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Welcome to Social Government

Well what if I told you a Policy Director at Facebook was Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff before taking said job directing policy at Facebook? What if I told you the head of algorithm policy at Facebook worked for Hillary at The State Department? Or that the Head of Content Policy worked for the Hillary presidential campaign? What if I told you the person in charge of privacy policy at Facebook used to work for Al Franken, before he worked for Senator Bonoff, before he worked for Congressman Oberstar? Or that the Director in charge of "countering hate and extremism" at Facebook came from the Clinton Foundation? Did you know that the person at Facebook who currently "oversees programs on countering hate speech and promoting pluralism", and "develops internal third party education and drives thought leadership on hate speech and content moderation" was one of Obama's policy advisers at The White House?

Why does Facebook have someone whose job is to show others how to use their platform as a type of privatized government and "exert influence" over the public? And what exactly does it mean for Facebook to "exert influence" over the public?

I think we've been witnessing a little more of that every day.

How about YouTube? How does Laura Southern's documentary about the border get removed from YouTube within 24 hours of posting without any reason or explanation? What if I told you a Policy Manager at YouTube, before becoming a Policy Manager at YouTube, was employed by Hillary for America and was a manager in Obama's campaign before that? What if I told you YouTube's Global Content Policy Lead previously worked at the DNC? Did you know the person responsible for "growing the next generation of stars" on YouTube worked in the Office of Digital Strategy at the White House under Obama? Or that the person in charge of developing the careers of YouTube creators was the Director of Video for Obama? Speaking of helping the careers of creators, did you know Vox, the company that got Steven Crowder demonetized, was one of the companies that YouTube doled out $20 million dollars to, for 'educational videos'?

Ten people, directly connected to the progressive Democrat political machine who are now controlling our conversations online. Sounds like an important alarm, no?

What if I told you there were nearly a hundred more?

By the way, did you know the Public Policy Manager for Global Elections at Facebook was on Obama's National Security Council (Director for Russia) before he was a Special Advisor for Joe Biden? What kind of election policy do you think he will advocate for at Facebook leading into 2020?

What about Twitter? The "primary spokesperson and communications lead for the 2016 U.S. Presidential election" at Twitter was previously Kamala Harris' Press Secretary. A Trust & Safety manager who "developed operations and policies related to privacy and free expression" previously worked at the Clinton Global Initiative and at the State Department under Hillary Clinton. A Twitter Director of Public Policy was originally a Press Secretary for John Edwards (D), and Erskine Bowles (D), and Senator Salazar (D), and Senator Barack Obama (D), he was a Policy Director for Obama's Presidential campaign, a Policy Advisor at the White House, Special Assistant to the President, and then he spent three short months on the Clinton-Kaine Presidential Transition Team before deciding to take a job directing public policy at Twitter.

A Twitter Public Policy Director who owned the 2016 election and both party conventions previously worked for Senator Wyden (D), Senator Higgins (D), Bill Foster's congressional campaign (D), and Senator Dick Durban (D), before that; NBC News Political Desk. Another Twitter Public Policy employee was Obama's Director for Syria after working in Hillary's State Department. Twitter's Public Policy Fellow is a Democrat who came to the company after losing his own run for Washington House of Representatives District 14b. Twitter's Associate General Counsel, Global Policy was formerly an Advisor to Senator Claire McCaskill after being Associate Counsel to President Obama. Twitter's Head of Site Policy was an intern at the William J. Clinton Foundation where she "wrote letters on behalf of President Clinton to heads of state". Twitter's Vice President of Global Public Policy worked for a Democrat congressman for twenty years. The Washington Post called him "one of the most influential tech policy operatives you've never heard of."

These aren't just Democratic voters, but former employees from the DNC, from the offices of Pelosi, Hillary, Obama, Feinstein, Giffords, Schumer, Reid, Planned Parenthood, even Rachel Maddow, who are migrating en masse to gate-keeping positions in social media companies. They didn't all learn to code, they aren’t designing the like button or working on Messenger. They are taking up residency in the policy departments across the web; shaping the conversation, pushing agendas, picking who gets featured, deciding who gets blocked, judging who gets banned for life, dictating the parameters of the algorithms we'll never be allowed to see, and making cases for censorship - that always seem to ratchet in one direction.

We have blurred the names and photos of the social media employees below (and removed most non-political employers). We want to start a conversation (or investigation) not a witch hunt. We ask that you be respectful of the privacy of the people listed below and instead direct your feedback to the companies and share this with friends & family.


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