London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings - Politics | PoFo

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I had to do a double take. I almost laughed, before I felt a bit of nausea. Yet, there it is. We were joking about this not more than a few weeks ago with Godstud now famously arguing that knife control wasn't necessary only to have London surpass New York in murders do to the "proliferation" of knives.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Strangely enough, Khan is responsible to decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic. It's also not clear what local Londoners will now use to cut their food.

Multiculturalism has finally jumped the shark with the conviction of Count Dankula and now knife control. The UK is a complete fucking basket case.

I find it mind-boggling that anyone can seriously be for multiculturalism at this juncture.

What do you folks think? Is knife control a good idea? Should we have a knife ban? Should you have to be over 18 to buy a knife? Should we do background checks on people buying knives?

Please don't respond that such questions are stupid. I was mocking about knife control only a few weeks ago, and now it has come to pass.

Noemon Edit: Title Thread Changed to OP's quoted article.
Last edited by blackjack21 on 09 Apr 2018 15:15, edited 1 time in total.
Multiculturalism has finally jumped the shark with the conviction of Count Dankula and now knife control. The UK is a complete fucking basket case.
The sky is falling!! :roll:

You don't actually have "knife control". They are not preventing people from purchasing knives from stores. This is just something to do with the policing, and not with each and every citizen.

How is stopping someone who is acting suspicious, and searching them for a knife, bad? Wouldn't they also do so if they suspected a person has any weapon?

Blackjack21 wrote:I was mocking about knife control only a few weeks ago, and now it has come to pass.
:roll: It hasn't. You're exaggerating the situation and being overly melodramatic. This is a policing issue.

From your source:
The "tough, immediate" measures involve an incredible police crackdown, a ban on home deliveries of knives and acid, and expanding law enforcement stop-and-search powers so that police may stop anyone they believe to be a threat, or planning a knife or acid attack

He's also empowering the Met Police to introduce "targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected," according to a statement.

It's going to affect extremely few people negatively. You could still, for example, order a knife, or acid, to your place of work(if you were a chef or used acid in your work). This is not preventing actual store purchases in any way.
It's going to affect extremely few people negatively. You could still, for example, order a knife, or acid, to your place of work(if you were a chef or used acid in your work). This is not preventing actual store purchases in any way.

@Godstud , we took your guns and now we only want the knives of a few. Don’t worry, it won’t get worse. This deception and self deception has reached a ludicrous level. Each choice determines a path. Excusing it by saying you have good intentions of it being limited is meaningless. You head down a path or you don’t. The concept of ‘restraint’ is a lie.
Noemon Edit: Rule 16

Godstud wrote:How is stopping someone who is acting suspicious, and searching them for a knife, bad?

Because black lives matter? Because the people acting suspicious are more often than not racial minorities? Because when you engage in such practices, a disproportionate number of minority arrests take place because maybe they have illegal drugs too? :?: These are such profound questions.

Godstud wrote::roll: It hasn't. You're exaggerating the situation and being overly melodramatic. This is a policing issue.

Really? :violin: So if someone is acting suspicious and they have a knife, then what? Nothing? Just a nice little chit chat with a Bobby? They steal the knife from the "suspicious person"? Help me connect the dots here Godstud... :?:

Godstud wrote:It's going to affect extremely few people negatively.

So you can no longer buy a set of knives on Amazon and have them delivered? Is that how it works? That sounds like knife control to me. :knife:

Godstud wrote:You could still, for example, order a knife, or acid, to your place of work(if you were a chef or used acid in your work).

Well, there's a workaround. So what happens if people order knives, have them shipped to work, and then walk home with them? Will they be arrested? Bobby to Tommy: "I see you have a knife." Tommy to Bobby: "Yeah? What of it?" "Come on. Let's have it then!" Exactly how does this work?

Godstud wrote:This is not preventing actual store purchases in any way.

