Races aren't real, but 'black' is real - Page 11 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:Chimpanzees and humans cannot produce viable offspring through sexual reproduction, while humans of all “races” can do so.

This is not arbitrary at all., and is (in fact) one of the defining traits of being a species.

Also, you seem to change your definition of race frequently. Now it seems to be about how closely related people are. Note that two people can be closely related and be different “races”, which contradicts this new definition.

Actually it is unknown whether humans and chimps can reproduce. And as I said before, humans might be a ring species. For sure there are certain race mixtures that miscarry more often.
Potemkin wrote:So you regard ‘races’ as clades? But even that is fundamentally arbitrary- why those particular clades rather than others? And clades, by definition, must contain all the descendants of a common ancestor, even those who are the result of mixing with other ‘racial’ clades.

But your point about the arbitrariness of chimpanzees not being regarded as human is a good one - originally, the ‘Homo’ clade was erected to separate humans from chimpanzees and gorillas, but then it was embarrassingly realised that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than gorillas or chimpanzees are related to each other. So we ended up in the same group as chimpanzees, and gorillas rather than humans became the outlier among the great apes. But we still didn’t want to call chimpanzees ‘Homo’, or ‘men’, so we called them ‘Pan’ instead. Lol.

No, common ancestry is not important to me. A thing I have not mentioned, because it is far too advanced for you guys, is that a gene cluster must have some sufficiently high tajimas d number for me to consider it a race. Thus a mulatto or a mestizo is not a race.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Doesn't this 'ethnogenesis' malarky fatally wound your genetic argument?

Under this scheme, whatever ethnicity you choose - self-identify with - is up to you with no requirement that you are born into the 'tribe'.


No, ethnicity is cultural. Race is biological. A culture can create a race after a sufficient number of generations...but 100 years is not long enough. After 100 years people are still just living in an evolutionary mismatch. A point of equilibrium must be reached with an evolutionary stable strategy...it isn't set in stone how long that takes but a scientist could make an educated guess. There needs to be a fairly high mortality rate and immigration needs to be sufficiently low.
FiveofSwords wrote:Actually it is unknown whether humans and chimps can reproduce.


This is ridiculous. You are either trolling or you are misinformed to a ludicrous degree.

And as I said before, humans might be a ring species.

This is highly doubtful.

For sure there are certain race mixtures that miscarry more often.

Provide evidence for this claim.

Provide a link and a quote with the relevant information.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No.

This is ridiculous. You are either trolling or you are misinformed to a ludicrous degree.

This is highly doubtful.

Provide evidence for this claim.

Provide a link and a quote with the relevant information.

The chimp question:
https://www.newsweek.com/could-chimp-hu ... 0infertile

"There isn't a scientific consensus over whether such a hybrid is possible."

This Newsweek article says the offspring would be infertile.. but actually that would only be the most likely outcome. It is actually not impossible that in some rare instances there would be a fertile offspring.

In fact, that would logically necessarily be the case... If you understabd evolution...because 2 chromosomes of human ape ancestors fused during the evolutionary history of humans...but reproduction must have still occurred between our ancestors who had the fused chromosome and ancestors who didnt.

The race mixing question: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22776059/
FiveofSwords wrote:No, ethnicity is cultural. Race is biological. A culture can create a race after a sufficient number of generations...but 100 years is not long enough. After 100 years people are still just living in an evolutionary mismatch. A point of equilibrium must be reached with an evolutionary stable strategy...it isn't set in stone how long that takes but a scientist could make an educated guess. There needs to be a fairly high mortality rate and immigration needs to be sufficiently low.

All of your theories Sword are going to be destroyed in the 20 minutes of the Zach presenter. The Scientist.

So unless you come up with something more updated using some certified geneticist--and other scientists--you will continue to argue for an artificial reality of race trying to justify a political and cultural point of view. It has to fit the Nazi narrative.

Either argue with the man in the video point by point. Trying to say none of us dummies can understand your great knowledge, which you continue to evade stating what your level of expertise in this subject is? You avoid that. You avoid a lot. You think your behavior is not being noticed or that the way you cope with rebuttals is not noticed? All of it is noticed. Many people are defined by what they do not say, rather than what they do say. Omission is a very common form of misleading people.

If you are confident in your education, knowledge and expertise, then just state it. I am sure @Fasces can go and do a search and find out if your name or writing style is consistent with your claims. Or it is all about some self-proclaimed expertise.

