Privatization and PPP mean "oligarchs take control"... uh oh - Politics | PoFo

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Over the last number of decades, we have been conditioned by media to see "privatization of state assets," "Private-Public-Partnerships, and "Foreign investment" as fantastic trends that will make us all rich.

We are told that selling our infrastructure to oligarchs will make them "work better" and be "more efficient."

Below is a video presentation about the state of Ukraine in 2014. AT this point, it had been pretty well all sold off to oligarchs for fire-sale prices. They would be rich, rich, rich!

But don't be fooled by the name of the country that is being described, or the nationality or interests of the speaker who is presenting the material. He could be talking about your country as well... right now. About your future in it.

(TLDW of video: He is saying that, once oligarchs own your country, they really don't care if the peasants who live there live or die. They just want to increase the value of their property, and you aren't part of it anymore once the government sells everything to oligarchs)
QatzelOk wrote:He could be talking about your country as well...

You especially mean Russia, don't you? He could be talking about Russia as well, since Ukraine's just Little Russia in that regard indeed. I wonder, though, if the Russian people are also meant to feel nostalgic about or should even want to reinstate the Soviet state perhaps or it's for other post-Soviet nations only. :lol:

You fuck this up, QatzelOk. That video isn't supposed to suggest we all should work on the betterment of our own country, it has a rather specific purpose, which should be even more obvious if we know from where it is.
QatzelOk wrote:Over the last number of decades, we have been conditioned by media to see "privatization of state assets," "Private-Public-Partnerships, and "Foreign investment" as fantastic trends that will make us all rich.

But lying Marxist liars condition us to pretend there is no difference between private ownership of what the "oligarchs" have privately added to the nation's wealth by their private decisions and initiative, and private appropriation by oligarchs of everyone else's rights to liberty.

Do you perhaps know someone who fits that description...?
We are told that selling our infrastructure to oligarchs will make them "work better" and be "more efficient."

And we are told by evil Marxist liars that when an "oligarch" causes a factory to be built where none existed before, that is "theft" of "social infrastructure" and the "surplus labor value" created by the working class.
Below is a video presentation about the state of Ukraine in 2014. AT this point, it had been pretty well all sold off to oligarchs for fire-sale prices. They would be rich, rich, rich!

Do you think those oligarchs are getting rich, rich, rich by owning the factories that they caused to exist? Or are they getting rich by owning everyone else's liberty rights to access what government, the community, and nature provided?

Oh, no, wait a minute, that's right: according to Marxist "analysis," there is no difference between owning what you created and owning others' rights to liberty. It's all just, "the means of production."
But don't be fooled by the name of the country that is being described, or the nationality or interests of the speaker who is presenting the material. He could be talking about your country as well... right now. About your future in it.

Oh, I won't be fooled, don't worry. Most especially, I won't be fooled by lying Marxist liars who try to tell me there is no difference between the creators of means of production owning what they created and greedy, privileged parasites owning what government, the community, and nature created.
He is saying that, once oligarchs own your country, they really don't care if the peasants who live there live or die. They just want to increase the value of their property, and you aren't part of it anymore once the government sells everything to oligarchs

How could government "sell to oligarchs" the factories that the oligarchs themselves caused to exist?

Blank out.
Since neither of you seems to have listened to the video (which has English subtitles, so you can read it instead), I will not comment on what you have uselessly written.

The video speaker is basically telling Ukrainians (in 2014) that they don't own their own country any more, that the new owners (international oligarchs) don't care about Ukrainian people, and that they should stop dreaming that Ukraine is still part of the Soviet Union with all its social programs and social security.

In other words, he is saying that Ukrainians are in the same position that the First Nations were in North America once the USA declared its independence from the Mother Country - England.

Zelensky is like the George Washington of International Oligarch control of Ukraine. The Ukrainians are entering into their Trail of Tears-Little Big Horn period of Oligarch control.

Beren wrote:That video isn't supposed to suggest...

I really don't care about the intent of the author of that video. I care about the consequences of oligarch's-controlling the state that the speech in this video that I posted *accidentally* reveals.

Real journalism happens between the lines. You have to get away from the text.
QatzelOk wrote:Since neither of you seems to have listened to the video (which has English subtitles, so you can read it instead), I will not comment on what you have uselessly written.

So you misused it after having listened to it? :lol: How hard was it to find out if how such a material should be used in a proper Qatzian way to both please your handler and look as if you really mean to say something with it?

I actually listened to it for a while and even checked out its source, so thus realised you'd fatally misused blatant Russian propaganda in a way it hurts Russia the most perhaps. :lol:
Beren wrote:I actually listened to it for a while and even checked out its source, so thus realised you'd fatally misused blatant Russian propaganda in a way it hurts Russia the most perhaps. :lol:

If you had really listened to it, you would know that it's not Russian propaganda. It's a great anti-oligarchy speech, given under different circumstances and with an ulterior motive.