Yeah, well background checks don't prevent buying guns from gun shows either. I think gun control proponents call this a "loophole." So you go to a knife shop, buy yourself some knives and walk home with them. You look a little suspicious, and you are wearing a dishdasha and you have a beard. How do they handle this?

Why should the Met ban knife deliveries? Are knives that are purchased online and delivered to someone used in crimes more than knives purchased from retail establishments?

Suntzu wrote:Stop and frisk. This is racist because most of the criminals are Black. :lol:

Maybe the blacks are stabbing the Muslims? There has to be more to this story, because the propaganda we've been subjected to for the last 3-4 years has been that stop and frisk is definitely racist.
Sivad wrote:It doesn't go far enough, there are still a lot of deadly blunt objects lying around. They need a deadly blunt object ban as well.

That is correct. I almost went to prison for ‘assault with a deadly weapon’ simply based upon I could have not done so much damage with just my fist. We must ban fists next.
@Godstud , we took your guns and now we only want the knives of a few.
Fear-mongering and stupidity, on your part.

@blackjack21, They aren't going to go into restaurants and your homes to take your knives. This is just as mindless as those people who think that gun control is going to take away all their guns, and just as illogical.

The police say they're going to do more searches of suspicious people. That's NOT racist, nor is it bad policy. The amount of melodrama surrounding this is incredible.

Canada already has similar laws, only no one has tossed it into the media lately for people to have hissy fits about(It's been around for decades). You can't carry knives for self-defense in Canada, and if found with one, you have to have a logical reason for it(on way home from work in a kitchen, gardening, etc.).

The crybabies, however, will scream and shout about how we need to ban feet and shoes and anything else that can be used as a weapon... :roll: :lol: :knife:
Godstud wrote:The crybabies, however, will...

At a pinch, a Phillips head screwdriver makes a handy stiletto.

LATimes wrote:"A screwdriver can certainly be as deadly as a knife," said Chuck Morton, director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences.

Ingliz wrote:At a pinch, a Phillips head screwdriver makes a handy stiletto.

Yeah, and an awl works pretty good too. They may need to regulate hardware stores next. :knife: It reminds me of being back in the 4th grade and we had an assignment to watch West Side Story. Naturally, us boys--inspired by our exposure to artistic expression, of course--decided it was a good idea to make shanks by sharpening our popsicle sticks and using another popsicle stick and rubber bands to make it flip out like a switch blade. Then, somebody drew blood and the nuns got onto us. That was the end of the popsicle stick shank fights.

So it was on to shaping paper clips to have pointy ends and launching them at each other with rubber bands--we called those bushwackers. They hurt. It always amazes me that people think rules are going to stop something. 4th graders could outwit our government leaders these days.
As a person who remembers the 50’s, any grade school kid can make a zip gun. It criminals can’t buy guns, you can make one easily. Piece of wood, a nail, and a rubber band.

Edit: just checked, of course the internet has complete instructions on making a variety of zip guns.
I find truth stranger than fiction. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner is a lesbian named Cressida Rose Dick.

It's as if something as bizarre as Lewis Carrol's fantasy fiction is now a dystopian reality Six stabbings in 90 minutes in London as 13 year-old left fighting for his life

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has insisted the force has “not lost control” of the capital’s streets, but acknowledged the escalation of violence was “very worrying”.

An additional 300 Met Police officers deployed over the weekend will be working to reduce knife crime in the capital, Ms Dick has confirmed.

If I had wrote this as a piece of fiction as a young student, I would have been suspended from school for a twisted mind. Today, it's reality.

They used to tell you who was committing the crime too. Now they seem to think if they hide the facts, that the facts will go away. Good luck with that!

Black men 'to blame for most violent city crime'... but they're also the victims
Welcome to multiculturalism. We told you it would become Detroit. You can't say we didn't warn you.

Gangs in the escalating knife war on London streets are awarding POINTS for stabbings with bigger crimes leading to higher scores
Children as young as nine are playing a sick game called ‘Scores’ where they win points for stabbing people and committing crime, according to a former gang member.