If he is right about you being booted from many fora, then PoFo is another place you want to 'shake up'.

BTW, in order for a human to impregnate an animal or another species than they are during a sexual act? That has never happened in the entire history of biology on Earth. Our genetics are only responsive for reproduction with a species that matches our 'clade' or specific set of instructions.

Genetics and biology are very intelligent. Let us take the example of the awful nuke that was thrown in Hiroshima and the next nuke thrown in Nagasaki, Japan in August of 1945. There were Japanese women who were pregnant in different stages of their pregnancies when the bombs were dropped. Some survived for a while after the impact. The fetuses though were arrested in their development in the wombs upon impact. The radiation did something weird. It had them give birth to fetuses with reptilian skin, and other features that were not human. Why? Because we now know that all of the previous stages of human lineage is cycled through before arriving upon the human species. In other words it is like a flash show, of do you remember when? When you were living in the oceans, and when you were just emerging from this stage of evolution? It is like a huge playing of all of our previous relationships and how you arrive at this stage of instructions...HUMAN instructions.

We biologically speaking carry the entire historical record of the natural world we have emerged from in our genes. The story of who we are are contained in that information. Our reptilian past, our primate past, our every step going forward. No, we can't get a chimp pregnant or a chimp male can't get a human female pregnant. Humans have a unique estrus cycle. That is not shared by the other great apes or primates. Humans are actually different in specific ways from chimps. Oppositional thumbs for example.

But why explain that to you? You are stuck on that Nazi explanation that has been thoroughly debunked since the 1970s by the above poster.

Nature does not forget where you have been. Biology does not forget. We still have a little bit of a tail left in the coxis. It once existed. For a long time we had no idea what the appendix's biological function was. We found out.

No, the Nazis want to make a fascinating, and interesting subject into some political weapon to create an ideal society that never existed. In their need for that? All they have created is untold suffering, pain and horror and immorality in their fellow human beings and in their fellow human societies.

Instead of learning from their mistakes, all they do is get upset about losing the power seat. Like spoiled children.

Your statements of wanting to kill people are very telling of where your 'goal' is in trying to 'share' your knowledge in PoFo.

There is nothing rational about wanting to kill people you do not know and never did you harm. It only reveals a serious problem with ethics, and with self control among other problems I will not mention.

When you can create fertile offspring no matter how isolated they have been from each other for a very long time...you have success in interbreeding. Which means that the entire species is compatible. It works. That is what science is concerned with. Not with some socially constructed biased and skewed ideas of who is the better 'race' and which race is supposedly not as good at a specific skill. It is not very analytical to not see the holes in those theories.

But when you are clouded with emotionally explosive ideas of power relationships in human political life it all becomes cloudy and not clear. The mind does not work well with all the emotional junk that exists when you are trying to convince the rest of your society that you are not violent when the entire history of it is problematic. What do people think about when they think of Nazis in America? Gentle people, who want to live in peace and who accept Black Americans and Latinos, and so on. Or racists and people who discriminate? You were so arrogant as to claim you knew me better than I know myself? Who the fuck says that shit? I would never claim to know you--a virtual stranger on the internet whom I do not know the age, or any real detail of....at all....and whom I never met before or read extensively on PoFo at all either. The only people who say that kind of nonsense are people who have deeply held prejudices and biases about other groups and people and it is clouding their rational minds deeply in every way. No great detective you need to be to figure that out.

Fascist nations exist and the governments are out there. There is no disputing that.

There are socialist and communist theory governments and they exist. There is no disputing that.

There are liberal democracies and capitalist economies out there and they exist. No disputing that.

The issue is about why the insistence on lies that do not pass the scientists who are working hard on these questions?

Why insist on lies?

Because when your entire political philosophy rests on lies in order to convince others? Then you have to insist on it.

But it does not mean we have to buy into the lying now, does it?

Just answer one question honestly Five--Do mixed societies biologically mixed societies and ethnically mixed societies exist in the past, and in the present? Yes or no? And what does that mean to a Nazi? Can you do that? Or is that too hard for anyone with logic to understand?

And your really stretching it with the chimp ability to have a human fertilize them and have a viable chimp human infant. That does not exist.

I am wondering how much lying are you going to do in this thread?

And healthy infants are born to mixed race healthy men and women all the time, and everyday. So where is this blanket or trying to make blanket statement that mixed race pregnancies wind up in spontaneous abortions due to the race instructions? That is another lie.