So you misused it...

This doesn't make any sense, your use of "misuse." You mean I got something out of it? It enlightened me in ways that the speaker probably didn't intend?

Who cares. There's a lot of accidentally honest information in there. And it's only 10 minutes long, you have time to listen to the speakers warning about what happens when oligarchs take over your country.

Fidel Castro kicked oligarchs out of his country, 60 years ago. Russia and the Ukraine... invited them in after 1992. And now, Ukrainians own nothing and they are not happy. And neither will we be when we realize that our self-glorifying political mafia have sold our countries to very bad actors who have ZERO responsibility for the citizens of the nations they have bought from used-country salesmen.
Transcript (my typing and my bolding)

Igor Berkut speech made in 2014

"A large number of people in Ukraine don't recognise these reforms as their own - created for their benefit. In our opinion, it is due to the fact that people, by inertia of thinking, continue to equate Ukraine today with Soviet Ukraine.

In regards to the social obligations to People, it is necessary to understand that Soviet Ukraine and Ukraine today are two different countries. It is a mistake to transfer the generational experience, when the state, in exchange for the labor of the people, took care of their lives.

In reality, today our country belongs to a small group of Billionaires and multi-millionaires. All of them are in a position of power or are in control of power or an integral part of it. It has nothing to do with the population.

If we take a look at the Constitution of the USSR (1978): there, it is said that Ukraine is a People's state. The current constitution has no such clause.

For what reason would the owners of our country assume responsibility for the maintenance of millions of people who are of no benefit to them profit-wise? Not part of their security, not the source of their pleasure?..."

(stopped transcribing at 1m 27 sec)
QatzelOk wrote:If you had really listened to it, you would know that it's not Russian propaganda. It's a great anti-oligarchy speech, given under different circumstances and with an ulterior motive.

It's a great anti-oligarchy and pro-Soviet speech for a Ukrainian audience. Maybe it wasn't directly made or supposed to be Russian propaganda originally, but the Russian propaganda machine definitely intends to make a good use of it for its own benefit anyway.

QatzelOk wrote:This doesn't make any sense, your use of "misuse." You mean I got something out of it?

I mean you use it in a wrong way as a propagandist or an agent. That video isn't there to use it to blame the oligarchy in general because it's mostly associated with Russia, it's there to use it to prove that Ukraine came off badly with the collapse of the USSR.

QatzelOk wrote:

In reality, today our country belongs to a small group of Billionaires and multi-millionaires.

Ukraine was part of the USSR, which was quite corrupt...

Capitalism requires capital. You'd be surprised how many that grew up in a capitalist economy haven't figured that out. When it starts, it's usually ugly. In my history, there was a civil war...

When Biden went to Ukraine, he represented the USA, the EU and the IMF. They had to tackle corruption, or the loans would stop. They eventually attacked some of the worst corruption.

Lastly, Putin forged Ukraine into a real country in a baptism of fire. The people have a voice now.

You put all that together, and what you have is early stage capitalism, complete with representative government. It's not perfect, but what is.
QatzelOk wrote:Since neither of you seems to have listened to the video (which has English subtitles, so you can read it instead),

Wrong again, as usual. I watched it all and read the subs.
I will not comment on what you have uselessly written.

I am aware that facts and logic are unavailing when dealing with Marxists. My demolitions of their nonsense are for the benefit of spectators who are still reachable.
For what reason would the owners of our country assume responsibility for the maintenance of millions of people who are of no benefit to them profit-wise? Not part of their security, not the source of their pleasure?...

When Igor Berket asks Ukrainians why profit-seeking oligarchs would care about the well-being of Ukrainians... this is a pivotal moment in the speech because ... this isn't just about Ukraine. It's about oligarchy and oligarch-ownership of a country. Oligarchs - unlike popular bottom-up governance - are not even allowed to care about the collective well-being of the people. Solon knew this 2600 years ago. Why don't we?

Since the banksters basically OWN the USA and Canada (and Western Europe), they feel they can do whatever they want with their stuff. This might include killing all the useless (useless to oligarchs) citizens, or starting wars that won't harm oligarchs themselves at all. War is just a chess game between friends for oligarchs. The more people they kill, the more stuff they can buy at firesale prices.

Under oligarchs, "citizens" are reduced to "current squatters" of the nations in which they live. Oligarchs do this by buying all the infrastructure for pennies on the dollar, and by reducing the populations to debt-slaves through non-stop deficits.... And they do this using corrupt oligarch-owned politicians and corrupt oligarch-owned media.

Here is an example of a Western Country's ordinary citizens being "punished" by its oligarchs:

Oh, and the government that Freeland is part of... has been trying to privatize all our infrastructure and has run up massive debts to the private banking industry. It has enriched oligarchs tremendously.


Rancid wrote:Absolutely hilarious watching @QatzelOk talk about how horrible Oligarchies are

You can laugh all the way to your tenth PfizerTM booster shot while being bombed by General DynamicsTM Russia.

