Is multiculturalism dead? Western media ramps up the racism - Politics | PoFo

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With Western banks nearing bankruptcy, and the West losing its status as global hegemon, both oligarch-owned government officials and oligarch-owned commercial media are ramping up the racism against both Russians and Chinese. They join our current roster of targets like "the Arabs," "Islam," "Iran" and possibly all Latin American leftists.

Thus, after 50 years of promoting "multiculturalism," the same media and government voices are promoting hatred against targeted groups.

Justin Podur wrote:...Beginning in the 1970s (with the current prime minister’s father) multiculturalism was the framework for integrating immigrants into Canada and has always carried both an anti-racist and a sinister element. It is based on the belief that people from any country of origin could become as “Canadian” as the British colonists who seized it in the name of the English Crown. The resulting Canada would be a “mosaic of cultures”, not a melting pot that pressures people to sever ties with the old country and assimilate as happens in the United States.

On the sinister side, the multicultural idea is used to try to lower the special status of First Nations down to the level of any other part of the mosaic and hide the fact that they retain sovereignty over the land. If Canada is to be a mosaic, immigrants would have to be invited by First Nations on their terms, not by the state that stole their land.

Canadian multiculturalism is also used to weaponize diasporas for campaigns against their home countries, wherever those home countries are in the crosshairs of the US. These diaspora communities of the mosaic are assumed to have homogeneous politics as regards foreign policy: their visible leaders and their community media are of course vocally against the Chinese government, but also pro-US sanctions and wars, anti-Communist, against Palestinian sovereignty, etc.

Multiculturalism was strained by the War on Terror decades as Canadian police and informants infiltrated Muslim communities and entrapped them in terror plots the same way the FBI did in the US, but Canada didn’t go as far as the UK did with its Trojan Horse Affair. Sinophobia in Canada has a much deeper tradition, with race riots in British Columbia and the Chinese Exclusion Act...

Of course, if the Chinese and Russians want to understand how our Western oligarch class operates, they just have to read our real history. They would see that racism was fabricated against all First Nations groups, and that none of the treaties that were signed by the settler-colonial states were respected by these same settler-colonial states.

(For bankster-lead empires) When the going gets rough, the rough fabricate racism.

This war propaganda poster warns about how dangerous it is to allow Germany to have any national sovereignty.

Canada's government and medai has been touting the multicultural advantageTM for many decades now.

And yet our media has been concurrently dumping on Arabs, Muslims, Russia, China, Iran, Libya, etc. during the same period. All for good reasons, mind you - to manufacture consensus for wars that destroy other cultures and regions of the earth.

This will destroy our societies when push comes to shove. You can't be "politically correct and woke" while at the same time spitting at half the world's nations.
Call me cynical, but I predict "multiculturalism" will end when the Progressive Left gets enough votes that they need.

It's not really a core ideology. It's kind of more just a useful ideology as a means to an end.

The Left holds all sorts of "beliefs" that are not really root-held or absolute, and they'd turn on a dime if they thought it would help accomplish their deeper goals.

There are plenty of "useful idiots" who can be reprogrammed to believe something else over time. It's very Orwellian.

(For those in UK, the idiom "turn on a dime" means being able to suddenly completely change direction at will)
Every thread on multiculturalism suffers from one major problem: the word means different things to different people.

It can mean ethnic diversity, or having more than one culture in a country, or it could mean that the government has policies in place to promote cultural diversity.

The only one that could possibly be ending soon is the final one (government policies), and that seems doubtful. Those sorts of policies can easily coexist with media portrayals of Russians, Chinese and Arabs as bad people.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Every thread on multiculturalism suffers from one major problem: the word means different things to different people.

This is a very good point, as I consider myself 'mulitcultural' in the sense that I speak a few languages, and really enjoy the company of people from multiple cultures.

But notice that my own personal multiculturalism has been followed up with language courses, travel, and working and playing in multiculatural environments all my adult life. This could be called a STRATEGY for multiculturalism.