Most women have spontaneous abortions because it is a very complex set of circumstances to have an embryo fit the right set of conditions. The egg has to be healthy, the sperm has to be healthy, it has to swim and get to the egg before it is expelled and the uterine lining is old and not available to nourish the egg. It could be the woman had a lot of stress that month, or had drank meds that made the lining not thick enough to hold the embryo in place enough, or the instructions were faulty due to the egg not being a specimen that had the best set of conditions for a full term baby to develop.

Get real neonatal and fertility doctors who know the reasons why women wind up not being able to carry the child to term. All you do is distort and mislead Sword. Try something that is not as flimsy as you do.
FiveofSwords wrote:ethnicity is cultura

No, I'm afraid it's not.

Culture is learned behaviour – thoughts, beliefs, values and customs that you pick up as you grow up and choose to adopt or leave behind as you please. You can have cultural elements and influences from various places.

Ethnicity is more than that

The difference between ethnicity and culture confuses you because you chose to adopt a technical term to further a bullshit argument, that doesn't mean what you thought it did, and from which you are hurriedly backing away.

FiveofSwords wrote:The chimp question:
https://www.newsweek.com/could-chimp-hu ... 0infertile

"There isn't a scientific consensus over whether such a hybrid is possible."

This Newsweek article says the offspring would be infertile.. but actually that would only be the most likely outcome. It is actually not impossible that in some rare instances there would be a fertile offspring.

The article uses the word impossible several times.

It is almost certainly not possible.

In fact, that would logically necessarily be the case... If you understabd evolution...because 2 chromosomes of human ape ancestors fused during the evolutionary history of humans...but reproduction must have still occurred between our ancestors who had the fused chromosome and ancestors who didnt.

We did not evolve from chimpanzees. You seem to have a lack of knowledge concerning very basic genetics and evolution.

The race mixing question: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22776059/

Quote the relevant text
Pants-of-dog wrote:The article uses the word impossible several times.

It is almost certainly not possible.

We did not evolve from chimpanzees. You seem to have a lack of knowledge concerning very basic genetics and evolution.

Quote the relevant text

Lol this is why I know better than to even try to share sources here. It doesn't matter. I can share a source that repeats my claim exactly and people will just deny that the source says it. Because none of you actually care what the truth is.

And of course I did not claim we evolved from chimpanzee. That it just yet another reading comprehension fail on your part.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The article uses the word impossible several times.

It is almost certainly not possible.

We did not evolve from chimpanzees. You seem to have a lack of knowledge concerning very basic genetics and evolution.

Quote the relevant text

We share DNA with primates. But also with dolphins, whales and many other creatures. The chimps though also have variation in that species. You have bonobos. Who are the most similar to us out of all of them. The reason that chimps and bonobos can't talk to us is two fold. First you need to have them exposed to a human language since birth practically and be interacting with humans for many years and also they do not have a voice box. They can't do it because of the lack of equipment.

Bonobos and chimps can communicate with humans. They use sign language though. Bonobos are more sophisticated though. They literally can understand spoken language of a human group. They just can't produce spoken speech because again they lack a voice box and they lack the right vocal chords.

And Bonobos are not xenophobes like Chimps are. The reason? They are a different genus. They have a different set of 'instructions'. They do have a lot of sex though and grooming is much of a higher frequency as well.

No, Pants, I am afraid Sword is trying to pass off as science just false theories.
ingliz wrote:No, I'm afraid it's not.

Culture is learned behaviour – thoughts, beliefs, values and customs that you pick up as you grow up and choose to adopt or leave behind as you please. You can have cultural elements and influences from various places.

Ethnicity is more than that

The difference between ethnicity and culture confuses you because you chose to adopt a technical term to further a bullshit argument, that doesn't mean what you thought it did, and from which you are hurriedly backing away.


I am not confused at all. You are. I didn't say culture and ethnicity are the same thing, I just said culture is part of ethnicity....whereas race is purely biological. Culture can also be partly biological, and innate rather than learned, and culture plus time becomes biological. But people can be the same race but with different cultures and they can be distinct ethnicities but the same race. This is why the words are not interchangable.
Tainari88 wrote:We share DNA with primates. But also with dolphins, whales and many other creatures. The chimps though also have variation in that species. You have bonobos. Who are the most similar to us out of all of them. The reason that chimps and bonobos can't talk to us is two fold. First you need to have them exposed to a human language since birth practically and be interacting with humans for many years and also they do not have a voice box. They can't do it because of the lack of equipment.

