Association for the Formation of a State of Anarchy - Politics | PoFo

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The Association for the Formation of a State of Anarchy is a voluntary organisation that aims to organise a working sovereign anarchist society. Membership of the society is open to genuine anarchists willing to help achieve this goal. The inspiration for this association came about in this thread on pofo if you are interested in participating you should probably read it. This thread is dedicated in updating the pofo community on the associations activities and progress.

First bit of news - the association's constitution is signed into effect - see below for a copy. A bank account for the association has been applied for but I have had no word from the bank yet as to whether it has been opened yet. I have donated 100 GBP to the cause mainly to get some domain names for the associations use. The next thing I expect to do is create an anarchist media site for the association to use to help raise awareness of the anarchism in general and the associations agenda. After that i will create an online venue for the membership to use to discuss, debate and organise the associations activites.

Provisional Constitution of the Association for the Formation of the State of Anarchy (AFSA)


AFSA is a non-profit organisation established for the following public benefit objectives.

- To advance the principles and ideas of anarchism

- To research means by which anarchy may be established and practiced

- To assist in the organisation of volunteering anarchists into a viable sovereign society.


AFSA may undertake the following activites in pursuit of its objectives

- accept donations of time, money and goods made for the purpose of advancing the association's objectives

- utilise the material means of the association for the purpose of advancing the association's objectives


Membership of the AFSA is open to all people of the world who in all sincerity consider themselves an anarchist.

Membership is achieved through the prospective member claiming it. Existing members may reject the claim if the prospective member is assessed to be any of the following:

- falsely claiming to be anarchist
- intent on working against the objectives of the association
- incapable of carrying out the minimum obligations as a member of the association

Membership of the association is terminated automatically upon death of a member.

A member may give up membership at anytime.

A member may have his membership terminated at anytime by other members following a majority vote to that end.

Following the end of membership a member or next of kin must return all material and property of the association entrusted to the keeping of the member as soon as is practical.

Membership of the association is not transferrable.

Members are required to behave in a responsible and honourable manner in conducting all Association activities and pay reasonable attention to meetings and electoral processes.

Provisional and Actual status

The association shall be considered to be provisional until it has been in existance for at least one year and has a membership of not less than ten individuals upon which time it will then be considered to be actual in status.

During the association's provisional period the duties normally associated with a managing commitee will be conducted by the post of the Special Executive Officer. Upon conclusion of the association's provisional status the post of Special Executive Officer shall be retired and the respective duties of the post divided by an elected managing commitee.

Managing Commitee

Following the provisional period the Association will be administered by a Managing committee of not less than three individuals, who must be over the age of 18 years and members of the association. Members of the committee will be elected and remain in office until they step down or are required to step down by a majority vote.


Special Executive Officer

During the Associations provisional period the Special Executive Officer shall perform the duties of the Speaker, Logistics Officer and Secretary.

Following the provisional period the Association shall have a Managing Committee consisting of:


Logistics Officer


and any additional officers the Association deems necessary.


During the provisional period the Special Executive Officer will be tasked with organising an online venue for convening ad-hoc meetings.

Following the provisional period the Managing Committee shall undertake to determine and organise the arrangement of meetings.


Any money acquired by the Association, including donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Management Committee or by the Special Executive Officer in the name of the Association.

All funds must be applied to the objects of the Association and for no other purpose.

Bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the Association. Any deeds, cheques etc relating to the Association’s bank account shall be signed by at least two of the following committee members: Logistics Officer, Secretary, Speaker or solely by the Special Executive Officer during the associations provisional period.

Any income/expenditure shall be the responsibility of the Logistics Officer who will be accountable to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that the Association stays within budget. Official accounts shall be maintained and posted online for all members to access.

The Association may not borrow or lend money.

Alteration of the Constitution

Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by a majority vote.

Majority vote

The Association defines a majority vote as being passed providing at least 75% of the membership cast a vote. All members may make a proposal to put to a majority vote.