All that "education" is doing wonders. Let's speculate: how many of these kids are non-white and from broken homes with no father in the house? Feminist theory depicts a peaceful world without war run by women. Feminist reality is women treated as third class citizens just as they are in the third world, and children born of nothing more than the unrestrained sexual desires of young boys. It's a story of sickening and degenerate violence, but that's how everything ends that begins with the political left and their freakery.

'We’ve got young people running around stabbing each other but how come Facebook and YouTube and Snapchat are allowing us to watch a young person dying on our streets? How come that video’s not been taken down?’

Why should reality be censored?

Google is now looking for experts on London slang in a bid to wipe out threatening gang videos from YouTube, The MoS has learned.

Bwahaha... that's the solution!

Gangs are forcing girls known as 'line ups' to have sex with up to ten thugs at a time - one after the other - and ordering others to deliver drugs and hide guns, expert reveals
Jennifer Blake, a former charity chief executive who advised the Home Office on tackling gang crime, told how girls as young as 12 are being used by their criminal boyfriends to deliver drugs, hide guns and provide sexual services.

Gang members place the girls in specific categories to dictate the roles they are expected to play and where they stand in a hierarchy of importance.

At the lowest level are ‘line-ups’, which Ms Blake explained are girls who sickeningly are pressurised to sleep with up to ten men at a time – one after the other.

One step up from this category are girls referred to as ‘links’ who can be called upon at any time by her lover in the gang to sleep with him and two or three other friends.

There are also the ‘baby mothers’ – young women who gang members get pregnant before abandoning them – and the ‘girls’ who they are in loose relationships with.

At the top of the hierarchy are ‘wifeys’ who are considered to be serious girlfriends that receive greater respect and are looked after financially.

Shockingly, Ms Blake said that girls as young as 12 or 13 have sought help at the youth charity she previously ran after being used as ‘links’ and ‘line-ups’.

You can take the people out of the third world, but you can't take the third world out of the people. This is something you would expect to hear about in Brazzaville, but London? And the Nazis couldn't have come up with something like this to denigrate Britain. The Brits did this to themselves, willingly and intentionally, and are defending the policies that made this happen.

Problem? The knives are too sharp and pointy. :knife:
It's weird that liberals attribute the disparity in homicide rates entirely to the prevalence of guns in the US, it's almost like they don't give any credit at all to the UK's extensive social safety net...

Inequality predicts homicide rates ‘better than any other variable’, says an expert – and it is linked to a highly developed concern for one’s own status

U.S. Ranks 23rd Out of 30 Developed Countries for Inequality
A comprehensive index from the World Economic Forum finds that for such a rich country, America isn't doing all that well at creating prosperity.
What's weird is conservatives who don't like when the facts also show that their the policies are the root cause of problems, such as in this case. Income disparity.

Safety nets are not a fix-all problem, and most "liberals" are well aware of this Your attempts to blame "liberals", @Sivad , is fucking pathetic. :lol:
Godstud wrote:What's weird is conservatives who don't like when the facts also show that their the policies are the root cause of problems, such as in this case. Income disparity.

Safety nets are not a fix-all problem, and most "liberals" are well aware of this Your attempts to blame "liberals", @Sivad , is fucking pathetic. :lol:

You don’t stab someone or commit any other crime because you are thinking about the inequities of society. You do it because you are NOT thinking at all. Blaming society is excusing individuals from crime. It is fair to blame liberals because their view prevents us from taking steps in the real world which mat actually reduce crime even though you may view it as inequality. You can address inequality without excusing individual behavior.
You misunderstand me. I am never one to blame society when something bad is done. That's up to the individual to be responsible for their actions. That said, we still have factors that influence those poor choices, and we can't deny that reality. We can try to mitigate the problems, and you'll find most liberals are on board for this.

One Degree wrote:You can address inequality without excusing individual behavior.
I agree.
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