Bonobos and chimps can communicate with humans. They use sign language though. Bonobos are more sophisticated though. They literally can understand spoken language of a human group. They just can't produce spoken speech because again they lack a voice box and they lack the right vocal chords.

And Bonobos are not xenophobes like Chimps are. The reason? They are a different genus. They have a different set of 'instructions'. They do have a lot of sex though and grooming is much of a higher frequency as well.

No, Pants, I am afraid Sword is trying to pass off as science just false theories.

Well what did I suggest which was false? You haven't said anything here that contradicts anything I said.

Your claim that bonobos are more similar to us than other chimpanzee is not scientific. You actually don't know that. This is not scientifically established.

Also, bonobos absolutrly do show 'xenophobia'
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol this is why I know better than to even try to share sources here. It doesn't matter. I can share a source that repeats my claim exactly and people will just deny that the source says it. Because none of you actually care what the truth is.
And of course I did not claim we evolved from chimpanzee. That it just yet another reading comprehension fail on your part.


What were you trying to claim with that chimp information? That somehow a human and a chimp can have sex somewhere down the line and produce an ancestor of a modern homo sapien? You need to be a lot more specific with what you are claiming Sword.

We are concerned as scientists with what can be proven without any really contradictory information making it invalid. That is what that part of the scientific method is about. You do tests for validity of that theory. Period. If it is found to have defective disproven aspects you are required to toss it and start over until it does pass muster. Myth is not allowed as a scientific theory. Myth is a part of human culture, and it is a part of politics too. It is not a part of scientific proof.

And if you think all of us are wrong and will not accept your idea of truth? Then what is your purpose for continuing in this line of thought? Why argue with stubborn people who refuse to see the truth in your mind?

I would not waste my time on that group. Got to move on to more gullible people who never studied a damn thing in their lives and who are angry about losing a paycheck in the part of the USA you live in, and who want to kill someone too, and who want to destroy the liars in DC with votes for the Nazi party.

I am sure you will be successful with them. Plenty of uneducated, angry people who might not even pass the purity race DNA test but who listen to your talk and think you are Charles Darwin reborn.

FiveofSwords wrote:
Your claim that bonobos are more similar to us than other chimpanzee is not scientific. You actually don't know that. This is not scientifically established.

She didn't say that, and it doesn't look like you understood what she did say..
Tainari88 wrote:https://youtu.be/zKwZH8MvPj8?si=pR50awzGXEk26OHX

All of your theories Sword are going to be destroyed in the 20 minutes of the Zach presenter. The Scientist.

So unless you come up with something more updated using some certified geneticist--and other scientists--you will continue to argue for an artificial reality of race trying to justify a political and cultural point of view. It has to fit the Nazi narrative.

Either argue with the man in the video point by point. Trying to say none of us dummies can understand your great knowledge, which you continue to evade stating what your level of expertise in this subject is? You avoid that. You avoid a lot. You think your behavior is not being noticed or that the way you cope with rebuttals is not noticed? All of it is noticed. Many people are defined by what they do not say, rather than what they do say. Omission is a very common form of misleading people.

If you are confident in your education, knowledge and expertise, then just state it. I am sure @Fasces can go and do a search and find out if your name or writing style is consistent with your claims. Or it is all about some self-proclaimed expertise.

If he is right about you being booted from many fora, then PoFo is another place you want to 'shake up'.

BTW, in order for a human to impregnate an animal or another species than they are during a sexual act? That has never happened in the entire history of biology on Earth. Our genetics are only responsive for reproduction with a species that matches our 'clade' or specific set of instructions.

Genetics and biology are very intelligent. Let us take the example of the awful nuke that was thrown in Hiroshima and the next nuke thrown in Nagasaki, Japan in August of 1945. There were Japanese women who were pregnant in different stages of their pregnancies when the bombs were dropped. Some survived for a while after the impact. The fetuses though were arrested in their development in the wombs upon impact. The radiation did something weird. It had them give birth to fetuses with reptilian skin, and other features that were not human. Why? Because we now know that all of the previous stages of human lineage is cycled through before arriving upon the human species. In other words it is like a flash show, of do you remember when? When you were living in the oceans, and when you were just emerging from this stage of evolution? It is like a huge playing of all of our previous relationships and how you arrive at this stage of instructions...HUMAN instructions.

