Please, help the cause of democracy really! - Politics | PoFo

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Please, help
the cause of democracy really!

Parliamentary elections will hold in Russia at December 4, 2011. There are 7 parties in Russia only. Four (4) of them are organized and controlled by Putin and his technicians. (Their names are: "United Russia", "Just Russia", "Patriots of Russia" and "Right cause"). Another party is of the Communist wing (CPRF, "Communist Party of Russian Federation"). The sixth party belongs actually to Zhirinovsky, who was recognized officially as a fascist by the court in 1993 (LDPR, "Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia").

Democratic Party "Yabloko" is the seventh Party. I spent two years preparing for this campaign for the party. I have prepared a plan of 20 points for the campaign, which would return "Yabloko" back to Parliament. I was traveling at spring and summer of this year by autostop. I have visited almost all the leaders of local and regional organizations personally from Smolensk to Tyumen’, from Petrozavodsk to Belgorod. But all my suggestions for party leaders went unanswered. One thing was adopted only: the former leader of Kursk regional organization Fedulov was expelled from "Yabloko". I have found that Yavlinsky and other democratic leaders assess pre-election situation incorrectly, like in previous years. They overestimate their abilities and make errors in PR personnel selection and mistakes in political advertising constantly.

I am the best specialist in the country on election advertising for the Democrats. They will not come back into parliament without my help. It is true. I have prepared a short material of size A4, which can add "Yabloko" something about 3% of votes if it will be distributed across the country. The material usefulness was checked twice. It added the party something about 4,23% of votes on the site № 451 of Tula before the elections at March 14, 2010. (The result was compared with adjacent areas №№ 455, 459 and 460). And it added the party something about 2,44% at the site № 563 of Chelyabinsk before the elections at October 10, 2010 (nearby sites are in the same quarter: №№ 562 and 564).

I am excellent and experienced organizer at the same time. I can distribute the above material across the country. But I have no sponsors (no a sponsor). Please, help me find them! How to do this? Let the message be printed and hand it to your friends and acquaintances, to rich people too. Send the information to all e-mails known to you. Post it on all forums. Put it on another language you can speak. Write an advice on this forum.

For sponsors. I suggest you to send a man to the Russian Federation in order to establish good contact with me as soon as possible. The most reliable is to do that both through the leaders of local organizations: Frank (in Belgorod), Yerin (in Kostroma), Averin (in Tyumen’),
Gurov (in Kursk). Their contacts are on the site (button "regions"). In an extreme case: Andreyeva (in Veliky Novgorod), Ivanina (in Moscow). If you wish – let them check my information.

October 21, 2011, 15 hours and 15 minutes of local time, Kursk, Ivakhnov Sergey Nikolaevich.

Please, consider post and electronic communications unreliable in such a case. Use them only in order to make an appointment, and use them all at the same time:
1) SMS to telephone: +7 904 522 71 03
3) PR.master @
4) Sergey.Nikolaevich2 @
5) Letter: 305 000, Kursk, GP, d/v, Sergey Nikolaevich Ivakhnov
6) Street Orlovskaya, Building 6, Apartment 142 (It will be better if you will leave messages through my mailbox and the neighborhood of apartments 143 and 146 simultaneously)
7) Forum on the site (subforum "Policy questions" or "Merely talks", the theme "Help the cause of Democracy really!" This forum is more preferable, because their admins are not evil and don’t ban me)
8 ) Forum on the site (make input yourself to find Hyde Park. And there is the theme "When Yablokomen will learn to advertise themselves, then they will end elections losses ". I am banned on this site by agents-Putinists).

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