Truth To Power wrote:...dealing with Marxists....

Yes, Marxism was one way of dealing with oligarchy.

late wrote:Capitalism requires capital.

And killing millions of people in a war is one way to acquire capital. Stealing from government taxes (through corruption) is another.

Beren wrote:It's a great anti-oligarchy and pro-Soviet speech for a Ukrainian audience.

I am highlighting the anti-oligarchy angle of this speech. And I'm happy that you found it great, as I also found it a great summary of "where we are."
QatzelOk wrote:I'm happy that you found it great

I found it a great rhetoric performance in the sense that I'm sure he managed to impress his target audience with it, but I myself didn't find it great enough to hear it through. I get easily bored by too much text or rhetoric and pro-Russian Ukrainian politician criticising oligarchy (while being nostalgic for the USSR) sounds quite hypocritical anyway. It's not exactly him I'd mean to be lectured by.
Beren wrote:I found it a great rhetoric performance in the sense that I'm sure he managed to impress his target audience with it, but I myself didn't find it great enough to hear it through. I get easily bored by too much text or rhetoric and pro-Russian Ukrainian politician criticising oligarchy (while being nostalgic for the USSR) sounds quite hypocritical anyway. It's not exactly him I'd mean to be lectured by.

The Ukraine-Russia angle of his speech is not important at all. The message is universal. Germany in the 1930s was very much owned by German oligarchs. And they got richer during WWII as millions of other people were fried by bombs.

Did they care? Do our current oligarch-owned governments care?

Are we allowed to learn from the past, or are we sheep who must be slaughtered again and again and again?
QatzelOk wrote:The Ukraine-Russia angle of his speech is not important at all. The message is universal.

The message may be universal but oligarchy isn't. The West is a plutocracy as the Roman republic was rather than an oligarchy as Russia is. George Soros, for example, is a typical plutocrat, who'd never run for president himself, while Trump, a typical oligarchic figure, would aspire to be president for life and make the White House the American Kreml. If you try to pull oligarchy on the West, it just won't fit and doesn't add up to people because of the apparent differences between the West and Russia. So Igor Berkut's message may work perfectly well in Ukraine, but it won't come through in the West.
Beren wrote:The West is a plutocracy as the Roman republic was rather than an oligarchy as Russia is. George Soros, for example, is a typical plutocrat, who'd never run for president himself, while Trump, a typical oligarchic figure, would aspire to be president for life and make the White House the American Kreml.

Plutocracy: rule by the rich
Oligarchy: rule by the few

Our system: ruled by the few who are extremely rich.

Even Soros is just a product of Rothschild money. Same with a lot of our "plutocrats" (beards for our mega-oligarchs).

You are trying to distract from the universal message of this speech by pretending to be "superior" to another nation. Your sense of being "superior" is noted but not shared. Westerners can no more protect themselves from their rich oligarch tyrants than Ukraine was able to do after the Soviet Union collapsed. And the S.U. collapsed partially due to the border wars that were funded by rich Western oligarchs with their own agendas.


The most important message of his speech is: "Don't let your prostitute governments sell all the public infrastruture to the disloyal oligarch class. If you do, your nation state is finished and you will own nothing and be brain-dead or just dead."
QatzelOk wrote:You are trying to distract from the universal message of this speech by pretending to be "superior" to another nation. Your sense of being "superior" is noted but not shared.

I'm just trying to enlighten you why your agitation doesn't work or isn't really effective, but you always react with arrogance to any criticism, so fuck that. I won't be surprised at all if you'll keep trying to push your stuff down people's throats totally unchanged rather than adapting a bit because they must realise and accept they're not "superior" to anyone. How do you mean to convince people out of spite?
Beren wrote:I'm just trying to enlighten you why your agitation doesn't work...

And I'm just trying to enlighten everyone, including myself. If you want to ensure that people aren't being heard, the best way to do that is shadow-banning. I would do that myself if I was lying and didn't want anyone to know. 8)

Your use of the word "enlighten" sounds more like "hobbling."

Are you afraid of change? Do you want Germany to be destroyed again? Would that make you richer?

Is that why you are unable to see the dangers of oligarchs buying up all our infrastructure? Economic interests?
QatzelOk wrote:And I'm just trying to enlighten everyone, including myself. If you want to ensure that people aren't being heard, the best way to do that is shadow-banning. I would do that myself if I was lying and didn't want anyone to know. 8)

Your use of the word "enlighten" sounds more like "hobbling."

Are you afraid of change? Do you want Germany to be destroyed again? Would that make you richer?

Is that why you are unable to see the dangers of oligarchs buying up all our infrastructure? Economic interests?

My only point here is that anytime you use "oligarch" or "oligarchy" regarding the West you actually weaken your message, especially while using pro-Russian sources as well. That's only it.

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