We biologically speaking carry the entire historical record of the natural world we have emerged from in our genes. The story of who we are are contained in that information. Our reptilian past, our primate past, our every step going forward. No, we can't get a chimp pregnant or a chimp male can't get a human female pregnant. Humans have a unique estrus cycle. That is not shared by the other great apes or primates. Humans are actually different in specific ways from chimps. Oppositional thumbs for example.

But why explain that to you? You are stuck on that Nazi explanation that has been thoroughly debunked since the 1970s by the above poster.

Nature does not forget where you have been. Biology does not forget. We still have a little bit of a tail left in the coxis. It once existed. For a long time we had no idea what the appendix's biological function was. We found out.

No, the Nazis want to make a fascinating, and interesting subject into some political weapon to create an ideal society that never existed. In their need for that? All they have created is untold suffering, pain and horror and immorality in their fellow human beings and in their fellow human societies.

Instead of learning from their mistakes, all they do is get upset about losing the power seat. Like spoiled children.

Your statements of wanting to kill people are very telling of where your 'goal' is in trying to 'share' your knowledge in PoFo.

There is nothing rational about wanting to kill people you do not know and never did you harm. It only reveals a serious problem with ethics, and with self control among other problems I will not mention.

When you can create fertile offspring no matter how isolated they have been from each other for a very long time...you have success in interbreeding. Which means that the entire species is compatible. It works. That is what science is concerned with. Not with some socially constructed biased and skewed ideas of who is the better 'race' and which race is supposedly not as good at a specific skill. It is not very analytical to not see the holes in those theories.

But when you are clouded with emotionally explosive ideas of power relationships in human political life it all becomes cloudy and not clear. The mind does not work well with all the emotional junk that exists when you are trying to convince the rest of your society that you are not violent when the entire history of it is problematic. What do people think about when they think of Nazis in America? Gentle people, who want to live in peace and who accept Black Americans and Latinos, and so on. Or racists and people who discriminate? You were so arrogant as to claim you knew me better than I know myself? Who the fuck says that shit? I would never claim to know you--a virtual stranger on the internet whom I do not know the age, or any real detail of....at all....and whom I never met before or read extensively on PoFo at all either. The only people who say that kind of nonsense are people who have deeply held prejudices and biases about other groups and people and it is clouding their rational minds deeply in every way. No great detective you need to be to figure that out.

Fascist nations exist and the governments are out there. There is no disputing that.

There are socialist and communist theory governments and they exist. There is no disputing that.

There are liberal democracies and capitalist economies out there and they exist. No disputing that.

The issue is about why the insistence on lies that do not pass the scientists who are working hard on these questions?

Why insist on lies?

Because when your entire political philosophy rests on lies in order to convince others? Then you have to insist on it.

But it does not mean we have to buy into the lying now, does it?

Just answer one question honestly Five--Do mixed societies biologically mixed societies and ethnically mixed societies exist in the past, and in the present? Yes or no? And what does that mean to a Nazi? Can you do that? Or is that too hard for anyone with logic to understand?

And your really stretching it with the chimp ability to have a human fertilize them and have a viable chimp human infant. That does not exist.

I am wondering how much lying are you going to do in this thread?

And healthy infants are born to mixed race healthy men and women all the time, and everyday. So where is this blanket or trying to make blanket statement that mixed race pregnancies wind up in spontaneous abortions due to the race instructions? That is another lie.

Most women have spontaneous abortions because it is a very complex set of circumstances to have an embryo fit the right set of conditions. The egg has to be healthy, the sperm has to be healthy, it has to swim and get to the egg before it is expelled and the uterine lining is old and not available to nourish the egg. It could be the woman had a lot of stress that month, or had drank meds that made the lining not thick enough to hold the embryo in place enough, or the instructions were faulty due to the egg not being a specimen that had the best set of conditions for a full term baby to develop.

Get real neonatal and fertility doctors who know the reasons why women wind up not being able to carry the child to term. All you do is distort and mislead Sword. Try something that is not as flimsy as you do.

Well for sure, it is quite easy to destroy this moron that you call a scientist.

He is just lying.

You can tell he is engaged in motivated reasoning because he is so butthurt about this buffalo shooting and the phantom of 'neo nazis'. He spent way too much time just throwing insults before even attempting to engage in science.

But he did say something scientifically important, even while engaged in his tirade. He mentioned that the Buffalo shooter targeted black people.