In the case of countries like Canada and Australia, there has been no plan, no strategy. Just a series of slogans like 'multiculturalism makes us stronger.'

If this is the case, why did Canada kill off so many cultures?

Likewise, Canada's multiculturalism hasn't lead to any social laws or social norms that would make the most of this change in our social makeup.

Nothing has changed in this regard. For hundreds of years, Canada has brought in fresh mouths to feed in order to marginalize or kill off the already-existing cultures (especially Francophone and First Nations) and to reduce the cost of labor (Irish canal builders, Chinese railway builders).

In the case of the Chinese, these people were tossed into the garbage can as soon as their job was complete. And currently, Canadian media (and government mouthpieces) are working on constructing more racism against China.

Stories like this one...

CBC wrote:Beijing’s control of Chinese-language media in Canada

This is part of the Chinese infiltration of Canada. From traditional to digital media, Beijing’s control of Chinese-language media in Canada is increasingly sophisticated...

lead invariably to stories like this one...

CP 24 wrote:More than 1,100 anti-Asian attacks reported in Canada

Many Asian individuals around the world have encountered racist remarks and attacks after the novel coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, China in Dec. 2019. The global COVID-19 pandemic was then declared by the World Health Organization in Mar. 2020...

Whether it was Canada arresting Huawei executives, blaming China for Covid, "revealing" the presence of Chinese police stations in Canada, or hinting at our future mission in protecting Taiwan... the commercial media has been flooding our kennel with anti-Asian dog whistles for a few years now.


Can we call commercial media "hate media?"

Or could commercial media justify their *manufacturing of hatred* by saying that they're only in it for the money?
QatzelOk wrote:This is a very good point, as I consider myself 'mulitcultural' in the sense that I speak a few languages, and really enjoy the company of people from multiple cultures.

But notice that my own personal multiculturalism has been followed up with language courses, travel, and working and playing in multiculatural environments all my adult life. This could be called a STRATEGY for multiculturalism.

I would call this "interculturalism" rather than "multiculturalism".

Multicultural doesn't call for people of different cultures to mingle together, as we see with ethnic ghettos in Canada, including Quebec and first nation reserves. Multiculturalism just means Canada contains multiple cultures and the government (and ideally Canadians themselves) are tolerant of it.

In the case of countries like Canada and Australia, there has been no plan, no strategy. Just a series of slogans like 'multiculturalism makes us stronger.'

Right, I agree. Multiculturalism is not easy to manage, as we see with Quebec and indigenous in Canada. Canada as a state is not an ethnic nation-state, it was founded by multiple distinct ethnicities: indigenous (of which are varied in themselves), French Canadians, and Anglo Canadians. Add to that the many more ethnicities that make up sizeable % of the population. This can sometimes create friction between them, especially when there are sub-national groups acting on behalf of their "nation", like the Quebecois.

If this is the case, why did Canada kill off so many cultures?

Multiculturalism in Canada become government policy in the 1960's, didn't it? Which cultures has Canada killed off since then? Especially compared to how many they've tried to integrate since then? Can you name a more welcoming and culturally/ethnically inclusive country in the world?'d be hard-pressed.

Nothing has changed in this regard. For hundreds of years, Canada has brought in fresh mouths to feed in order to marginalize or kill off the already-existing cultures (especially Francophone and First Nations) and to reduce the cost of labor (Irish canal builders, Chinese railway builders).

In the case of the Chinese, these people were tossed into the garbage can as soon as their job was complete. And currently, Canadian media (and government mouthpieces) are working on constructing more racism against China.

You're talking about a time that existed when most Canadians weren't even alive. Do you really believe Canada, typically run by French Prime Ministers, is currently trying to immigrate Francophones into extinction? If so, they're doing it to Anglos, Italians etc too. Where do you get these weird conspiracy theories of yours?

Stories like this one...

lead invariably to stories like this one...