The Association may be dissolved if deemed necessary by the members in a majority vote. Any assets or remaining funds after debts have been paid shall be returned to their providers or transferred to charities or similar groups at the discretion of the Management Committee or Special Executive Officer

Announcement - pre-launch pofo special sneak preview of Anarcho-media - the media site for the state of anarchy.

Anyone interested is welcome to take a look, its not quite finished mind, so excuse the rough edges. If any anarchists out there want to contribute to the project send me a pm and we'll see what we can do.

The site has lots of modern svg graphics so inferior browsers like internet explorer may have problems viewing the site. Consider using a real browser like firefox or chrome.

Any feedback on the site is welcome.

mikema63 wrote:Consider using a real browser, not your corporate junk! :lol:

chrome is based on the mozilla stack but it was developed by google - google is a corporation last time i looked. Mozilla is a corporation too technically even if it is not profit seeking. corporate stuff is cool just not microsoft - microsoft is junk which ever way you cut it. apple is ok too - i mean the products are good although i don't agree with their ethos much - i don't like propreitary
mikema63 wrote:Does Linux have a browser?

Strictly speaking linux is a kernel, which is a sort of software engine that controls the computers hardware and on top of which other software is run. Same goes for windows really. If you are talking about linux as the kernel, then no linux doesn't have a browser anymore than a given car engine has a dashboard or wingmirrors. If you are talking about linux as in the ecosphere of software that is natively compatible with linux then yes linux has plenty of browsers I won't give a complete list because I haven't got all day.

- Mozilla Firefox
- google chrome
- Opera
- Mozilla Seamonkey

specific to linux

- Konquorer - This browser provided the basis for Apple's Safari browser..

- Epiphany

So what do you think of anarchomedia?
Interesting stuff.

Dunno what else to say. I suppose I could pledge some graphics work, just now I'm in the middle of midterms among other things.
just had a technical hitch, i updated the dns server, webserver and database server but then forgot to start them running again. :lol: you live and learn.

anyway everything is back up but it might be a while before the dns propagates across the net. so your browser can find it.

@ lucky - it is too early to be talking about that. there are other options anyway.
Suska wrote:Interesting stuff.

Dunno what else to say. I suppose I could pledge some graphics work, just now I'm in the middle of midterms among other things.

can you do political cartoons? on an anarchist theme? that would be great not sure if I need any other kind of graphic work except for article-specific images.
bandwidth issues - over the last few days anyone trying to access anarchomedia may have experienced difficulties in accessing the site, this is because I installed a bitcoin client on my server, it turned out to be a massive resource hog, using up all my bandwidth downloading the huge 2+ gb transaction history. I tried to tame it through throttling the resources it was allocated but to little effect. Anyway I finally read the bitcoind manual and realised the client didn't need to be online 24/7, by some techno-magic, in order to recieve payments so it didn't need to be installed on my server at all I could just have it on one of my other computers. I've removed from the server now and engaged the sites caching so it should be much more responsive.

Anyway if anyone out there still uses windows and internet explorer (really?) could you tell me if the there are any major glitches compared to viewing the site with firefox. I don't use windows or ie so I don't have the option of testing that myself. Much appreaciated.
Its a very nice looking site, some of the articles on there should be brought up for discussion in PoFo (like the one about the free market creating communism by driving workers wages to be equal to capitalist profits).

I am assuming your name is Dan Hart?
mikema63 wrote:Its a very nice looking site, some of the articles on there should be brought up for discussion in PoFo (like the one about the free market creating communism by driving workers wages to be equal to capitalist profits).

I am assuming your name is Dan Hart?

Thanks. Actually the article you mention was substantially derived from an op i posted in the communism section of pofo. I expect a lot of my articles will be influenced by discussion here and many of the threads I start will be basically about refining some ideas I have for an article.

I am Dan Hart indeed.

- AFSA update - finally had some word from the bank - they returned my cheque and said the could not open an account for AFSA but didn't say why. I guess we will have to just use bitcoins.

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