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To: US

The California Declaration of Independence

A Petition for California's Secession from the Federal Government

"... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form
of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right
of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

-- United States Declaration of Independence

Now is the time for California to grow up and take her rightful place as an equal among all the world's great nations by becoming her own separate country.

Never will California reach her own bright destiny while she
remains under the control of an uncaring and distant federal father who is openly controlled by forces hostile to the sovereign prosperity of Californians.

Should a federal government which uses California for her money, which uses California for her resources, which uses California for her technology, which uses California for her entertainments, which abandoned California in her time of need -- should such an institution control and rule California?

Only Californians can and should decide California's future.

Secession, after decades of federal misrule, is the only option remaining for Californians.

Free California from the lumbering federal dinosaur and we
will see a bright new Californian civilization unlike anything the world has ever seen.

The case for California's secession is as follows:

* California Has Been Abandoned by the Federal Government

In California's greatest hour of need she was brutaly abandoned by the federal government, under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

When California was devasted by an energy crisis artificially created by hostile forces in other states, the federal government did nothing to protect her and actively held California's hands by her side so she could not defend herself from her attackers.

This purposeful betrayal broke the sacred trust between Calfornia and the federal government.

No event could make it more blindingly clear why California has nothing to gain by staying faithful to the federal governement and nothing to lose by striking out on her own.

* The Federal Government Steals Tax Dollars from California

California's federal tax burden is great. California pays far more in taxes than she gets back. A majority of the nation takes from California and gives little in return. California and Californians are being used.

The poorer states are bought off by federal pork barrel
politics while at the same time they make empty talk about
states rights and individual initiative.

It doesn't take a lot of initiative to feed from the federal

Eighty-five percent of states receiving the most federal
spending per dollar of federal taxes paid voted contrary to
California in 2000.

Why should Californians fund the people who hate and riducule

* Californians are Ruled by Hostile Powers

The majority of the nation hates California and her culture,
even though the Californian culture is largely responsible for the great wealth of the US.

The complete text and petition ready to be signed here:


Or join you local comittee of the Californian Liberation Front.

European and Russian governments are ready to recognize the rights of the Californian people to autodetermination. Californian brothers, welcome amongst the nations of the world.
Last edited by Noelnada on 09 Oct 2008 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
User avatar
By Dave
You'd think the article would mention how the federal government has looked the other way while California has been invaded by millions of strange aliens.
User avatar
By Noelnada
You'd think the article would mention how the federal government has looked the other way while California has been invaded by millions of strange aliens.

One more good reason to declare independence !! Down with the federal octopus !
By stalker
I support Californian independence. Apart from the economic benefits, she'll also acquire a sizeable chunk of US military assets including nukes but without all the pointless foreign bases / entanglements.
By Mercutio
I'd like to see the states divided by political philosophy so there'd be pockets of sanity here and there. It's a biotch when yahoo wingnuts run everything.
User avatar
By Nets

They can also declare "independence" from all that Rocky Mountain freshwater they consume from Colorado as well.
User avatar
By QatzelOk
I hope California separates for the sole reason that it will give the rest of the US a handy scapegoat for the upcoming decline.

"Those Californians ripped us off and then separated into their own country."

Californians will be fighting Mormon terrorists for its entire short existence.
User avatar
By Grunch
You'd think the article would mention how the federal government has looked the other way while California has been invaded by millions of strange aliens.

Strange to who... non-Californians?
By stalker
They can also declare "independence" from all that Rocky Mountain freshwater they consume from Colorado as well.

Erm, not really. There's all kinds of things like water-sharing agreements, etc... Cutting off California from it just like that would be a hostile act I believe.
User avatar
By Donna
New England and the West Coast should join Canada, while the U.S. brings in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
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By Sheilanagig
Yall are all going to be picked up by Homeland Security for inciting an insurrection.

Oh and don't forget what Enron did to California too. ;)
User avatar
By Nets
Before California even thinks about seceding....

By smashthestate
It won't be long before Mexico will be able to successfully annex California, based on demographics.

Also, should the rest of the U.S. stop trading with California if it gains its independence? After all, we wouldn't want to increase the trade deficit even more, and harm the economy further with free trade.
User avatar
By Kasu
California should declare independence and break off, than declare war on the US, fight it, win, annex the US, and then we'd be right back where we started, with a new name.
User avatar
By Grunch
It won't be long before Mexico will be able to successfully annex California, based on demographics.

User avatar
By Dave
Grunch wrote:Strange to who... non-Californians?


smashthestate wrote:Also, should the rest of the U.S. stop trading with California if it gains its independence? After all, we wouldn't want to increase the trade deficit even more, and harm the economy further with free trade.

California saves even less money than the country as a whole, and would be highly dependent on the US economy for grain, electricity, fresh water, and many types of machinery. The US sans California would be dependent on California for fruit and software. I think the US would have a trade surplus with independent California.

Of course, your post was sophistry anyway...;)

Grunch wrote:
smashthestate wrote:It won't be long before Mexico will be able to successfully annex California, based on demographics.


California is 35% hispanic presently, and that does not include illegal aliens. If you add illegal aliens into the mix, California possibly already has a hispanic majority, and certainly a hispanic plurality. Out of control immigration continues apace, while California actually loses Americans (primarily white people moving to Rocky Mountain states, also some black people moving to the South) every year. The hispanic population is highly unassimilated (despite what smarmy hispanic activists claim when addressing English speaking audiences), and the more of them there are here, the less they need to assimilate.

User avatar
By Goranhammer
America would do better to cut off California. We could gut what we have there now and leave them to fend on their own. We could create a different "movie capital" and abandon Hollywood to idiotic celebrity liberals like Streisand and Rosie.

There's a reason why California has more overall debt than other states, even by per-capita measures.
User avatar
By Grunch
California is 35% hispanic presently, and that does not include illegal aliens. If you add illegal aliens into the mix, California possibly already has a hispanic majority, and certainly a hispanic plurality. Out of control immigration continues apace, while California actually loses Americans (primarily white people moving to Rocky Mountain states, also some black people moving to the South) every year. The hispanic population is highly unassimilated (despite what smarmy hispanic activists claim when addressing English speaking audiences), and the more of them there are here, the less they need to assimilate.

Will the horrors of having to "press 1 for Eglish" never cease?
User avatar
By Dave
You have long ago established yourself as an ideological traitor to the American nation, so I would not expect you to be concerned.

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