Whether it was Canada arresting Huawei executives, blaming China for Covid, "revealing" the presence of Chinese police stations in Canada, or hinting at our future mission in protecting Taiwan... the commercial media has been flooding our kennel with anti-Asian dog whistles for a few years now.

Can we call commercial media "hate media?"

Dude this is nonsense. Reporting on illegal or surveillance activities of the CCP is NOT the media being racist, its reporting the news. Also, disliking and distrusting the CCP is not the same as disliking or distrusting Chinese migrants generally. If some people become resentful of Chinese people in general because of these news reports that's on them, they're jumping to racist conclusions and stereotyping/generalizing a whole group based on a few bad apples, which is the definition of racism and is clearly wrong & illogical. What do you want newsmedia to do, just never report news that reflects badly on anyone or any government that isn't white & anglo?

Sure there's been some racial stereotypes in the US media about Muslims, but I just don't see it these days regarding Chinese people, especially in Canada. Same with Russians. Disliking Putin is not the same as disliking the Russian people. The problem is 1. the racist stereotyping I mentioned above, and 2. the progressives woke folks who go out of their way to hide facts because they fear it might reflect badly on some minority group. We shouldn't be fearful of facts, but we should be fearful of illogical racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic etc stereotypes where a small sample of "bad apples" is applied to the whole. Suppressing or whitewashing facts in not the cure for the latter.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Multicultural doesn't call for people of different cultures to mingle together, as we see with ethnic ghettos in Canada, including Quebec and first nation reserves. Multiculturalism just means Canada contains multiple cultures and the government (and ideally Canadians themselves) are tolerant of it...

Multiculturalism in Canada become government policy in the 1960's, didn't it? Which cultures has Canada killed off since then? ...

Oh, the First Nations and most of the francophone metis had already been killed off (by Canada) before 1960. So if, as our government tells us "multicultarilism makes us stronger," why were all these strength-making cultures genocided so brutally and totally? Is it because multiculturalism is just the latest strategy of the foreign multinational corporations who created Canada out of dead cultures and resource-extraction?

Multiculturalism is not easy to manage, as we see with Quebec and indigenous in Canada.

The First Nations were already here, and Canada - before the British got here - was very multicultural because THE FRENCH signed peace treaties to unite lots of First Nations. The British sought to genocide all the other cultures that were here, and brought in thousands of immigrants from various countries in Europe (in the 19th and 20th Centuries) in order to rid the country of any traces of these original "multi" cultures.

So really, multiculturalism is just the latest name of NON-culturalism - a commitment to value-less drone-hood that thrives on its mission from corporations who strip the land of its resources to enrich multinational stock-holders.

Reporting on illegal or surveillance activities of the CCP is NOT the media being racist...

China's leadership has proven to be more independent-minded than Western financial elites can handle, so they're trying to start wars againt China (and half the world) by feeding anti-Chinese memes to a gullible public. This kind of red-baiting and yellow-peril has been shown in the past to cause lots of racism.

And our media at at it again, in an age where media literacy is much stronger than it was in the 1930s. Perhaps you would like to address pre-war propaganda as a source of racism that is fabricated by the state itself?
Quebec is just as guilty as Canada when it comes to the historic and ongoing genocide(s) of Indigenous people in Canada.

Also, while many Métis spoke French, many others did not. Here I am referring to actual Métis and not just people who self identify as such because they happen to have an Indigenous ancestor.

Getting back to the topic, Canadian multiculturalism policy specifically excludes Indigenous cultures. This is because multiculturalism policies in Canada are based on money. Indigenous people and cultures are an ongoing problem for Canada since they are the actual legal owners of Canada’s land and resources, so recognizing these cultures would pose a serious economic problem.

Meanwhile, Canada gets a lot of immigrant labour. We even have deals with the Philippines and other countries to supply us with a steady stream of underpaid workers.

This is why tolerance of other cultures and ethnicities in Canada is inconsistent: money. But since intolerance is irrational anyway, this is not a problem for Canadian racial intolerance.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Here I am referring to actual Métis and not just people who self identify as such because they happen to have an Indigenous ancestor.