If there was any truth behind his claims, then thr buffalo shooter could not have identified anyone as black without a lengthy interview, and it would not be possible to identify the victims as black at all...because they are dead and unable to share their 'cultural experiences.

So if there was any truth at all behind his assertion that there is no biological aspect to race...then to be logically consistent...we would be forced to conclude that there is no way to determine whether the buffalo shooter killed any black people.

He admits the buffalo shooter killed black people, therefore his assertion is si ply wrong. He is lying. And he is butthurt.
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol this is why I know better than to even try to share sources here. It doesn't matter. I can share a source that repeats my claim exactly and people will just deny that the source says it. Because none of you actually care what the truth is.

From your source:

    Could Chimps and Humans Mate? Tales of 'Humanzee' Hybrid Are Murky and Likely Impossible

    Tales of a "humanzee," or chimp-human hybrid, are as common as they are compelling. But to say nothing of whether or not such a hybrid could be possible, all signs point to the tales being fabricated.


    There isn't a scientific consensus over whether such a hybrid is possible. Humans and chimps have DNA that is 95 percent similar, and 99 percent of our DNA coding sequences are the same as well. However, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in our DNA, while chimps only have 22. The difference makes bearing healthy young difficult, and the offspring would be infertile. Furthermore, often, differences between the physiology of separate species, even when they're similar, may make interspecies-hybridization impossible.

Your own source contradicts you.

And of course I did not claim we evolved from chimpanzee. That it just yet another reading comprehension fail on your part.

You did, when you suggested that we once bred with ancestors with the same.chromosome.number as chimpanzees.
Pants-of-dog wrote:From your source:

Your own source contradicts you.

You did, when you suggested that we once bred with ancestors with the same.chromosome.number as chimpanzees.

As I pointed out. the source says 'there is no scientific consensus on whether such hybridization is possible.

I did not in any way imply our ancestors were chimpanzee. Gorillas also have the same number of chromosomes as chimpanzee. Gorillas are not chimpanzee, fyi

This is just the fundamental issue we keep running into. You are just not educated enough to discuss these topics or understand anything I am saying or anything a source is saying.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You did, when you suggested that we once bred with ancestors with the same.chromosome.number as chimpanzees.

Actually, we did - the speciation of humans from the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees was a long and complex process which took millions of years. Even after the clade which eventually led to humans separated from the last common ancestor, we still cross-bred with them for a very long period, possibly for a million years or more. This was before two of our chromosomes fused, of course. After that, the human clade was definitely a separate species.

There is no biological aspect to race.

In 2003, the Human Genome Project demonstrated that humans populating the earth today are on average over 99.9% identical at the DNA level, there is no genetic basis for race, and there is more genetic variation within a race than between them. In addition, genetic isolation, sharp boundaries and distinct evolutionary lineages of ‘races’ do not exist.

Potemkin wrote:Actually, we did - the speciation of humans from the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees was a long and complex process which took millions of years. Even after the clade which eventually led to humans separated from the last common ancestor, we still cross-bred with them for a very long period, possibly for a million years or more. This was before two of our chromosomes fused, of course. After that, the human clade was definitely a separate species.

I am actually reading about this today Potemkin. An entire book on Neanderthals. Who were they and if they bred with our Homo Sapien ancestors. Dr. Rebecca Wragg Sykes.

Her book:



An excerpt about her:

Rebecca Wragg Sykes is a British paleolithic archaeologist, broadcaster, popular science writer and author who lives in Wales. She is interested in the Middle Palaeolithic, specifically in the lives of Neanderthals; and she is one of the founders of TrowelBlazers, a website set up to celebrate the lives of women in archaeology, palaeontology and geology. She is a patron of Humanists UK.[1]

Wragg Sykes studied as an undergraduate at the University of Bristol, before gaining her BA in Archaeology in 2003, and MA in the Archaeology of Human Origins from the University of Southampton in 2004. Her doctoral thesis from the University of Sheffield, which examined evidence for late Neanderthals in Britain, was awarded in 2010.[2]

Following her Ph.D, Wragg Sykes was awarded a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship at Université de Bordeaux, working in the PACEA laboratory on Neanderthal and prehistoric sites in the Massif Central mountains. She is currently an Honorary Fellow in the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, and chercheur bénévole (Honorary Fellow) at the Université de Bordeaux.[3][4]
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