're in favor of it. End of story,

One Degree wrote:The white guy shooting the teenager in Texas over fireworks doesn’t appear to have anything to do with race

Again moving the goalpost when you have no argument. The Black person who called a cop a nazi was charged with a hate crime, that had nothing to do with race.

A Black guy was charged with murder for defending his property from a white person. Clearly they thought the white person was just loitering since theft is a "urban" thing.

The difference is, one is charged with low bail, the other is not. Guess the color who got no bail?

Again you can not just assume the person that shot the Black guy wasn't racist. I kind of notice you're more dismissal of white crimes than non-white ones. You always defend violent acts against minorities by saying it has nothing to do with race.

The police chief that order the arrest of the BLMkiddnapping said race wasn't a issue and they got no prison time for it. So by your logic, I can say those four people wasn't racist.

At some point, I fear that only literal genocide of Blacks will make you take the hint. But knowing your mental gymnastics, you would say that's a sad case of mass suicide. Self hangings on trees.

MLK hated people like you more than any racist. And soon Blacks will hate us more and more because of people LIKE YOU.
Suntzu wrote:If the status of Blacks is so bad in the U.S., I wonder why they are not seeking refugee status in Nigeria? ;)

Cause whites need them more than they need us. Trust me, if we really wanted them gone we could have. Four times Blacks actually tried your way. Liberia, Garvey, the great migration north and the Black separation movement.

All of those times sabotage by apparently the white government and private sector of this country.

Answer this: if Africa is such a "shithole"(who made it this way may I add?) Why are there more whites in Africa(6 million plus whites) than there are Blacks in europe(about 2 million). Why is it the highest tariffs USA has put out is in African countries and Haiti? Why did trump threaten Rwanda for not relying on USA clothing so the Rwandans can make their own textile industry? I thought whites didn't want Blacks to rely on welfare and aid. Why are USA bases in Africa, why are these corporations in Africa?

Did you know Blacks give more to Europe and USA than they give to them? When was the last time any resources was White owned? When was the last time a product or service was white made or served? Compare Eastern europe to western europe. Eastern Europe has little to no migrants, yet besides Poland(EU money) they're population is vastly decreasing and their economy is comparable to certain third world countries.

Russia is pretty much the Nigeria of Europe. They had the highest murders in the world during the 90s. A white Country with homicide rates compare to some African countries? Tell me why do hate Blacks? Why is it white lives only valuable when it's taking from non-white? Trump and republicans have committed more genocide against our own people than any Black nationalist would dream of?

Do you know we're the only race on this earth that has organizations for legalize pedophilia? 98% of whites commit acts of violence against children. And we elected one in the white house. How can we say it's ok to be white, if we're the ones committing the majority of crimes and genocide to ourselves? Why is white lives matter when it's take away by non-whites, but when a white person takes a life of another, the media doesn't even write an article? Why does tax money has value when Blacks and minorities take it, but when corporations take 16 trillion from us, it worth is of bricks?

Face it, we are the parasitic group. In majority white states, we have the most drug rates out there. And we actually committing more suicides than white on white murders. It's so bad that it's under reported and probably not at all. I honestly believe the homicide reports is fake, I think whites might commit higher homicides than we thought. Four million violent crimes are unreported yearly. Considering most African Americans are in urban areas where cops watch over them and commit false charges, I'm assuming most of the homicides are white. LBJ quote is more relevant now more than ever.
Do you know we're the only race on this earth that has organizations for legalize pedophilia? 98% of whites commit acts of violence against children.

You can’t expect anyone to take you seriously when you make insane statements like this. You are a straight up racist against whites. You totally ignore the reality around you. You imagine suffering of Blacks who live in cities that often have Black mayors and police chiefs. Blacks have a strong voice in American politics. If there are still problems then they need to share the blame for what is going on in cities controlled by liberals for decades. There is no widespread discrimination against Blacks today.
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