And I thought race and ethnicity were social constructs. Silly me.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Getting back to the topic, Canadian multiculturalism policy specifically excludes Indigenous cultures. This is because multiculturalism policies in Canada are based on money. Indigenous people and cultures are an ongoing problem for Canada since they are the actual legal owners of Canada’s land and resources, so recognizing these cultures would pose a serious economic problem.

Meanwhile, Canada gets a lot of immigrant labour. We even have deals with the Philippines and other countries to supply us with a steady stream of underpaid workers.

This is why tolerance of other cultures and ethnicities in Canada is inconsistent: money. But since intolerance is irrational anyway, this is not a problem for Canadian racial intolerance.

So... It is about class, then. Right?
wat0n wrote:
And I thought race and ethnicity were social constructs. Silly me.

So... It is about class, then. Right?

Racism came out of the European need to justify slavery, it's both.

If you look at the South before the Civil War, freedom meant the freedom to exert power over others. It was a Zero Sum game, for you to have more, someone had to have less.

To sum up, race is a social construct, but people still use it as if it was real. Looks like you are trying to have your cake, and eat it, as well.
late wrote:Racism came out of the European need to justify slavery, it's both.

If you look at the South before the Civil War, freedom meant the freedom to exert power over others. It was a Zero Sum game, for you to have more, someone had to have less.

To sum up, race is a social construct, but people still use it as if it was real. Looks like you are trying to have your cake, and eat it, as well.

Who's "you" here?

If you think race is a social construct, like gender is, then you are in no position to speak about the "real" members of a race and should accept whatever race someone identifies with - exactly the same standard used for accepting self-perceived transgender identities as they are.

Why should race and gender be treated differently here?

So, if Qatz self-identifies as a Métis even though he speaks French and his daily life is like that of a Frenchman in Québec - being far more concerned about being legally compelled to wear a helmet when he's in Montreal than about most issues affecting those Métis whose daily life is far more traditional -, who is one to question him?
Many things are social constructs. Money, human rights, contract law, countries. Who cares?

Race is a social construct that was imposed on people during colonialism in order to justify oppression of people with darker skin.

Note that “indigenous” and “Métis” are not races.
Ethnicities are also social constructs.

Money is a social construct, but material resources and labor are not. If money did not exist, we'd just go back to a barter economy and whoever doesn't have anything to offer will be poor.

What I don't get then is why shouldn't race and ethnicity be treated like gender is, and let us all identify as whatever.
It's definitely dead.

1) COVID lockdowns and travel discouragement, whch ironically leftist were the ones pushing, have largely ended the expat and tourist culture that allowed predominantly white rich people to take advantage of multiculturalism.

2) Poor minorities can still get a free ride in western countries but western cities all look like 90's post-apocalyptic scenes. Certain countries/regions, like Sweden, Germany and England, are obviously not going to maintain their previous identities or economic/political power as a consequence of the mass migration.

3) Huge protests in France. Migrants were supposed to guarantee the pension funds, instead they've become financial drains.

4) The black prosecutor in New York city who brought 34 felony charges against Trump (and leaked them, which is a felony itself) is obviously engaged in African-style politics. California and New York remain some of the most moved-out-of places in the entire world.

It's clearly not going to work out. It'll still probably be some decades before it dies but the elephant in the room here is that new immigrants usually don't want other immigrants coming in after them, so it's obviously got to end at some point.
If people think ethnic or cultural diversity is going to come to an end and that we will all finally live in racially segregated countries, that is not going to happen for the foreseeable future. In fact, all indications show that ethnic and cultural diversity are going to rise in developed countries.

On the other hand, as immigration gets higher and higher and more pressure comes from the global south (in terms of the sheer number of migrants) the developed world will increasingly make immigration more difficult, and this may include rescinding previous multiculturalism policies.

Not that al lot of countries have them.
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